@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar




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MissingThePt, to random
@MissingThePt@mastodon.social avatar

In a sign that Iran’s retaliatory drone strike was not intended to escalate the conflict, Iran announced that the drones are Boeing-made and therefore were not expected to make it to the Israeli border before crashing.

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@MissingThePt I feel like you might be missing the point

setiinstitute, to Podcast
@setiinstitute@mastodon.social avatar

They’re not a plant and not an animal. Fungi may seem alien, but they’re fundamental to the existence of life on Earth. It’s “Fungi Fear” on Big Picture Science.

Listen here: https://bigpicturescience.org/episodes/fungi-fear

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@setiinstitute Plantimals

mjg59, to random
@mjg59@nondeterministic.computer avatar

Twitter just doing a "redirect links in tweets that go to x.com to twitter.com instead but accidentally do so for all domains that end x.com like eg spacex.com going to spacetwitter.com" is not absolutely the funniest thing I could imagine but it's high up there

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@mjg59 regex can be challenging for beginners

protonprivacy, to android
@protonprivacy@mastodon.social avatar

All Proton apps (including @simplelogin) now support Material icons!

(Thanks to Alfondorion on our subreddit for the meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtonMail/comments/1btyihm/finally/ )

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@protonprivacy @simplelogin doesn't representing Proton with the bad guy who wanted to destroy half of all life seem a little weird to you?

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@protonprivacy Yeah, my point was it isn't a very good or well thought out one. But you do you

emmreef, to HashtagGames
@emmreef@mastodon.world avatar

🍆 you think this just means eggplant/aubergine in a text message

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@emmreef I thought it just meant they liked nightshades

eff, to random
@eff@mastodon.social avatar

“The fact that they have this data in the first place and are allowing people to share it is certainly disturbing,” EFF’s @evacide told @WIRED. “I just don’t know how many more of these stories we need to have in order to get strong privacy regulations.”

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@eff @evacide @WIRED if us "normal" people don't get privacy why should rich criminals?

Jaden3, to random
@Jaden3@mastodon.social avatar

Back in Chicago with my pops . Gon give this city a 2nd chance 🤟🏿

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@Jaden3 welcome back to Chi town, what a wonderful city to reboot yourself

itsfoss, to random
@itsfoss@mastodon.social avatar

Take control of your Linux desktop from anywhere with these tools! 🚀🐧


@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@itsfoss how is Steam client + notepad not on this list?

arstechnica, to random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Smallish car, biggish price—we try out the 2024 BMW X2 M35i

We drive the new Sports Activity Coupe, but there's no EV version for the US market.


@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica so, I do have an unhealthy love for BMWs, but why in 2024 are we even looking at small, expensive, non-electric vehicles?

nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

Question: When did personal computing lose its innocence?

Answer: When it broke its HIMEM.sys

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft stick to news, this is no good hun

georgetakei, to random
@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@Helderweb @georgetakei I couldn't even get the videos to load because my ad blockers were working

itsfoss, to gentoo
@itsfoss@mastodon.social avatar

Gentoo turns 24 today!! 🐧 🥂

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@itsfoss has it finished compiling yet?

gamingonlinux, to random
@gamingonlinux@mastodon.social avatar

Just a reminder this account is run by a single human. Me, hi. Sending me shitty DMs will result in an instant block.

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar
nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

Haha 😂 Google started to index share conversation URLs of Bard 😹 don't share any personal info with Bard in conversation, it will get indexed and may be someone will arrive on that conversation from search and see your info 😳

Also Bard's conversation URLs are ranking as snippets for some queries as well 🤣🤣 https://x.com/gaganghotra_/status/1706545667362210129?s=46

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft Google has become @lowqualityfacts

ipg, to random
@ipg@wetdry.world avatar

May I offer you a can of Windows Home Server in these trying times?

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@viralbox @ipg did you actually pay for that?

timbray, (edited ) to random
@timbray@cosocial.ca avatar

Wondering about Long Covid (or Post-Covid Syndrome).
Do you know people who are suffering significantly as follows? (This is a multiple-choice poll.)

(pls boost if the subject interests you)

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@timbray where is the "Me" option?

arstechnica, to random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Borax is the new Tide Pods and poison control experts are facepalming

Borax is used in laundry detergent and is not safe to ingest.


@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica i mean, it's less toxic than table salt per gram, but you wouldn't drink that either in any significant amount. It can help with fungal issues when added to a foot bath, but you would not need to add much, and I wouldn't recommend soaking your entire body in it.

But otherwise, borax is a wonderful and safe mineral salt that can be used for a lot of things.

nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

IT folks be like 👇😂

@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft this is not accurate, at all. The reason I worked in IT was so I could afford to be away from IT

nixCraft, (edited ) to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar
@JoMomma@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft I lived by iptraf from 2001-2005 while running a small ISP, when every bit mattered

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