@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar



I'm 25, totally blind, and a content creator. I make videos, podcasts, and I write books sometimes. My life's goal is to be on Jeopardy

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evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

Two things. Thing one, I may or may not have accidentally smacked a plastic statue of Alex Trebek in the face with a braille display. Thing too, unless it is urgent, do not privately text or call me. I am recording my podcast, posting it, and going to bed. End of discussion.

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. I figured out the masks in the mirror. Guess I wasn’t almost finished with that game 10 years ago after all. I just got something new I have to deal with.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@TSchulte a puzzle in a game I started 10 years ago and didn’t get to finish because my save got taken along with the device it was on.

rooktallon, to random

Just bought screen reader, also known as Commentary. I don't know how to close apps and it seems to work best in landscape orientation. Any idea how to make it work with portrait orientation and how to close apps?

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@rooktallon you need to invert your swiping gestures, and to close apps, you need to go into the menu and find your actions button

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

I can't figure out the make of the case I got with my braille display. It doesn't have that embossed HumanWare stamp like a lot of their stuff used to, but it doesn't have any other marks either.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@TSchulte i’m not exactly sure how to describe the bottom part. It holds the whole unit and has a cover over the power button and charging port, and the main cover down over the keyboard and closes with magnets on the bottom of the case. It has three snaps on the back of the inside part of the case to get the thing out, but they take an active Congress to open.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@dhamlinmusic @TSchulte i’m not sure. There’s no marking, and I never saw any of their products.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@dhamlinmusic @TSchulte that’s not the case I’m confused about. I knew the government wouldn’t give us anything actually protective.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@dhamlinmusic @TSchulte I can try to snap a picture and have something describe it if it would help. It came with the strap for carrying it in some fashion or other, and there's a zippered pocket on the top flap. The inside of the top flap is some kind of really, really soft stuff and I love it

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

Does anybody know if the station playlist NVDA add-on has Braille support at all? If it doesn’t, that’s OK. I’d like to try working with my display and seeing just how much easier it can make my life.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@carrottop1023 guess we’ll be finding out

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@carrottop1023 Fortunately for the humans, I do my prep work early.

meowpet, to random

I love trolling people.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@meowpet as long as they know it’s all in fun you’re good. If you’re messing with your friends, that’s completely different from messing with random strangers who know nothing about you. That’s my personal thoughts on the matter.

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

OK, somebody take the game away from me so I will go to bed and be up at a reasonable hour. Some of us have radio shows in a little less than 14 hours.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@InsaneAtheist wouldn’t be the first time. When I get sleep deprived, I go into laughing fits very easily.

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

Thanks to one of you wonderful people, the long elusive game has been identified and found. Sadly, I don’t think people would be interested in watching me play it on YouTube, otherwise I totally would. Maybe I could get somebody else hooked on it too. Hey, at least it wouldn’t drive them nuts for 10 years.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@Rich no but as it turns out, I don’t need one because there’s a web version and I can get an interpreter for the computer. I just don’t think people want to sit there and watch someone typing in random commands into their computer for a couple of hours because I can and we’ll get lost. I don’t remember how to solve all the puzzles so I massively lost right now. If I can ever afford it, I might pick up a used Apex just so I can hit myself right in the middle middle school/high school days and play the game the way I started it.

evilcookies98, to random
@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

You know what sucks? That the games from the brailleNote Apex are not available anywhere else. I don’t remember the name of the game, but I remember there was this one I got extremely far in. You had to find a bunch of these random masks lying around and then I think you were supposed to put them in the mirror. I got stuck at the putting them in the mirror part because I never got the order right. Anybody remember this? It’s nagging me 10 years later because I never got to finish it. Actually, you know what else sucks? That I have never been able to find the game somebody gave me around the same time. I don’t remember the name of it, but you were basically making a bunch of old notetaker devices beat the crap out of each other.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@sektor that’s the right game. Thank you.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@sektor I got past the part I was stuck on. Now I'm stuck somewhere else. Lol

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@sektor Did you know there's a part where you can fall in a pit of boiling water?

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@sektor Close to the river you have to cross. Go too far and into the boiling water you go.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@sektor It's not fun

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@sektor undo is your friend

zersiax, to accessibility
@zersiax@cupoftea.social avatar

The case for AI in is a hotly contested one but I do feel the baby's being tossed out with the bathwater just a tiny bit. Yes, it is bad that AI is being used to phase out hoomans in all sorts of pursuits. And yes, it is also true that at least at the moment, Ai-generated anything is generally lower quality than hooman-generated stuff. And yes, it is also true that we're seeing AI in places we really shouldn't be seeing it (MDN anyone?) and that people, just like always with a new toy, are going absolutely nuts with it and putting it front and center like it's Cthulhu's new miracle to end all toilet paper shortages. But it CAN, at times, actually be an enabler. It CAN, OCCASIONALLY, actually be used for good, and I don't think people who find this out and do this should be villified

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@zersiax my concern is that it’s going to make people complacent and they’re going to stop fixing things and claiming that the AI can do it for them so why should they bother.

rowdyamerican, to random

Just wondering what people think of eSIMS? I'm considering switching to one. I know there are several advantages and disadvantages. From what I've been reading, it'll be much easier to transfer an eSIM to a new device. At least that's how it seems by reading the instructions on my carrier's site.

@evilcookies98@dragonscave.space avatar

@liamerven @rowdyamerican @rooktallon I was totally shocked when my new phone had a Sim card tray with a bottom. I tried to punch it out three times before I realized it was supposed to be there. I thought it was packing material.

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