rhythmisaprancer avatar



This is a recording.

rhythmisaprancer avatar


Thanks for using this term, i had to look it up. Very relavent. Also, thanks for sharing this photo!

rhythmisaprancer avatar

Hunting dogs used for hunting aren't generally part of a farm operation, and hunting dog puppies aren't expected to behave at full performance, either. It's hard to pull much from the horse statement itself, but in this context it isn't helpful and looks really bad.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

Wow! I didn't know what to expect but this is pretty neat. Exhibit quality.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

There are multiple paperclip designs, and I even use one of them (besides the "normal" one). But when I looked it up I found it was from 1902... It holds many more pages, tho.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

I live in rural desert US and never see this. Incredible!

rhythmisaprancer avatar

Hasn't that been a disputed zone for even longer? I don't really know the history but it seems like a rough draw for Armenians. I read recently that their sphere of influence may be drifting away from Russia, but towards whom?

rhythmisaprancer avatar


rhythmisaprancer avatar

NATO is just an alliance, not all of the countries involved agree on everything. I'm not sure how Turkiye feels about Azerbaijan vs Armenia but they got Finland and Sweden figured out.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

I have to wonder about the instance I am on regarding this.

But also, is that quote from Coco? I've watched that with my niece a lot but never all the way thru. Seems like something that would have been said in the underworld or whatever.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

Ooh some good new people to look in to, thanks! Never heard if Yalom, only know Banksy for art.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

I am really disappointed in how crime is reported in the US. I think it contributes to the lack of police reform. If the average person actually had a good picture of what is going on, including with policing, we could have such a better situation in the US. More folks would be pushing for effective law enforcement reform.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

Gosh, I didn't know this group existed! I have no way of keeping track of that. Pretty cool, Thanks for sharing!

Door hinge pin keeps coming up. How to solve?

Looking for help in solving a problem where the lower door hinge pin on my entry door keeps creeping up and causing the deadbolt to become slightly misaligned making it more difficult to lock. Reading online, I keep coming across suggestions of tightening a screw that’s supposed to lock the pin in place but my hinges don’t...

rhythmisaprancer avatar

I'm not a carpenter, but as a mechanic, if the hinge pin is doing that AND the deadbolt has a problem, I would expect a third problem. Maybe the door frame isn't square, or since it is the bottom hinge pin, maybe a threshold issue. The pin shouldn't be migrating, and if it did, the deadbolt shouldn't care. There should be three hinges on an entry door. Is the door warped?

Free_Press, to news
@Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar

In the US, a train carrying gasoline and butane derailed and caught fire

The incident occurred near the border of the US state of Arizona with New Mexico. Six cars containing gasoline and propane caught fire. Local police are investigating the cause of the incident, reports the Associated Press.

The interstate was closed. Residents of houses near the incident were also evacuated as a precaution due to the wind, which carried away thick smoke.


rhythmisaprancer avatar

@peterbrown Changing this unfortunately may not matter as US roads are maintained by the government and are not always safe for use (but are used anyway).

rhythmisaprancer avatar

@peterbrown That is a great, valid point! And mixing the two points, it could improve passenger access on rails. If the tax situation improves 🫤

rhythmisaprancer avatar

Has there been a change in sourcing new magazines? Last time I tried it I couldn't get anything to matriculate, at least not kbin style with searching etc. Big turn off for me but otherwise mbin seems like the best fit.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

Maybe I should reach out to the person who runs the mbin instance I am on. They were a kbin person before and may have some insight. An mbin version of this meta would be helpful, as mentioned!

rhythmisaprancer, (edited )
rhythmisaprancer avatar

This is a good discussion here. I'm sure I am not the only person to have other accounts (an mbin and a lemmy) but I am pretty invested here. But your #1 option has some relavent points.

Edit to add I have been digging the microblogs and miss that from what I can see on mbin. Maybe my error. I can't even find them.

MLE_online, to random
@MLE_online@social.afront.org avatar

I attempted to help my brother with a confounding problem with his car this afternoon, and after a few hours of work, we were no closer to an answer than when we started.

Recently, his battery has been draining down overnight. He thought maybe he had a bad battery, so he got a new one. Same problem.

I went over there today and found that the car is drawing 1.6 amps from the battery even when turned off.

We started troubleshooting by pulling fuses. The car kept drawing 1.6 amps through all of them.

I pulled the main fuse, and the car still drew 1.6 amps.

For a while, we thought it was maybe the alternator rectifier, but that wasn't it.

We unwrapped the sheath from the main bundle of wires coming off the battery and found no shorts.

We disconnected the wiring to the starter and that wasn't it.

The car still draws 1.6 amps! We can't figure out what's doing it!

rhythmisaprancer avatar

@MLE_online Dang. Hard times! Hope you can share what is found.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

It's too soon for this. Climate change in action 🙁 Where I am at in the US, we had another year of great snow pack, but it is melting incredibly fast. Last year this time, we had snow in town (in places). This year, it was in the 70sF and the snow line is receding such that I am not sure it will contribute like it did last year. Late snow is bad snow. We had a lot of that.

A crush of lawsuits over voting in multiple states is creating a shadow war for the 2024 election (apnews.com)

The Republican National Committee, newly reconstituted under Trump, has filed election-related lawsuits in nearly half the states. Recent lawsuits over voter roll maintenance in Michigan and Nevada are part of a larger strategy targeting various aspects of voting and election administration....

rhythmisaprancer avatar

You already mentioned "the obvious," and the article said it. It's about removing legitimacy. They don't really care if some of their voters are removed, they care about casting doubt on thr process. For most voters, unfortunately, this means doing this now. We already have processes in place to manage voter roles, and they work. The Republican party is only interested in killing the process. Nothing more.

rhythmisaprancer avatar

I don't know if 16 counts as young man, but at that point in my life I did like my vehicle loud. I thought it was cool. By 20, it was embarrassing. I had an exhaust rust off about 10 years ago and couldn't get it fixed for a couple months. I definitely didn't feel cool then 😬 Thr silence after the repair was awesome!

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