What's a common occurrence in your hobby that you think shouldn't be?

For me it’s driving while under the influence. If you couldn’t tell, I like me some ganja. However I have long since held the belief that it is utterly insane to drive while under the influence of most substances, with maybe nicotine and caffeine being the exception. All too often I see other stoners smoking and driving, which I simply can’t fathom. I’ve only operated a vehicle once under the influence and it was just to move a U-Haul around the block to a different parking spot, which was such a scary experience while high that I refuse to even consider getting behind the wheel again while high.


Dangerous and illegal stuff, like:

  1. Not wearing a helmet
  2. Using the bike lane to pass cars
  3. Trying to show off on public roads
  4. Going way over the speed limit and speed of traffic
  5. Rev bombing when someone cuts you off

Let’s see if you can guess the hobby



I’m assuming when you say “rev bombing” you mean “[eating a bunch of beans and cutting the loudest farts you can] when someone cuts you off”


Close, motorcycling.

The rev bombing is when you pull in the clutch and twist the throttle to make the engine rev and make a lot of noise without the motorcycle accelerating. It’s completely pointless and it takes away your focus from actually controlling the motorcycle, but you can find countless clips online where someone gets cut off and then proceeds to rev bomb, flip the car off, and sometimes even smash the car’s mirror.


I was joking, as a motorcycle rider it was super obvious what you were talking about.


The rev bomb wasn’t intentional, I just missed the shift from 1st to 2nd and wound up in neutral by accident.


You can find tons of clips online of motorcycle riders intentionally rev bombing when something (usually a car) irritates them.


The “macho” attitude to safety. From soldering to woodworking. In soldering, there are fumes created when burning a substance called flux. There are commercial fumes extractors to purify and remove these fumes, but many refuse to use them, even if they’re cheap. Saying stuff like "What’s a little tree sap gonna do to me?. Chances are, none of them could run a mile due to the irritation of their lungs.

Another one is woodworking, especially around power tools. Table saws can shred your fingers before you can blink. It can pull extremities towards itself, and can launch wood fast enough to perforate organs. Yet there are still people who insist “I don’t need no push stick”, “don’t bother with a crosscut sled, just free hand it”.


For woodworking: Add the “old machines were soooo much safer,you need to use this 1968 Asshole-Wankerville saw if you realllllyyy want to have safety”(not true, especially when using planers) and the “if you don’t do it this way you should not be let close to a pencil!”(does it in an antiquated, overly complicated way that is safe but if you do one little thing wrong it isn’t anymore)-Gatekeepers.

Especially the whole story around saw-stop and how it was perceived by amateurs (even when they were unaffected by the manufacturers propaganda) is a shame.

Old machines can be good. Old machines can be a deathtrap. And things decay over time and something rotating with 30.000 RPM for 50 years close to someones groin/stomach maybe isn’t a risk someones should take lightly.

And most people who talk like this are old idiots who learned/teached themselves how to do things somewhere in the 70ies/80ies and then never developed after that. But they are so fucking sure about themselves.

I have an emergency medicine background, including some accident research. And even then people try to argue with me. “No,that kind of injury can never happen with this brand”. Idiot, I have seen it myself,talked to the person who nearly killed themselves, etc.


I was watching a woodworking video the other day. It was a dude in some third world country, using a tablesaw that looked like it was from the 60’s. No blade guards, no kickback fin, etc… Not even PPE like safety glasses or a push stick. And the dude was making cuts with only an inch or so between the fence and the blade, using his thumb to push the material through. I ran to the comments to see how many others had mentioned the fact that this dude needed to make himself a push stick.

The top comment was a dude complaining about “all these comments mentioning the lack of a push stick need to grow up. This dude obviously doesn’t need a push stick cuz he’s been doing this for years and knows how to stay safe without it.”

The dude in the video was missing two fingertips, clearly from previous accidents. He very obviously did need a push stick


It especially makes my blood boil when bosses do this. They frequently do because they don’t suffer the consequences but reap the gains.

If workers take a dangerous shortcut: increased productivity.

If workers get injured, they blame the worker for disregarding safety precautions. OSHA usually only steps in if safety equipment/practice is outright missing, not if workers are told to not use them.


I feel this way about angle grinders and seeing people using them without a guard or any safety equipment with their face inches away from a cutoff wheel they bought from harbor freight as they plunge it into a piece of steel.


Oh god,angle grinders,yeah… I have one, but I don’t use it in my workshop for obvious reasons.

The wife recently thought I had a stroke as I was screaming at the TV, because a show had invited an “expert” who was cutting some metal in front of the audience.

… Without ANY safety equipment on himself or the machine. … Heavily BENDING the disk.

… Someone is going to do this like on TV…and die…I was impressed that none of the audience died because that’s where the blade would have landed.

And I saw first hand was an angle grinder disk does to someones skull. It has the habit of stopping in a place that will not kill you. But leave you blind,deaf and dumb, suffering for a long time. They scare me. When I use mine, I am wearing full PPE, have a guard on the machine and still keep a tourniquet around.


Honestly you sound like you’ve three years in the industry and everyone but you is incompetent, especially the ones been at it forever.


Motorcycle riders not wearing a helmet be like


It especially sucks how that attitude will trickle down and erode the safety practices for everyone. Depending on what and where you’re learning, you can potentially end up knee deep in hazards before you even know what you’re supposed to be avoiding.

I’m an apprentice bench jeweler and the common practices in this industry are fucked. There’s a container of actual asbestos that we pack around stones to insulate them for a weld. I was looking for a good method for affixing tiny parts for welds and everyone says just superglue it, since the glue burns off and doesn’t contaminate the weld. It just depolymerizes into highly irritating gases, and benches are fucking NEVER properly ventilated. There’s oxydizers we use weekly that say “only open outdoors” on the container.

A good respirator is a great investment, pretty much no matter your industry.


So I’m super involved in my local bdsm community and it’s probably my main hobby. There’s a lot less misogyny than people not in the community think and a lot more than many of the men of the community think.

@Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works avatar

A lot of guys take that dom/sub dynamic too far, as an extension of misogynist beliefs. Agreed re: your evaluation.

It’s also pretty sad - you’re in the most permissive time in history for this stuff, someone is giving you a gift that (carefully approached) can let you live out your deepest sexual desires to everyone’s satisfaction, and you’re going to treat the person giving you that gift as actually lesser!? For fuck sakes man, not too long ago you’d be thrown in a psych ward for this shit.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I practice BDSM occasionally and i recently did a scene with someone. There were times where boundaries were accidentally crossed, but my reaction to that was an immediate “are you ok and do you need to stop”. Luckily the person was very understanding and actually discovered some stuff they liked, but I simply cannot fathom trying to take advantage of someone who is giving you so much already. I didn’t like nor enjoy that I had accidentally transgressed on boundaries, and am working to ensure that it doesn’t happen again, but the priority is and should always be safety and comfort.

Cracks_InTheWalls, (edited )
@Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works avatar

The good thing is, you’re most people - looking for all parties to have fun within the boundaries of safety and participant comfort. Topping is a huge responsibility, and you had the correct reaction.

But just like in the everyday world, there are abusive people out there. Folks, particularly bottoms who are still fleshing out their boundaries, can be vulnerable to these people. My opinion is that situation can be made more complicated due to the taboo nature of the interaction and unique social norms that have a learning curve (ex: what happens if you’re newer, someone starts spewing ‘true dom/true sub’ crap early on, and that sets your expectations for BDSM?).

Captain Lez is bang on when saying this is the value of a community for vetting and feedback re: what you’re doing. But again, like in everyday life, people can ingratiate themselves into that community as a means of cover.

It really isn’t all that different from abusive relationships in every other context, just with an additional layer of sensation and social norms that can cloud judgement/mask the abuse.

Will say OP made great points on misogyny in this world expressed in less aggressive ways, and heck, even this conversation underscores it. People like you and me jump right to guys in a dom role disregarding the boundaries of women in a sub role, for reasons of hating women. We’re not those people, most of the people we meet in this context aren’t those people, and the few we become aware of are usually blacklisted pretty quick, so we think misogyny is not a major problem in the community. The stated dynamics between some Doms and Dommes, and male bottoms to their Dommes, challenges that. I may not have come across it simply because I am a guy who doesn’t feel that way, my community is very much female-led, and everyone I met was pretty respectful/darned greatful a community existed at all, but I can definitely see it being a thing.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for your kind words. I get a lil scared domming sometimes because as a victim of sexual assault, i would never want to out someone through that. I’m glad the community seems to be doing better than the majority of society.


That shit’s a problem for sure, but often the community weeds out dominant men who mistreat submissive women. That’s not to say we don’t have broken stairs and whatnot, I run a women’s group, it’s a problem for sure. But in my experience that aggressive of misogyny in such contexts is far more present in online spaces than reputable irl ones.

The area I see it most manifested is in the way dominant women are treated by men, both dominant and submissive. There are dominant men who love and respect submissive women but just struggle to treat dominant women as their equals. And on the flip side a lot of men who submit to women have a lot of hang ups about it and many treat them as sex objects.

There’s also still a problem with people assuming men are dominant (especially if they’re charismatic and/or handsome) and that women are submissive (especially if they’re small, shy, or feminine).

At least that’s what I’ve noticed as a woman who submits to women

@Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works avatar

Thanks for clarifying. I can’t say I’ve personally seen that to any great degree, but to be fair my experience was more of a toe dip. I can certainly see that being the case.


Yeah there’s definitely a thing where a local community in a good state doesn’t have as much of it, (though it will often exist) but when things get disrupted more can seep through. It’s been on my mind lately as I’ve been befriending a Domme that’s very new to all of this and her experiences are really elucidating the patterns I’ve seen glimpses of, but thought were more of online problems.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I find this one especially egregious because as a fellow practitioner, my first priority is safety, safety, safety. i hate to see the bigotry and lack or respect


So many bedroom audio producers are all about having the latest and greatest gear, and then don’t make shit beyond a tech demo or two. There’s nothing wrong with that I suppose. It just seems a bit odd to me to collect a pile of expensive, useful tools, and then not even use them.

Or not even know how to use them. I remember one guy in particular. He had a $10000 Moog One, and used it to make a piece of music where he held an A minor chord for 20 minutes. There was almost no modulation or movement at all. Just the same chord for twenty minutes. I like outre music, but come on!


With some people it feels like their more gear collectors than producers. Though I gotta admit there where times where I bought a piece of equipment that was kinda outside the scope of what I needed because I thought it was nice to have.


We all get the GAS sometimes.


I’ve recently started putting together a home studio and made the mistake of asking online what I should consider before painting my monitors. Nearly half of the people who responded said, “Don’t do it, it’ll ruin the resale value.” Like dude, I’m not here to be on a god damned gear treadmill. I’m here to make music. Gear is just a necessary evil to me and if I never have to buy monitors again I would be so happy. So, If I can get some extra joy out of them and make them mine, I’m gonna.


Hear hear. I’ve been using the same cheapo Mackie CR4 monitors for nearly a decade now. It’s not like a $1000 pair is going to sound much better in my room without a bunch of baffling or whatever.


There’s also a lot of snake oil in the hobbyist/personal hi-fi audio world. I’m a professional audio tech for live events. A lot of people don’t understand how audio works, and why audio gear is built a specific way. So they’re susceptible to bad faith sales tactics, which are oftentimes inventing problems that never existed before the product was being marketed. Or claiming to use manufacturing materials/processes that won’t make a difference on a physics level, but will make a difference in cost to the end user.

Hi-fi audio is a world of diminishing returns. A $1000 system will sound great compared to a $500 system. A $5000 system will sound a little better than a $1000 system. But a $10,000 system will only sound marginally better than the $5000 system, and many people won’t even be able to tell the difference between the two. Or to rephrase, they’ll be able to tell a difference between the two, but won’t be able to tell which one is the “better” system. They’ll simply hear the difference in speaker frequency responses.

Also, that classic rock song you’re critiquing on your $30,000 living room sound system was performed and mixed by people who couldn’t hear fucking anything. Their hearing was shot years before the song was recorded, by decades of crowd noise and stage monitors.


Also, their music sounds the way it does because the band got really drunk one night, spilled beer on the amp and it caught fire, and after that it had a really cool sound.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

This one upsets me a lil because I occasionally record the music I write, and recording off a Scarlett Solo is not the easiest experience, especially when I’m only using the that came with it (aside from like my own amps and instrument specific gear).

I wouldn’t know what to do with a lot of the expensive gear, but I could do something with it and get some genuine use out of it for my music. But at the same time I don’t wanna fall into the same trap, so I only buy gear that I need when I need it, and that’s usually stuff for my instruments themselves.


I hear you. A buddy gave me a $1000 headphone amp he’d replaced with a newer version. It’s the most expensive piece of gear I own and hilariously out of place in my set up. I still use it, though.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

Hey that sounds pretty nice! Thats the nice thing about sharing hobbies with friends


I just wish he’d gotten tired of his Moog Grandmother. Haha!

@RebekahWSD@lemmy.world avatar

For the more “masculine” ones, say video games and roleplaying games, really wish guys were less fucking rude to me or even just ignoring me. Or also lovely is me suggesting an idea, ignoring me, then agreeing when someone else takes it and suggests it.

Some people online are oddly hostile about American recipes using cups/tablespoons? I do a lot of baking, so much I do have a scale, but that’s extremely uncommon here. Most cup recipes are fine. Even weighed recipes need tweaking sometimes.

Knitting is a solo hobby because oh man old ladies can be really weird about what yarn you use or needles you use or even why you’re knitting so young. I was 30 when they were saying this. Sure, younger than them but???

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

For the first point, does it help if the person repeating it acknowledges that they were just repeating what you said? I find that in conversations in general sometimes people don’t get heard so I try to repeat what they said so it can be heard but I always try to start along the lines of “Going back to what you said…”.

For the other two I completely understand and I think it’s just a weird form of gatekeeping.

RebekahWSD, (edited )
@RebekahWSD@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not as bad when it’s started with like, “I agree with x” or “What if we did what x said but with <insert thing here>” or something, sure. They usually don’t though, almost never. And then everyone at the table acts as if the person who said it came up with it and it’s infuriating.

Edit - I might not be clear. The person suggesting the idea I had is generally not boosting it so it’s heard, they are generally acting as if they came up with it, and then everyone suddenly realizes it’s a good idea coming from a guy instead. When it’s someone realizing the idea wasn’t heard, they usually don’t do that.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. I’m sorry that a lot of men are probably subconsciously really shitty and just don’t have the care and self awareness to do anything about that.


I am just, constantly in awe of how toxic the fiber arts community can be

Like friends

We are making lovely comfort items, random decor, stuffies and just like, silly shit WHY ARE YOU SCREECHING AT ONE ANOTHER

Hence me going to exactly 1 stitch n bitch ever and then quietly doing crochet in my house forever more


Yeah and the elitism. Like I am knitting for a friend’s baby no freaking way am I going to make it with a silk merino blend when I know my friend can only machine wash and tumble dry clothes… And that was before they had a tiny human. Some of the local groups were up in arms that I used ACRYLICS quell horror but dude I make kids toys and they literally drag my toys through a mud bath and three years later it’s still in one piece and loved. I do have the budget now for the nicer stuff but when I started out, not so much. And you know what a silk is nice but sometimes… I want a shitty fluffy machine washable plush yarn. Fiber people gotta chill and remember at the end of the day we are playing with sticks and string. Be nice.


The problem with cups and tbsp/tsp is that it varies between sets of spoons.

100g is 100g no matter what. And I don’t need to look for the damn spoons all the time, I can just mix the ingredients by weight directly into the bowl.


Not just that, when I moved out of my parents’ place or out on my own from a roommate situation all I ever needed was my scale. I didn’t have to buy wet measuring cups, dry measuring cups, measuring spoons and what have you filling my drawers and cupboards with inaccurate nonsense.

I also have ultra accurate versions of a couple of my friends’ grandparents’ recipes. Turns out just a dash of this and a dash of that was amounting to up to 50 grams of extra corn flour or whatever. If you can get someone to participate in giving you a recipe you can really just recreate it with zero guesswork.


There plenty of things being a hobby musician that my community does but the one lesser talked about one is Musicians will makes plans and 90% of the time there is no follow through. “We will be in touch” “we should do something” “you would be good for…” “give me your number” “email me” all essentially go nowhere. The only other people who might be less reliable are contractors doing home improvement.

Hikermick, (edited )

That’s why every band has a leader and a handful of other people that don’t understand why their ideas aren’t being acted on. Same thing happens in other group scenarios


and a handful of other people that don’t understand why their ideas are being acted on

The image this evokes is hilarious


Oops I meant to say “aren’t” not “are” but I think you got the idea


I’ve found this to be true in general once I started working. I don’t feel kinda this was a thing when I was and was integrating with other students. I had to readjust my “responsible” self who actually would follow up (to people’s horror) and tell myself it’s a polite saying that people don’t mean. Like when people greet each other with “How are you?”, they generally actually do not want to know how the other person is doing. You’re expected to say “fine” or “good” and deviating from that is violating an unspoken social contract.


LOL, I rely on this behavior.

“Yeah, let’s do it. Just text me when you’re ready!” Knowing fully that they will never follow through on their idea and I won’t have to do the thing.


Misogyny amongst tabletop gamers. Apparently it’s especially prevalent outside of urban centers, and with the kiddies being so into d&d 5e there’s less now. Maybe it has to do with mainstreamification or the pandemic? IDK I’m old. The only kids I know are relatives and they were mostly adults before the pandemic turned me into a paranoid shut-in.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I hate when that happens. The groups i used to play in were super open to everyone, kids women queer people anything. If you passed the vibe check (basically are you having fun and helping others have fun) then they were chill. It’s awkward for me when I’m playing with someone and suddenly they’re being super bigoted


How does someone start being bigoted while playing d&d?


Unfortunately fantasy and medieval settings present a lot of opportunities for people to be racist and sexist


May I have an example?

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

Someone makes a bit of a bigoted character, which isn’t unusual and not necessarily bad. It works when the person isn’t a racist because often the joke or point of that character is that being racist is bad and that they’re going to grow, or flanderize into an It’s Always Sunny character.

But when a racist does it, you start to see real world bigotry inserted into the game and it gets awkward. It’s not usually overt but you hear them say something and you feel the tonal shift. I used to DM and I had player characters that were heavily racist, but it was obvious satire and they knew & expected that there would be consequences for their character in the context of the game.

Mr_Dr_Oink, (edited )

On the point of driving whilst stoned. Confidence comes with experience. It may not be safe, but i used to smoke at a friends house and had to drive home. Originally we would make a point of giving it a few hours after the last joint tbefore i left so i could sober up a bit. As time went on that last smoke got later and later and i still had to leave by a certain time. Eventually this evolved into me smoking a joint whilst driving because it just made no difference (seemingly) to drive sober or stoned.

To your question i would say learning a musical instrument.

I spent years using a basic yamaha keynoard worth about 200 pounds at the time (when i was young) and until i found i was getting good and was joining a band i just used that. Eventually i bought a much more advanced synthesiser for around 700-800 and still have that 15 years later, im only just thinking about getting a replacement. (I had a few random pianos and synths in between and have a full size (basic) electric piano as well)

I worked in a rehearsal/recording studio for a few years and played in bands there and it was amazi g how many times you would see a new band of kids come in who could barely play baa baa black sheep but had spent easily 1500-2000 on their guitars and amps and insisted on bringing the amps and full drum kits to jams despite there being some fairly decent kits and and amps in the rooms already which were better for practice.

Some of them got good, but most of them would try to sell their gear to us before too long.

Im not saying you need to buy a cheap instrument and use it for a decade like me but dont spend 2 grand out of the gate and expect the skill to just fall into your lap.


On the point of driving whilst stoned. Confidence comes with experience

I can definitely understand what you mean by this, but I think a certain level of confidence also comes from tolerance.

I don’t drive at all, so can’t weigh in on that, but I cycle everywhere, and in my youth I would have never considered cycling while stoned, too risky, too dangerous, not fair or safe to others using the paths.

When I started smoking, I stuck by that statement, I’d give it a full 12+ hours between my last smoke and getting on the bike.

But just like your example, 12 hours became 8 hours, became 4 hours, and so on, where now I might have an smoke and 40 minutes later get on my bike to go somewhere.

But then I take a T break, and I pick up a new bag, and I have my first hit in a month or two, and I sit with that high for a while and think to myself “fuck no, I absolutely will not be getting on the bike any time soon, this tiny toke is too much to cycle on”

Then I’ll smoke heavily for the next month, and by the end of the month, my tolerance has increased, and I’m back to riding my bike while stoned (or rather, buzzed, because I’m just not capable of getting as high)

Do I feel guilty for these decisions because I know it’s a big risk? Yes. Do I keep doing it? Also yes.

But now that I’m in discussions with my doctor about medical dosing, it has raised a very important question - if I use medical marijuana to manage my chronic illness (the one that renders me medically unfit to drive) is the ethical and legal obligation of that treatment plan that I can never ride my bike again? I must always walk or take the bus? The same does not apply for people who use opiate based pain relief or therapeutic ketamine. They are warned not to drive if the meds make them impaired, but ultimately it’s their judgement to decide what is “impaired”. It will only be externally questioned if there is an accident or a near miss. If I am assessing my level of impairment before I ride stoned, how can I best ensure my capacity to ride in those moments?

Also answering OPs question, I think this applies to a lot of hobbies, but I notice it a lot as someone who likes to sew my own clothes - the pressure from others to constantly get better, try harder, and keep building those skills.

I do my hobby because it’s fun, sometimes it’s fun to learn new things about it, but sometimes I just want to stick with what I know and play in my comfort zone.

My dad will often look at things I’ve made this year and say “you made something almost identical 5 years ago, and your stitches are still skew wiff, haven’t you learned to blah blah yet?” because his expectation is that I will get better and better with every passing moment as I practice my hobby.

Similarly, people will tell me that I have “clearly got the skills to make xyz” and I should “challenge” myself. And sometimes I will, but most of the time I retreat to my hobbies because I don’t have to challenge myself if I don’t want to. I like my hobbies to be no pressure (I go to the gym to push myself, I go to my craft corner to relax)

You are allowed to dabble, fool around, play, and have fun with a hobby. You are allowed to decide that “getting better” isn’t the goal.

But it seems others will always question this, or suggest you somehow aren’t doing the hobby right, or enthusiastic enough about it if you’re only ever doing it on a surface level.

Just today, I managed to get hold of a second hand overlocker, I’m really excited to make things with it, and my co-worker who also sews said “oh that’s awesome, the quality of clothes you’re going to pull off now that you can surge! I can’t wait for the fashion show”. She meant that in the most positive way, and I know what she was trying to say so I thanked her and promised her to show her what I was making, but part of me definitely heard “if the quality of your final product doesn’t improve as a result of this, you’re bad at this hobby, now you have no excuse not to be better than you were before” even though she meant nothing of the sort, and a lot of that was internalised shame because of previous discussions with people who were genuinely questioning my lack of improvement.

@Shelbyeileen@lemmy.world avatar

There are a lot of cosplay elitists, that think you need to be a supermodel or look exactly like the character to cosplay them. Bruh, this is about creating art of our favorite Fandoms. I’m allowed to make sexy versions of characters, people are allowed to cosplay characters of different ethnicities as long as there’s no blackface, people can make costumes of anyone, even if they don’t know every bit of info from the source material. Let people have fun… this isn’t about you and all your gatekeeping is doing, is stopping you from having awesome and talented friends.


Huh, I guess I’ve somehow avoided those jerks

My experience is a very inclusive atmosphere. Everyone I’ve met is interested in talking about the source material, or construction techniques, or just wanting to express their love for the character. Yeah sure, Iron Man looks more “real” if the guy looks like RDJ, but Sexy Iron Man gets just as much of my admiration if the metallic finish is great and the LEDs are poppin

@Shelbyeileen@lemmy.world avatar

It may be because I do cosplay erotica for a living, so people assume I’m doing it for money or attention. I do love when they try to gatekeep me and I know more about the Fandom than they expected. These costumes are EXPENSIVE to make, so I’m not going to waste my time and money on something I don’t love.


i’m really into cars, and want to own (maybe modify) an MR2 1st gen.

problem is: the german government is trying its best to make owning a car impossible or unattractive.

nowadays you have to pay 1.90€ a litre of gas and rent a parking space (the ones that used to be free get converted to charging stations for BEVs or are only for people who live near it)

getting a license has been increasing in cost for a while now, and we’re at the point where it’s up to 5000€ (i have one already, but it’s increasing the barrier of entry)

modifying the cars is also basically illegal, i won’t get into it here though. the comment is long enough.

additionally, the only political party that’s worth voting (in my opinion) is increasingly making cars the national enemy and is trying to introduce a speed limit on the autobahn.

so the frequent occurence is basically incompetent politicians fucking over the consumer, giving right-wingers even more fuel.


🎵Q, R, S…🎶

@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh now how bad to be only able to drive 120-130 km/h…


At least make the speed limit something reasonably like 160km/h.


Yeah, but we have a problem with too many cars in germany. We can’t continue to give everyone free parking space. Our citys are choking with cars and the quality of life for people suffers.

Same with the fuel prices, the CO2 emissions of traffic are huge and we have to do something against that.

Sucks that it makes your hobby more difficult and expensive, but we can’t continue with the status quo.


many parking spaces actually got converted to charging stations. and when building new parts of the city they could’ve taken the demand for parking into account.

i agree that there are too many cars in the cities, but actively taking away parking isn’t how you solve that problem. that just makes people hate your political party.

solving problems like this requires an actual alternative that is as comfortable as a car to use. then people will willingly give up their cars because there is no need.


many parking spaces actually got converted to charging stations.

How many? We have 160milion parking spaces and 115.000 charging stations, which is 0.07%. Compare this to 2.9% electric Vehicles and think about if it’s really to many.

What is a solution that is as comfortable to use as a car? There is none. We also don’t have space in cities to add other modes of transportation as long as cars take up most of public space.

But we still need to change our car dominant society to a more climate friendly and space and resource efficient one. And this is only possible if we take away privileges cars enjoyed for the last decades and make driving less attractive than public transit and micromobility.

People are lazy and comfortable, they will never give up cars willingly.

@GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

I am an ultimate raider in FFXIV. I’ll wait hours for a party and people either fuck up and wipe or play way beyond their ability and wipe us. I just want totems or help people close to beating the fights. They are hard. I give them that. But it’s super frustrating when you just want people to know what they are doing.

@Xtallll@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Warhammer, we’re here to play with over priced miniatures, don’t be a Natzi.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

i keep up with the lore in a very small capacity, and im confused how they can eat the pasta so hard.


Ah, everyone’s favorite game: is this person playing Krieg IG because they like the aesthetic, or because they "like the aesthetic"?


I frequently lose in Overwatch 2, which is an outrage!


I have guns. I’m also super liberal. The amount of range patrons, employees or gun shops that talk unprompted about politics to me is disgusting. They just can’t understand there are liberal or left leaning gun owners.


I generally don’t get people like that. Starting a conversation with a stranger about polarizing topics like politics or religion is just high risk low benefit gamble.


Especially when you know for a fact said stranger is armed.


I prefer to start conversations at the range with “ya ever tried riding a dick while high?” It really kickstarts things.


Step 1: work less & join range Step 2: ask dudes about their preferred dildo manufacturers 2a. Wink wink, suggest tentacles


Rage stacking lol


Yup. Super off-putting. More than half of my local shops all have massive trump banners and associated ephemera along with some form of lib-bashing. Can’t be in that space for more than 5 minutes without hearing some fake news, racism, or mockery of some group. It’s really killing the sport for me. It never mattered when I first got into it, but the identity politics are destroying just enjoying a good day a the range.


It’s like they believe gun ownership is some kind of underground club that is impossible to be a part of unless your republican.

@solitaire@infosec.pub avatar

There is an often reposted study that shows people who are worse at video games are more likely to harass women. Though these are some issues with the study and it’s scope, this more or less matches my experience. However, this is usually transformed via a game of telephone into suggesting higher skilled players are less misogynistic.

I have played at the top level of multiple games over different genres and it is incredibly misogynistic up there. The key difference is most of the nerds up there are less likely express it so obviously and publicly. In a lot of cases this is purely about self-preservation, teams in competitive games will be collectively penalized so there is a degree of self-policing (nobody wants to have their team disqualified with all that money on the line) and in PvE games there is usually a great deal of time (and lets be real, often money) invested in an account people don’t want to lose.

It’s gotten a lot better since the “tits or gtfo” and “there are no women on the internet” days, but the last time I was in these circles was only during COVID and it was still wildly misogynistic behind closed doors.

@chamomile@furry.engineer avatar

@solitaire @erev Jesus, I had completely forgotten "tits or gtfo." Every now and then I get hit with a reminder of how much more pervasive that kind of thing was as little as 10-20 years ago and it throws me for a loop.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I’m really sorry to hear that. its atrocious to see how many people are comfortable just being terrible to people when they think no one is watching

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