What's a common occurrence in your hobby that you think shouldn't be?

For me it’s driving while under the influence. If you couldn’t tell, I like me some ganja. However I have long since held the belief that it is utterly insane to drive while under the influence of most substances, with maybe nicotine and caffeine being the exception. All too often I see other stoners smoking and driving, which I simply can’t fathom. I’ve only operated a vehicle once under the influence and it was just to move a U-Haul around the block to a different parking spot, which was such a scary experience while high that I refuse to even consider getting behind the wheel again while high.

setsneedtofeed, (edited )
@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

With airsoft, it has to be the fascination with using lasers. There’s no such thing as a totally eyesafe laser, just “less harmful ones” and I know that many of the ultra cheap lasers on places like aliexpress are totally lying about their ratings, using lower rating stickers on more powerful lasers. Which is a problem as it’s easier to make a brute force amped up laser when you want something bright to appeal to airsofters. The teens buying these lasers have no idea what laser ratings are in the first place anyway, they just buy whatever appeals to their Call Of Duty addled brains.

In addition to being inherently unsafe, which is full stop reason enough, lasers tend to be pretty useless especially in outdoor games. It is very annoying to be in the woods and randomly get swept by a lasers from somebody far away who doesn’t even know where I am. I have literally heard people explain that they find where the laser is pointed by looking for it with their magnified scope. Which is completely insane logic.

When the topic comes up, laser users claim that they never aim at peoples’ eyes. In a game, that’s a completely impossible promise to keep. Also some people do intentionally aim lasers at faces for an advantage, and since it’s impossible to avoid this whole mess, lasers should be banned entirely.

(And before anyone mentions the laserbox on my airsoft gun, it’s fake. It’s a hollow box where I keep the gun’s battery for easy access.)

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

This is a really interesting one i think for the reasons you pointed out above. There is very little safety oversight for this and these people genuinely have no clue how to actually use laser aiming systems. Not to mention that if you have a laser, it should be set up such that you don’t need to look for it (especially not with a scope that’s mounted parallel to the laser) because it’s to help your fine aim. Oh well, i was young and thought tacticool stuff was cool once too.

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of the tacticool is just dumb and awkward; that’s sort of just good fun LARPing nonsense. Some poor choices like not wearing mouth protection are flatly stupid, but at least it only punishes the person making the choice. My problem with lasers is that the person making the dumb choice isn’t affected, only people otherwise doing everything right.

I’ve actually asked a few fields about implementing no laser policies, but unfortunately owners seem apathetic about having to enforce it.

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

There are these amazing laser based aiming systems out there called “red” “dots”. They have the advantage of being better AND not flashing people in the eye.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar


tiefling, (edited )

I used to play on an outdoor field over a decade ago and still have a vivid memory of this one guy in particular. I distinctly remember that he had multicam EVERYTHING: full MC clothing, a MC helmet, even a MC wrapped Systema. But the cherry on top was a green laser that stayed on 100% of the time. You could see the fucker coming from a mile away.

He was also a douchenozzle

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

Airsoft runs on the honor system, and you’re relying on the honor of sometimes maladjusted teenagers with access to their parents’ credit cards. (Not all teens, and sometimes the older players are problems, but to be real 8 out of 10 times, it’s a “that guy” teen causing problems.)

With my 3-power optic I get to see great views of BBs just bouncing off people who are invincible to them.


Racism. I play pickup soccer.


Racism, I play video games.


Artists who have to act “out there” because they are an ‘artist’ and seem to be way too intense and anbnoxious about it. Some even abuse others and defend themselves as an artist as if it’s necessary. It is so bullshit and unnecessary.

I know plenty of artists of varying techniques whom you wouldn’t know they are artists until you see their work because they don’t act out.


I used to be into weed, so ended up having a bunch of stoner ‘friends.’ They’re really shockingly obnoxious people in general (with exceptions of course) for a group who mostly claimed to be into peace etc. As long as they could be stoned 24/7 they were tolerable, but ask them to do anything and be sober… What a bunch of dicks

Its not just artists


Not wearing helmets has always been the norm for skateboarders… a shame too because even the well experienced are susceptible to the occasional concussion. All it takes is one bad landing and your skateboarding days are over. Wear a helmet people, set a good example for the younger generations.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

this always bothered me. i remember when i had an ex who was learning to skateboard and i had to beg her to wear a helmet


So that’s partly why all the kids shows I watched that had characters riding skateboards, put so much focus on the safety equipment.

If the character went somewhere by bike they just go on the bike with no real focus on that part, but if they used a skateboard. You get this whole montage of all the safety equipment being put on, and statements like “safety first” and “always be safe”


I was filming an amateur skateboard competition, and the only people wearing helmets were the professional skaters (I don’t know who they were, but it was apparently a big deal they were there) who were doing an exhibition before the finals.


Gear Acquisition Syndrome is most common problem in most of the hobbies I have had. Folks need to calm down and work with what they have before diving further down the rabbit hole.

Regarding your driving under the influence thing, I am amazed I didn’t die or kill someone when driving all over the USA while on LSD after Grateful Dead shows back in the 80’s and 90’s.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

thank you for having the hindsight to realize that that was probably a mistake to do. plenty of people here have been defending driving under the influence


Oh yeah, it was completely nuts. More than a few poor choices back then. Now I won’t drive after more than one beer.


GAS is absolutely something I’ve done. Is it a problem? Depends on perspective. Sometimes the nicer equipment makes the hobby so much more enjoyable at the early stages that I’m more likely to stick with it. Sometimes I spent a lot more money than was required because there’s a lot of gatekeeping in hobbyist circles. How many times have you heard arguments like “the Manoblaster XYZ 22.9 is trash and if you’re serious, you really should look at the Ploydester 7, it’s got 9 more omicron settings and it really hits the low tags like nothing else can.”


It also trickles down for cheap to a real enthusiast if you don’t fall in love. Win win

@Bruncvik@lemmy.world avatar

I paint and draw, purely as a hobby. You wouldn’t believe the amount of crap some people have. Brushes they use only once in a lifetime, for one specific element. Special colours they also get to use only once. Pencils they don’t even open. Get a basic set, familiarise yourself with it, stretch it to the full extent of its capabilities (that’s mastery), and then upgrade to a higher quality version of what you have. No single-use novelty tools and materials.


Throwing a disc into the first available tree, and/or the only tree in the fairway.


It’s part of the game man. We often concentrate on not hitting the tree, but that means we focus on the tree.

Just like when we drive a car, we naturally go where we look.

When you drive a disc, look where you want it to go.


Target fixation.


This is totally not a problem for me, I was mostly thinking of others. All my drives are in circle 1 /s


As a hobby welder i have to say its ignoring basic safety for the sake of speed like not having a proper lens to shield your eyes or long sleeves and gloves to keep spatter and slag from cooking you. Even with all that its a dangerous activity but you can extend your ability to do it by protecting yourself

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

wdym all you need are your safety squints duh


When youve lived in the Dark Side as long as i have you learn to keep the flashes to a minimum so as not to prematurely blind yourself

@p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world avatar

I think the amount of people who just shit on you for an opinion or theory they disagree with that you have for a game is too damn high.


Duh! That’s because your opinion is wrong! Yes the creator of the game said xyz isn’t cannon, but what do they know? They’re just as dumb as you!


@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

Mine is music. And the common occurrence is the myths. Just sooooo many myths, from tonewoods, to signal chains, to techniques… if you’re into recording in any way typically you have the tools actually in-hand to test these myths and 99% dont. They then get rather angry at those that have and adjusted their outlook.


Jim Lill sees your comment and he frickn LOVES it!

@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

Only discovered him last year. I know Fricker was more open to these tests, though he can grate I know.

helpImTrappedOnline, (edited )

What you mean I dont need a $400 XLR that has

advanced geometry, solid Perfect-Surface Copper+, Hard-Cell Foam insulation, Triple Balanced geometry, and a Carbon-Based 3-Layer Noise-Dissipation System (NDS)??

Those big fancy words sound super important. It’s even got special features such as a disconnected ground

Whereas almost every other “balanced” cable uses its shield as the ground reference, AQ Triple-Balanced cables use a separate dedicated shield that is only connected on one end.

God this is so bad, I don’t even want to link it, but here you goDid I mentioned the Hard-Cell Foam (HCF) Insulation?

noteClick just the h for the actual link. Good luck :p

@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

I LOVE a good rickroll! 🤣

I have van damme cables that cost me a fortune back in the day, still going strong but nowhere near 400 notes


Glad you enjoyed it.

The Van Damme cables seem less of a scam to me. Instead of specifications from fantacy land, they seem to have put some effort into actully making a better cable.

If nothing else, however rediculous “silver plated oxygen free copper” sounds to me for an audio cable, it is a lot better than “carban based noise dissapation layer”.

I am curious, in what situation would you decide to buy something like a Van Damme over a regular name brand well made cable.

@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

Basically two things at the time. One was the solder on the jack kept coming off on the cheaper cables at the time, so I’d lose signal. The second is I’m a clumsy git and would sometimes snag a cable popping it free from the device it was connected to. Keep tredding on cables and they dont like it, but the van dammes took it waay better.


I took an audio focused CS course in university and for my main project, I evaluated, among other things, the sound quality of various cables and a distortion pedal I had. None of the cables made a noticeable difference, same thing with the pass through mode on the pedal. I didn’t set up a crazy long daisy chain to find out if they eventually did make a difference, but I bet even then it wouldn’t be a big deal.

And for digital, it’s even less so because you need a lot of error before you start mixing up 0s and 1s.

@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve, in my own limited ability, looked at 50m of guitar cable verses 3 and seen a drop off in higher frequencies. Basically lost the “sparkle”. Might depend on the cable and other factors though. You put a sine sweep through the signal chain to test it


It’s been a while so I don’t remember the specifics exactly, but I believe I used a square wave because it’s easier to see frequency dropoff. The more that gets dropped (at least at the high end), the rounder looking a wave you’ll end up seeing.

@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

Now I’m wondering what happens if I use a square sweep to generate an IR on a guitar cab… 🤔


I don’t know if it needs to be a sweep, even. A square wave technically includes all frequencies to create that instant rise and hold because a freq high enough to rise that fast will also drop immediately after so a slightly lower frequency is needed to cancel that out, which then needs a lower one to cancel it out and so on. So you can see right away just by looking how well the square shape is maintained if all of the frequencies are making it through. If the corners look more rounded, then high frequencies are being lost. If the flat part looks bulgy, low frequencies are being lost. If the flat part looks squiggly, mid-range frequencies are being lost.

Though it is more of a rough brute force approach and a sin wave sweep will give a better idea of specific frequency response.

And I should correct what I said earlier, it wasn’t that none of the cables were dropping anything, but that they all looked similar in what they were dropping and there wasn’t much of a difference between a 10cm patch cable, a $2 3m cable, or a $30 3m cable.

@The_Tired_Horizon@lemmy.world avatar

If I ever get the space to set it up I might try it all out. I managed to get an IR out of the noise someone’s guitar pedal made on a record.


I like to play Magic the Gathering. I also won’t play with randos at local game shops because more often than not they’re socially awkward, outright rude and act like 30 year old children if a game doesn’t go how they want, or they fucking reek. You can find actual normal people who play the game, but the amount of fucking weirdos way outnumbers then, to the point where going to events is not an option for me anymore.


I once had a date at local gaming store that had a bunch of Magic players. Greatest idea ever.


That sounds horrifying

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I used to play Magic and D&D. Lots of overlap there but the D&D groups are hit or miss if you get some weird people but generally everyone is chill and just wants to not die and have fun.

Magic gets crazy competitive and I can’t stand walking by some people. While a lot of D&D players I’ve met are heavily overweight in a lot of the same ways Magic players are, it seems they’re much more socially and self aware. The people at my table also were well groomed so while after 4 hours of sitting and playing while eating chips and soda there may be a bit of funk, it never really reeked.


Yeah DnD isn’t really competitive, everyone there is there to cultivate the most fun situation they can.

Although I feel like if you get into groups where they’re trying to lean to hard into the role playing aspect of the game you can meet some real fucking weirdos.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed, but it depends on how they roleplay. As a DM i was very roleplay heavy and did voices for characters and tried to set the scene, but it was always lighthearted and fun. Like kobolds for instance, they always have a nasally voice and heavy lisp. I’m lucky that my groups were usually really into roleplay as well, and it was great. Some weird stuff happens ofc but it’s all in the context of the game. Like when we were playing Tomb of Annihilation (i didn’t DM), one of the players ended up in a relationship with one of those cat people because he was one of the turtle people and it was really really funny.

JustZ, (edited )

For a second I was like damn this dude is talking about not smoking and driving because it made him too careful of a driver and you’re driving around playing turn-based strategic card games with your friends. But then I remembered this thread wasn’t about negligent driving.


Yeah no, I don’t fault you though because this post was worded weird. Most people don’t consider smoking weed as a hobby. As fun as getting fucked up is, I’d argue that you can’t label that as your hobby.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

when you spend as much time getting stoned as I do and with as much care (I consider rolling joints and artform) as I do then yeah it is a hobby


This. I won’t play at my lgs because of this, and because I want to play, not be locked out of the game by your broke ass tier 0 $2000 deck.

Also, I don’t buy magic cards anymore because fuck WotC. I will keep and play with my existing cards with my friends. I won’t willingly give WotC another penny.


There’s ways to make some pretty convincing proxies. They say you can’t pirate magic cards, to which I respond yarr


I’m trying to get my play group to talk about proxies. I’d love to get a decent color laser printer and some card stock so we could all play some cards we could never afford, but they’re not into it. I don’t push it, I just mention it once in awhile when it’s t comes up naturally. In the end, idgaf. I’d just love to make some dumb ass commander decks by proxy.


I never understood the anti proxy mentality at just your buddies house. “Everyone spending a ton of money is part of the fun!” No, it’s not, and it makes you bad with money, and it’s incredibly controlling to demand that your friends also be bad with money because you are.


Me either. I mean, it’s only going to amp up the fun. None of us are ever gonna be able to afford a Black Lotus, but it sure as hell would be fun to proxy it.

And I made it clear I’m all for setting guidelines up for our proxying, so if they want to say, not allow the power nine, then fine. There’s still a fuckton of cards I’d love to play with that I’ll never buy.

Oh well.

@jecht360@lemmy.world avatar

There are two reasons why I refuse to play MTG now: Wizards of the Coast is shitty and the experience of playing at my local game store.


I make content for VRChat. The amount of people that do not do the bare MINIMUM to optimize their avatars/worlds makes me sick. And when you try to give them advice (I really do try to word it nicely) they hit you with the “i don’t care lol”.

I learned finally to just ignore them and make better stuff then they could ever hope to, cause I actually put in effort.


Started to get into this, and the tutorials are always saying to be mindful of the limits and optimise your stuff. I always had a feeling that there’s no way that everything I’ve seen fits in those limits, but hearing that most people don’t even try is saddening.


VRChat has this bizzare culture where people just refuse to watch tutorials. A lot of them can only learn anything if some unfortunate soul guides them through it step by step. Most of the time they’ll learn the absolute bare minimum, then never learn anything else. It’s so weird and I’ve spent years trying to understand it.


Depends on the type of model it is, a lot of the time. Anime egirl/eboy-styled avatars tend to be some of the worst offenders (often kitbashers who don’t know any better), while furry avatars tend to be really well optimized most of the time.

If you aim for medium, that’s generally sufficient.


Oh, I got one! The hobby is browsing advice subs. The fucked up practice is just how common and easy it is for some people to tell a complete fucking stranger to end a relationship. People are disgusting. I remember way back when Reddit told me to leave my now-wife of ten years because she had the unforgivable condition of… depression 💀 and I still see this shit every single day. OP reported some choice words? Break up. OP isn’t sure? Break up. OP loves them but their partner blah blah blah? Break up. Every valley too low, every mountain too high, no relationship can work out to a Redditor. The fucking gall of these people to constantly be telling complete strangers to make a major life altering decision, and how flippantly they do it… it just pisses me off. They don’t know a damn thing about “red flags”.


The thing I got tired of seeing was people acting like someone going to an advice sub meant they had to take what advice was given like it was some choose your own adventure story for the people replying. Some would even get enraged that OP would push back against things said or would treat it as a chance to play Sherlock and figure out that OP is the sinister bad guy in the story and half of it is lies. And sure, maybe that’s sometimes the case, but if you stop going from OP’s account, you’re just making up a fan fiction.

My advice for anyone reading this: don’t blindly follow advice. Just treat it as a chance to gain new perspectives you might otherwise have missed and then use your own brain and first-hand knowledge of your situation plus the other perspectives to decide what you want to do. Even wrong decisions aren’t always wrong if you needed to live through the experience of making that wrong decision to learn why it’s wrong and know to avoid it in the future.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I feel that. I had posted about my relationship a few months ago and while the correct thing to do was break it off, we weren’t completely at that point yet which is why I had posted to ask.

Luckily i did get a lot of great advice, some of it being breakup but with a lot more nuance


Pillow shading and what I refer to as “dull shading” where a person just exclusively uses pure black to shade. The former can look good in certain situations but otherwise looks a bit odd, the latter can make a picture look dirty if they’re otherwise using bright colors.


Smoking weed is a hobby?


So says the addicts.

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

It can be


A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment … Participation in hobbies encourages acquiring substantial skills and knowledge in that area.

Source: Wikipedia

Now can you explain to me how smoking weed gives you substantial skills or knowledge?


Smoking weed gave me the skill of letting shit go. You should try it.


It gives you substantial skills and knowledge specifically regarding cannabis consumption.

If enjoying wine can be a hobby (wine connoisseur) then so can enjoying cannabis.


enjoying wine can be a hobby (wine connoisseur)

Just because alcoholics attempt to justify the fact that they want to get drunk whenever they want to by “tasting” wine doesn’t make it a hobby. It just makes it sad.


My god, you are just unbearable.

Sorry that OPs hobby doesn’t fit your blinkered view of what a hobby is. Amazingly, you are just one person in almost 8 billion, and it’s completely plausible that you might just be wrong here.

Wind your neck in and go smoke a joint. You clearly need one.


Potheads and vegans.

Two groups of people made for eachother, since they cant stop being holier than thou to everyone else and cant shut up about their choices.


For the record, I dont smoke pot, and im nkt a vegan.

Regardless, no one is pretending to be better than you.

I hope you see the irony of what you just said.

“I’m better than potheads and vegans because they just go round thinking they are better than everyone”


Ah, the classic “I’m not gonna reply to what you say, I’m gonna reply to what I imagined you said” response.

boringly commonplace on lemmy.


Sorry if I misunderstood. Can you clarify what you meant?

It reads like you are saying potheads and vegans think they are better than everyone and dont shut up about it.

Or has the definition of “holier than thou” changed?


Well thankfully your consent on the subject isn’t required. They’re both hobbies whether you like it or not.

@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

how do you hold on to that massively broad brush you use ?


Please try some of my brownies and tell me about substantial skill


Now are you smoking your brownies or did you not read how we were specifically talking about smoking weed?


I offer you brownies and ask you to tell me what a substantial skill is and you insult me? Why? Reads like you might be bad company.

I thought ‘smoking weed’ to be an obvious pars pro toto for ‘consuming marihuana’ so if we want to return to the original topic: smoking weed for a long time gives you substantial knowledge about smoking weed. When to do it, what to mix, how to roll a blunt, operate a bong or vaporiser, just how to roll a spliff in your hand on a windy beach or how to decarboxylate your shot properly. Now are these ubiquitously useful skill? Not really. Are they very useful in terms of getting very high? Absolutely.

I find the original question to be kind of silly. Of course smoking weed can be a hobby. If whisky is a hobby, weed is, too.


“in that area”

@erev@lemmy.world avatar

I am a psychonaut. I am someone who explores myself and the world around me through the use of perception altering drugs in order to give me perspectives I wouldn’t be able to achieve otherwise. Cannabis is one of those drugs and has genuinely helped me in treating my depression and anxiety, as well as connecting with other people. Additionally, it has given me a lot of cannabis related skills and knowledge which helps a lot when you live in a legal city where the weed is often stronger than a lot of people can handle. Through the use of weed I have helped many friends and myself discover things about themselves and their situations that would be difficult otherwise. I’ve made great friends and lost important relationships because of drugs, but yes it is a hobby even if you do not consider it one.

@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

Gatekeeping and acting like you’re smarter than everyone else… General neckbeard behavior. Linux/Computers in general can be a great hobby if you can get past the “RTFM, yoUr stUPiD fOR asKing” people.


I work with Linux and computers professionally. Documentation is written but almost nobody reads it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve bailed out colleagues stuck on a problem by spending a few hours reading the docs and then like magic some parameter in the API solves everything. I’ve been bailed out countless times in the same way. Software and computers are complex and even those who do RTFM miss things, because documentation is information dense, often written as an afterthought to the code, and APIs are not always even internally consistent with the documentation.

But the toxicity culture around that needs to go. I love it when people geek out over distro-hopping and whatnot, but superiority complexes over what distro you use (“Arch, btw I’m so much better than you”) is fucking stupid.


I work in gamedev and its really baffling how rare is for someone to read the docs. I’ve already solved so many issues by just reading through the related docs and discovering a feature that does exactly the thing we’ve been trying to solve with a workaround, or had a overcomplicated process for doing, while it could have been a single function/API call.

Read the docs people! You probably have a lot of downtime while waiting for stuff to build/compile, and just rabdomly (or systematically) scrolling through the reference or docs of the library/tool your working with, even when not looking for something specific, may save you a lot of time in the long run. Knowing what are your tools capable off is well worth the effort.

@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

Imo, a lot of linux documentation and documentation in general is written in a way that assumes you know what it’s talking about… When it’s the documentation’s job to teach you about said things…


This has been my struggle. I read the documentation before posting to linux groups. And even saying that you just get “wHaT r U sToOpId!? rTfM aGaIn!” Like just rereading it will magically reveal terms that I didn’t understand the first 3 times. I gave up on trying to switch to linux.

I think my last straw was I was talking about establishing an SFTP server in OpenBSD (I know, unix not linux, don’t bother; same kinds of people in both) and I had a typo in my question and it was a very benign unimportant typo and some pedantic fuckwad had a mental fucking breakdown because he was now confused if I really wanted SFTP or FTP and how FTP was insecure blah blah…the whole thread was about setting up SFTP wtf would you think that changed in the middle because I forgot the S on SFTP in the middle of a discussion on setting up SFTP. Too many pedantics in the community and even when I like software I don’t want to be associated/involved with that level of unempathetic autistic assholery.

@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, those are the exact kind of people I’m referring to. They are annoying, however not “I hate this hobby now, fck it all” annoying, to me anyways. And Idk if it’s just me, but I’ve encountered less of them here on lemmy than on smth like reddit, even when I’ve asked stupid questions.

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