
When is it appropriate for climate protests to turn into climate violence? When is it appropriate for a victim to fight back? Or must we allow billionaires and conservatives to kill us all?


These protests have no connection to the issue. I honestly think many of them are paid by oil companies to make the environmental movement look bad.


Stopping personal traffic by blocking cars and being “annoying” in places that often are lit for no reason through entire nights are both protests very close to the issue.


Very interesting! I hadn’t thought of that.


Doesn't matter if it's appropriate. It's not actually feasible right now.


When will it get feasible? Things will just keep getting worse and by the time people decide to fight back it will be too late


Answered your own question.

Deceptichum avatar

I think it’s feasible anytime anyone does it.

Probably achieve a bit of a copy cat effect as well.


Sure it is. Go get em, tiger.



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  • Aesthesiaphilia,

    Sounds more like he never actually accomplished anything except some prison time



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  • Aesthesiaphilia,

    Can't incite a revolution (lol) by staying under the radar.

    Like I said, it's not feasible. It's a pipe dream. Grow up and start doing the hard, boring, effective work.

    ProdigalFrog, (edited )


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  • Aesthesiaphilia,

    The hard, boring, effective work is thankfully already being done

    ...no, it's not. Not enough of it.

    Stop being performative and go volunteer to coordinate a voter drive.


    make it more expensive for them to continue,

    This requires choosing better targets for the protests.

    People in this thread are arguing that any kind of violence or inconvenience automatically helps the cause. But no. We’re just inconveniencing each other and distracting each other from… environmental issues.

    The only reason to take part in protests that don’t target polluters is to look cool for your friends.


    Victims? They are the reason behind the climate change!

    Burn_The_Right, (edited )

    Um. What?

    The victims of climate change are the normal people who are prevented from doing anything to stop it.

    Conservatives have worked hard for decades to make sure normal people are not able to curtail climate change in any way. There is a clear villain in the story of how we are being killed. It is conservatives.


    Wut? Enough with conspiracy theories already!

    @orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

    TIL reality is a conspiracy.


    Thought you people love conspiracy theories


    K. Now, run along back to Truth Social! The cafeteria lady is about to scrape the skin off the pudding!


    I hope for your sake that you don’t live near the sea, or anywhere with many trees…

    Uranium3006 avatar

    to answer your questions:

    1. now
    2. now
    3. no
    wrath-sedan avatar

    I’m annoyed by over critical analysis of nonviolent protest tactics, rather than substantive conversation about why they’re protesting in the first place.


    I doubt it helps when they do shit that gets everyone hating on them


    Not at all, we are getting desperate out here. Our margins for actions to lessen, stop and revert climate change are getting smaller by the minute. So we need to be very annoying.


    For anyone annoyed by climate activists: wake the hell up. LISTEN to the message.

    We are on course for an UNLIVABLE FUTURE. A BILLION climate refugees, mass crop failures, cities under water, temperatures too hot for human survival. Economic and societal collapse.

    These disruptions damage nothing and inconvenience a small amount of people for 5-30 minutes. It’s not a big deal. In a world of reactionary social media and news, these are the tactics that get attention. It is not the activist’s fault for how the media reports it.

    This is not “their cause”. This is the fight for everything we know and love.

    If you don’t like what they’re doing, start doing what you think works.


    You won’t get anyone not already convinced to listen to your message if the people are hung up on hating what you’re doing and thinking you’re a moron.

    It just seems like a bad way to reach or convince anyone.


    Not really true, the evidence shows the popularity of the group may go down but concern over the issue goes up.

    Tell us a better way that hasn’t already been tried, one that’s proportional to the urgency. Genuinely open to ideas.

    The suffragettes were more than annoying, they blew stuff up and burnt down buildings and they were effective.


    I would be interested in this evidence. I don’t think there’s been a whole lot of time to study these more ideotic hand glue and ruining paintings stunts but at least short term effects should be something that can be studied.

    riodoro1, (edited )

    bUt We jUsT wANT to WaTcH tENniS

    You’ll get your fucking tennis when we start killing each other for food. Human brains are incapable of comprehending what we are continuing to do to our future. Its so fucking frustrating seeing this society being completely oblivious to the tortures we could’ve avoided by relatively small changes 60 years ago and which we still can lessen by doing something now.

    buT iM GoNna gEt a TeSla fOr my NeXt Car


    They should be less annoying to the common people. They should target people in power, glue themselves on the road to the house of parlement for example, not prevent common people from going to work or vandalize art work.

    It makes them look like idiots who have no clue.


    This is too simple of a view. There are few, if any, effective ways to strike at people in power without hitting common folk at the same time. Maybe you can mildly inconvenience them, but that’s it. Their power isn’t isolated, it often derives from the complicity of common folk. Protests are disruptive for a reason, and it’s not because “everybody involved is stupid.”

    For example, by blocking streets you inhibit commerce, and therefore inhibit anybody whose power derives from that commerce. But at the same time, you’re blocking the average person from going to work. How great must the threat be, how dire the circumstances, before you view that as an acceptable trade-off? Because if we are not at that point now, I find it hard to believe you’d ever find it acceptable, yet I’ve never been given an actionable and effective alternative from the people who are squeamish over these kinds of protests. So I have to ask; if not this, then what? If not now, then when?


    I’ve never been given an actionable and effective alternative from the people who are squeamish over these kinds of protests. So I have to ask; if not this, then what? If not now, then when?

    Infiltrate the political parties, especially the conservative right-wing ones that right now have disastrous environmental policies. These organisations are currently echo chambers driving a narrative that environmental policies are the enemy. They need to be reformed from within to get the message across that capitalism won’t work if there isn’t anyone around for the wealthy to sell their shit to. As long as political change is confined to what is seen as the “radical left”, it is easy to marginalize the moment.


    I think the idea is to wake up normal people. If protesters only annoy the rich then nothing changes because it’s easy for the rich to ignore a couple of protesters.

    If you annoy regular people then hopefully more people wake up. It’s a lot harder to ignore regular people especially if a lot wake up.

    We need everyone in this world to be pissed off, not just a few activists. The sooner everyone is pissed the less leverage rich people have to ignore it all.


    Also, publicity is a big factor. You pretty much guarantee some degree of media coverage when you do something like shut down a busy highway. I don’t think people consider often enough how important even negative press is in spreading the message.


    Their actions make me hate them, not sympathize with their cause.


    Then you never liked them to begin with and you were never going to sympathize with them anyways. If doing a completely harmless form of civil disobedience causes you to lose your marbles then you’re not interested in fixing anything to begin with.

    Colin Kaepernick literally just kneeled before games, that’s it, that’s literally all he did , and still people lost their marbles, but the people losing their marbles were Trump voters who never cared about BlackLivesMatter to begin with

    This same thing happened during the Civil Rights Era and it’s happened in other countries too

    Uranium3006 avatar

    we don't owe terrible people anything. we shouldn't care what they think and focus on defeating them and changing the world without their permission, which we don't need and shouldn't be worried about obtaining.


    And he started kneeling after a military veteran told him that would be a respectable form of protest. Literally can’t win.

    @circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I get the point of the question, but frankly, I think climate protestors can do whatever they want as long as Big Oil can do whatever it wants. It’s way more annoying having my planet ruined.


    even seemingly meaningless protests like the soup thing are somewhat effective. it gets people talking about the protests, which increases the number of people that will see it and protest in more effective ways.


    The problem I have with groups doing things like the throwing soup in a painting thing or other annoying activities is how can we be sure these people weren’t paid to make the cause look bad? It wouldn’t be the first or last time something like that happens where someone will be paid to make a cause look bad.


    The painting was protected by a plexiglass cover. The painting thing caused zero property damage and did good by reigniting the conversation.


    This is exactly what comes to mind. It’s incoherent and will never help the issue.


    Judging by the foolishness of unfocused anger I see on reddit, tumblr, twitter, etc... I think it's very likely they're just incredibly stupid but well meaning people.

    See also: "vote 3rd party", "oh you eat meat you must like torturing animals", "we should literally ban all cars" etc


    We should literally ban all cars.


    Here we go

    @Gloomy@mander.xyz avatar

    And eating meat is literally torturing and killing animals.


    And I live in an instant runoff country where you can vote third party without sacrificing your interests. I voted socialist last election

    1. No, you shouldn’t vote third party in America, or any country with a first-past-the-post system captured by a duopoly, because it flies in the face of the reality of game theory. Tactical voting is real, no matter how upset the idea makes people. Yes, this even includes deep-red and deep-blue states, or whatever your country’s equivalent is.
    2. Yes, choosing to eat meat when you have alternatives means you place your convenience and consumption above the death of sentient and pain-feeling creatures. I think it’s bad to cause harm when you have the option to not, even if it benefits you in some way.
    3. Yes, we should literally ban all fossil fuels, and restructure all cities such that the public transportation is more than enough for everyone. That this is even a matter of question is ludicrous.

    If and when protests turn violent because people are desperate and there’s nothing else left you’ll realise how innocuous these types of protests are. They hurt nobody, disrupt people for a very short time and get the message out there.

    This idea that it’s funded by big oil is just ridiculous. I am in activism and I know people from JSO, they are some of the kindest and caring people you could meet. They understand the urgency of the crisis and are willing to their bodies and freedom on the line to get the message out. Being popular is not their goal, they get people talking and that is undeniable.


    @raginghummus @AceFuzzLord @climate

    Good job that being popular isn't their primary goal because they won't be fairly treated by the popular press (where many folk get their opinions from)


    boobless activists


    No, but they should be coherent and meaningful. These fools (or possibly goons for oil companies) who attack paintings are only making environmentalism look utterly stupid. They are openly mocked by everybody because they’re lashing out incoherently.

    They’re actively working against environmentalism. I really think they’re bad, selfish, narcissistic, and stupid people. They don’t care about the environment.

    There is absolutely no reason to think their ridiculous behavior could possibly help the environment.


    Read some books about how to do politics strategically and you’ll see why they do this

    Your anger works in their favor




    When you vaguely tell somebody to read more it’s because you have no actual argument.

    There is no connection to environmental issues. They are doing this to look cool to their friends.


    They are doing it because it gets people talking and thinking about climate collapse, and that leads to solutions.


    No, it gets people talking about people who glue themselves to paintings. And that’s as far as the conversation goes because it has no connection whatsoever to environmental issues. It’s pure uncut narcissism.


    Hey, no slurs.


    I didn’t use a slur. Come back when you have something to contribute.


    This has nothing to do with mental illness, don’t use that word like that


    Come back when you have something substantial to contribute.


    Well, if you want a suggestion: “Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal” by Rodrigo Nunes

    I’m just tired of repeating the same stuff all over the web, I also wrote an article in Italian about it 😄


    If you can't summarize your point, don't even bring it up.


    I can, I don’t want to do it cause inevitably it would open up to questions that in a non summary would be already answered.

    If you want to know more about complex topics don’t expect to learn them by reading hot takes on the internet.


    If your entire thesis can be summarized by "hot take" then that tells me everything I need to know.


    Well, if you want a suggestion: “Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal” by Rodrigo Nunes

    You haven’t earned my trust enough to suggest a book. I consider these strategies to be worse than ineffectual. I consider them counterproductive. And you haven’t described how they could be productive.

    I’m just tired of repeating the same stuff all over the web

    I guess sharing your knowledge is just too much work. The environment just isn’t worth explaining things to people who are clearly making good faith conversation with you.

    ex_06, (edited )

    good faith conversation with you

    Didn’t seem like it ^^

    The environment just isn’t worth explaining things to people

    Nah. It’s about a more effective use of the time to actually change the world. If you want answers, you got history and that book to read. There is no point in convincing you because, as I said, your anger works in favor of them.

    And before someone adds the “but you are still answering” argument, well I’m answering when I have 2 minutes to write this stuff that is not as high effort as a clear explanation that would still open up to more and more and more questions :)


    Didn’t seem like it

    Of course it does. I’ve been thoughtful and engaged on every point. Solving the climate crisis is important, I’ve been breathing in our burning-down forests all summer. And it’s a difficult problem because the machinery of society is a very difficult thing to steer in new directions. I’m engaging critically with your bad ideas, and you choose to interpret that as bad faith because you care more about your ideas than you do about the climate crisis.

    If you want answers, you got history and that book to read.

    If this were true then you would already have explained the relevant points. And you still have the opportunity. Because I’m being good faith enough to ignore your bratty dismissals and to try again to get an actual response from you other than “There is no point in convincing you”


    I’ll try to sum it up in a pointed list.

    • agitate, educate and organize
    • as we know, not enough people are agitated and so all the past “educate” made by scientists has been pretty much useless
    • we need to raise the tension then
    • to raise the tension in a system where power lies in the hands of those that don’t want the tension, you need to force it
    • to force it without power, you have very little range of options
    • these actions are discussed a lot also out of the conscious-about-climate-people bubble
    • so it’s basically stealing time and cognitive energy from the shit media to this shit actions
    • the models of the past that worked better are the one for the workers rights and the one for the black people civil rights
    • in both cases, there was a whole ecology of actions: violent protests, disobedience, non violent marches, super far left parties, more moderate parties and so on.
    • they are a functional part of our ecology that is forcing the media to ring some bells

    Here in Italy, they recently received a meeting with the climate minister, for example. No association could have that.

    An impactful and radical change requires a whole ecology of movements with different strategies and tactics. Unless you have power in the system you are trying to change, obv.


    This is an actual response, thanks.

    What I’m seeing is a minister met with Greta Thurnberg. She’s a celebrity who gives talks on actual environmental issues. This is effective because it’s explicitly about the environment.

    I’m not aware of situations where people inconveniencing each other (but NOT inconveniencing power) led to meaningful change. Civil rights activists inconvenienced power, not each other.


    Are you sure that black panthers or red brigades inconvenienced only those in power? Btw I was not talking about Greta Thunberg but Ultima Generazione, the Italian chapter of Just Stop Oil. Yes, the ones that put cleanable paint over stuff or block the roads


    Blocking roads is related to the climate crisis. This makes perfect sense.


    Hey, don’t use slurs to make your point


    Go away.


    Don’t pretend somebody is using slurs when they aren’t.


    Throwing around the name of a mental disability as an insult is a slur. You don’t call people narcisstists because you don’t attack people for supposed mental disability.


    Good lord lol


    Yes, all us Lambs must march quietly and obediently to the slaughter.

    punkisundead, (edited )

    I support most (maybe even all) climate protests, violent and nonviolent ones.

    I still think that it might be good to shift or expand(edit) tactics, because at least to me most tactics do not feel to be actually achieving any substantial goals while putting folks at high risk of injury and repression. Like yeah there is discourse, polarization and mobilization, but those are not actually the things that will mitigate climate change, reducing carbon emissions etc. will. This is my perspective from Germany so of course elsewhere things might be different.

    Are there any success stories from other countries (or Germany) that show that currently dominant climate protest tactics(non violence, blocking roads, public stunts, glue everywhere, social media all the time) leading to actual changes getting implemented from public institutions, legislation or the private sector or changes in the behaviors of large parts of the population?___


    Well not about climate, but if you take at the Stop de Kindermoord movement, that happened in the 1970s in the Netherlands, you can find some similarities: ejatlas.org/…/stop-de-kindermoord-stop-the-child-…Blocking streets was one of their protest forms, too. And now take a look at the Dutch cities - it’s a pain to drive a car, while walking and cycling are far superior modes of transportation, while there is real life happening. And that’s not even only true for Amsterdam, but also for relatively small cities like Groningen


    Blocking streets is directly connected to the issue. It’s a sensible protest.

    Gluing yourself to paintings just makes environmentalists look like idiots. It’s doing a disservice to actual environmentalists who protest the companies causing the problems.


    Well it’s not like cars (and especially the recent developments in terms of size and number) are not part of the climate issue… Afaik they dodged the paintings some time ago, haven’t they? Last things I heard from their protest forms were blocked airports, streets and gulf clubs - all are related to the climate


    If they dodged the paintings then good. Blocking airports and roads is totally related to the climate crisis. When they block roads they’re making a coherent point.

    ArugulaZ avatar

    I'd say climate destroyers should be less destructive.

    Of course they're whiny; they're literally begging for their lives. What would people prefer instead, Ted Turner to run around in tight spandex, throwing people out of windows and screaming "Captain Planeeeet!?"


    There’s only one solution for earth’s pollution www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_VYFyVaFOw

    @Rozauhtuno@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    And with “less annoying”, of course they mean “powerless”.

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