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VoxAdActa, (edited ) in Thank You Everyone For Rejecting The Fascists/Bigots At The Door
VoxAdActa avatar

The biggest difference I've experienced between the fediverse and Reddit is how infrequently I come across outright bigotry in the comments. I didn't expect that, and I certainly didn't expect that to feel as refreshing as it did. I had gotten to the point where I was just numb to the racism, misogyny, homo/transphobia, etc. Not having to put up with it to nearly the same degree in my first few weeks over here was amazing.

Now that I've (a) seen that a community can exist with a minimum of people calling me slurs, and (b) realized how much those comments were actually affecting me (I'm not so tough after all), I am very aggressive about protecting this space while it's still possible to stem the tide.

I suspect a lot of other Reddit migrants feel something similar. We've been forced to put up with these chuds for years, to the point where we've just started treating them as an inevitable, natural forces, like shitty weather or beach seagulls. Over the last four years, particularly, we've very clearly seen the result of allowing these fuckfaces to take root and grow their communities. Now that we have a chance to make something different, a place where that doesn't happen, we're (pretty collectively) jumping at the chance to actually fight against them. Trying to fight them on Reddit was like trying to fight a snowstorm, or fire ants, or the just the fucking tide. Here? There's a chance.

Edit: Another great thing about this place is I can see everyone who downvotes comments like "I'm glad I don't have to just suck up and deal with being called a f*g twice a day", go through their activity, and see if I want to just block them preemptively.


The unilateral rejection of right wing antics gives me hope for humanity. Not just that lemmy admins are willing to take a stand... but that the entire community here is downvoting them and not letting them thrive anywhere.

When I joined a week ago, the founder of c/conservative had already been run out of his own community and created c/conservativesonly... which he was subsequently run out of a second time and forced to make a new account to mod it.

In a weird way... lemmy might be the proof of concept we needed that democracy can beat fascism.


Serious question: How do you get run out of a community you founded?


To be fair I prefer not to conflate any and all fascism or conservatism with either of the other.

At the end of the day, everybody deserves space and a voice, whether they call themselves left or right wingers, what's important is whether they want that space to become a hate filled echo chamber is on them.


That's fair... But also to be fair we're not talking about conservatism. We're talking about fascism masquerading as conservatism and declaring themselves the authorities on morality; so that they can undermine democracy for theocracy -which is inherently fascist.

I grew up Christian. These people are not followers of Christ, they're not fucking "conservatives." They're loonies! The majority of Christians who actually believe in his morals stopped going to church and tuned out from a long time ago. I guarantee you the genuine conservatives you're trying to protect are more likely to not vote at all than vote conservative. Never mind go online to propagate hateful garbage Jesus would absolutely (!!) denounce vehemently!!!!


Well said


Well, I have good news and I have bad news.

Bad news first - I think a lot of the reason this doesn't exist on federated services is largely because those services are in their infancy and principled people or at least people with slightly more than lukewarm IQs are more likely to seek them out.

Good news - the capitalist nature of corporate social media means that at scale you have to tolerate a certain number of nazis and bigots. See also: the recall scene from Fight Club. The fediverse largely doesn't have that problem. We don't have to say "we have to keep this account on the network because they're boosting the ad numbers" we can just fucking ban them.

In the short term for the fediverse, it's a little security by obscurity. In the longer term, it's really more of a moderation problem, but even there I'm optimistic. Over on reddit, there were/are a few subs where if you blocked every user subscribed, you'd lose no value even in other subs. instances are going to be similar, I bet.

Overzeetop, in Is hate speech against religious people acceptable?
Overzeetop avatar

Religion is about what a person believes. LGBTQ+ is about who a person is.

If you want to hate people for who they are, do it somewhere that isn't If you don't want to see people posting about your belief, go make your own Lemmy server and defederate.


Some people are brought up since childhood in religious environments, and for all they know they are Christians. They didn’t really chose to be one.

The same way I don’t want LGBTQ+ people to not feel welcome, I do not want religious people to not feel welcome, just because they were born in such an environment.

donuts avatar

Some people are brought up since childhood in religious environments, and for all they know they are Christians. They didn’t really chose to be one.

In my opinion, the people who have been indoctrinated into a religion from birth, and who have never been exposed to fair religious criticism or alternative ideas, are the exact people who should be.

Like political parties and clubs, religion is an idea, and in my view ideas are never above questioning or criticism.


I agree, but I would not be selective in allowing criticism of one group while banning criticism of another.


It's a false equivalency. Sexuality and sexual identity are innate characteristics not learned beliefs or behaviors. Sexuality and sexual identity cannot be changed ideas can.


On the other hand you also don't change ideas by mocking others and denigrating them.

I agree that religious communities that vilify LGBT+ or any other group are toxic and shouldn't be tolerated... but groups that vilify all religion as toxic, whether religious people hold those beliefs or not, are often toxic as well.

You obviously don't (often) have atheist communities calling for death threats and concentration camps... but they do often tend to end up being echo chambers for hate and anger. That's not the kind of positive community I would want to be a part of, and I'm not religious at all.


Atheist communities can go a bit too far in their critiques but I have yet to see atheists begin persecuting the religious irl, en masse or otherwise, whereas religious violence is absolutely constant. A chihuahua can nip but a pack of hyenas will consume you, anus to mouth in a few hours. That said, I blocked the atheist communities as I no longer have teenage religious angst, just a thorough hatred of bigots.

donuts avatar

Criticizing someone for being gay is like criticizing someone for being straight, or white, or black, or short, or blonde, or left handed, and so on...

These are not things that people choose, concepts that are opted into, or beliefs that are endorsed or subscribed to.

If a person actively chooses to believe in and endorse an idea, opinion, or another subjective concept, then criticism of that choice or idea is, in my opinion, at least valid.

To me, that's a big difference. But I will say that if you feel that you are being unfairly treated then I would open a discussion up with the people who run your server. The great thing about all of this fediverse stuff is that the user community has a lot of power and agency. If your server has rules that you think are dumb or hypocritical, then you have all the power in your hands to get a new server going that better fits the kind of community that you want to see.

PineapplePartisan, avatar

The whole point of the fediverse is choice. Religious groups can create their own instances and put in rules that reflect their values. They can federate or defederate from other instances based on their desires.

What you don’t get to do is say “Hey, I want to present my views that are antithetical to your community because you are a popular instance”.

MonsieurHedge avatar

This is an inherently ridiculous position. You can stop being religious at any point for any reason. Hell, if you willingly participate in a system that calls for discrimination against innocents, you are not welcome in any space at all.

I don't care if the book that tells you to HATE THE DEGENERATE is the Bible or Mein Kampf. Religion is not an excuse to be evil.


What’s funny is I’ve seen lots of Christians say that going to hell is a “choice.”


An adult has had plenty of time to reflect on that and make an informed decision. If someone was brought up in a religious environment and has not in their entire life had a choice in the matter, they are in any conceivable circumstance still a child (or, I dunno, being held against their will in a bunker, probably without internet access). Perhaps those kids shouldn't be using the internet unsupervised — that's for their parents to deal with. It's not for the users of a platform like this to deal with.

Religion and sexuality are NOT comparable. Yes, both can be considered a component of one's identity, but one is an involuntary intrinsic aspect of their lived experience, and the other is a voluntary decision informed by external factors.

Nobody is born a Christian.


The same way I don’t want LGBTQ+ people to not feel welcome

... then don't have a community that vilifies them?

I mean, I think an accepting community should also be accepting of those who chose to be religious... but that doesn't mean being accepting of those who use their religion to disparage or diminish others.

Overzeetop avatar

Oh, you're a fun troll.

I'm not sure whether to ask you

a) why, if you "don’t want LGBTQ+ people to not feel welcome" you;re okay with a community who's basic rule system includes making LGBTQ+ people unwelcome or...

b) if you were brought up in a rich family, would it be unkind or offensive to post about people who have food or shelter insecurity and blame the rich for their problems? Should all socialism or welfare communities be blocked so that you are not offended by people who don't have money?


No reason for hostility.

a) by the same point I would disagree with a community that is making religious people unwelcome. I am only advocating for applying the same standards across the board.

b) Well you came exactly to my point, no they should not be banned!

1chemistdown, in Thank You Everyone For Rejecting The Fascists/Bigots At The Door
1chemistdown avatar

This is my mental image every time someone online claims to be a black conservative.


Did you know that most Africans are conservative? The USA is not the only country in the world.


I love all the, "I'm actually black and democrats are the real racists!"

I'm sure there are some black people that do believe that. But I mean like... KKK and nazi members and such aren't comfortable showing up to democrat rallies to show their support. Republicans seem to have no issues co-mingling with them.

But hey you have people like Kaitlyn Jenner who still support republicans despite the fact that so many of them think of her existence as woke and needs to be exterminated. So... Who knows.

ArugulaZ avatar

I don't want to misgender Caitlyn Jenner. Should I call her Uncle or Aunt Tom?

FfaerieOxide avatar

Just say she's pulling a Victor Barker.


black conservatives are conservatives because of religion mostly.

same with hispanics.

HolyDuckTurtle avatar

I also wouldn't underestimate the effect of class divide. Say in an area that has decent social equality but disparate financial class issues where the wealthy will tend to lean conservative.

I haven't researched that much, but it wouldn't surprise me. Albeit, those who go full conservative supporting those who openly want them dead is a much bigger stretch.


But hey you have people like Kaitlyn Jenner who still support republicans despite the fact that so many of them think of her existence as woke and needs to be exterminated. So... Who knows.

It always amazes me how many people will gladly be the token minority to Judas goat their brethren for the right. No matter how many times the person gets tossed aside, there's always another one waiting to get the money/power/attention until they're the ones getting tossed aside.

tal, (edited ) in Can you guys shut up about Reddit?
tal avatar

It's kind of relevant to a high percentage of the userbase right now. Combine that with the fact that a number of people who are pissed off at Reddit deleted their accounts on Reddit and can't discuss the situation there, and the fact that some people just don't want to do so, and well, you get this. I expect that it'll trail off over time as other more-interesting topics arise.

EDIT: I was on Reddit prior to when the Digg v4 UI change rolled out, and when that occurred, I remember a lot of new people on Reddit complaining about Digg and Kevin Rose for some time. And talking about the Reddit UI and comparing it to Digg's. A lot of people who were personally impacted by something at the same time with a common interest makes for prominent conversations. It eventually went away as they found things that interested them.

AnonymousLlama avatar

It's perfectly natural to vent when the things you used to use are taken away from you, it'll be months before people really on and the conversation about the API changes starts to fade.

I still quite shitty about what happened, fuck Spez and his awful IPO bullcrap


"Kevin Rose"

Now that's a name I haven't seen/heard in a long time.

As someone who was also on reddit years before the Digg migration, HackerNews is the closest I've seen the alternatives get to feeling like reddit at that time. At least in the comments.

Unfortunately (for me), like 30-60% of the posts are about programming which doesn't really interest me.

dismalnow, in Reddit repost bots are spam, and that needs to be stopped.
dismalnow avatar

Beware.. borderline elitist thought below.

There's a group of well-meaning folks (more than I am comfortable with) who want EVERYONE to come over from reddit. A subset of those have decided that the best way to do this is by mirroring content.


I came here to GTFO of a forum aggregator that became a corpo-coopted hellscape of shitposts, bots, and shouting into the void; and I sure as hell don't want anyone to bring that shit over here.

A miniscule fraction of users on reddit post, comment, or even help to rank content in any valuable way. The rest detract from any sense of community, clutter conversations.

They need not be placated, invited, or made to feel at home here.

They still have reddit.

Let them use it.

They LIKE it.

MargotRobbie, avatar

Exactly. They can choose to come here, but if they want to go down with the ship, let them.

But I don't want them to drag us down with them.

dismalnow avatar

Don't get me wrong, I want reddit to feel the pain for saying the quiet part loud, and clear. I hope there's something/somewhere else people can go to do it.

Most people just want a place to shout at one or two other people over bot posted, polarizing ragebait. I don't, but they have several other places that are already established.

They don't need threaded discussion because no longform/non-topical discussion is happening:

They typically don't reply to others (or even a second time) unless they've gone full tilt. Even then, the opinions they don't like are usually blocked forever after that single exchange .

My personal feelings about musk aside - twitter (if it increased the character limits) would be PERFECT for the overwhelming majority of reddit users. Mayyyybe mastodon.

wide_eyed_stupid, (edited ) in is being "attacked" with random communities avatar

The most annoying thing is that the “Trending Communities” section is filled with spam right now.

I think this does show an inherent current flaw with Lemmy. We need a way to report users through their profile. So far we can only report users when they comment, but this guy isn’t commenting anywhere so there’s no report button. Unless I’m missing something. :p


Yep, I can’t find a report button for users or communities, only comments.


That’s not an “inherent flaw”. It’s a flaw that currently exists in Lemmy, but one that could be easily remedied with a patch that adds a “report” link to the profile. An inherent flaw would be one that is difficult or impossible to mitigate due to the concept of Lemmy.

wide_eyed_stupid, avatar

Yup, fair enough, I’ll edit it!

lakemalcom10, in Saw this question over in r/Reddit: “If you could get one more season of a TV show, what show would it be?” | What show(s) would you choose?



One true answer.


The firefly book series is worth checking out


I will have to check it out! Any follow up story with Shepherd Book? I was always interested in that character


I'm happy to forget the end of we can just move along.


I almost said none of them, until this comment and remembered how that shows ends. Man what a weird episode to cut it on


It was a crime! Good effort with the movie though even if it felt like a bit of a forced wrap up


yea there was a lot to try and tie together. Decent job all considered

Detry avatar

I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

darq, in Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane?
darq avatar

Meanwhile, most everyone I’ve known who is leftist wants the government to disarm them, claims to be pro-LGBT but blindly supports any Muslim country and blindly hates Israel, and thinks Joe Biden is the “greatest president EVAR”.

I don't think you know many leftists...


Ppl as dumb as op think USA Dems are “left”.

This is how fucking stupid op is.

sour avatar

rude ._.

Marsupial, avatar

Oh get over it.

sour avatar


morgan_423, avatar

Yeah, I’m pretty far left and was thinking, none of these even sound close.


It really sounds like everything you know about both sides was taught to you by the “other side”.

I’m not fond of GOP policies at all, but I disagree with most all of what you claim leftists believe.

Are you actually talking to people about their own beliefs or just listening to what other people are saying about them?

darq avatar

Did you mean to respond to someone else?


Yeah, the message is for OP. I must have had your comment highlighted when I replied.

darq avatar

Ah okay, I figured that made more sense.


Sorry, deleted my Reddit account


Nah. I’m good continuing to ignore Reddit.

Deelala0516, in is slowing down to a crawl for me

Probably my fault - and other folks like me. Yall are having a pretty large influx of new users, so hopefully it’ll even out soon. I see a lot of loading errors too, but since I blame me, I’m dealing well with it.

I definitely understand it would be irritating for long-time users though. Sorry!

TeaHands, avatar

Yeah how dare you!

(p.s. welcome)

itadakimasu, avatar

No worries my friend, we’ve been waiting for you!


Oh I wouldn’t worry about the “long-time” users. The instance was established only a month ago!


Maybe the longtime users, but anyone who’s joined in the last month has been waiting for this mass migration to liven up the place. I think we’d all trade some temporary slowness for a bulk of new users, I saw a post earlier saying has grown 40% in the first 12 hours after reddit killed third-party apps.

Hell, I was on when the blackout started, and that site went pretty much unusable.

Boiglenoight, in Thank You Everyone For Rejecting The Fascists/Bigots At The Door

That’s something I noticed when I joined Mastodon as well. When people are in control for the sake of community and not profit, things tend to be better in this regard. Let crazies federate with crazies.


NGL I derive some joy seeing maga/conservative/fascist communities getting all their misinformation downvoted to hell while the only positively voted posts are about the crimes & failures of trump and republicans in general.

I don't want them banned. This is much better.

wintermute_oregon, in Shouldn't minimum wage just increase proportionately to inflation?

The quick answer is cola should be built into the system. Neither party has taken minimum wage laws seriously. States have taken it more seriously than the feds. All jobs should be required to give a cola increase every year.


I’d be okay with that, but only if it is diet.

Hegar, in Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane?
Hegar avatar

First off, I don’t base my views on “what Americans are like” with what people post online.

... Meanwhile, most everyone I’ve known who is leftist wants the government to disarm them, claims to be pro-LGBT but blindly supports any Muslim country and blindly hates Israel, and thinks Joe Biden is the “greatest president EVAR”.

These two statements are contradictory. No one in the world has ever thought biden is the greatest president ever, least of all leftists.

The only place you hear people saying biden is the best are right wing lunatics on the internet who think that's what left wingers would believe.

It really very strongly sounds like you've just been talking to right wing cranks online.

Marsupial, avatar

It sounds like they are a right wing crank tbh.

Magister, in What Are Some General "Buy It For Life" (Durable) Items You Recommend? avatar

Well, not small objects per se, but wood furniture, real wood, not laminate shit. I have some real wood furniture for more than 25 years, table, chairs, sideboard/dresser, etc. Some are even antique bought for $25 25 years ago.


Hard to beat real wood - just as long as you take care of it.

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar



Bonus points if you budget a little extra and make friends with a local upholster. They can work magic in turning that solid, but ugly, chair from something your grandma would have to something you might find in a design magazine.

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