
We need to put an age limit on political offices


Can’t we just vote for younger candidates?

Doesn’t make sense to subvert the will of the people when they clearly support this.

Also, her age isn’t what makes her shit. She’s a corporate democrat just looking out for different rich people.

bhmnscmm, avatar

You’re absolutely right.

Collectively we vote for the representation we deserve.


Maybe in a true democracy. No more gerrymandered districts, ranked choice voting, and term limits would be a good start. Let’s kill citizens united while at it.


In a true democracy, we’d have direct voting.

Which I’m a huge fan of. Not sure why we’d vote for people who won’t agree with us on everything when we can just vote ourselves and get true representation.


I’d prefer a republic, what the hell do I know about complex foreign policies with the relationship between Sudan and Egypt, or which tax policy will spur economic growth?


That’s fine. Just don’t complain when the people you elect go against what you think is right.

Personally, I think direct voting would result in people voting for the matters they care about, while ignoring the ones they don’t.


Nah, I blame the Republicans for most of the nations current woes since, you know, they tend to be behind most of them.

Plus, how can you see how the average American acts and think we’re still good for a democracy? We need a more fitting class of people to rule, as Adams and Hamilton envisioned it.


Republicans are mostly to blame. Democrats are just the lesser evil.

Lo’ and behold, evil is still evil.

It doesn’t make sense to support the lesser evil when you could support no evil at all.


Aren’t you so lucky to be someone who can choose to sit on the fence and not suffer the consequences. Do you understand idiotic that statement is?

Jesus Christ, I hate to do Godwins Law here but just because when you have one side that is Nazi Germany that wants to dominate the world, kill all the undesirables, all that good stuff. Then you take a gander at the British; sure, they are a world colonial empire that deserves to be shattered but they are a democracy that DOESN’T dream of world conquest and killing everyone on earth, so any nonbraindead person would pick the side of the “br’ish”.

And you, over there just sitting there thinking “heh, one side has a small amount of evil while the other is the embodiment of evil so I’m going to do nothing.”

Sure, an extreme example, but the principal is the exact same.

Take Civil Rights, just because sometimes the civil rights people may be annoying and rarely takes a few things too far DOESN’T mean they’re the same as the horrific segregationists and the KKK, who’ll kill and lynch whoever they don’t like.

Please, grow and learn.

Deceptichum avatar

Imagine going “My choices are between the Nazis or the British Empire” and thinking the answer is one of them and not burning the whole thing down if that’s the best it can offer you.

You get what you settle for.


Calm down. I stopped reading as soon as you came at me with animosity.

If you want me to take you seriously, talk with less emotion and more logical reasoning.


Between their shenanigans in India and Ireland the British empire was arguably worse than nazi Germany lmao what a dumb analogy


You really are a dumbass, aren’t ya? Making an argument that the Nazis were all that bad.

I suppose that’s fair, any concession, no matter how small, will constitute a defeat to your side so you must stand your ground and defend the undefendable.

thecrotch, (edited )

Oh the nazis were horrible. The British empire was worse. The Indian famine, intentionally caused by the crown, killed almost 11 million people. Why are you downplaying genocide? Couldn’t you pick a country that didn’t kill an equal amount of people as the nazis during the same time period to play the “good guys” in your scenario?


Hey stupid, the Nazis killed 6 million Jews, they killed about 11 million in the concentration camps. Imagine how many would be dead if they enacted Generalost Plan.

Fucking dipshit.


So killing 11 million people is bad, right? If yes, why are you ok with the British empire doing it? It’s equal parts gross and hilarious that you’re downplaying their attempts at genocide by using them as the good guys in your scenario.



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  • Deceptichum,
    Deceptichum avatar

    what do you call someone who teams up with Nazis because they want to maximize their chance of holding onto power?

    The Soviet Union?

    bhmnscmm, avatar

    What do you think should be the criteria to be included in “a more fitting class of people?”


    Some sort of an aristocratic society of intelligent men and women but that would be dreaming


    I really think we need to amend the constitution to allow a true democratic vote of no confidence for all federally elected positions.

    bhmnscmm, avatar

    I disagree. Fundamentally we have the final authority to elect our representation. Collectively we decide (and are ultimately responsible for) who is elected to office. Districts don’t vote, and corporations don’t vote. The people do.

    It is the collective responsibility of those not disenfranchised or otherwise excluded from the political system to rectify those problems. Failing to address those problems (or any political problem) isn’t a failure of the politicians–it’s a failure of us, as a collective, to choose the appropriate lawmakers. Especially when we repeatedly elect the same people over and over.

    I know it sounds naive to frame the system this way. But fundamentally the political system operates under the collective authority of voters.


    The problem is that this isn’t the will of the people. Preliminaries don’t count as an election so your vote for which candidate that appears on the actual ballot is just a suggestion.

    The party committees gets final say on who’s on the ballot for that party to vote for.

    Which leads to the problem of the 2 party system where we vote for the least worst candidate


    Then vote for independents, or people whose parties don’t pull that shit.


    Yeah, you might as well not vote. You’re never going to sway enough people to vote independent to challenge one of the big two, especially since the choice right now is between old people or people trying to establish a fascist theocracy.


    Alright, then these problems don’t get solved.


    Now, you’re getting it.


    You are correct. Voting isn’t going to solve this problem.


    Cornel West laughing…


    And that is the problem with the 2 party system. No one votes that way because not enough people do. Instead everyone voted for less bad option between the 2 major parties. Which happen to be the choices the political committee chose, not the people.

    AlwaysNowNeverNotMe avatar

    Second least worst in most cases

    Poggervania, (edited )
    Poggervania avatar

    I think we should also include term limits for these offices in addition to the age limit.

    You can’t be president for more than 8 years, but you can be in the same political office more or less for almost 40? That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me lol.


    Yes, term limits are a much better solution as age restrictions can be a slippery slope.


    It would also make you useless as your term comes to an end. Political capital and IOUs are the currency in the capitol


    Right, I mean those are the things we are saying are bad.

    The culture of the Senate and Congress would need to change, and I think it would rather quickly. Unfortunately this is an issue both Republicans and Democrats will never support because the very people entrenched in power would need to vote themselves out of power. It will literally never happen.


    Why do you think that term limits will solve it? If there’s no seniority whip, what other motivation do they have besides corporate donations? I.E., take all the bribes they can in their short tenure?

    Don’t tell me more idealistic politicians will make it to the top. I don’t believe that for a second.


    I guess I’d flip that question. Why do you think being career politicians gives them motivation besides bribes and money?

    Because that’s the thing, they know they’re running another campaign in a couple years, they always need to be raising money for the next one. They always need to solicit donations. And they can’t do anything that rocks the boat because it affects the next election.

    Presidents very commonly get more done during their second term because they aren’t worried about the political impact of their actions affecting their ability to get elected again. I don’t see why this effect wouldn’t be the same for Congress and the Senate.


    We need age limits for politicians. I’d be more than fine with that being 60. But this skeleton is 83; she will be 88 by the time her term is done if she wins again. Nobody near 90 should decide the future of the younger generations

    Nath, avatar

    I’d make it whatever the retirement age is. In Australia, that would be 67. If we have an age where we agree it’s time to collect your pension and live out your life, then it should apply to politicians as well.

    No, we don’t actually have this policy. Plenty of our pollies are over 67.


    Then the younger generation should vote and often


    Wouldn’t she be 86, not 88? House term length is just 2 years, so that term would end Jan 3rd 2027 and her birthday is March 26, 1940

    (Not saying 86 is young, just want to be accurate)


    Ugh get these dinosaurs out of office. I do not feel represented by someone who is a millionaire and over twice my age, they have no understanding of what my life is like or what I need.


    Whatever happened to “just fuck off to your third home in the Hamptons and become a philanthropist” retirement path for these people?

    She and her family rich af. Just pass the torch and support some other upstart. Fucking power hungry assholes.


    Democrats and republicans are just looking out for different rich people.

    If we ever want this nation to improve, we need to focus on independents. Party lines need to die.



    No, no, no, no, no!

    Is she looking at Feinstein and thinking “well, I don’t need to be propped up yet, so I should still be able to run the country!”

    I don’t care on which side of the aisle these oldies sit. They do not represent the will of a people who are largely younger than they are by two decades.

    Alto avatar

    No, she's looking at her and her husband's bank accounts and thinking "well, I don't need to be propped up yet, so I can continue to be grossly corrupt and get even richer"


    Well, she is the queen of congressional insider trading…

    Fal, avatar

    Explain how. Can you cite any trades that are particularly suspicious?

    You’re basically espousing right wing talking points that they came up with to divert attention from the republicans who are actively insider trading. There are plenty of things to criticize pelosi for rather than this stupid argument which isn’t backed up by facts.


    I mention her trading because this is a post about her.

    Corruption is corruption and it spans both chambers and all layers of government.

    Fal, avatar

    So you don’t care if it’s true or not, you’re just mentioning it because you associate insider trading with pelosi for just random unrelated reasons?

    ShittyBeatlesFCPres,…/pelosi-s-husband-locked-in-5-3-mi…Paul Pelosi is forever making suspiciously well-timed trades. When it became a scandal, they intentionally sold Nvidia shares at a loss to try to end scrutiny of that trade.

    It’s not a Republican talking point. I’m as far left as they come and I’m offended by her corruption (even if Joe Manchin’s family seems worse).

    Fal, avatar

    So, he exercised his options he held for quite a while, a “week before House panel considered antitrust bills”. What exactly was the insider information? And, he just exercised the options to hold the stock. Not sure how that’s evidence of insider trading


    You’re basically espousing right wing talking points

    Talking points fabricated by the shadowy, fascist organization known as… 60 Minutes.


    She was # 6 in 2021, # 1 to 5 were all Republicans.

    Then things didn’t go as well in 2022

    So how about we start paying attention to Republican tradings? 👍


    Republicans are masters of messaging. They latch onto one thing for one person and pound it over and over again. The left accepts that these are bad things (they are) but won’t whatabout enough about the Republicans that do it worse, so this becomes Pelosi’s image while those that do it worse are unknown.


    Whatabouting is a waste of time. You are soeaking as if republicans gaf about facts


    While you are right this has zero to do with whatever party you want to idolize it’s a problem for all sides we need to focus on all of them, none of these clowns should be able to make trades, they are in positions where they actually can shape the outcomes of their trades that’s fucking ridiculous

    And on topic there needs to be some realistic term limits for these jackasses especially when they start to get older, nothing wrong with being old but if you are running a country and you get stuck staring at cameras in a daze it’s time to go… ffs most people I know can’t wait to retire and would do so even earlier if they could yet these goblins are slopping it up at the trough

    This is a class issue always has been


    Never said it wasn’t the case, I just pointed out the Pelosi is always the target when the fact is she’s not the worst and there’s zero attention put on any Republicans regarding that.


    So how about we start paying attention to Republican tradings?

    People are. See those red bars in the infographics you posted? Paying attention to trades made by Republicans and paying attention made by Democrats are not mutually exclusive (also illustrated by the infographics you posted). What are you trying to achieve with this whataboutism?


    I’m just pointing out the fact that people are always pointing at Pelosi but she’s not the biggest culprit and no people aren’t putting as much attention on the people who are actually worse than her.


    I’m just pointing out the fact that people are always pointing at Pelosi but she’s not the biggest culprit

    You mean that she wasn’t the most successful in 2022. Though, she was the only politician who had their own section in the 2022 report.…/congress-trading-report-2022#…

    Different story in 2020, wasn’t it? This infographic includes members of the house only though. Insider trading in the senate may have been worse or better, depending on how you’re looking at it.


    That’s her investments, not her gains.


    I think you are correct. These are securities each person purchased in 2020. My mistake.


    Younger by two decades is still mid 60s/retirement age


    The average age of constituents in her district is 40. I cant figure out how she keeps getting elected, unless she’s just never had a peimary challenger worth a damn.


    She predates the baby boomers. She was in diapers when pearl harbor was bombed. Two decades younger should be the mandatory retirement age for politicians.

    halfempty avatar

    I'm a progressive. I usually vote Democrat, because the Republicans are horrible. Pelosi represents everything I despise about the Democratic party establishment: serving the corporate billionaires, and blocking anything that helps working people. Sure there are many Democrats who I support, but Pelosi is NOT one of them!


    Boy I was really hoping that headline had a different ending.

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    Why was it necessary to include her age in this headline?


    Because she’s a dinosaur and her age is very relevant to the situation.

    cupcakezealot, avatar


    That’s delusional talk


    She. Is. 83. Years. Old.

    cupcakezealot, avatar



    How the hell is it possible for her to be in touch with me a 40 something year old? How about those in their 20s? She doesn’t represent us nor have any idea what it’s like. It’s impossible.

    How you think this is OK is insane!


    Because cognitive ability and reasoning declines with age after a certain point. Not sure what that point is but it’s definately in the 70s and 80s

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    a) are you a doctor b) that’s ageism not fact c) there’s plenty of 40 year olds in congress that are worse


    People need to ask why incumbents almost always win even if there are so many valid reasons for them to move on. The answer is pretty simple. $$$


    Well, if you want her to stop being in Congress, you know what to do in the primaries.


    She is so corrupted and entrenched by the donor class that she does not even acknowledge the existence of primary challengers.


    I’d vote against Pelosi in the primaries for the same reason I’d vote against Biden or Trump or McConnell or Feinstein in the primaries. They’re all too fucking old. The average age of the Senate is 64 years. The average age of the House of Representatives is 57 years.

    Here’s every senator or congressperson age 68 or older.

    State Senator Age Birthdate Party
    Iowa Charles E. Grassley 89 9/17/33 R
    California Dianne Feinstein 89 6/22/33 D
    Vermont Bernie Sanders 81 9/8/41 I
    Kentucky Mitch McConnell 80 2/20/42 R
    Maryland Benjamin L. Cardin 79 10/5/43 D
    Idaho Jim Risch 79 5/3/43 R
    Illinois Richard J. Durbin 78 11/21/44 D
    Maine Angus King 78 3/31/44 I
    Massachusetts Edward J. Markey 76 7/11/46 D
    Connecticut Richard Blumenthal 76 2/13/46 D
    Utah Mitt Romney 75 3/12/47 R
    Vermont Peter Welch 75 5/2/47 D
    Hawaii Mazie K. Hirono 75 11/3/47 D
    West Virginia Joe Manchin III 75 8/24/47 D
    New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen 75 1/28/47 D
    Delaware Thomas R. Carper 75 1/23/47 D
    Rhode Island Jack Reed 73 11/12/49 D
    Oregon Ron Wyden 73 5/3/49 D
    Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren 73 6/22/49 D
    Arkansas John Boozman 72 12/10/50 R
    Michigan Debbie Stabenow 72 4/29/50 D
    New York Charles E. Schumer 72 11/23/50 D
    Washington Patty Murray 72 10/11/50 D
    Mississippi Roger Wicker 71 7/5/51 R
    Idaho Michael D. Crapo 71 5/20/51 R
    Louisiana John Kennedy 71 11/21/51 R
    Nebraska Deb Fischer 71 3/1/51 R
    Colorado John Hickenlooper 70 2/7/52 D
    Florida Rick Scott 70 12/1/52 R
    Texas John Cornyn 70 2/2/52 R
    Wyoming John Barrasso 70 7/21/52 R
    Maine Susan Collins 70 12/7/52 R
    Ohio Sherrod Brown 70 11/9/52 D
    Tennessee Marsha Blackburn 70 6/6/52 R
    West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito 69 11/26/53 R
    New Jersey Bob Menendez 69 1/1/54 D
    Virginia Mark Warner 68 12/15/54 D
    Alabama Tommy Tuberville 68 9/18/54 R
    Kansas Jerry Moran 68 5/29/54 R
    Indiana Mike Braun 68 3/24/54 R
    South Dakota Mike Rounds 68 10/24/54 R
    Wyoming Cynthia Lummis 68 9/10/54 R
    District Congressperson Age Birthdate Party
    CA-31 Grace F. Napolitano 86 12/4/36 Democratic
    DC-AL Eleanor Holmes Norton 85 6/13/37 Democratic
    KY-05 Harold Rogers 85 12/31/37 Republican
    NJ-09 Bill Pascrell Jr. 85 1/25/37 Democratic
    CA-43 Maxine Waters 84 8/15/38 Democratic
    MD-05 Steny H. Hoyer 83 6/14/39 Democratic
    SC-06 James E. Clyburn 82 7/21/40 Democratic
    CA-11 Nancy Pelosi 82 3/26/40 Democratic
    IL-07 Danny K. Davis 81 9/6/41 Democratic
    TX-31 John Carter 81 11/6/41 Republican
    CA-16 Anna G. Eshoo 80 12/13/42 Democratic
    FL-24 Frederica S. Wilson 80 11/5/42 Democratic
    CT-03 Rosa DeLauro 79 3/2/43 Democratic
    NC-05 Virginia Foxx 79 6/29/43 Republican
    TX-12 Kay Granger 79 1/18/43 Republican
    CA-07 Doris Matsui 78 9/25/44 Democratic
    IL-09 Jan Schakowsky 78 5/26/44 Democratic
    MO-05 Emanuel Cleaver II 78 10/26/44 Democratic
    GA-13 David Scott 77 6/27/45 Democratic
    IN-04 Jim Baird 77 6/4/45 Republican
    NJ-12 Bonnie Watson Coleman 77 2/6/45 Democratic
    CA-08 John Garamendi 77 1/24/45 Democratic
    OH-09 Marcy Kaptur 76 6/17/46 Democratic
    TX-37 Lloyd Doggett 76 10/6/46 Democratic
    CA-12 Barbara Lee 76 7/16/46 Democratic
    NC-12 Alma Adams 76 5/27/46 Democratic
    MD-02 C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger 76 1/31/46 Democratic
    TX-09 Al Green 75 9/1/47 Democratic
    VA-03 Robert C. Scott 75 4/30/47 Democratic
    GA-02 Sanford D. Bishop Jr. 75 2/4/47 Democratic
    NY-12 Jerrold Nadler 75 6/13/47 Democratic
    CA-18 Zoe Lofgren 75 12/21/47 Democratic
    FL-08 Bill Posey 75 12/18/47 Republican
    AS-AL Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen 75 12/29/47 Republican
    SC-02 Joe Wilson 75 7/31/47 Republican
    MI-01 Jack Bergman 75 2/2/47 Republican
    FL-22 Lois Frankel 74 5/16/48 Democratic
    MS-02 Bennie Thompson 74 1/28/48 Democratic
    OR-03 Earl Blumenauer 74 8/16/48 Democratic
    CT-01 John B. Larson 74 7/22/48 Democratic
    AZ-07 Raul M. Grijalva 74 2/19/48 Democratic
    PA-16 Mike Kelly 74 5/10/48 Republican
    TX-36 Brian Babin 74 3/23/48 Republican
    MD-07 Kweisi Mfume 74 10/24/48 Democratic
    NY-20 Paul Tonko 73 6/18/49 Democratic
    TN-09 Steve Cohen 73 5/24/49 Democratic
    OK-04 Tom Cole 73 4/28/49 Republican
    TX-25 Roger Williams 73 9/13/49 Republican
    MA-01 Richard E. Neal 73 2/14/49 Democratic
    FL-11 Daniel Webster 73 4/27/49 Republican
    ID-02 Mike Simpson 72 9/8/50 Republican
    TX-29 Sylvia R. Garcia 72 9/6/50 Democratic
    NV-01 Dina Titus 72 5/23/50 Democratic
    OH-03 Joyce Beatty 72 3/12/50 Democratic
    VA-11 Gerald E. Connolly 72 3/30/50 Democratic
    WV-01 Carol Miller 72 11/4/50 Republican
    TX-18 Sheila Jackson Lee 72 1/12/50 Democratic
    TX-26 Michael C. Burgess 72 12/23/50 Republican
    VA-08 Donald S. Beyer Jr. 72 6/20/50 Democratic
    FL-16 Vern Buchanan 71 5/8/51 Republican
    CA-04 Mike Thompson 71 1/24/51 Democratic
    NJ-06 Frank Pallone Jr. 71 10/30/51 Democratic
    WI-04 Gwen Moore 71 4/18/51 Democratic
    MI-05 Tim Walberg 71 4/12/51 Republican
    GA-12 Rick W. Allen 71 11/7/51 Republican
    UT-04 Burgess Owens 71 8/2/51 Republican
    CA-21 Jim Costa 70 4/13/52 Democratic
    MA-09 William Keating 70 9/6/52 Democratic
    FL-05 John Rutherford 70 9/2/52 Republican
    CA-26 Julia Brownley 70 8/28/52 Democratic
    CA-10 Mark DeSaulnier 70 3/31/52 Democratic
    OR-02 Cliff Bentz 70 1/12/52 Republican
    MO-03 Blaine Luetkemeyer 70 5/7/52 Republican
    HI-01 Ed Case 70 9/27/52 Democratic
    MI-06 Debbie Dingell 69 11/23/53 Democratic
    CA-28 Judy Chu 69 7/7/53 Democratic
    CA-41 Ken Calvert 69 6/8/53 Republican
    NY-07 Nydia M. Velazquez 69 3/28/53 Democratic
    TX-03 Keith Self 69 3/20/53 Republican
    CA-48 Darrell Issa 69 11/1/53 Republican
    CT-02 Joe Courtney 69 4/6/53 Democratic
    NJ-02 Jeff Van Drew 69 2/23/53 Republican
    NY-05 Gregory W. Meeks 69 9/25/53 Democratic
    TX-14 Randy Weber 69 7/2/53 Republican
    FL-02 Neal Dunn 69 2/16/53 Republican
    SC-05 Ralph Norman 69 6/20/53 Republican
    NJ-04 Christopher H. Smith 69 3/4/53 Republican
    PA-03 Dwight Evans 68 5/16/54 Democratic
    MI-13 Shri Thanedar 68 1/1/55 Democratic
    OR-01 Suzanne Bonamici 68 10/14/54 Democratic
    GA-04 Hank Johnson 68 10/2/54 Democratic
    NY-13 Adriano Espaillat 68 9/27/54 Democratic
    MN-04 Betty McCollum 68 7/12/54 Democratic
    CA-32 Brad Sherman 68 10/24/54 Democratic
    AL-06 Gary Palmer 68 5/14/54 Republican
    FL-28 Carlos Gimenez 68 1/17/54 Republican
    OH-06 Bill Johnson 68 11/10/54 Republican

    That’s… eye-opening


    Pelosi in particular isn’t just old but is also showing some signs of seriously impaired memory at the least.


    Not the least of which is thinking that we’re being fooled by the hair


    The fucked up thing is that people are still gonna vote for her. No one cares about corruption or acrually having good political leaders, they just need their team to win like it’s some kind of stupid sport.


    Blues and Greens…just like the Byzantines


    Or they know how important it is that the Republicans not win.

    It’s not just about keeping score and keeping points for the red team. The blue team is currently fighting for white supremacy, christian supremacy, male supremacy, and to change the rules to make any other political party irrelevant.

    If someone as wonderful as Mr. Rogers ran against Nancy Pelosi, but that person said he’d vote with his Republican colleagues on every important issue, his own personal qualities wouldn’t matter. He personally might not lie, cheat or steal, but he’d be supporting a party that openly does all those things.

    It sucks, but when it’s a first-past-the-post system with 2 major parties, you mostly have to hold your nose and vote against the greater evil.

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    Because there is no corruption. Right wing conspiracy theories aren’t fact


    There’s corruption. The whole system is corrupt and Pelosi is a whirlwind of corruption. Does not make right wing conspiracy theories any more correct, though.

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    “the whole system is corrupt”

    Take off your tinfoil


    Can both the right and left agree to start electing people in their 40s or 50s for a change?


    Holy crap when I saw the headline at first I thought it was an obit


    I’m in her district. This has given me a possibly-crazy idea. What if I registered to run against her? Hear me out.

    I don’t think that I could win. She’s been in the game for so long, I have no illusions. But, registering and announcing a campaign to challenge her might result in some national publication contacting me for a quote. I might be able to get a line in said publication and get people talking about it.

    “Nancy Pelosi should get out of the way of younger generations and let those who came after her have a seat at the table.”

    I’d appreciate feedback on the value of doing something like this. Also, the likelihood that it would have the desired outcome. Also, thoughts on how this might be done.

    I’ve been kicking this idea around since this morning when I first saw this. I’m increasingly thinking that it sounds like a good idea. Thoughts?


    I think the local DNC would have to “allow” it. Otherwise you’d run as something-other-than-Democratic.

    But all it would cost you is time, and maybe a small filling fee to find out.

    I say, go for it! It would at least shake up the geriatric incumbents a bit.


    The local DNC could potentially work against you but they can’t stop you from running in the primary as long as you meet the requirements.


    Awesome, that’s good to know! I just assumed they picked if there would be competition due to how some Republicans threatened to “primary” incumbents that didn’t fall in line.


    Here’s what you do, announce that you’re running, say your peace, and when you’re surfing that publicity wave, announce that you’re running for governor of California. No flaw!


    have you heard of Shahid Buttar


    Apparently, I had. The first two links on a search had already been visited. That’s discouraging. Thanks!


    He had a good platform too; a true leftist planning for the future of AI, UBI, etc. She just straight out refused to debate him. Then she ran a smear PR campaign on him just to be sure


    We need a competitor. Please do it.


    Do it! As one of the most notable Democrats alive it’d be a near impossible task to unseat her, but maybe you get 20% of the vote and that’s not a terrible result. After that maybe someone more notable like a Mayor or state rep would run and maybe win. Shoot your shot!


    “Nancy Pelosi should get out of the way of younger generations and let those who came after her have a seat at the table.”

    shit, do it - why not? gotta say, that’d be a really good political platform.


    Running in such a prominent campaign would probably make your life suck. Pelosi’s seasoned team would probably go through your entire life with a fine-toothed comb and spin anything remotely negative about you to make it seem like you were a serial killer. The Republicans, meanwhile, might throw money into supporting you without caring if you wanted their “help” just to make Pelosi’s life hell.

    There are probably already real challengers who actually want the job who you could support instead. If you donated to them and volunteered for them, they might make enough noise to at least get some headlines. And, you wouldn’t have to stick your own neck out.


    Do it!


    I wish you would. Get your friends to do it too… “Nancy Pelosi Faces a Dozen Primary Challengers” might draw some more attention.


    “Nancy Pelosi should get out of the way of younger generations and let those who came after her have a seat at the table.”

    Don’t stop with her. Make your platform about Glitch McConnell, Dianne “The Wraith” Feinstein, Chuck “Touch” Grassley, and every other member of Congress who can’t even claim to be a boomer because they were born before the end of WW2. Their generation built the America we have now; how’s it working out for y’all?

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