
This happened in Sherman TX, a city most famous for the Lynching of George Hughes and subsequent riot in 1930, commonly known as the Sherman Riot.

I was tempted to say, “New century, new target of bigotry,” but who am I kidding? They never gave up the old target of bigotry, either.

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

Some of the very first people that the Brownshirts went after was transpeople, even completely destroying an institute that was studying gender in the 30’s.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not like the people involved in that lynching felt bad about it or regretted it. And then they passed that hate to their children who passed it on to their own children. Those people were the grandparents and great-grandparents of these kids. Some of them are still alive and still preaching their hate to the kid. Some of them were alive long enough to do it before they died.


People playing genders they’re not assigned at birth? In theater?!?


@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Shakespeare would be mortified!


Shakespeare never would have done this!

@Uglyhead@lemmy.world avatar

We banned ShakesSpear and hung him/her in effigy

—Texas, probably


My first thought was “wait until they hear about Shakespeare”. Literally every role filled by men, sometimes with the script explicitly calling for a man to play a female in full attire.

I’d also hate to see what policies they’ll enact for their chorale program when performing historical hymns, where soprano parts specifically called for a male eunuch (castrato) to sing since females were not allowed to attend church services including choirs.

In my younger years I would have been absolutely vilified by these people. I’m probably vilified now, but I would’ve been then too. In all seriousness though, I cannot believe how far backwards we’ve gone in all this. I recognize that these thoughts and feelings have existed since before I was a kid but at least back then people seemed to have the decency to mind their own.

But to attack theatre of all things with this gender bullshit is attacking theatre itself. Crossdressing in theatre has existed for as long as theatre has existed. Cross-singing has existed for as long as singing has existed. If they’re not teaching that stuff in their performing arts programs, they are denying young adults a quality education of the performing arts.


Trying to remember. Was it Taming of the Shrew where he mind fucks the audience with a male actor playing a male servant pretending to be a guy’s wife in drag?

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I wonder who the first woman to play Juliet was, and if Shakespeare ever met her.


they are denying young adults a quality education

I think you’re on to something there.


Rock Hudson has entered the room

@snausagesinablanket@lemmy.world avatar

Rock Hard Hudson


There is a slight difference when we’re talking about trans people.

I’d wager they would allow a man to play a woman’s role and vice versa. I think this is purely the anti-trans agenda taking hold.

@Mr_nutter_butter@lemmy.world avatar

Always comes down to that why care if the person is trans it’s like those laws that forbid trans people from hrt all bullshit


Gotta say, their obsession with children’s genitalia really weirds me out.

@Mr_nutter_butter@lemmy.world avatar

Fucking outrageous thankfully there’s no traditional Christmas theatre shows that involve drag coming up


Because Max identifies as a transgender male, he could no longer be cast as the male lead.

I feel like the easy solution is to identify as a cis male…

It is concerning (but unsurprising) how obsessed conservatives are with childrens genitals.


You can’t choose to identify as the cis version of your opposite sex.

That’s literally why we have the term cis, to differentiate from those who keep their assigned gender from those who do not.


Maybe I don’t know what a transgendered male is, but I thought it was someone who was born female then transitioned to male.

That would mean that identifying as a cis male does not make sense because cis is for people who keep their assigned gender at birth.


… holy crap they were being sarcastic…


I appreciate y’all on Lemmy. I almost went along with the Reddit programming of ruining jokes with /s but decided to test it.


It’s needed sometimes, but definitely not here.


It’s called a joke, bud.

FoundTheVegan avatar

You must cover your genitals at all times! But your coverings must clearly indicate which genitals you have! No one may see your genitals, but everyone needs to be clearly informed of your genitals at all times.

Also the gential signaling coves change over time, but wearing the wrong coverings in the wrong time period is unnatural and makes God mad!


The licensing organization should pull their approval.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

I haven't seen Oklahoma! but is there a part where the lead whips out their dong and waves it in front of the audience?

If not, who cares what's in their pants?

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

They could have wrote that in. My junior high plays when I was in theatre were always just slightly different from the originals. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also, did they verify the new lead is cis? I know a lot of people who have been in theater, there is a surprisingly large percent who aren’t cis.

ivanafterall avatar

Name literally one actor or theatre person who is gay!?


Pshh. Can’t be done.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

Right? If you’re gonna try to get all the queer kids out of theater you’re gonna have a really hard time.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Has the school administration examined their penis yet?


You dont remember the classic line

“Ooooooooklamohma where my jizz coms seeping down my pants!”

ivanafterall avatar

Also, prosthetic dongs are a thing, if you prefer to keep the original vision of Oklahoma! intact.


Wow, I guess the movie really deviated from the source material.

@CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

TIL that there’s a version of the Oklahoma! movie without exposed genitalia.


Texas, apparently…

@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

I just wanted you to know, I actually giggled at this. Thank you for the laugh after a shitty weekend.


Well this will fix the various social crises in that country for sure.


Damn, more of this american politics bullshit, leaking into Lemmy as well. Just don’t feel very newsworthy for me at the opposite side at the world


I’m not American, but I’m in one of the many countries whose political narrative is shaped by the global political and cultural haegemon.

This specific story is of course irrelevant, but the broader indication that a significant portion of their population is eager to vote in a barely masked group of genocidal fascists, who have spent a couple of decades consolidating power seems globally relevant to me.


Sorry if this is obvious for others, but what’s a TX school and cisgender?


‘TX’ is an abbreviation of ‘Texas’. ‘Cis’ is an abbreviation of the word ‘cisgender’. Cisgender is a person who identifies with the sex that was registered for them at birth.


Yep. Like I’m a cis guy. I was assigned to male at birth, and I’m perfectly comfortable with that.

Other people are trans, or intersex, or non-binary. Biology is messy and we’ve got lots of variety.

Note: I might be missing something, because I’m not super familiar with all of it. I just wanted to add a little more info. I think it also helps for cisgender people to talk about this stuff too, to help normalize it. So, I chimed in.


Good breakdown, there’s also gender fluid, which I believe means the gender you feel most comfortable being identified as can change. There are also neuter and newly invented pronouns, which defy the binary that many of us grew up learning about.

There’s also a tremendous amount of variety within each label, even cis. Like I’m cis male also, but even between the two us we probably have different feelings about what it means to be essentially male


I was sipping my coffee and looking out the window listening to the song birds, and then I worried about a trans kid in a school play, now I don’t have to worry thanks for taking care of that. What is next…men dressing up as women to play in Shakespearian plays??




Yet when scarlet johanson (i think it was) played a trans character, OH NO, THE ROLE NEEDS TO BE PLAYED BY A TRANS PERSON. I support anybody playing characters of any race, gender, orientation, you name it. It’s acting, they aren’t superheroes, mafia bosses, powerful wizards either, and people make no fuss of that.

But for real the hypocresy of you people



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  • trackcharlie,

    Rofl, I saw what you put there and it was hilariously incompetent.


    yes thats why i deleted it


    Honestly, as long as trans women aren’t played by cis dudes that’s an improvement over the past century.



    As long as they don’t go all Little Britain on it, I don’t see it as a problem.


    Okay, so, addendum: if the story is set in a time or place where the character wouldn’t have access to hormones, then it’s fine.

    There’s also a case to be made that if you have sufficient fuckery with CGI, you could make a story during an ongoing medical transition.

    What I’m talking about is throwing a wig and some powder on some lantern jawed dude and calling it a day.


    Why can’t they be? Your issue is when it’s mocking trans women, but anyone could play the role and then mock trans women.


    Are you aware that trans women are not physiologically the same as cis men? (If you weren’t, now you are.)

    Now do you understand how casting a cis man in the role of a trans woman will emphasize masculine features of the character, and that it plays into a narrative that trans women are men? (if you weren’t, now you are.)


    Are you aware that trans women are not physiologically the same as cis men?

    Everything I’ve seen has been based on brain difference trends. Not anything near indicating every trans woman is physiologically different from a cis man. (If they were you could easily identify trans babies for example.)

    Now do you understand how casting a cis man in the role of a trans woman will emphasize masculine features of the character, and that it plays into a narrative that trans women are men? (if you weren’t, now you are.)

    This is what I assumed was your concern, which honestly I think is shallow. You view it as transphobic to portray “non-passing” trans person (not to mention that a cis man could still pass) but, doesn’t that “erase”(I don’t agree that not depicting something erases it, but many believe it does) the experiences of non-passing trans women?


    I literally have tits.


    Okay and? Assuming that’s you saying you’re trans. Again, not all trans people are passing, take hormones, or corrective surgery. + There are plenty of non-permanent alternatives that a cis person could use. One of my best friends wears breast forms for example.


    Historically, trans woman characters have been played by men.

    " bUt NoT AlL"

    fuck off. The majority of trans women are physiologically different from men; the majority of actors who have played trans women are men. That’s fucked.


    Where did I say “But not all” anywhere???

    The majority of trans women are physiologically different from men;

    What does this mean?? Are you talking about brain wise? Because that doesn’t matter, for an actor, it’s not visual. If you’re talking about affirmative care wise, no.

    “In 2015, the largest survey of transgender people in the United States reported that 25% of respondents reported having undergone such a surgery.” And trans rates are notoriously undercounted so it’s likely an even lower percentage.

    Would it be just as wrong for a trans man, without affirming care to play a trans woman in your eyes?

    What about a trans woman without affirming care?


    You dingus. It means exactly what it means. The bodies, and face, of trans women are different from men. 98.61% of trans women in the US take HRT. HRT changes the body. How can you be this dense?


    Plenty of cis men are not physically distinguishable than those on HRT. There are plenty of cis men with “feminine” fat distro, and thinner body hair.


    The lengths you would go to to find such a rare person with such a rare endocrine disorder just so that you could avoid hiring a transwoman to play a transwoman.


    Poont is, I don’t really care who plays who, I’m okay with a trans woman being played by a cis dude, and a cis dude being played by a trans woman, it should not matter as long as their acting is good.


    I agree, but a key takeaway is to also ensure that trans actors aren’t discriminated against for any role so that they receive a fair chance.


    What you are missing is a century plus of the thumb on the scale (much longer if you go back to Shakespeare where only men could play women). The world doesn’t suddenly become a complete meritocracy overnight (if ever), and striving for equal representation in the arts is very important.

    Just look at how children of color have been inspired since Disney decided to start making protagonists that look like them and have similar backgrounds.


    No actor of any gender now is lacking skill because of Shakespeare…


    You do realize that these aren’t the same people, right? They have like polar opposite beliefs on the subject.

    Anyway, this kid was “banned” from playing the role, they didn’t lose the audition.


    Not only did they not lose the audition, they won the audition and then had it taken away from them. And therein lies the hate. It’s not a “no”, it’s a “yes but go fuck yourself”.


    Their point isn’t about this outcry, it’s about the reaction to the outcry.

    Their anology is, if it’s wrong for a cis person to play a trans character then it’s also wrong for a trans person to play a cis character. They’re trying to criticize leftist hypocrisy.

    Now, I think it was a minority of pro-trans people that criticize a cis person playing a trans character. But I guess their criticism of that minority is fair.


    Same website, but still you are right that banning someone from performing based on anything outside their performance is outrageous.


    So your suggestion is that the consistent view would to only allow trans kids to play trans roles? So a trans boy (assigned female at birth), who is literally indistinguishable from her male peers, is just shit out of luck? And trans girls are going to have to wait til their (obviously very open) school decides to do Rocky Horror Picture Show?

    Fuck off and let kids be kids. Weird fuckers obsessed with children’s’ genitals.


    Their point is it’s hypocritical to say a cis person can’t play a trans role.


    I know what their point was.


    Then why are you acting like they think a trans person can’t play a cis role?


    I’m happy to say that after a whole bunch of people showed up at the school board meeting to speak on Max’s behalf the school board fully reinstated the original play and it’s actors including Max and issued a formal apology. Special thanks to Grayson Pride for leading the effort. kxii.com/…/sherman-isd-board-trustees-votes-reins…


    Thanks for the update!


    No problem!


    Nice! If you didn’t already, you should make a post about it


    Thank you, I’ll check and see if anyone has. I am diligently learning Lemmy.


    Just want to point out that this statement makes it very clear that the original decision was reactionary discrimination against a minority in the first place.

    Following the closed meeting, a board member, Wendy Vellotti, put forward the motion to reinstate the original version and cast of the production as it was before the gender rule was created.

    Edit: The school board is now launching an investigation into the actions of the superintendent.



    They need to investigate him. There are images circulating of him harassing parents who spoke ill of him about the situation. Another board member was shown to be protesting the local pride problem that was held, yelling at children and taunting them.

    @_lilith@lemmy.world avatar

    What? I don’t get it


    transphobia and an adult abusing his position of power to hurt a kid, two berserk buttons in one headline

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