How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying “woke”, “critical race theory”, ““grooming””, and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open.

You never see the inverse. There is no ConservativesofTiktok getting churches harassed into shutting down for the day or calling in threats. You don’t see cringey boomer memes on the left. And whenever I openly express those feelings, try to create that sentiment; I get shut down. Noone agrees, I’m often shamed and muted. I just don’t understand why that parity exists, it’s extremely isolating to feel so alone in this


The right wing has a long history of real repression. Think slavery, segregation, Jim Crow (simply saying it doesn’t do it justice), voter suppression, KKK, mob violence, etc. As much as I hate to realize it, they were fundamentally built on violence and hate. It’s never left them. Especially the mentality, which is “my way or violence”.

This is also why they project the left is violent. Because they are, so they assume everyone else is too. So they try to portray left groups as violent. Same with having an agenda. They have one, so they assume everyone else has one too. It’s all projection.


But they do? All the conservatives I listen to or hang out with don’t say a word of hate about liberals. But all the liberals I hang out with hate (as in actively, as in take time out of conversations to spend words and energy and time doing this), they actively hate conservatives.

They complain about conservatives. They say they’re evil and inhuman and ascribe all sorts of evil intent. They express the desire to purge them from the neighborhood, to disenfranchise them. I’ve seen calls for blood, many times.

When I hang out with conservatives, we don’t even talk politics. We talk about cars or whatever. There’s no time spent on hating anyone or anything. We talk about problems facing us, how the week went, etc.

Maybe the liberals I know just happen to be extremists, I don’t know. But that’s my experience. Liberals sit around and talk politics and how bad conservatives are. Conservatives sit around and talk about all sorts of stuff, and almost never mention liberals.


Thank you my unbiased friend


Fuck Putin. Fuck Trump.


Yes, indeed, and fuck you too.


Your opinion is very important to me. Cunt.


I think it depends on the particular people. I know a conservative whom it is impossible to talk to without them turning the conversation into politics full of hate in the shortest possible time. I’d love to know, whether there’s any statistics about this, because obviously the experience from our social bubbles is not enough.


Fuck Putin. Fuck Trump.


Maybe it’s just your friends? I know my ex and his brother cannot stop talking about politics when they come over, they are extreme as heck though. It’s all conspiracies, voter fraud, everyone out to get them because they are white guys, but they should be in charge because they are white guys, they made it all the way to thinking women ought not be allowed to vote, not kidding. I wish they didn’t talk politics because what they say does make me want to hate whoever is profiting from this radicalization.

Or maybe they don’t have to care about politics because it’s going their way, all sunshine and rainbows (well maybe not rainbows) as far as the eye can see? They don’t have to care that abortion is getting outlawed or that the state is gerrymandered to make the legislature more conservative than the state, they don’t have to care because they are winning? But would talk about politics if it wasn’t going their way?

I do believe you, just not sure your friends are typical. Also hopefully mine aren’t.


I’m going to take a somewhat different tack to describing this.

There are many ways to motivate large groups of people. You’ve likely seen this a lot and not really noticed or paid attention to it. Some examples are tribalism (“Hey! They’re not one of us!”), nationalism (“Those dirty foreign people!”), religion (“Do what I say and go to heaven!”), money (“Do this and I’ll give you something valuable”), etc.

One of the best motivators is fear. (“Do this or I/they will do something you really don’t like”).

Political groups need something to motivate large groups of people. When done well, they appeal to the better sides of humanity. When done by the lazy, the dumb and the craven, they go with the simple one: fear.

That’s what Conservatism has been hammering for a while now. They don’t really have a way to appeal to people’s better sides, primarily because their platform isn’t to make humanity better off. They platform is to make a few people better off to the detriment of everyone else. So they try tribalism (“Those brown people are trying to take your money!”), nationalism (“Those foreigners are taking your jobs!”), religion (“Those non-Christians are trying to install sharia law!”), etc. The most effective one is still fear. So getting their followers scared and angry is the best way to motivate them, get them to stop thinking rationally and build moats that will isolate them from people that might talk them down.

This is used to motivate people to vote in certain ways, as well as motivate them to watch advertisements. In other words: power and money.


Why arent you afraid of them though, they really will do actual terrible things


Hating people never leads to logical outcomes. I’d rather accept that they’ve been somewhat brainwashed and battle against it, than hate my neighbour.

sin_free_for_00_days, (edited )

There have been a couple studies about the actual brain differences between people on the left and their less developed progress stopping conservative (my editorializing of the situation) people.…/conservative-and-liberal…


Are you afraid of them or do you hate them? Those seem like two independent opinions to me, but I’m wondering if you’re conflating them.

I’m afraid of them and I don’t hate them.


I hate them because i have to constantly be afraid of them.


I can both understand and relate to being afraid of them. As you wrote, they do real damage and they seem intent on doing more and they seem to feel it’s their mission to do so. From what I can tell, they have been programmed to see the very concept of progressive thinking as evil. Fearing them seems sensible, because being aware of the threat makes it easier to defend against it or protect oneself from it.

But how exactly does it improve your life to hate them?


It doesn’t improve it. You could argue it makes it worse since I often face social rejection from the left for it…for some inexplicable reason. But I don’t simply choose to hate or not hate something, the same way one does not simply chose their sexuality or gender or race or emotions.


I relate to your position. You are wrong. You absolutely do choose to hate or not hate. This lies entirely within your control.

I used to have the impulse to hate them, but I don’t any more.

On the list you cite, emotions is the one thing you choose, even though it might not feel that way right now. I don’t expect you to believe me. I will cite Lisa Feldman Barrett and the book How Emotions are Made and you can decide whether you want to explore or not.

Either way, peace.


Because we have elderly people in our life that we care about and they weren’t monsters when we were young. Think of how much effort it would take you to objectively look at ideas your grandparents held/hold and what it says about them. I know I can’t do it. I can’t see my grandfather as a person who used to refer to homosexuals with a word I won’t repeat. The man who took me on so many hikes and fishing trips? No way.

Now extend it. Do you really want to go through your life thinking everyone passed a certain age is a terrible person? So evil becomes misguided.

The reverse of course isn’t true. No one gives a shit about a 30 year old. They ain’t cute and they are starting to run stuff.


You’re letting your heart get in the way of the mind. I got to enjoy knowing my grandparents abused my parents. My maternal side in particular revelled in spewing hate at demographics including myself and abandoning all the values they claimed to hold dear for their pentacostal magat cult. Needless to say I do not have the same issue.

Regardless. If you really care about defending people’s rights, you need to be able to look people like your grandparents in the eye and say “No, you’re wrong, and should suffer for it”.

And old people arent cute, not sure where you got that


Well a. Mind are dead b. If they were alive I wouldn’t do that c. I don’t got to do anything


Gunna take this as Liberal/Conservative as party brand names rather than strict social ideology and you’re talking about “the left” more generally.

I think the short answer is empathy. When you dig down to the bottom a lot of the discussion on the left talks about different forms of human needs. A need to feel accepted and loved, desires to exist publicly without fear… It is a radical form of empathy that asks you to put yourself in multiple pairs of shoes and see the world through perspectives you aren’t naturally born into. The ultimate aim is to achieve a picture of humanity which is inclusive of the widest possible range of understanding.

In that way “Conservatives” are also people. It is not impossible to empathize with their issues. It takes a lot cognitively to internalize this new data and a lot of the rejection from the right comes not from outright cruelty but a desire for things to be and remain simple and easy. They don’t want to stretch themselves and are scared of a world where that is something they are forced to do. The issue is a lot of the people selling the pitchforks on that side are doing it because it benefits them. That desire to understand encompasses the motives of individual Conservatives and splits them apart. A lot of the issues Conservatives have is that the left is “preachy” that we act like we’re better than them and that does come from somewhere. Some leftists do just want to be the smartest most correct person in the room but others are just waiting for the Conservatives they know to be more understanding of other people who they learned about so they stop being mean. The person who pitties the school bully is often their target because that empathy seems to the bully like condescension.


After a certain point, you have to realize your bully is either incapable or unwilling to engage in that empty. At which point, your option is beat or get beat


If it makes you feel any better I’m on your side and I get the same whiny milquetoast doormat bullshit from liberals. They think they can get power to abdicate itself by begging, and they think violence is barbaric despite it being the only way things have ever progressed anywhere.


Cold confort knowing we’re a minorty and Ill very possibly have to seek asylum by new years

Ginkko117 avatar

I honestly don't think there's much of a difference between these groups. Both have lots of people hating the guts of another group. And both are substantially radical in views. This all is just crazy


Conservatism is the idea that people are basically bad and need to be controlled, liberalism is the Idea that people are basically good and deserve to be helped.


That’s not what liberals are at all… they don’t want to help anyone if it means doing anything that may hurt capitalism.


Thank you for sharing this comment. I know I’m stupid but it always brings me joy when other people make me think maybe I’m not the MOST stupid person alive today


Found the neo lib

Vendetta9076, avatar

You and I are on different parts of the internet it seems. As a non American, your guys’ politics frighten and confuse me. The amount of hatred seems pretty damn comparable on both sides. Also neither of your partied are actually very different. Just different flavours of authoritarian.


Too late at night for lolitarianism

Vendetta9076, avatar



It is too late in the evening in the time zone I am in right now to hear libertarian ideas being taken seriously.

You know how when you had a long day and someone wants to explain to you whatever conspiracy crap they buy into but you can’t? You just have no energy left to even pretend there is something of value there.

Go watch V for Vendetta and read some Rothbard if you feel you need to.

Vendetta9076, avatar

Oh you’re one of those kinds of people. Gotcha. Well sorry me reminding you that governments like power makes you exhausted.


Yes I am one of those people who thinks welfare programs and environmental regulations are a small price to pay for the benefits we as a whole get from them. But hey why not just move to the many countries in the world that don’t bother with them?

Vendetta9076, avatar

Brother when did I ever say anything about any sort of social safety net. I think you’re arguing with the wrong person.


Because liberals see “the world vs the ideal world” we see problems and we try to correct them.

Conservatives see “us vs them” and burning the world to the ground is fine as long as “The others” burn with it.


They’d eat a shit sandwich if they thought a liberal would have to smell it.


“their breath” is the traditional end of that phrase.

FiniteBanjo, (edited )

This is the broadest stroke I can make of it:

Conservatives decisions are based on instincts and lower brain functions like fear and hatred.

Liberals decisions are based on marginal benefit and rational decision making based on a combination of large and small scale unbiased data and historical outcomes.

There are tons of outliers and vocal minorities that break the rule, but basically a conservative thinks a liberal should face eternal punishment, while a liberal thinks they’re not fit to judge a conservative.


Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a real thinker over here.

Let me grab my decoder ring and my degree in bullshit interpretation, ‘cause this shit needs unpackin’.

First off, ObliviousEnlightenment, huh? More like ObliviouslySpoutin’Nonsense.

Lemme tell ya, this whole liberal versus conservative hate thing is a load of horse shit.

Hate knows no political boundaries, kid.

It’s like ravioli—some folks love it, some folks hate it, but it don’t matter what side of the aisle you’re on, you still gotta respect the ravioli.

Now, as for this “us vs. them” mentality, that’s just human nature, plain and simple. We all got our gangs, our tribes, our little groups we run with.

But the problem ain’t the conservatives or the liberals, it’s the goddamn extremists on both sides stirrin’ the pot and throwin’ gasoline on the fire. They’re the ones spewing hate and takin’ things too damn far.

As for the whole muting and shamin’ thing, lemme break it down for ya: liberals tend to police their own when someone goes off the deep end, while the conservatives let their crazies run wild and pretend they don’t exist.

That’s why you see more visible hate from one side than the other. But make no mistake, there’s assholes on both teams. As for you feelin’ isolated, boohoo.

Welcome to the fuckin’ club. Life ain’t fair, and neither is politics. You wanna survive? Learn to navigate the crazy and find common ground.

Stop whinin’ and start thinkin’ for yourself. Don’t be another sheep bleatin’ out talking points.

That’s my two cents.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got a date with a meatball sub the size of my head.

geogle, avatar

I agree with you 98%. My only gripe is that nobody don’t like ravioli.


Smart man


extremists on both sides

Right Extremists: Murder our political opponents! Kill the queers and the coloreds! Install our dictator! Anyone that isn’t a white christian nationalist doesn’t deserve to live!

Left Extremists: Everyone deserves access to health care, housing, and basic necessities! Limit the hoarding of wealth and power! Protect democracy! End mass murder and genocide!

“bOTh sIdeS Are THe sAME!”


What political opponents have been killed? Of any political stripe??


Bad faith misdirection question is bad faith, misdirection.

E for effort, though.

force, (edited )

Idk man conservatives in recent history have a pretty consistent track record of assassinations and assassination attemps on liberal and leftist politicians in the US based on their politics. Tommy Burks was outright killed by his Republican opponent less than a month before the election (Burks was one of the most conservative Democrats at the time, but he was certainly killed by a lot more conservative Republican), Clementa Pinckney (targetted in a white supremacist shooting at a primarily black church that he was the pastor of), Gabby Giffords (shot in the head by an anti-government right-wing conspiracy theory consumer).

When Republican politicians are killed now, it’s pretty much only by personal enemies/drama that is unrelated to liberal or leftist politics, or by schizophrenic/criminally insane people who also weren’t doing it over politics. Like Linda Collins (her friend killed her after being confronted for stealing money), Mike McLelland (he was killed by a former lawyer who’s theft case he prosecuted). Hell, even Ronald Reagan was shot over an actress, not over the guy’s personal political views. Ironically, Republican John Roll was killed by the right-wing terrorist targetting Gabby Giffords, he was caught in the cross-fire. I don’t think there’s even an in-office conservative Republican politician that was assassinated by a Democratic rival this century, or even a single instance of a conservative Republican being assassinated by a liberal over politics recently.

I want you to think of how frequently you hear of terrorist attacks which were committed in the name of white supremacy, christian nationalism, dicrimination against LGBT, or some other far-right bullshit, and then think of how frequently you hear of terrorist attacks committed in the name of progressive beliefs like, oh idk universal healthcare and better public transport. it’s gotta be at least like a 20 to 1 ratio, and that’s me being conservative with the amount of conservative attacks.


Liberals hate leftists like conservatives hate liberals.

Liberals are a hop and a skip away from being conservatives.


Liberals like to live in reality, leftists like to live in “well both parties are the same so it’s okay if Trump gets elected” land.


“Having principles is bad guys, you gotta fall in line 6 months before the election and just accept whatever shit the DNC scoops into your mouth or Democracy’s gonna die!” - the brain worms in your head


No leftist thinks that.


Because we’re better? :)




It’s the classic good vs evil.

Evil hates everyone and good is displeased with evil.

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