
I'm curious what this does to libreddit and teddit. Teddit has said as of a month ago they'll go to HTML scraping. Libreddit I think is still waiting to see. But then there is the question of why reward that ecosystem by staying in it? Unfortunately (at least for replacing Twitter and Reddit) as we saw with Twitter and Mastodon I don't see a fediverse site gaining dominance over Reddit, mostly due to the fediverse's very nature of decentralization. So it would be nice to have open source alternatives through the above services.


I sympathize with those libreddit and teddit devs, because they've probably spent hundreds of hours building and maintaining those front ends, all to have their work essentially go in the trash at reddit's whims. But you're right, these are the dangers of rewarding that ecosystem, and building things for centralized services.


their work essentially go in the trash

They learned a lot in the process probably, that is the most important for them after all. But relying on API is risky, so always go HTML scrapping. The frontends are super useful for finding information already there without accessing the actual website. Always use Lemmy here for everything else.

FuckBigTech347, avatar

all to have their work essentially go in the trash at reddit’s whims.

Sure the project may die but the knowledge remains. Software is accumulated knowledge. It can always be studied as long as the source code is available.


This is legit the reason why I literally just signed up on here.


Well, welcome aboard!


You and me, bro/sis


I hope we see a mass migration. Fuck Reddit for doing this. I'm here now as well.


Grab yourself Jebora if you're on Android for a good app:

aspensmonster, avatar

I've also found just the mobile web interface to be highly usable compared to reddit's.


Yeah, reddit on mobile makes me want to gouge out my eyes then roll through shattered glass.

The only issue I've found with lemmy on mobile is remembering collapsed comments, or not jumping back to the same comment when you accidentally click a link that doesn't open in a new tab.


@borari @aspensmonster how do you use Lemmy on mobile, just through the website, or some mobile client app?


I was just using it in my mobile browser, the site is remarkably more functional this way than reddit ever was. It was nice enough that I'm not sure whether I'll feel like I actually need an app or not. I'm on iOS , and I've seen a lot of people mentioning Mlem. I'll probably try it out at some point soon just for comparisons sake.


There's a list of apps on that page


same - can't tell if it's placebo but ever since i read they were going public, i've noticed it just get shittier and shittier. inexcusably wrong to do


I was a transplant from Digg, ages ago. I never liked the cross-sub political undercurrent that always left you getting dogpiled on by idiots for expressing you opinions. I’ve wanted to jump ship for awhile but not a lot of good alternatives existed. Voat essentially became the social media platform for Stormfront. Ruqqus became a low-tier, low-effort meme board with little information discussion. Hopefully this lasts and has some promise to it.

CalcProgrammer1, avatar

Going public is just business speak for selling out your userbase for shareholder money. It's never a good thing for the users.


Same.. And I will try convince others to do the same


😮‍💨 I guess I'm not too surprised given what's been going on. Sad to see, but not surprising.

I do wonder how much Reddit will push until it has its Digg moment.

seahorse, avatar

In the past hour I've gotten like 10 applications to join my server and many of them have mentioned reddit's new api pricing as a reason why.


Same, we've been getting a lot. I welcome every single one of reddit's bad decisions :)


From Reddit to Lemmygrad, you mean?


Your server?


Lemmy is a fediverse software. Different servers running this software can send posts to other servers running the software. For example, and are on different servers. Lemmy is the reddit-like software these servers run.


I see.

Kultronx, avatar

damn Apollo was the only decent app to access that trash site. good thing i don't go there anymore, evil evil place

XLRV, avatar

Honestly many of the 3rd party apps are good, like Boost, Sync, Relay, RiF, Infinity etc


The good ones will support Lemmy. This is our great filter.


I always preferred narwhal over Apollo, but the apps were ‘far’ from being the only reason to leave Reddit.


Can we normalise adding our 'subscribed to' subs, into our profiles. Helps newcomers, like myself, discover more and more subs.

Maybe only the moderated ones show up... hmm.. dunno


go to "communities" and click "all"


Your follows are on your landing page, rather than on your profile. Profile just has your moderated communities.


So others can see what i follow, to give them inspiration?

Spoiler: No crazy niche ones :)


We used to have that publicly shown (iirc), but its private now.

lvxferre, avatar

Suggestion / request for people leaving Reddit: shred your content before deleting your account. Don't leave it in the platform, otherwise it'll just become more profits for the greedy fucks.

You can mass delete your comments in a safe way through Power Delete.


Top tier comment! Easily overlooked. Agreed, fuck them!


All I ever do on reddit is shitpost and say absurd bullshit to throw off ai learning as much as possible.


Thanks! I built a tool also to download some of your reddit history: , if you'd like to get it out locally.

mxmvncnt, (edited )


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  • lvxferre, avatar

    That sounds a lot like a perverse albeit unintentional incentive to keep users relying on a platform that shouldn't be trusted. Give this a read, as Karl Voit explains it nicer than I can; I'd also like to highlight that any sort of info that you find in Reddit is highly unreliable, due to the excessive local leniency towards certain types of irrationality.

    Also note that this is an easy issue to solve, from both sides. People looking for help can always look for it elsewhere; and people willing to help can migrate their content elsewhere.

    KelsonV, avatar

    @lvxferre @mxmvncnt I think post that was one of the things that pushed me to start collecting all of my troubleshooting posts on my website a couple of years ago.

    lvxferre, avatar

    A personal website is a great idea, specially if you have practical knowledge over a few connected topics.


    I want to agree, but Reddit is an absolute trove of information and support on all kinds of technical issues. It’s a repository of information and solutions not rivaled by many others. Losing Reddit would legitimately make the internet a less usable, less helpful place. It’s a damn shame, but it’s true.

    lvxferre, avatar

    A trove of information plus noise and misinformation. If you ask any actual question - be it tech help or something else - expect most replies to be from:

    • users who didn't understand your question on first place, no matter how simple and concisely you phrased it.
    • users assuming context out of nowhere or disregarding the context that you've provided.
    • users avoiding to reply to your question because they really, really want to boss you around on unrelated matters.
    • users who are not informed on the question, do not know the answer for the question, but assume it and voice it as certainty.
    • users circlejerking or voicing stale jokes based on some trivial detail in your question.

    You might get an actual answer in this sea of misinfo and noise, but if you're looking for help there's a good chance that you don't know enough to sort it out. And the exact same deal applies to anyone looking at the others' questions looking for help.

    Losing Reddit would legitimately make the internet a less usable, less helpful place. It’s a damn shame, but it’s true.

    The truth is that, no matter what you do, you're going to lose it. Reddit is already going this way, no matter if you delete or don't delete your content, and no matter what happens in the alternatives (as this one). Because even misinfo and noise drive engagement up.


    When I run into issues and look to Reddit, despite not knowing how to solve my problems, it’s at least 50/50 odds I find my solution and have no issues. To pretend the misinformation discredits the entire platform is folly. May as well toss out stackoverflow and others, their track record isn’t any better in my experience. I have similar odds there at a solution

    All forums have problems, and while I don’t agree with reddits business strategy, it’s backlog is unmatched by most resources.

    mxmvncnt, (edited )


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  • lvxferre, avatar

    Keep in mind that plenty subreddits have policies against blog posts, even if they aren't monetised. Even then, you're setting up another place where people can reach you out for help, so frankly that's still an amazing idea.


    I use Now for Reddit because the interface of the official reddit app sucks, along with way too many ads. Now that reddit is going in this direction, I decided to check Lemmy out.

    So far, I like what I see. It's not perfect but it's a good start!


    Welcome to the hoard, friend


    Will using a VPN get you banned here? Reddit unfortunately didn’t like privacy conscious users.


    Not in my experience.

    KelsonV, avatar

    I can't imagine why it would.


    Once 3rd party apps are gone I refuse to use Reddit other than through old.Reddit which is probably next on the chopping block

    Once old Reddit goes I am gone for good. On the plus side I will get a lot more free time back

    CalcProgrammer1, avatar

    If they get rid of old.reddit I'm out. The new UI is absolute garbage. However, I'm not entirely happy with Lemmy and it's >50% of my screen being useless whitespace. I wish Lemmy had an old Reddit style. This trash design philosophy of whitespace is ridiculous.


    @dessalines An an avid Apollo user, this is really bad news. But if it pushes some of its users towards the Fediverse, then it's not a total loss.


    @dessalines Wow, my reply using a Mastodon web client ( ) actually gets picked up by the Lemmy server!

    If Apollo were to be rewritten as a Lemmy / ActivityPub client, it could inter-operate with all those new Mastodon clients too...


    so for you, are you just seeing posts from this community as it's own user?


    If you're viewing this post from the Lemmy webpage (, in your case), you can click on the rainbow-colored Fediverse icon to see how it looks like from their end.


    Ah cool, thanks for letting me know!


    @ImOnADiet Yes. I was able to search and find @opensource as a “user” in my Mastodon clients.


    that's pretty neat actually

    JackFromWisconsin, avatar

    That would be something - all of the major reddit clients pivot to bring Lemmy or other fediverse clients.

    pitninja, avatar

    What a fantastic idea. They don't even have to necessarily pivot their apps to actually be Lemmy clients to deliver a massive "fuck you" to Reddit. They collectively have a large install base. Instead of a warning banner saying, "This app will cease functioning on July 1 (or whatever the date is)," they could add, "Check out our new community over on Lemmy [with a link to whichever Lemmy client]." If I were a Reddit app dev, I would 100% be incorporating this threat into my talks with their team about the forthcoming reddit API.

    ksynwa, avatar

    I see entire threads that are populated by replies from Mastodon (and similar services) users. As someone who has been using Lemmy before federation it is nice to see.

    aspensmonster, avatar



    One of the replies:

    It’s almost certainly meant to kill third party applications and push users to their in-house app.

    Likely obvious to everyone, but still worth emphasizing: $20 million a year isn't meant to be reasonable.

    In better news, it prompted me to sign up here!


    Same here! I created an account about a year ago and now I am considering moving over full time. Does anyone have any good sub-lemmys(?) that newcomers should check out?


    any good sub-lemmys(?)

    I think the "proper" term is "Communities", in case the question mark there was indeed a "Is that the term?" 😁


    honestly I suggest just sorting by local/all for now, it's still too small to only be looking at a few communities imo


    Yup... reddit only gains from people being forced into using their own app. Apollo and other 3rd party clients don't track data like "time spent looking at X ad".

    More metrics and such to sell to advertisers.


    it's disgusting how no one wants to actually be a company that provides things anymore, but simply a company that does deals with advertisers


    Reddits innovative spirit really did die with aaron swartz, who couldn't stand working there.


    Awkward question time: as I explore communities here, I seem to be running into a greater than expected amount of CCP propaganda. I then noticed that we have /c/china which just seems to be rife with the stuff. Some of these users are posting at a pace and consistency that might tenuously breach rule 4, but I'm actually much more concerned by the broader community's acceptance of it. I see I'm not the first person to call it out and the tone of replies in that thread crosses the line into accusing the person that raised the issue in the first place, as though the CCP is this totally normal not-at-all-an-authoritarian-regime kind of thing whose propaganda we should platform and legitimatize like any other article.

    Bluntly, this feels like a "your bar is now a Nazi bar" situation. Are there solid plans to clean it up?

    salarua, avatar

    the admins of are tankies and encourage this sort of propaganda posting. i'd highly recommend you move instances if this bothers you; and are both good instances


    Ah. Appreciate the heads-up. Digging further verifies what you're saying.

    Gonna have to think about this one: I mean obviously I'm noping right out the door here, but since its admins are also developers of lemmy itself it casts a nasty shade on the whole platform.

    I want a choice that's not "What flavor of authoritarianism will you endorse?"

    salarua, avatar

    Kbin recently popped up if you want an alternative to Lemmy, but it's still in early beta


    I'm betting that they plan on later announcing that paid subscription reddit accounts get free access to the API, and this absurd api pricing was just a facade to make it seem they're being reasonable

    uthredii, (edited )

    If you can, tell people about lemmy in those other threads. People often just don't know what the alternatives are.

    Pssk, avatar

    No more teddit?


    Teddit might be scraping the public site, so it would be okay. But any apps that use the API will have to have the developer pay thousands of dollars to keep API access. Its the first step before closing off the API entirely like twitter did.


    Teddit and similar apps actually use the "anonymous" API, so once this API change comes in, those apps are basically dead without rewrites. Some ideas coming up are full page scraping (would require a lot of new coding and new issues like rate limits and etc), RSS scraping (would not be as complete information wise).

    libreddit issue

    teddit issue


    So sad !!! :(


    Those projects are great, and its sad that its ultimately up to the whims of some evil company to waste the hundreds of hours they spent building those apps.


    Yeah, I'm often thankful to people building these frontends, because ultimately a lot of human information is in those corporate silos and accessing them via a frontend is better than directly.

    But at the same time, I would never build such a frontend myself, for the reason you mentioned.
    All it takes, is a bunch of profiteering dickwad investors, to make your efforts go poof.


    its ultimately up to the whims of some evil company to waste the hundreds of hours they spent building those apps.

    Or the cheapskate users who don't want to fund open source alternatives ...


    Hopefully it leads to a growing lemmy user base and more contributers 🙂



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