I'm looking for a TOS-breaking telegram client that strips out all the premium shit

Hello fellow pirates! I’m tired of having all the telegram premium ads and antifeatures in the client and I’m looking for a client that removed them even if it’s against the TOS. Any tips? I’d rather use an actual open source fork than a cracked version of the original

I’m looking for both Android and Desktop (Linux)

What I want is to remove the hateful ads in the channels and the “buy premium to unlock these emojis”, and also to be able to arrange the folders in whatever order I like, without being forced to keep the “All messages” as first

thanks in advance!



No one gets to decide what i run on my device
No one gets to decide where i run my app
No one gets to decide what must be deleted


Thanks for the link! I’m trying to install the latest APK in the releases (which is 1y old), but when I try to log in it says “you’re using an outdated version, please update” refusing to let me log in :(


Yes, you can only use it if you where using it in the past, sadly the project seems to be abandoned.


It’s super weird to me that pirates aren’t advocating for the Free Software movement. Being able to control their own devices should be like one of their main goals.


My main goal as a pirate is getting stuff for free, and I would reckon that the majority of pirates are the same.


Free Software gives you the 4 essential freedoms. One of them is the freedom to distribute the program. So anyone could legally give you a copy for free. Sounds like what you want, no?

Even if the authors implement some kind of DRM, any programmer can modify the program to remove that feature and share the modified version with everyone. Technically that is also possible with non-free software, but it’s illegal, pretty difficult and requires special skills.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No one gets to decide what i run on my device

(Except your device’s manufacturer)

No one gets to decide where i run my app

(Except your cloud/SaaSS provider or proprietary app developer)

No one gets to decide what must be deleted
(Except your cloud/SaaSS provider or proprietary app developer)

!I assume this was your point already, I am just agenda posting over here :3!<


What “agenda” are you posting? You’re just nay-saying.

Go eat hay elsewhere with that attitude.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am pointing out that user-controlled computing and user freedom is in a bad shape. That’s not nay-saying, since there’s a way forward: open hardware and offline-first/p2p software.


We’ve had a way forward for 40 years and it’s called Free Software: youtu.be/Ag1AKIl_2GM


@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I agree! But in at least one case the FSF’s understanding/handling of free software is ineffective: firmware. Especially with boot chain security being increasingly implemented in a user freedom hostile way, the focus as presented by the FSF is imo too narrow.


The FSF’s stance is just based on our current capabilities. Most people still use proprietary operating systems. We are capable of developing free alternatives of non-free programs, even very complicated ones. But it’s not realistic to think that we can currently replace all firmware for any device if we don’t know how it works. The amount of products that have the RYF certificate is already very small. Even Librem 5 didn’t manage to get it. When it becomes easier, I’m sure they will change the requirements or add more levels.

I’m pretty sure Libreboot contains proprietary firmware now and GNU is planning to develop an actually libre fork. So it’s silly for the developer to criticize the FSF for not being radical enough. It makes me think that the person doesn’t really believe in what they are saying.

But then the author says they want us to have proprietary firmware packages in our systems. So they want our OSes to be less libre… They even compare not including proprietary firmware to burning books… I stopped reading after that.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am not saying that we need to replace every non-libre firmware, I am saying that not using firmware updates is hurting free software adoption and doesn’t advance user freedom.


But nobody is saying that there shouldn’t be a way to update firmware. Firmware just shouldn’t a be part of the OS, unless it’s free. Adding proprietary components to our systems will only make it harder for us to keep our freedom.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The proprietary firmware is already there, and if you don’t update it, your libre system becomes more insecure and less reliable. Distributing updates for those devices is a net gain for software freedom.


You don’t know what the proprietary update contains. It can be a security fix, but also a backdoor. People can decide on their own if they want to update, but I see no reason why I must be forced to have proprietary stuff in my system. I want a fully libre distro. I can’t switch to one, because I would have to give up on using AMD GPUs, because people like you say that this is fine.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No. You’re using a distro which enables you to use the devices you bought. If every distro would follow the misguided path, you would be unable to use your GPU with a libre operating system at all.
Nobody is stopping you to remove your firmware. Right now you’re not doing it, because you want actually functional hardware.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

People like me can’t change what big companies do. They just do it, and get their money from other companies and consumers who don’t care.
I personally don’t want to watch while free operating systems become increasingly unusable and insecure. Let’s instead use the devices to our advantage as much as possible.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Also if you care about security, install goddamn firmware updates. The firmware on the devices is only going to get more insecure. If the company wanted to insert a backdoor, they have done it already. If an attacker wants to attack your device, an outdated device is simpler to compromise using publicly available info than to go the expensive route through the manufacturer. The first doesn’t even need to be a nation state adversary.
If you want to protect yourself against rogue devices, IOMMU and microkernels are a better and more sensible solution.


I didn’t say that I’m never going to install any firmware updates. I just don’t want to put it in my system if it’s proprietary.


The world won’t change itself. If people did nothing 40 years ago, there wouldn’t be a Free Software movement.

It sounds like you are not using a fully free distro anyway. Most of the popular distros contain proprietary firmware, so what’s the problem?


I am forced to keep proprietary firmware in my OS to use the hardware and that’s what you are advocating for. You want everyone to be forced to do that. But I don’t want anything proprietary in my system. I see no reason why I should have a proprietary firmware package installed for my GPU to work. The firmware could be just on the device itself and if someone wants to change it, then they can install the package in their OS. But maybe there could also be some other way.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

But then the proprietary firmware is in the device. Why do you think it makes a difference if you load it at boot time?
It just restricts your options.


I think it’s important to have boundaries. If we keep our operating systems fully free, it will be harder for anyone to pressure us to add proprietary components to them. But if our OSes already contain non-free components, it’s not that hard to add more. We not only want freedom, we also want to keep it.

It also needs to be clear for the people in our community that our main goal is freedom and getting rid of proprietary software. Convenience is less important.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It is not convenience, it’s being able to use a device at all in some cases. In others, firmware (updates) contain vital security and stability fixes.
I agree that proprietary software should not exist. I just think that the way you advocate treating firmware harms that goal.


does revanced work on telegram? blocking ads is usually the first patch that’s put out


64Gram Also has an AUR build


Unigram is what you’re looking for on Desktop, not 100% sure if they have a Linux build.


Try AyuGram


This is AWESOME! Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!!

@southernwolf@pawb.social avatar

I don’t know if it’s the “TOS-Breaking” you’re looking for, but I’ve been using Forkgram for a while now and really appreciate the QOL improvements it has, as well as the ability to hide the Premium stuff you aren’t using.



  • Loading...
  • chicken,

    OP has preempted your comment by specifying “TOS-breaking” tho


    There are several: Signal, Simple-X, Session, and Matrix


    Briar is pretty good if other people have android


    Yes, briar is a very good telegram client too


    Oh how does one use Signal as a Telegram Client?

    1. Install Signal
    2. Delete Telegram
    3. Enjoy Signal

    Ah so you didn’t actually answer OPs question, I misunderstood your intent.


    This was the answer, the best telegram client is the one that says “can’t find the app” when you press on it


    One simply does not use Telegram - founder is sketchy and it now primarily has alt-right, conspiracy and terrorist uses.

    I know some use it for trackers and to bootlick crackers, but it’s still not the best.


    it now primarily has alt-right, conspiracy and terrorist uses.

    Assuming you meant “users” - I highly doubt that the users you described are even a large minority of Telegram’s user base. They’re highly publicized but that’s it.

    Telegram is just a tool. How is saying “don’t use it because terrorists use it” different from saying “don’t use a screwdriver because terrorists use screwdrivers.”

    Telegram isn’t a secure messenger like Signal, Matrix, the others you mentioned, or other e2ee options out there. It has an extremely limited secure mode that is useful if you need to have a one-off conversation, but that’s it. But if you don’t need a secure messenger and instead want something to replace Twitter, Discord, other social media, or to serve some other purpose, then it’s fine for that.

    founder is sketchy

    I’m not familiar with the folks associated with the other apps you mentioned, but Signal’s former CEO and co-founder, Moxie, is a pretty dubious character, too. Signal is anti-FOSS: you can’t use their servers if you fork the client; they won’t federate if you host your own servers; they’re opposed to being on F-Droid or even providing reproducible builds; and they have a history of failing to update their repos in a timely manner, to the point that clients built from source couldn’t even connect to their servers.

    That all said, I still use and recommend Signal.


    Did you try Molly? A fork of signal focused on security?

    @clot27@lemm.ee avatar

    Telegraher, but be aware your account may get banned (I am a premium user tho)


    You don’t get banned for using a fork.

    Telegram API is open, you can use any client you want, even CURL


    Unless they ban all the users using a specific client


    There are incidents where users using particular fork gets banned


    Can you name those forks?


    Um using for years, Telegram-FOSS, Nekogram, Forkgram, um both phone and desktop, never get any warning.

    If anyone got banned, probably violation of TOS

    Also the clients are opensource and available on GitHub


    Good forbid you pay them $5 whole dollars for their service. Those greedy bastards have gone too far at $5 dollars!

    muse avatar

    Bruh, look at the magazine before commenting.

    If you aren't going to offer anything constructive in your comment, why don't you buy the guy the premium upgrade yourself?


    Oh no, the bad man told me to pay for the privacy service I use instead of freeloading and stealing from them.

    It’s one thing to steal shit because it’s unavailable. I think it’s another to steal from a company offering reasonable privacy services competing against Whatsapp. And then you’ll all bitch when it’s only Facebook left. Signal is certainly circling the drain.


    Whinge somewhere else. This is a piracy sub, not a bootlicker sub


    reasonable privacy services

    You must be joking




    Look at the profile. Known troll.

    @orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

    Love that you’re complaining about this stuff in the piracy community lol.


    Imagine thinking you should be able to use the platform that makes "open source" their whole marketing pitch while locking you into their platform that they have paywalls on, then try to enforce restrictions on how modifications to their "open source" project are allowed to work, for free.

    @clot27@lemm.ee avatar

    Lol, they wont be paying from their pocket forever for the service we use




    There’s a bunch of apps on F-Droid you could try


    apps on fdroid are all TOS-compliant, otherwise they would be removed real quick by telegram (AFAIK)


    Why would telegram have any bearing on what’s hosted on fdroid?


    Because fdroid has a policy of respecting developers wishes. It’s also why you won’t find any forks of signal on there.

    Of course anyone can make their own fdroid repos and they have no control of that, but they have to be manually added


    Idk which third party apps are compliant which aren’t? There is this one feg: f-droid.org/packages/it.belloworld.mercurygram/Unlocks the premium app icons for free. f-droid.org/packages/nekox.messenger/This one surely has a few premium features no? Unlimited accounts feg?

    Personally I just use Telegramm-FOSS since years. Not sure what the actual differences to official client are at the moment, but this one is just fine and I’m never annoyed by premium feature ads like it seems to be the case for you.

    I highly doubt that F-Droid team removes third party telegramm apps when they are against tos of telegramm. They are actually out there defending our freedom, even and especially when proprietary services do not want us to use Foss third party apps. Google does not want you to use third party apps for their services. F-Droid still out there publishing foss YouTube clients. Give them some credit instead of just assuming they suck up to big companies.


    What is a “feg”?

    afunkysongaday, (edited )

    Honestly I thought it was an abbreviation for “for example” and probably used it one gazillion times 😅 now that I google it it seems like “e.g.” is what I was going for.


    Nekogram for android

    Unigram for Windows. Don’t know about Linux.


    Nekogram is just an unofficial telegram client, but (at least last time I downloaded it, a few month ago) it had the exact same limitations of the official client

    SaltySalamander avatar

    They weren't asking for the premium Telegram features. They were asking for a Telegram client without the premium ads.

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