
To play Devil’s Advocate, the people would only still live there without risk of inescapable debt if they had the qualifications to obtain a loan and pay down payment, as well as means to continue making payments until the property sells again or is paid off. Getting evicted by a landlord sucks but it’s still way better than owing the bank money because they can and will come after you for it.

On the flip side, though, you can still get equity from paying a mortgage, so it’s possible to sell the property and if it sells fast enough you could pay off the loan without excess interest during hard times.

Buying property comes with risks that renting properties do not have.




You’ve Violated The Law!

CileTheSane, avatar

I am so tired of the argument that “renters can’t afford to buy the property.”

Is the landlord making a profit? If Rent - Costs = Profit then the people who can afford the rent can afford the costs, and the money that would have been profit for the landlord can instead be savings for emergencies (that the landlord would have paid out of the same funds while still making a profit.)

FiniteBanjo, (edited )

If renters can continuously pay rent without ever missing a payment for years then yes clearly they could afford a home, but most US Citizens cannot even cover the down payment. Also, most renters end up missing payments pretty frequently. The system needs to change in a way that guarantees homes, but landlords also aren’t inherently in the wrong.

CileTheSane, avatar

The system is broken, I agree. That doesn’t excuse the people taking advantage of the broken system.

People regularly vilify scalping (buying something of limited availability and reselling it for a profit) but for some reason when someone does that with shelter, a thing necessary for survival, we get people defending them.


That’s exactly the problem. You’re conflating renting out property with scalping. You’re saying that Rental Owners are all villains, every single one, and that the world we currently live in would be better without them completely. That’s stupid. That just seems like somebody has oversimplified a complicated socioeconomic issue using emotions like fear and hate, and is using that as justification to lose faith in a democratic institution of laws.

I am defending rental properties, I think it as a concept still exists even in a perfect future, because it enables travelers and low-cost living communities on a larger scale while also allowing specializations for maintenance. I think there are some good people renting out full sized homes for barely enough to cover mortgage and maintenance, and I think a lot of renters probably wouldn’t be able to handle that sort of responsibility on their own and would end up losing their homes and money.

CileTheSane, avatar

Housing can be affordable or profitable, not both.


Not how businesses work. After expenses, they can make a loss for the fiscal year. It happens a lot more often than you think.

If you don’t like overcharging in the industry then you should be advocating rent control and proper taxation, not landlord fitted guillotines.

CileTheSane, avatar

Ah yes, if I’m against landlords I must be arguing in favour of killing all landlords.

You sound like a reasonable person to continue having a conversation with…

jwiggler, (edited ) avatar

If I’m understanding you correctly, I disagree. Homeowners aren’t providing a service to renters by allowing them to live “risk free”. The “risk” that a homeowner is incurring is the risk of becoming a renter, same as the risk that an owner of a company incurs is just the risk of having to become a worker.


If the place you’re renting gets struck by lightning and burns down, or you go to prison and it falls into disrepair, or the properties get raided and seized for some reason: you can just start over at a new place. The person who bought that building, on the other hand, loses maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars, likely plunging them deep into debt which is still accruing interest.

CileTheSane, avatar

If the place you’re renting gets struck by lightning and burns down

That’s what insurance is for.

or you go to prison and it falls into disrepair, or the properties get raided and seized for some reason

Ah, the classic “all renters are criminals” while opinioning on the “value” landlords provide.

FiniteBanjo, (edited )

Insurance isn’t a magic fix-all, mate. Also, lmao, I was implying that if any of those three things happened to the property owner it would be worse off, yet you failed to parse that and instead construed something about renters being criminals? Bro those were your words, and I think you’re wrong to think that way about renters.

CileTheSane, avatar

“I didn’t say they are criminals! I just said what if something exceedingly rare happens to them that only happens to criminals? Checkmate!”


I’ll go really slow for you.

I said if a landlord goes to prison or the property gets raided and seized then it is worse for them than if a renter has the same circuimstance.

Do you see the part where I singled out renters? No? Then where did that come from? You said that. That was you. You stupid mf.


I made a small edit to my last comment might need to refresh

jwiggler, avatar

That’s true; the landowner is certainly worse off losing property, especially compared to the renter, because the former owned property in the first place. The renter didn’t even have an opportunity to fall like the landowner. They don’t even have enough to lose. I’m not entirely sympathetic to a person who profits off another person’s need for shelter.


We have to fight for our right to be paying the bank for property that no longer exists for the next 30 years. Every human being deserves a chance to suffer this hardship. /sarcasm

jwiggler, avatar

I’m not certain I understand this comment, but from the tone it sounds like we’re not on the same page. Nonetheless, I would regard property-owning a privilege rather than a hardship, and that just because a person who owns property has more to lose, doesn’t suddenly make them noble putting that property at risk for the sake of gaining more.

Kolanaki, (edited ) avatar

If I was a landlord, I’d make the serfs work the fields for even more profit. I mean, If I’m gonna be evil, I’m going all-in.


Isn’t that just charging rent in turnips instead of money?

FlyingSquid, avatar

You can eat turnips. You can’t eat rent money.


Sounds like slavery with extra turnips




The only value landlords have is that is easier to be transient and move around for work and stuff, and not be tied down.

It should be for those in that niche, not because home ownership is too hard to obtain.

If you live in the same town doing the same job, the only reason you should be renting is because you didn’t like doing the extra work homeownership requires.

If anything beyond these niche is your market, fuck off.


3rd paragraph is me. I rented the vast majority of my life. I didn’t want to mow the lawn, shovel snow, clean gutters, fix/replace major items, eg: hot water heater.

Nope. Not interested.

FlyingSquid, avatar

You can hire people to do those things and if home ownership were affordable, you would likely be able to afford to pay people to do those things and have it all even out to being around the same as renting.


No thanks. No interest in worrying about upkeep or saving $$ to replace my roof in “x” amount of years. And, as others have mentioned. I’ve moved a few times without any hassle about trying to sell/buy. People that insist on home ownership are annoying as shit.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’m not insisting anyone buy a home. I’m just saying the reason you gave would not be a reason to not buy one if prices were equitable.


Sure it is. Why would I want to deal with finding a good landscaper or other service providers, eg: plumber?

I don’t care about price equality. I straight up don’t want to think about it.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Okay, but why shouldn’t that be an affordable option for others? Shouldn’t you be able to afford a home and such services just like you could afford to rent if things were more equitable?


I’m not talking about others. Just explaining my position. I’m not here to debate the issue.


I rented a place that had a small yard. I was excited to have a yard to tend. After cutting the grass once, I was done.

The landlord had the grass removed and a bunch of local plants put into a garden with a minimal watering system. Never needed to be tended. Was a well-loved upgrade.


Yeah, that would’ve been a good idea at my last place.


And not having to take a big loan or have a lot of money on hand to live somewhere.


If you heard a construction worker say something like that standing infront of the building they worked on you would still think he is a bit full of himself.


I mean, at least from a construction worker it sounds more like a badass boast.


underisk, (edited ) avatar

I like the unspoken part where the people who have lived in this home must vacate when she decides she wants to spend a few years living in the UK again. They should have to find new accommodation when it suits her, but she is not subject to such requirements.

morrowind, avatar

Tbh that’s the reason she bought and rents it out in the first place, so I’m sure she’s aware

underisk, avatar

yeah I don’t think she’s unaware. just emphasizing that the asymmetric nature of the relationship extends past just profiting off a basic need.


When you added it all up I am pretty confident I spent about 8K USD on my last move. When she is done having fun her sefs will be out that money.

oce, avatar

I don’t know how it is the UK, but usually there is a contract period and a minimum period to respect to break the contract.

underisk, avatar

well i guess it’s fine, then. got myself all worked up over nothing

hessenjunge, (edited )

I don’t know how it its where you live/the UK but there is probably a special clause/law that allows the owner to end the contract if they want to use the property themselves.

Edit: Downvote as much as you want but at least in Germany and France such clauses exist.


In France there is such a clause, but applicable only if the owner plans to rent to a family member of theirs, iirc

oce, avatar

This seems incorrect as far as I understand the source. You still have to respect the contract end date if you recover it for yourself or family. It is just one of the legitimate reasons to block the automatic renewal of the contract.…/resultat?lan…


Yes, this is what I meant. Thanks for clarifying


Same here in Germany and I would assume it is pretty common.


Downvoting because you know damn well how tight the rental market is. You’re not guaranteed to find a new apartment in the grace period you have before your eviction is due. Moving also incurs significant time and cost for moving your stuff, lost work days, and the rent which is sure to be higher.


That is my point! You can’t rely on a minimum clause when your landlord can evict you by claiming they want to live there themselves.

I never claimed that that I like this or that this somehow good. The housing market is a steaming pile of shit pretty much worldwide.

As a renters we(!) need be very aware of local laws and regulations regarding rent. Own use claim is not the only way to get evicted: in some cases fixing something in your flat might by regarded as a violation of contract and you’re out.

I have an old contract in one of tightest markets in Germany. If I had to move out my rent would triple.

So yes, I’m aware of the shit market - take my comment as a heads up, not a praise of the situation.

alyth, (edited )

Fair enough, I’m sorry, that’s my bad, I totally misinterpreted your comment.


I had a sociopathic narcissistic ex-boyfriend who did that. He owned a townhouse that people were renting out, and when his wife left him and their house was foreclosed and he got evicted, he kicked out his tenants and moved into his townhouse.


I do not approve of this master/slave dynamic that the housing industry has created. It’s inhumane, unethical, sociopathic,


I recently bought an apartment, and while I was searching I always made sure to ask if the apartments I was looking at were being rented (the listings never disclosed that information), and giving up on the ones that had tenants living in them. This always earned me weird looks from the agents - “you can just buy the apartment and kick them out”. Yes, the law and the contract will allow it, but my conscience wouldn’t.


“Is this… Empathy? In the year 2024? How old-fashioned.” The agents.


Landlords are the most delusional class.


Yeah, baffles me when people think that they’re doing people a favor by being landlords. Like dude, you are trying to get rich, nothing more. You’re not doing anybody anywhere any favors.


To them the only kmaginable alternative is them still having the housing, but just letting it sit empty.


I suppose we would need the government to step up with subsidized mortgages or rent to own programs or something to make things more fair?

The landlord in the OP should have sold their apartment but since they could’ve only sold to someone who could afford the down payment they should’ve also lobbied their representatives to make housing purchases more affordable in the future. (Correct me if I’m wrong.)

Wonder what would happen if all landlords put their properties up for sale tomorrow. Should be a nice housing crash? And then the remaining renters who still cannot afford the newly reduced down payments, they need a solution prior to the houses closing, I suppose…

BluesF, (edited )

Well the situation she’s describing kind of is that, no?

Sorry I realise I misread the meme. The rest of this is still valid but not so relevant. I’ll leave it anyway.

If you own a house, and plan to go on a, say, 6 month trip in a few years. You are obviously not going to go through the 6 month+ process of selling the house, storing all of your furniture, etc… only to have to spend 6 months renting while you look for another house to buy.

So either you store my personal stuff and rent it out as furnished on a fixed term rental contract, or it’s empty until you get back.

I really appreciate people’s furore at landlords housing scalpers - but single homeowners renting out their house are not the problem. It is perfectly acceptable to own a house and rent it out, you are not hoarding housing and some people need/want to rent for non-financial reasons (they travel for work, they don’t like the hassle of managing maintenance, etc).

CileTheSane, avatar

Won’t somebody think of the poor homeowner going an a 6 month vacation?!

This is such a bizarrely niche situation it doesn’t need to be discussed.

Sure, I suppose it makes sense for the person going on a 6 month trip to not sell their home. The process of finding renters who just want to live there for half a year, making sure you have someone to maintain the property, and having strangers living in your home isn’t exactly easy either.
If laws were pass making it illegal to rent single family dwellings it would have a negligible effect on this situation. The group of people able to afford a 6 month trip, yet need the money from rent, and are willing to let strangers live in their house is vanishingly small.

BluesF, (edited )

Yeah, like I said I misunderstood the OP.

That said, I think outright banning renting houses would be a terrible idea. Even if we imagine a world in which houses do not cost the astronomical amounts they do today (which just taking landlords out of the market would not guarantee!), most of the time I’ve rented I wanted to rent… I wouldn’t have wanted to be tied to a house with months of buy/sale at either end of my time there, not to mention solicitor’s fees. We obviously want a situation where most people can afford and practically buy a house, it seems stupid to completely annihilate the concept of renting in exchange.

I would also argue it’s not necessary. If you have more people owning homes, you also have more people either temporarily or semi-permanently vacating them for a variety of reasons. Travelling for work or fun, moving in with a partner, etc. In those situations I don’t see why the need for rental properties (which probably remains relatively small if we consider only those people who actively prefer renting, rather than those who simply can’t afford anything else) shouldn’t be met by landlords who own a single property that they don’t live in… also as you say a relatively small group. Tax the shit out of or legislate against multiple property owners all you like as far as I’m concerned, though.

I know I spent a long time perfectly content to rent, I liked the flexibility and I didn’t have time to learn shit like how to fix my washing machine. I wouldn’t have wanted to be forced to either live with strangers or spend months buying/selling because it’s illegal to rent to me.

CileTheSane, avatar

I think outright banning renting houses would be a terrible idea.

That’s not what I suggested. I suggested banning renting single family housing. If someone wants to rent out their basement suite or turn their house into a duplex that’s fine. That and apartment buildings would cover the people who want to rent. The landlord should have to live on the property they are renting.


An appartment is still single family housing unless it has multiple families living in it. This seems like it would just drive landlords to evict families to cram more people into buildings. Or if you mean the building has to have more than one family on separate floors… How does that help? Why should those who choose to rent be forced to live in a flat or HMO?

What would I have done as a 21 year old wanting to find somewhere to live? Here there aren’t many flats, there are lots of terraced houses. I wouldn’t have wanted to buy and tie myself down, so in this situation I’d either have to pile into a cramped HMO or live in someone’s spare room! This is worse for renters and not that much worse for landlords. Here they already cram as many students into what could be a family house as they can because it makes more money, this just makes it mandatory.

Ok, forcing landlords to live on the property kills owning multiple properties… But why not just deal with that? That’s the problem! Not people renting houses. Ban or heavily tax multiple residential property ownership. 100% ban corporations from owning residential properties. But housing associations, individuals renting out their one house, and other similar small scale letting is good for people who want to rent.

CileTheSane, avatar

This seems like it would just drive landlords to evict families to cram more people into buildings.

If that was feasible they would already be doing it. It would also be harder to find people willing to live in these cramped places once there are houses available to purchase.

Ok, forcing landlords to live on the property kills owning multiple properties… But why not just deal with that? That’s the problem! Not people renting houses. Ban or heavily tax multiple residential property ownership. 100% ban corporations from owning residential properties. But housing associations, individuals renting out their one house, and other similar small scale letting is good for people who want to rent.

I don’t see the practical difference here, where is the person who owns the property living if they are renting it out? Personally this sounds like a loop-hole that would allow married couples to purchase a 2nd property to rent. But sure, banning corporations from owning residential properties and individuals from owning more than 1 sounds like a good idea to me.


They are already doing it, I just said so. And I explained previously the reasons that someone might want to rent out their house short term. And if a couple own two houses between them, is that really such a disaster? There is, as I’ve tried to express, a demand for rental properties, even in a world where we can all afford houses. Arbitrarily reducing this to specific types of houses, or specific living conditions doesn’t help renters, it just makes things more difficult.


As mentioned above this person actually manages to be worse than typical parasitic landlords. She expects them to move whenever she decides she wants to live in the UK again for a bit…

Money rots the brain and the morals…

NocturnalMorning, (edited )

Money rots the brain and the morals…

Seems too yeah.


Too what now?

Ok, sorry. I’m a dick.

Seems to be my specialty and folks hate me for a good reason. Too reasons actually. I’ll tell you the second reason if you ask me two many times.

God. Overkill. I’m really sorry.


Deep breaths. In and out. You’ll be fine.


The utter god-complex some of these people have

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