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givesomefucks, in Indiana AG Sues Hospital System That Gave 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim Abortion Care

Meanwhile he’s already facing ethic charges over this which could result in disbarrement…


He probably doesn’t care, he’s doing all this to run for governor and then national politics


Wow I never thought I’d see a face that screams disbarred before but here he is

theotherone avatar

He’s looking pudgy. Probably the liquor bloat


Is it just me or so politicians just have more punchable faces these days?


It’s not the faces.


You’re right, dick punches for everyone!

  • Tinidril

If your implying that I said there was some kind of parity between Trump and Biden, I didn’t say that at all.


I didn’t imply that at all. I implied that you feel everyone from Kim Jong Un to Meryl Streep deserves to be punched in the dick sometimes. Also, I’m implying that the further you move past Ed Begley Jr., the frequency at which you feel the urge to punch some dick grows exponentially. Finally, I’m implying that you’re incredibly busy and therefore had to set a threshold of doling out dick punches to those equal to or more deserving of getting punched in the dick to Chris Pratt and above and that your desire for maximize the quality of your dick punches that you’ve reserved potentially actionable punishments to those who actively practice politics.

Perhaps I’ve misinterpreted your intent and focus, but I appeal to the numerous gods of dick punches that your aim be true, your wrist be strong, and your knuckles feel extra boney.

gravitas_deficiency, in Trump leaves Iowa Republicans with big bill after no-show at charity event

At this point, I just think it’s hilarious that anyone thinks he’s going to keep his financial obligations that are backed by anything less than a court order.

burntbutterbiscuits, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

Take your damn religion and sodomize yourself with it. It has no place here. Abortion is a sacrament 🤘

captainlezbian, in Turnout Is Off the Charts for Ohio Special Election Designed to Thwart Abortion Vote

Yeah because we fucking like abortion here! We’re also pretty pro lgbt in large portions of Ohio. Our government is not well liked

Chetzemoka avatar

"Pretty pro-lgbt" is an interesting way to describe the Columbus lesbian mafia lol. I see you.

And yeah they're about to find out you can't gerrymander away the big-C cities from state level politics. Fuck em for ever even trying that shit.


Why do they all start with C, who’s idea was this. Fucking Cincinnatus

Chetzemoka avatar

Triple C's baybabeeeeeeee, let's go!!! We own this state


Does Columbus have a wired sex thing named after it too? (Cincinnati bowtie, Cleveland steamer, Columbus…?)


Are you telling me clitville has a lot of lesbians? (As though we could still afford to live there)

But yeah like even Dayton wasn’t a terrible place to be trans a decade ago. Columbus just happens to be ludicrously queer for a city of its size. And yeah it’s clear they’re trying to push the left out of the state but fuck them this is my state. These assholes can go learn to swim in Florida if they want to live in a worse place than Ohio already was

Chetzemoka avatar

Lmao, Clintonville is officially the crunchiest granola place I have ever experienced in my life. Cbus is so gay, and I miss it. When I moved to Boston, I chose a neighborhood called Allston because it reminds me of old High Street.

Shit, my hometown wasn't even a horrific place to be trans twenty years ago when one of my sister's friends came out in high school. She was allowed to socially transition on advice from medical doctors, use the girls bathroom, and no one cared (except bullies because of course). But the school system was like "I dunno, doctors know about this stuff, not us"

The Republicans have really invented so many of these problems that didn't even exist before. Whatever they need to keep themselves in power, they don't care. Fuck them and their attempts at minority rule


it’s clear they’re trying to push the left out of the state but fuck them this is my state. These assholes can go learn to swim in Florida if they want to live in a worse place than Ohio already was

Fuck yes! ✊ Solidarity from the bi mom of a trans kid in Athens. I love this place, and too many vulnerable people can’t afford to flee, so I’m not fucking leaving either

amnesiac7, in Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign

“Muslim Americans in swing states cut off nose to spite face”


You’d best believe that these misguided folks are somehow finding lots of new faces wearing red hats offering them lots of “free” money the past two months.


He’s literally actively prosecuting a genocide against Palestinians, is there no low liberals won’t sink to? Arab Americans should vote for the man literally murdering their families?


Why no. Naturally, they’ll want to ensure Trump can become an authoritarian dictator… 'cos that will make lives really good for them, right? Also, I disagree with your premise that Biden is prosecuting a genocide.


He’s sending them weapons that they are using to carry out a genocide in front of the whole world. What should be done about it if not voting for Genocide Joe is too radical?

@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Protests, voting in local elections, not letting Ron ‘all the Muslims in the world should die’ DeSantis win the white house? Just a few options

Ram_The_Manparts, (edited )
@Ram_The_Manparts@hexbear.net avatar

“I disagree with your premise that most cats are born with four legs”

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

you can’t disagree with objective reality you dumbass


That’s funny, I’m sure you will say that Russia isn’t doing genocide in Ukraine, despite there being much more evidence of it, including their leader openly stating that Ukrainian identity needs to be eradicated.


Being against Biden doesn’t mean being for Trump. You can’t expect people in power to look out for your interests and opinions if you keep rewarding them for not being as shit as the worst of them.

And Biden is helping the genocide go on by choosing not to at least condemn Israel’s actions (though that would be the definition of a limp dicked response). Though a stronger response would be better.

Jaysyn avatar

Being against Biden doesn’t mean being for Trump.

Mathematically it does in a FPtP system. You will keep bashing your head against Durverger's Law until we get rid of FPtP.

DarkGamer avatar

Some people can't wrap their head around strategic voting, tacitly choosing the greater evil.

Alto avatar

It's a lot easier to stick your fingers in your ears in go "LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU ITS TOO CONFUSING" than it is to come to terms with the fact that your own ignorance has been actively helping the death march towards fascism we've been on.


Isn’t it weird how the hexbears and far right fascists sound the same and end up supporting all the same things?

@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Being against Biden doesn’t mean being for Trump.

That’s actually entirely true, we could be dealing with a Biden vs DeSantis election in '24. In which case being against Biden wouldn’t mean being for Trump; it would mean being for DeSantis.


Thank god the boomers who watch corporate media cnn msnbc fox npr etc won’t be voting much longer

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Okay genocide denier


You’re being hysterical. Trump was not a dictator when he was in the White House before, he’s not some Hitler figure. If your ideology needs these kinds of catastrophizing fantasies to make sense, maybe it isn’t helping you.

@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar

Not to mention how is this going to play out? Biden loses and those same people will end up deported or in camps. It is not like Trump or the GOP wont turn their knives in a moment. I get being mad about Biden not doing the right thing but trying to sabotage the only candidate that still believes in the impartial rule of law is short sighted, to say the least.


the only candidate that still believes in the impartial rule of law


@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar

So we should just sit back and let Trump take thr reins? He has laid out his next 4 years and it aint pretty. As much as I do not like Biden why would I allow an unabashed monster to destroy what remains of the country?


an unabashed monster


@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar

Aight. 👍


I love how liberals think of themselves as the ultimate moral arbiters, the good guys ready to do serious business and get shit done, and simply have no opinion about the United States committing genocide but shaking their heads sadly and then dismissing anyone who cares as unrealistic and self destructive.

@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar

Because I don’t want the country I live in to burn, my friends to be murdered for not supporting an orange dictator, and my family to have to flee to escape persecution, I must be a lib? Please. My argument isn’t with you, friend. I’m just tired of purity test politics that let the lowest of the low win elections.


Not giving billions in military supplies to an Apartheid state committing genocide as “purity testing”.

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

It is for these freaks, god damn


Have you really gotten yourself to believe that the country would be “destroyed” by Trump? Would it be “destroyed” or would you just see headlines you don’t like while your life remains largely unaffected until the next election rolls around?

@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar

No, he wants to kill people like me and others. He has been clear on this point. Why would you assume he wouldn’t do it? He won’t have the basic guardrails he had the first time around.


What guardrails? What was actually stopping him that was changed?


And Biden wants to kill people like the ones in this article. Why would they vote for him?

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

If this is the only two ways the country can be, it deserves to be destroyed.

@Ram_The_Manparts@hexbear.net avatar

We need to get behind the guy that is currently supporting a genocide because the other guy supports genocide too

Do you seriously not understand how deranged this is?

Come on.

@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar

Of course its fucking deranged. The fact I have to choose between two out of touch octogenarians is bonkers. All I am saying is one is bad for a middling response to condemning a war perpetuated by a different country, supported by our arms with very little he can do. Big D dems are grappling with an internally polarized electorate that he doesnt know how to make happy. Hes an old politician doing the best he can. Or you can sit home ans let an angry tryant that has expressly laid out his plans for genocide in our own country. No amount of protest or wish fufillment thinking will get the DNC to back anyone besides Biden. Its the same tunnel vision that happened with Hillary in 2016. Refusing to play dooms us all. Do i like this? Fuck no. But I dont want to watch my trans friends run to Canada to live.

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

But I dont want to watch my trans friends run to Canada to live.

i’m trans and i live in florida. i am currently preparing to flee my home of 30+ years because democrats, despite being in power while a whole roster of anti-trans laws have been passed, have done nothing to protect us. don’t fucking use trans people as a bludgeon to beat others into supporting a pack of monsters who view us as not worth protecting.

@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar


@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

yes i can really feel that concern for trans lives, you worthless fucking shitlib

Jaysyn avatar

despite being in power while a whole roster of anti-trans laws have been passed,

Liar. Democrats haven't been in power in Florida for almost thirty fucking years.

SeventyTwoTrillion, (edited )
@SeventyTwoTrillion@hexbear.net avatar

One useful thing this conflict has done is reveal who would have absolutely, 100% been fine with Hitler’s policies when living in Nazi Germany. Not even the ongoing extermination of the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank - millions of people - is sufficient to snap you out of your election fetishism? Biden is continuing most of Trump’s policies. He’s building Trump’s wall. The suite of laws opposing the LGBTQIA+ community is happening under his presidency. Deportations and child imprisonment at record pace. Abortion rights were lost under his watch. The only reaction you are capable of having to this is “Well, imagine how much worse it would be if Trump was the one doing it!” because this is all a giant game to you. You don’t have to focus on basic survival, on keeping yourself alive and fed for the next month, and thus considering possibilities outside of the finely-curated electoral circus that your eyes were so expertly programmed to consume. If you were actually affected by any of these policies, you wouldn’t be arguing between President Who Will Take My Rights Away #1 and #2, you would be trying to form organizations and survival networks to survive the storm. Any mental or physical effort spent on these elections is wasted energy.

You are the most pliant, brainwashed people in human history. You are completely content to watch every minority around you get fed into the grinder because it’s “lesser evillism”. First they came for the trans people. Then they came for the immigrants. Then they came for the black people. Then they came for me, and as I got on the train on the way to the gigantic human flesh grinding machine, I thought “Well, at least Mango Mussolini isn’t putting me on this train! Boy, if the Republicans were doing this, it would REALLY be fascism!”

Genuine question - how many people would Biden have to kill for you to not support him anymore? A million? Ten million? A hundred million? A billion?

@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah the folks on the right saying that every single Palestinian should be killed are obviously much better than the folks on the left who simply don’t care



@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh boy. Do you want to enlighten me on how American “leftists” are actually still right of center on an international scale, and how American Democrats are further right than many countries’ right wing parties? Or do you think maybe there was an implicit American before that “left,” since we’re talking about American politics?


Can you point me to a source which indicates that Joe Biden has expressed a desire to eradicate Palestinian ethnicity?


You’re right we can’t convict murderers unless they explicitly state that was their intent.

Jaysyn, (edited )
Jaysyn avatar

Muslim Americans vote to become stateless refugees in 2024.

Don't think Trump won't strip your citizenship from you.

DarkGamer avatar

He's already said he's bringing back the Muslim ban if he wins.

DarkGamer avatar

These Palestinian supporters are acting like the Palestinians themselves in that regard.


Blue guy genocide is okay! porky-happy


DarkGamer avatar

Red guy wants to genocide but can't.
Blue guy is unwilling to genocide but everyone says they are.

starman2112, (edited )
@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yup, I think we should let the guy who’ll probably draft me to go kill more Muslims win the white house, that’s obviously better than voting for the guy who doesn’t care if Muslims die. I mean, wouldn’t you rather be made to serve your country and kill Muslims without that Democrat-voting blood on your hands? Sure, I’m flying towards the middle east to shoot some brown kids in the head, but at least I didn’t help that genocide supporter win

@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

That’s racist as fuck thinking btw.

@aaaaaaadjsf@hexbear.net avatar

We’re all the way back in 2001 now. War on terror talking points about Muslims engaging in self sabotage if they don’t listen to the enlightened liberals are fair game now apparently.

@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

I never realized how much I didn’t want to know what reddit would have been like right after 9/11

aaaaaaadjsf, (edited )
@aaaaaaadjsf@hexbear.net avatar

I won’t comment much further because I’m not American, but this is just smug nonsense . To assume that you know better than the people currently suffering. Many whose friends and family are currently being killed by bombs manufactured in the US, and shipped to Israel under the watchful eye of the current US president. Of course they are going to be against Biden!

We’re really going to be reliving the war on terror talking points now. Oh no if Muslims don’t do exactly as I say they’re engaging in self sabotage.

If these voters are so important to Biden and if he cares about their humanity, the rational thing to do would be to stop the shipment of US military arms and equipment to Israel, until Israel changes its behaviour. It was done to one apartheid state in the past, it can be done to another.

DarkGamer avatar

Oh no if Muslims don’t do exactly as I say they’re engaging in self sabotage.

Clearly Gaza under Hamas was indulging in self-sabotage. Did they have to be told not to slaughter, rape, and kidnap 1200+ civilians, shooting many who tried to surrender? Do they need to be reminded that Israel's reprisals are predictable and harsh every time they declare failed war on them?

Clearly Muslims who support Trump, either tacitly or explicitly, are indulging in self-sabotage. Do they have to be told how first past the post voting works, or how Trump regards them, or what he promised to do?

This group and their allies seem really big on self-sabotage, frankly.

Taco2112, in Ohio Senate GOP floats idea of 15-week abortion ban despite voters saying no

So much for the will of the people….

RubberElectrons, in Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign
@RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

Oooooo these dummies are gonna be sad if they’re successful. So are we all.

themeatbridge, in Republicans Introduce Bill Mandating Misgendering of Trans Federal Employees

The bill, misleadingly named the Safeguarding Free Speech Act…,

What’s it called when irony sucks its own dick like an ironic ourobouros?

We should insist that the bill be referred exclusively by the name assigned at it’s conception, the “Fuck With Trans People to Score Political Points with Narrow-minded Bigots” act.


Misleadingly? I think the word is mistakenly. It’s named the opposite of what it does.


By intent. So misleading.


Fascists always lie.

Rentlar, in Ohio GOP invents one weird trick to gut part of the constitution they don't like

Imagine an analogous situation where the partisan roles are flipped. The Illinois Constitution, for instance, protects “the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms.” If the state legislature passed a law that barred its state court system from hearing any lawsuit that claimed that this guarantee was violated, Republicans would be apoplectic.

Right? If an amendment like Prop 1 Implementation act comes to pass and into effect in Ohio, all your state constitutions effectively mean nothing if the legislature doesn’t like it.

Poayjay, in Michigan judge denies effort to keep Trump off 2024 ballot

*primary ballot


Right. The ruling is simply that if a party is dumb enough to allow someone not allowed on the general ballot onto their primary ballot, that’s their fuck-up to make.


Republicans could nominate Putin.


Other parties do sometimes nominate people who are eligible to be president (too young or not born in the US/to US citizens). I think they make it on the ballot. I'd assume if they actually "won" any electors, it would be at the electoral college stage where they'd be denied the votes?


They basically did

givesomefucks, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

“I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night,” Speaker Johnson declared. “I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a manner like this. I believe that Scripture, the Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment in this time. This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today, to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great country and they deserve it.”

By that logic, hitler, Stalin, Mao, Biden, and even Bill Clinton were chosen by God Almighty


Guess we have to accept Putin and Hamas, according to him. God wills it.


Or even worse - Obama and Biden.


“Not like that!”

IHeartBadCode avatar

I think the point they’re missing is, The King of England was ordained by God to rule his nation and impose his beliefs on his subjects. We kind of fought a whole war way back to get away from that system.


Oh no that’s different, I didn’t mean that! /s


Trends come around again…or whatever excuse they want to make to pretend not to be hypocrites. Yay freedom for all*

*As long as it’s our narrow definition of freedom and you’re a white Christian, some restrictions apply, offer void in the Middle East and Africa.


Note the extraordinary, not the ordinary.


Does he believe that is true of the Democrats too?


Also, a fair bit of survivorship bias.

Turns out that the canonization of Christianity which took place right after the emperor of Rome converted and put together the group to do so ended up canonizing the version of Christianity that was gung ho on a celestial dynastic monarchy paralleling and endorsing the one in Rome.

Whereas the document that had the following saying was buried in a jar because shortly after that canonization even possessing it was punishable by death:

Jesus said, “Let one who has become wealthy reign, and let one who has power renounce .”

(As opposed to being born into reigning and holding that power indefinitely)

So which attitude was more likely endorsed by someone widely agreed to have been executed by the Roman empire? The one saying empires were great, that heaven was an empire and that whoever was in power was ordained by God? Or the one saying dynastic rule sucked and then had a parable about assassinating a powerful person?

photonic_sorcerer, in Indiana AG Sues Hospital System That Gave 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim Abortion Care
@photonic_sorcerer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If there was ever anyone that deserved access to abortion… it’s this girl. How can you be so heartless to deny that?


He didn't. This is a clickbait title.

The real story is not a whole lot better, however.

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe avatar

Yea jeeze he's just trying to punish the medical professionals who not only do more work in a single day than he has in the last 4 decades for less pay. But also contribute more to society in a few minutes than he will in his entire pathetic life.


It’s not a clickbait title though. It’s exactly what’s happening. He’s been harassing the doctor and the system she works for for over a year. Currently that is in the form of suing her over supposedly violating the patients rights by confirming that a 10yo had traveled out of state to recieve abortion care.

He’s a sack of shit, but the article is properly titled.

CobblerScholar, in Mark Meadows requests emergency stay in Georgia election interference case

Just shut up and accept consequences for your actions douchebag. You hitched yourself to a traitor, get fucked


The heads of the party of personal responsibility really hate to be personally responsible for their own actions.

Nougat, in Read full text of Trump Fulton County special grand jury report


To make sure this is "above the fold," the SPGJ recommended seeking indictments against, among others, Lindsey Graham, Michael Flynn, and Boris Epshteyn.

There's some nice information in here even from the start.

This report is from the Special Purpose Grand Jury, the one for investigating and recommending seeking of indictments, not the one which later handed up the indictments.

In addition to those 19 defendants already indicted, this SPGJ recommended seeking indictment against:

  • Cleta Mitchell, former member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives
  • David Perdue
  • Jacki Pick
  • Robert Cheely
  • William Ligon
  • Kurt Hilbert
  • Alex Kaufman
  • Joseph Brannan
  • Vikki Consiglio
  • Carolyn Fisher
  • Burt Jones
  • Gloria Godwin
  • Mark Hennessy
  • Mark Amick
  • John Downey
  • Brad Carver
  • C. B. Yadav
  • Lin Wood
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Michael Flynn
  • Kelly Loefler
  • Boris Epshteyn

Many of the above are the "alternate" electors, some notable names are not.


interesting also that section VIII indicated that “A majority of the Grand Jury believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it. The Grand Jury recommends that the District Attorney seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling.”

PRUSSIA_x86, in Ohio will use congressional map previously ruled unconstitutional again in 2024, as court dismisses legal challenges

I hate living in this shithole of a state.



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