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user224, in Frontend vs backend

A highly compatible design with no ads, unnecessary images, videos, animations, scripts that goes straight to point delivering you exactly the information you need and nothing else? Something that’s easily accessible even with old feature phones allowing older people to get information easily?
Simply something that loads instantly and just works?

Who would want that?


Did not get the joke did you ?


Are you trying to make a joke? Or did you not get that the comment you replied to is also a joke?


Do we use whoosh here on lemmy or that is something from the past?


c/whoosh ?


No u


No one who is going to pay you wants that. All they care about is user engagement.



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  • ErwinLottemann,

    basic responsiveness to support most devices

    Dude, that is the mother of responiveness. It literally supports all the devices.


    Entirely true.

    I’m currently working on a little project that’s interesting to me (a low-spoiler walkthrough system for adventure games) and after a lot of back and forth, I decided to cut all of JS out of the picture. Just get rid of all of it, and do good old 90s server-side rendered HTML with modern CSS placed on top of it.

    And that’s, honestly, a joy. The first draft of a page looks like the first screenshot, then you add some semantic classes to the html and throw some simple CSS at it and it looks acceptably neat. And I could get rid of so much janky toolchain I just fail to understand.



    Dasnap, avatar

    Frontend: “Come on, this needs at least some flair. This isn’t the 90s.”

    Throws React at it


    Get outta of here !


    vox, avatar

    yeah, just css is enough.
    you don’t need js unless you need to fetch data dynamically.
    you can do all of your animations, dropdowns and transitions in css.
    like this menu i made. no js in sight.

    also fully accessible and you can tab right into it without clicking enter or whatever
    (and respects prefers-reduced-motion)


    React ugh, everybody is using NextJs these da- …oh, what’s that? We’ve moved on already?

    cerement, in Discord != Documentation avatar

    Yes! Discord is such a black holes for good knowledge, it’s a crime


    Does Discord now offer the ability to save/fav comments to find them again? When I used it the last time, i was amazed how everything just scrolls by without a possibility to hold on to something.


    You can search through the whole history of a channel


    How is that the same than a favorite? I can also use a searchengine to find a website, but a bookmark is sometimes better. I can also search through all tweets on twitter, but having some marked as favorites come in handy sometimes. I use favorites and save lists in youtube quite a lot. Even though I could use the yt search bar each time.


    Since being forced to use this terrible communication method in my teams and groups, I’ve been copy-and-pasting good Q&A threads into text files that I push to an enterprise GitHub repo for perma-store. At least that way other engineers and myself can either use GitHub’s search or clone the repo locally, grep it, and even contribute back with PRs. Sometimes from there, turn into a wiki, but that’s pretty rare. My approach is horribly inefficient and so much stuff is still lost, but it’s better than Discord’s search or dealing with Confluence.


    Thank you for your service 🙏🙏


    Hear hear!

    I too find my garbage heap notes file checked into GitHub to be better than confluence.

    But I hate confluence so much I should probably bring it up at therapy sometime…


    At my job we bought an entire different product (glean) and are paying them a ton of money every month just because they can search our confluence wiki effectively lol


    Got this issue with the Voron 3d printer project. They claim RepRap open source heritage but then hide most of the discussion behind discord’s doors.

    TheKarion, in they call it gen z c++

    Delete your GitHub account



    store this gem on Codeberg instead!


    no cap fr



    IHeartBadCode, in No one is immune from this
    IHeartBadCode avatar

    Next hardware reset and automatic reorientation for Voyager 2 is October 15th. Yes the device automatically resets itself about four to five times a year. Communications are expected to be reestablished then.


    Almost like real engineers planned for such an event!


    That’s great to know. This post made me weirdly depressed and was a bad way to start the morning lol.


    In the meantime, they're going to shout at it.


    That’s good news! I was about to ask whether they have some absolute software recovery procedure and glad they do!

    Hupf, in A new way of programming

    print “hello world”;

    or else;

    zqwzzle, (edited ) in Conveniently enter your phone number with a single input

    If you haven’t seen it there are others in the worst telephone entry fields.

    There’s also a collection of terrible volume controls out there.

    Terrible gender controls:

    Edit: added some imgur folders, some Google sites have a more complete collection


    Is it bad that I kind of like the rotary phone input?


    And don’t forget the mother of all bad interfaces game:

    ivanafterall avatar

    I love those so much.


    Those volume controls are fucking incredible.


    The creativity of the awfulness amuses and disturbs me.


    Hi, I’m the creator of /r/baduibattles, and one of the mods of !bad_ui_battles if anyome here would like to submit terrible UI here


    I don’t have an example, but I would like to see a rotary phone dial ui as input method for a phone number.

    Edit: I see there’s mentions and a gif in another comment.


    That second catapulting volume is cool


    There are some pretty good gamified ones for the phone number.


    “Is your phone ringing y/n” is my absolute favourite, but they’re all so good!

    Bunnylux, avatar

    I rarely laugh out loud and my coworkers are suspicious.


    It’s not in the collection but I recall a phone entry where the slider would move along the digits of pi until you found your phone number.


    That one was my favourite.

    Especially when it makes someone stop and think about it.

    Hang on… would that work?

    An infinite, non repeating sequence of digits?

    Yeah, that would contain all possible sequences of arbitrary length.


    Found it there is a discussion about this…/proof-of-the-existence-o…

    Apparently all combinations of 10 digits appear in the first 241641121048 digits of pi.




    Somewhat more controversially there was a recent attempt at “improving” gender input fields.


    to be fair, the first colour picker isn’t too bad, it it?


    My amusement comes from the fact that in most cases a gender input field is just an invasion of privacy, juxtaposed against these ridiculous over implementations. My favourite is the gender fluid one.


    What bugs me is: why in the fuck are they asking for people’s gender? Other than medical questions (where you specify your birth gender), I think for the vast majority of cases the question should not be relevant.


    Yeah pretty much, medical and dating information maybe. Anything else is just an invasion of privacy.


    What a terrible day to have eyes


    Thank you for reminding me of this:


    I appreciate the imgur links and not direct images.

    dan, avatar

    Hahaha I hadn’t seen the volume one before. I love it!


    I swear I saw this guy posting his community’s submissions for the worst UI/best UI jokes and this was one of them

    HerbalGamer, avatar

    7 Dimensional Gender Coordinates got me


    My favourite is the “upload your genitals as jpeg”


    The compressed installer for doom was about 2MB if you wanted to use that as a gender.

    xigoi, avatar

    Poe’s Law moment. I can’t tell whether the terms are made up for the sake of the meme or actually used by gender theorists.

    TheBat, avatar

    Those look like names of medicines tbh.

    rwhitisissle, in why type lot letter when few do trick

    Instead of either, it’s good to have a more descriptive primary branch:

    git checkout -b dontwritetothisbranchdirectlyyougottaopenaprfirstandhaveitreviewedandapprovedandthenpasstheautomatictests


    Git checkout -b neverpushtothisbranchthismeansyou

    <span style="color:#323232;">git checkout -b dontcommitherejerry
    cupcakezealot, avatar

    git commit -m “that sign can’t stop me because i can’t read”

    synae, avatar

    git co -b nevergonnagiveyouupnevergonnaletyoudown


    Git checkout -b branchprotectiononlyworksifyouarenotsetupwithadminprivilegesontherepoingithubthismeansyouhowardgodammit


    Y’all. At least put some dashes between the words


    Oh of course. But I was following the code standard set by the first one. I suspect everyone else was too.

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    howard knows what he did


    Still shorter than a java class name.

    lily33, in I'm going to sit down and actually learn git this week

    Learning git is very easy. For example, to do it on Debain, one simply needs to run, sudo apt install lazygit


    Wow this looks great. Amend an old commit dealing with a rebase? Sign me up!


    git rebase -i origin/main (or whatever branch you’re rebasing on), then read the instructions that come up in the editor window

    corytheboyd avatar

    Read… instructions? I love teaching people that git very often prints out what you should do next.

    git: “to continue, resolve conflicts, add files, and run rebase —continue”
    dev: …time to search stack overflow

    All that said… just use lazygit. It does help to know CLI git first to put things in context, but if you do, no need to punish yourself every day by not using a UI.

    Kata1yst avatar

    LazyGit may actually be black magic from Satan to tempt programmers into sin. And to that I say: 'where is a goat I can sacrifice to my dark lord?'

    xmunk, in I love it when I have to scream at a computer

    Speaking as a Senior Dev specialized in database access and design… you don’t have to use all caps - SQL is actually case agnostic.

    But… but my fucking eyes man. I’m old, if your branch doesn’t have control keywords in all caps I’m going to take it out back and ol’ yeller it.

    There are few hills I’ll die on but all caps SQL and singular table names are two of them.

    stebo02, avatar

    is syntax highlighting not sufficient to recognize the keywords?


    Look at you with your color vision being all elitist. Some of us old bastards don’t see them pretty rainbows so much any more.



    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    The place I work decided to name all tables in all caps. So now every day I have to decide if I want to be consistent or I want to have an easy life.


    That’s just cruel.


    Fuuuuck. That’s why I love postgres… and fuck anyone that requires double quoted identifiers for special casing.


    Postgres normalizes table and field names to lowercase, unless you put them in quotes. It’s also case sensitive.

    That means if you use quotes and capital letters when creating the table, then it’s impossible to refer to that table without using quotes.

    It also means if you rename the table later to be all lowercase, then all your existing code will break.

    Still a much better database than MySQL though.


    I’m quite aware… basically it means that novice devs can create a table in camelCase and query in camelCase… but you can clean it all up as long as they didn’t realize you needed double quotes.


    Fair point. I always disliked the design because ORMs pretty much always use quotes, so an entity-first approach can create a lot of tables with capital letters if you’re not careful, which is then really annoying if you need to use raw SQL for anything.


    My work standards are table name all caps keywords all lower case


    Singular table names? You savage…


    It’s an English literacy thing - we have several non-native English speakers and using only singular avoids making those folks’ lives harder. Besides it’s really nice to autopilot that categoryid is a foreign key to the category table. It also simplifies always plural words… I haven’t yet written CREATE TABLE pants but if I ever do there’s zero chance of me creating a pantid.


    I always thought they should be singular to be closer to the names we give entities and relations in a entity-relation diagram.


    That too, singular table names just makes a lot of stuff more automatic.


    no underscores either? What are we, apes?


    I tend to use underscores on join tables so table foo_bar would have a fooid and a barid. I have somewhat soured on this approach though since there are a lot of situations where you’ll have two m-m relationships between the same two tables with a different meaning… and having a fixed formula for m-m tables can make things ugly.

    If I get to design another greenfield database I’ll probably prefer using underscores for word boundaries in long table names.


    I’m a sql developer, and I am completely the opposite to you. I will find it incredibly difficult to read when everything is in caps


    I’m at a Data Engineer and I alternative caps lock and non caps lock at random

    idunnololz, avatar

    I believe this has been proven. It’s because capital letters all have the same shape whereas lower case letters do not. So your brain can take shortcuts to reading lower case but cannot with upper case.

    Also most if not all editors will highlight SQL keywords so it’s probably not too hard to discern SQL commands and everything else in modern day.

    xmunk, (edited )

    Sorry, to clarify, not everything is in all caps. I’ll append my prefered syntax below

    <span style="color:#323232;">WITH foo AS (
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    SELECT id, baz.binid
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    FROM
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">            bar
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        JOIN baz
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">            ON = baz.barid
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">)
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">SELECT, AS binid
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">FROM
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        foo
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    JOIN bin
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        foo.binid =

    The above is some dirt simple SQL, when you get into report construction things get very complicated and it pays off to make sure the simple stuff is expressive.


    Um you forgot the semicolon before with assuming there isn’t one in the previous statement. Syntax error. Code review failed


    There’s no way we’re running in multi statement mode… I like my prepared queries, thank you very much.


    You indent your JOIN? Why on earth? It lives in the same context as the SELECT.


    Actually not. It’s part of the FROM

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    That double indented from is hurting me


    I’ve seen both approaches and I think they’re both quite reasonable. An indented join is my preference since it makes sub queries more logically indented… but our coding standards allow either approach. We’ve even got a few people that like

    <span style="color:#323232;">FROM foo
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">JOIN bar ON = bar.fooid
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">JOIN baz ON = baz.barid

    You should do a project together


    You monster.


    The commit wars will be long and bloody.

    SorteKanin, avatar

    Same, I prefer lower case. Every other language has keywords in lower case, why do you need to shout when writing sql?

    neo, avatar



    Just some key words in uppercase (FROM, JOIN,WHERE,etc) so they pop out


    Yea - you want the structure in a recognizable form so that you can quickly confirm code patterns for comprehension.


    I understand it as an attempt to get very basic, manual syntax highlighting. If all you have is white text on black background, then I do see the value of making keywords easy to spot by putting them in all caps. And this probably made sense back when SQL was first developed, but it’s 2023, any dev / data scientist not using a tool that gives you syntax highlighting seriously needs to get with the times


    it's 2023, any dev / data scientist not using a tool that gives you syntax highlighting seriously needs to get with the times

    You say that as if AS400 systems with only console access don't exist anymore.


    Well then use all-caps keywords whenever working on those systems, I don’t care. But an edge case like that shouldn’t dictate the default for everyone else who doesn’t have to work on that, that’s all I’m saying.


    There are several cases where you'll be limited to console only, or log files, or many many other situations. Good coding practices just makes life easier all around.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    Please tell me what IDE you’re using that’s capable of highlighting SQL syntax that’s embedded inside another language source file

    Also please fucking stop with the “it’s current year stop x.” The year is not an argument.


    JetBrains IDEs - IntelliJ, WebStorm, PyCharm, GoLand, etc., all support highlighting SQL embedded in another source file or even inside markup files like YAML. Does your IDE not support this?

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    RustRover isn’t ready for actual usage, I’ve tried it


    Sublime is actually great at that especially when I keep my SQL in heredocs.


    As the other commenter said, the Jetbrains IDEs do this perfectly fine. Although I’d also argue that if you’re working with SQL from within another language already, a DSL wrapper is probably gonna be the better way to go about this.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    Unfortunately RustRover is still garbage for actual usage. And I refuse to use an ORM when I can just write the SQL in a more common syntax that everyone understands across every language instead of whatever inefficient library-of-the-week there is. Raw SQL is fine and can be significantly more performant. Don’t be scared.


    I’m not talking full blown ORM here, not a fan of those either. I’m talking about some light weight wrapper that basically just assembles SQL statements for you, while giving you just a little more type safety and automatic protection against SQL injection, and not sacrificing any performance. I’m coming from the JVM world, where Jooq and Exposed are examples of that kind of thing.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    I’m currently using SQLx which you write raw queries in and it validates them against a currently-running db, using the description of the tables to build the typing for the return type instead of relying on the user. It makes it pretty hard to write anything that supports injection


    Oh, that sounds really cool! At what time does this validation happen? While you code, or later at build time?

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    Happens at compile time! It’s relatively quick. You can also run a command to write the query results to file for offline type checking which is mostly useful for CI


    Also some people are color blind.

    Also you might need to ssh in somewhere and vi some code or tail a log file where you don’t have color support.


    My ide isn’t limited to color when it comes to highlighting, so being color blind generally shouldn’t be a problem. Set keywords to underlined, bold, italic, whatever works for you.

    Your other examples I can see, but at least at my work those are rare edge cases, and I’d rather optimize for the brunt of the work than for those. Of course at other places those might be much more of a concern.

    xmunk, (edited )

    Partially, yes. I personally use an IDE with excellent syntax highlighting and those have been around for at least two decades. You are, however, often transplanting your SQL between a variety of environments and in some of those syntax highlighting is unavailable (for me at least) - the all caps does help in those rare situations.

    More importantly though it helps clearly differentiate between those control keywords (which are universal) and data labels (which are specific to your business domain). If I’m consulting on a complex system that I only partially understand it’s extremely helpful to be able to quickly identify data labels that I’m unfamiliar with to research.


    What about Intercal?

    jeebus, in This is why I left the IT dept
    jeebus avatar

    I got volunteered to fix printer driver issue for a family member. The had one printer, and got another bcz the first one broke. New printer wouldn't work so they just kept installing the drivers. The software gladly let them. Thankfully only took 15 mins to fix, but I told them printers are for bitches, me and my home print at the library.

    user224, in I hope this isn't too controversial...

    Don’t do that! Milk is conductive. This could make you a serial killer!


    Or you would have a firewire 🤷🏽‍♂️

    IphtashuFitz, in do as i say...

    Many years ago I had to try to debug a memory manager written by a really talented software engineer, with an interesting take on naming things…

    • He referred to blocks of memory as “cookies”.
    • He had a temporary variable named “handy” because it was handy to have around.
    • He had a second temporary variable that referenced the first one that he called “son_of_handy”.
    • If corruption was detected in a block of memory then it would set the flag “shit_cookie_corrupt”.
    • If too many cookies were corrupt then the system would halt by calling the function “oh_shit_oh_shit_oh_shit”.

    Okay yeah but I know what all those variables do




    Sounds like my type of guy.

    gratux, avatar

    proposal to rename exit() to oh_shit_oh_shit_oh_shit()






    In the 90s there was a Redhat distro called Cartman.

    z500, avatar

    Red Hat 6.1, that was my first Linux distro.



    drew_belloc, avatar

    I will keep this legacy alive within my code

    ajmaxwell, avatar

    I like him already


    To be honest I’d like to see his resume, kinda wanna hire him


    That was close to 30 years ago - a DOS memory manager written prior to Windows 3.0. He’s likely retired now…

    ndsvw, in Web 2.0, and its consequences... avatar

    Todo for me: Create a texteditor in the Web3.0 blockchain

    Veraxus avatar


    ivanafterall avatar

    Award me a proprietary Ethereum-based crypto token for editing my text with your tool and I'm sold.

    MyFairJulia, avatar

    I’ve been wondering which crypto product i should work on. What do you think is the most promising project?

    KateKash, Nanocoins, VimBucks, NotePetz++ (i heard cryptobros love ERC-20 based lifeforms), M$ WorDillars

    ZILtoid1991 avatar



    God it’s so easy


    We use users’ text to train LLMs as well, right?


    Considering the tiny token size (1MB?), you might be able to squeeze an editor into an NFT. Heavens knows why you would, but you can.

    babypuncher3000, in Sounds great in theory

    TDD is actually helpful once you get the hang of it.


    It is a lifesaver in some cases

    gogosempai, avatar

    Yeah but getting the hang of it is the hard part. I don’t know any dev in my company or my circle that uses it; we all did learn about it alright.


    bad habits are hard to break.

    i_cant_sports, in Ah yes poe

    Ah yes, the Etherkiller.

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