@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

My absolutely thermonuclear, get-canceled take

is that Apple deserves a cut of third party App Store developer revenues

Reasonable people can disagree on how much, and Apple HAS harmed itself through greed

But distribution infrastructure has value. Creating and maintaining runtimes has value. Building developer tools has value. Calling it “payment processing” totally misses the mark on what they built

There has never been a universe where you got distribution for your product for free.

@matzipan@hachyderm.io avatar

@danilo it's not a hot take. It took the open source world more than a decade to make flatpak at least usable, let alone as successful as the Appstore.

@shezi@mastodon.world avatar

@danilo this entire thread is a wonderful bonanza of Apple cultism and weird inconsistencies. Like, did the customer not pay for the device? Should a new distributor pay for distribution? Is marketing the same as innovation?

But the funniest thing is that the people who are most harmed by Apple's policies are Apple customers, and those are also the ones most against changing up things. Hilarious!

Here's someone much mot eloquent than I am about the topic: https://pluralistic.net/2024/01/12/youre-holding-it-wrong/

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@shezi great first impression, nice to meet you too

@laund@hachyderm.io avatar

(i may have misunderstood this to be about third party stores for iphone apps)

should microsoft get a cut of all paid windows software? what about linux? should only the foundation get a cut for software sold for various linux distros, or the distro devs themselves? what about the company who made the chair you sit on while working your job, they obviously need a ongoing cut of every value you provide to your employer.

Tools. Should. Be. Sold. Not rented.

a phone, a OS, is a tool.

@ljrk@todon.eu avatar

@danilo I think it's important that they're not the only one who'd be able to provide said infrastructure service.

I think most people would be okay if Apple charged, if they'd also be able to distribute their apps a different way/users be able to load the apps from other platforms.


If their distribution system was competitive then they'd allow competition.

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@ian any company who wants to can make a phone platform 👍

@lkanies@hachyderm.io avatar

@danilo @triketora …then why don’t they deserve it on the Mac? Should valve be paying Apple 30% for the Steam store?

Also… they don’t handle distribution with third party app stores; that’s the whole point of it being 3rd party. Apple already gets paid — very well! — for the device. Why should they get paid a cut of every dollar spent on that device?

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

Before the iPhone, telecoms charged obscene revenue shares to reach the customer

Apple showed up with superior technology and strategy and not only destroyed that arrangement, but also vastly expanded the market for phone software and content

If no one can come in and do to Apple what Apple did to the cell phone carriers

maybe they have earned the revenue share

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

(To be clear at $3T in market cap I’m entirely open to regulators doing any number of things to Apple, they’re not some sweet nanny goat or anything.

But the idea that developers, absent the rapacious intentions of Evil Apple, would otherwise keep all of their revenues on the way to the customer is not a position grounded in any sort of reality or history. Financial success requires interdependency)

@betsythemuffin@wandering.shop avatar

@danilo I think the degree of vertical integration is the real problem.

I don't know how you get Apple-grade security without it. But I don't know how you get meaningful competition with it.

If Apple needed to compete with, say, Adobe on who sells the better iOS dev tooling, I imagine the landscape would be quite different.

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@betsythemuffin there we go

That’s the nut of it: security. All these tradeoffs and power are rooted in the swirling landscape of threats that has no historical precedent

Your phone is repository of everything from private personal photos to banking authorization

Just terrifying stakes that require an aggressive security posture

@betsythemuffin@wandering.shop avatar

@danilo Yeah. And OF COURSE the App Store review process is a vector for monopolist abuse as much or more as it is a vector for security review....

BUT the fact that I as a consumer know that any iOS app I install has been through security review means a LOT! Extension of the brand umbrella is a value-add.



That security review seems superficial and arbitrary.


@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@ericjmorey @betsythemuffin the moment code is discovered that either does harm or violates the larger security contract, it can be remotely disabled across the world

that's serious, serious value and protection. The security review NEVER ENDS



Sure it is. But the way Apple set things up is not the only way for that value to be created.


@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@ericjmorey @betsythemuffin and if wishes were horses, beggars would ride



Doesn't that response go against the premise of your whole thread here?


@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@ericjmorey @betsythemuffin my whole premise is that if it's so easy to build a highway into hundreds of millions of pockets, any other vendor is welcome to set it up and compete

and if they can't, apple has earned their cut



That's like saying "Why can't you get up?" while you're standing on someone's back.

I couldn't' happen because it benefits Apple not to allow it.


@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@ericjmorey not gonna agree with ya on this, let’s move on

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

Anyway, the real harm Apple does is in deciding which applications can ride and which ones cannot.

They’ve earned the money. The editorial control of what users can run on hardware they’ve bought?

That’s the real evil of their market position. Anyone who goes to the money and not to the innovation veto is not giving you a serious analysis, imo.

@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo I agree, and it is antidemocratic that a company residing in an American jurisdiction with American cultural norms would get to decide what apps a women from Greece should be able to run.

You could say the same, about Facebook deciding what content people from other countries are allowed to see.

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@randahl entirely, and this issue only grows more pronounced as the US LURCHES further to the right @glyph

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

the replies on this:

5% thoughtful engagement with the actual substancece

90% whiffing the point by either doubling down on the payment processing miscue or otherwise imagining "distribution" is a solely digital process (it isn't. getting into the pocket, physically, is quite a feat and any other company is welcome to try it and prove me wrong)

5% rude mfs signing their real names to terrible first impressions lmao

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

The notion that “I own the hardware I should be able to do whatever I want with it, including download and execute arbitrary code from arbitrary sources” is not the own folks think it is

You own your money, you can use it to buy what you want. You buy an iPhone, you CHOOSE to buy into something a little more complex than just atoms in your hand

In part, you're buying into a security regime. You are purchasing what amounts to years of device management, patches, etc

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

The hardest problem in computing is The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Memory, storage and processing can be coopted to generate serious harms. This isn't an abstract notion. This isn't speculative.

Microsoft networked EVERYTHING without defenses, AND WITHOUT the means of issuing remote updates, in the late 90's and the result was a mess. That seriously compromised the internet itself.

This isn't an easy problem and it’s not something where you can just let the user figure it all out.

@noplasticshower@zirk.us avatar

@danilo see Trinity of trouble (McGraw and morrisett)

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@noplasticshower nice, thank you


@danilo I agree. But I should have some protection from manufacturer abuse. HP shouldn't be able to disable my printer if I don't use their ink. Tesla/GM/Ford shouldn't be able to disable my vehicle remotely. Do you have thoughts on where to draw the line?

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@tdietterich I think the appropriate constraint of Apple’s power is: they don’t get to veto an app

Their control of what apps can even exist is the biggest problem in the equation imo

@piki@hachyderm.io avatar

@danilo This is the crux of it though: monopolistic gatekeeping and rent-seeking by the telecoms was bad, and it’s also bad when Apple does it. They didn’t smash the Big Brother screen with a hammer — they just changed whose picture is on the screen.

Distribution is absolutely worth paying for. How much developers pay should be based on competition with other distributors. 30% isn’t what distribution costs in a competitive market.

@mattiem@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo What’s your take on this: Why doesn’t Apple get a cut of ad revenue? Why only certain kinds?

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@mattiem Hmmmmm

In practice I would imagine much of it just too much of a pain in the ass to reconcile for too little reward compared to a clean explicit revenue share. What do you think?

@mattiem@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo I definitely agree it would be a pain. But too little reward you think? For ad dollars from Meta, Google, TikTok on their iOS properties?

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@mattiem I mean, monetarily that’s probably some serious cheddar at those scales, yeah


@mattiem@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo I think fundamentally Apple does not care one bit about their costs because they also have no problem with you shipping a free app to every damn iOS device on the planet for $99 a year.

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@mattiem I mean at that point the developer is providing APPLE a subsidy in the form of content that enhances the platform, hell, why not distribute it


@danilo The tired "Apple just took control from the eevil telecoms" argument is ahistorical bullshit (or, generously, region-dependent?). Before Apple you'd... buy a phone from a local telecom retailer, sign up to your cell network, get a SIM card from them, and plug it into the phone.

The initial iPhone was a massive downgrade, only being available through a cell network, and only when committing to a special iPhone subscription.

@nathandh@hachyderm.io avatar

@danilo I’m with you 100%

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo we won't know if they've been charging a fair price for that until they are forced to allow 3rd parties to build alternate, more efficient distribution infrastructure though. maybe it really is 30% — steam charges roughly that much, and they do have competition! maybe it's 20%. maybe it's 5%. impossible to say.

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@glyph yeah my thing is they should not be forced to do that

Let Epic build a Roman road all the way into the pockets of hundreds of millions of consumers and charge what they want for the privilege. They are free to compete on this point, and if they can’t, Apple has earned their right to a cut

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo Rome didn't pay for the road though, I did. I am very happy for Apple to continue charging the 30% tax on downloads to any phones that I got for free!

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@glyph nahhhhh you can’t be all “I am a student of technology history” and then ignore the whole part where Apple reinvented the category, built all the infrastructure, maintain the R&D and constantly push every industrial process to keep it unfathomably performant

That the platform is valuable enough to attract both customers and developers only strengthens my point

You are welcome to pay for an open source junk phone, but you don’t

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo the valuable-ness of the platform and the network effects work equally well as arguments in both directions though. Perhaps they have merely accrued to themselves the resources required to push those industrial processes (which, I might add, are being pushed by TSMC and Intel as much as they are by Apple?) by dirty tricks such as the 30% tax, and in a flatter competitive environment others would be doing the same?

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@glyph if anyone could do it, TSMC would be fabbing high performance chips for everyone and Intel would still be in the Mac

But if you’re calling a fully documented revenue share that, again, the history student will note is dramatically lower than what was previously charged a “dirty trick” I’m not sure there’s any common ground to be found here

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo wait is TSMC no longer fabbing for Nvidia, AMD, qualcomm, and broadcom? Is your contention that Nvidia is not doing anything particularly innovative or “high performance” with their own designs? And is the fair comparison a mall software retailer (40%) microsoft (30/15/0%, depending) epic (12%) or gumroad (10%)? I am not saying those are perfectly equivalent, but in the absence of a preference price signal, we do not have a way to know if this is a fair price, it’s just Apple’s choice.

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@glyph “I’m not sure there’s any common ground to be found here”

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo Okay, I’ll just let this one go :-).

You did characterize the take as “thermonuclear” so I thought the pushback was rather the point!

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@glyph lmao no the point is that if I’m damned idgaf

and mostly I’m just thinking out loud as I decide whether I want to participate in that ecosystem in a serious way again. to wit:

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo oh, hahaha, having very recently re-watched the scene preceding this exact line, while I clearly have my own feelings about antitrust policy, I very much vibe with the sentiment here. And I was watching this scene because I'm thinking about doing my first app store submission ;)

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@glyph awwwww shit

Hey, hit me up if there’s anything I can do to be helpful. I hung up my spurs awhile back but in my heyday I was on the front page of the App Store across multiple projects

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo thanks, that is super generous, and I hopefully will take you up on it, but first I need to deal with my panoply of self-inflicted wounds created by using Python for everything (and, like, finish the app…)

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo but, yes, the worst part is I do think I can live with it 😉

@glyph@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo Like it’s not that Standard Oil didn’t build any new infrastructure, it’s that at a certain scale of vertical integration, they can name their own price for that infrastructure and there’s no check on their rent-seeking.

@flargh@mastodon.social avatar

@danilo It's a bit of "be careful what you wish for," too. Remember a decade ago, when we were all sick of the cable monopoly and wanted to pay for our entertainment services a la carte?

We were young and dumb, weren't we?

@danilo@hachyderm.io avatar

@flargh it’s WILD to see the TV bill re-form itself like the fragments of a T-1000, but what did we expect

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