X Races to Contain Damage After Elon Musk Endorses Antisemitic Post

IBM, a major advertiser on X, has pulled its spending from the social media platform, whose employees are grappling with what to tell its other advertisers, according to internal messages.

To be clear: Musk endorsed a tweet which used a false antisemitic conspiracy theory to tell people why “Hitler was right”


Just because the article is about a tech company owner doesn’t mean it’s related to technology.

Musk being a shitty person isn’t technology related.

SaltySalamander avatar

You guys are sad af.

JimboDHimbo, (edited )

And you are salty af.

E: Y’all don’t like the occasional username joke? 😂


Social media company losing a lot of money as a result is.


No, it really isn’t. A social media company’s income is business or financial related, not technology.


Does that mean any business that has a web platform or an app is valid content for this sub?


Twitter doesn’t just have a web platform, it is a web platform and used to be one of the largest. But I’d say that yeah, tech companies fall into my personal idea of what this sub is

TimeSquirrel, (edited )
TimeSquirrel avatar

So where is the "technology" in that? Just because it's a social media company? There's dozens of those now, so what? A company implementing a new API or front end website redesign or new service that uses technology is technology. Not this. This is just general shit. The Internet boom was in the 90s. You may have had a point back then when this stuff was actually new.


It counts as relevant if it’s in the community and people are upvoting it.


A lot of people will upvote anything on a list without even looking at the community or considering the relevance of the post to that community (/all, /subs, /new, etc.)


That doesn’t mean the community should be restricted in what they discuss


People are often wrong.


Why do you hate democracy? The people have spoken!


I mean, women and non-whites vote republican, so I don’t put a ton of stock into what the numbers say. I’m sure Florida or Texas could pass a vote re-establishing slavery, but that doesn’t mean the people are right.

Just because an article involves a tech company doesn’t mean it’s about technology. Twitter losing ad revenue because it’s owner is a nazi is not about technology; it’s about marketing, finance, and politics.

It would be nice if this community didn’t devolve into a Musk news feed like it did on Reddit.


Just because an article is about a tech company doesn’t mean it’s about technology. Correct.

This community is called “technology”. Also correct.

But people can post what they want and upvote what they want. So if this is what they want, then they aren’t wrong. Look at “trees”. Not a single damn tree in the whole place.

I really do recommend starting a community called techWithoutMusk and moderating it how you like. I’m sure a bunch of people would join. Or become a mod here, and change what people can vote on.


This is the opinion of !technology, but the !technology mods have chosen to not take a stance against it time and time again. It goes to reason that they think it’s fine in this community for now.


Typical .world W and .ml L

Actually, I find it rather humorous that .world lets the users dictate what’s discussed, while .ml dictates what the users can discuss. It runs counter to the ideologies that .ml is associated with, yet it fits perfectly with most implementations of that ideology. Life imitates art indeed.


Yeah, except .world’s fucking weird when it comes to piracy and keep actively trying to horde the userbase for some reason?


You support his ideology if you remain on that platform.


if you drink at the nazi bar, you might as well join their fuckwit club because you’re normalizing their behavior and sponsoring their lifestyle.


This is the point Humphrey Bogart is waving goodbye to Ingrid Bergman. We’re in Vichy territory now.




I’m sorry but this is not productive at all. You could as well say that you support fascists if you live under a fascist state. Twitter is still full of people who are very unlike elon. There are plenty of reasons to abandon twitter but if someone does not that does not making him like elon


if you live under a fascist state.

you dont live in twitter land. you can just not use it XD


But my favorite dopamine delivery system!


just do drugs like everybody else


Cats are cheaper.


Leave animals the fuck alone


I just feel like if all of the left wing voices abandon twitter, the right-wing and fascist voices will become more common in general as twitter is where most people are. You cannot just let them exist and thrive unchallenged until it’s just not possible I guess. This will alienate people becoming more leftist if the average person, who just browses twitter because it’s popular, constantly sees more and more unchallenged bad takes.


By this same logic we should all go post on truth social so there is more of a diversity of opinion there. If everyone just stopped using Twitter it would fade into obscurity even more than it has. People making excuses like this and continuing to use the site anyway are what keeps others on it and keeps the ad money rolling.


Truth social was born as a right wing platform from the beginning. It never had and will never have any casual users who are not right-wing. Going there and adding a left voice will not be very helpful as you would talk to an already established hard opinionated community. Twitter is unlike that, there are a lot of people who do not care about politics currently or are more casual about it. Though if you keep seeing more and more right-wing stuff, such people get normalized to that. Instead if there’s a left-wing voice there, any non-politicized person will have a look at the other side as well w. This is how you win over more people to the left, by being active on places where the most people will hear you. If you leave this place you just surrender and have more casual twitter users lean to the right as the time passes.


No use talking in an echo chamber my friend. People in this thread have decided that they are superior for being here and that there are only two kinds of opinions: Wrong ones and their own.




Yeah, it couldn’t possibly be that you are actually wrong in this instance. Much more likely that everyone else other than you and that person are wrong, that makes sense.


The whole internet has devolved into a series of echo chambers now and everyone thinks their own chamber is superior.

We never should’ve killed flash games…


It doesn’t matter what Twitter started out as, it’s a company and can be bought and sold. It was bought by a fascist and is now a de facto fascist website. You posting on Twitter is not “fighting the Nazis”, it’s supporting one by giving him a better return on his investment. If everyone who actually had any kind of conviction in their beliefs left the site then the casual users would leave too because the only content left would be fascist content.

If you actually want to make a difference you have two options:

  1. Buy the site from Elon Musk and ban them.
  2. Stop using the website so it stops making money and becomes non-viable to continue operating.

nope, they would also leave if they dont have anybody to fight with.

Marruk, (edited )

twitter is where most people are

Twitter is gone. There is only X.

According to Musk, there are 556m monthly active “users”. A year ago Musk commissioned a study that found at least 11% of active users on Twitter were bot accounts. There’s plenty of reason to believe that that percentage has only gone up, especially in light of the fact that there’s been a significant exodus of users due to Musk’s handling of the platform, and that at the time of the study there were about 368m users. So either 200m people who were previously uninterested in Twitter were so impressed by how Musk systematically made X less functional and more expensive, or bot accounts became massively more prevalant.

Regardless, with a global adult population of 8+ billion, in no world is 556m “most people”, even ignoring the bots. Facebook has 3b monthly active users. Tiktok 1b. Instagram 2b.

As for the rest of the argument, the idea that the only way for extremist voices can be held in check is to politely engage them in rational discussion is sadly nonsense. They’re extremists. They aren’t interested in rational discussion. The only way to hold them in check is to deplatform them, whether literally or just by the old fashioned method of social ostracism.


Hats off to the downvoter who read this and apparently thought to themselves “hell no! 556 million is a lot more than 3 billion, and definitely more than half of 8 billion!!!”


Bullshit. No one HAS to remain on Twitter. It’s a choice. Living in a fascist state for many isn’t a thing they get to chose not to do. So you can fuck all the way off with this apologist bullshit.


Snooze motivation: moral condemnation

Better motivation: the funniest possible thing will happen to Musk if we just log off Twitter and stay logged off


Jesus Christ that NYT article has so many weasel words in it. "Seen as", "appear to be," blah blah blah. I hate the NYT.


What does rest of the tweet say and why is it left out?


More of the antisemitic conspiracy theory. You can find it easily enough, and amplification isn’t a good idea


The tweet seems to have been deleted and none of the articles quote the full tweet. Full context is kind of important considering that’s what the news is about, isn’t it?


One of the things hate groups count on is that tendency to provide full context as a means of spreading their message. It’s actually quite important not to do it for them.

Infiltrated_ad8271 avatar


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  • kick_out_the_jams,

    If somebody was to respond to your comment with "You have said the actual truth" would you not characterize that like an endorsement?


    We can’t possibly have looked at the same thing. What are you talking about?


    Has there ever been a NYT that wasn’t full of weasel worda


    I mean, they probably don’t want to get sued by the world’s richest man-baby for libel for declaring it outright.

    Even if it’s true, they’ll have to go through the court case. It’d be pretty hilarious IMO, though. He’d have to prove he’s not a Nazi-sympathising piece of shit, which is impossible.


    Hmm even moreso now there’s a moral imperative for people to abandon X, formerly known as twitter.

    HiddenLayer5, (edited )

    Damn I was expecting some kind of heated hot-take laden debate about the recent events with Israel, which would have been bad enough for him to throw his two cents into, but dude completely exceeded my expectations in the worst way by straight up praising Hitler out of the blue while givng the nod to white supremacy.

    So now that he’s actually showed his hand we can start unironically calling Elon a Nazi now right? I remember people calling him that just to insult him in the past and his personal cult brigade coming to his defense. Let’s see them try and do that now.

    Also mirroring the screenshot on Lemmy.ml in case Imgur deletes it:



    What damage? Twitter has been a right-wing platform for a long time now. Any remaining users had already (knowingly or not) aligned themselves with right-wing fascist subhumans.

    So, if any advertisers or users are upset, fuck 'em. They can own it. They supported a right-wing platform and should reap the labels that come with that.


    You shouldn’t use the term ‘subhumans’. It’s literally Nazi lingo.


    I think it applies to conservatives though.

    I feel it’s justified because conservatism is a choice.

    vxx, (edited )

    But it was only used by Nationalsocialists and Eugenicists to describe in their opinion genetically undesirables. Jews were called that for example. It’s the excuse they got killed for by Nazis.

    You get on the same level as Nazi supporters using it to describe other humans.


    Conservatives lack humanity. Empathy is simply not a conservative trait. It is seen only as a weakness to exploit.

    Conservatives see every interaction as a transaction. If they pretend to be empathetic with you, they feel they have done you a favor. If they show you enough kindness, they will feel you owe them something in return. A conservative cannot fathom that people can be kind simply for the sake of kindness. That is just seen as weakness to a conservative. As they would put it, “that’s some liberal shit”.

    When conservatives show some humanity, then I will begin seeing them as humans. Remember, if you are not conservative, they see you as their enemy. They do not see you as human and do not value your life in the slightest. Humanizing an enemy that is incapable of humanizing you is a recipe for death. Use caution.


    I agree with flooffloof here. But again and just for clarity, subhuman doesn’t mean what you think it means. You’re saying they’re that way because of their genes.

    Burn_The_Right, (edited )

    I’m saying they are never going to change and will do everything they can to erase you. Treating them like humans is how you give them an unecessary advantage. They will never return the favor. They neither need nor want your kindness. They only want you to not exist.

    vxx, (edited )

    Again, subhuman doesn’t mean what you think it means.

    You’re literally spreading Nazi propaganda.

    And the rest you say was also adressed and I disagree. Hitler was indeed a human, and it’s dangerous to suggest he wasn’t.

    You seem radicalised, that’s a dangerous path to go down, even with the right intentions. In fact, Nazis were convinced they had good intentions as well. Republican voters too. And Elon Musk as well.

    How do you think many germans were able to kill jews the way they did? They were convinced they weren’t human. Why do you think Putin is demonising and dehumanising Ukrainians?

    Do you want to lock up or kill 40% of US citizens since they’re unredeemable monsters?


    The best protection from Nazism is to recognize that Nazis were normal people like us, not some strange nonhuman species. If we recognize this we can see that many people can be turned that way when the circumstances push them towards it. So we should watch ourselves. It’s when this gets forgotten and Nazis become caricature movie villains that we let our guard down. It’s no coincidence that fascism resurges when the WW2 generations have mostly died out, taking their memories with them, and Nazis in popular culture have become cartoon baddies.


    The conservatives were never normal. Not in 1930 and not today. Conservatives act polite and keep their hatred to themselves when it suits their best interests. But the moment a conservative feels safe to be themselves, the hate flows forth. Hitler did not create the nazis anymore than trump created the magats. They were always shitbags. They just needed someone to give them permission to be themselves.

    Conservatives are natural predators of any group they see as vulnerable. They seek out weakness to exploit in normal people. Normal people do not do such things to others.


    I think we’re not disagreeing but just using “normal” in different senses. I mean “not unusual” (half of the population leans conservative) while you mean something like “well adjusted” or “healthy”.


    Fair enough. I do not see hate-based ideologies as “normal”. Nearly every act of racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, or other bigotry committed in history has been committed by conservatives.

    When we treat bigots as normal members of society, we normalize bigotry. They are not normal. They are harmful. There is simply no place in a modern society for conservatism.


    Toooooo late


    Maybe X should rebrand itself as Twitter to move away from this scandal.




    It’s as if this guy is trying to see how many times he can shoot himself in the foot and walk away.


    How is it not obvious to everyone that he is trying to bankrupt X so he can skirt financial responsibility to his creditors?

    The company is worth less than half of what he paid for it. He owes a billion dollars a year just to minimum payments. He knows he cannot make that money from a company that is unprofitable like Twitter/X.


    That’s fair, but then why did he want to acquire it so bad?


    Because he is not as smart as people think he is.

    He did not invent Tesla. He did not create Twitter. He did not create SpaceX.

    Musk has done nothing but use his family’s emerald fortune to leverage wealth to create more wealth. He has not contributed to anything.


    He didn’t. He bought shares, then announced he’d buy it at a wildly inflated price to drive the stock price up so he could sell high. It was a pump and dump scheme and he never intended to actually buy Twitter. 3 days after Twitter agreed to be bought, he had already sold over 6 billion in Twitter stock.

    The difference here was the Twitter board wasn’t finna take that bullshit. They sued him and he was going to be forced to honor his disingenuous buyout offer, so he went through with it and has been hemorrhaging money.

    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    His creditors include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and allegedly parties with ties to Putin. I don’t think they’ll take kindly to losing their fortunes, even if you subscribe to the belief they will relish the collapse of Twitter/X for the general purpose of authoritarian reach. EM is gonna fall from a window at this rate.


    Don’t get my hopes up


    Those parties got exactly what they wanted to buy. The death of their detractors’ communication platform.

    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    For 44 billion? That’s a waste of money. They can keep DDOSing or filling the company with exploit writing informants for cheaper.


    and identifying information of posters so they can plug leaks and crush dissent.

    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    Speaking of which: His toy exploded after going past the Karman line today.

    How many toes does this fucker have left at this point lol


    IBM gone, Apple gone, Disney gone. As I don’t use Twix: Who is still spending marketing money on Elon’s shitberg?

    @iquanyin@lemmy.world avatar

    a bunch of scammy site and scammy “girls”


    Musk’s ideal advertiser is one which sells swastika-engraved AR-15s to mass shooters.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    They aren’t gone. It’s a “pause.” They’ll be back when people forget about Musk being a racist.


    Then the Internet should make them not forget.



    Hey, no need to sully the name of a perfectly good candy bar with that “social media” nazi echochamber.


    Did Nestlé pull their ads?


    Nestlé has done worse than endorsing white supremacy, so I don’t think they have.

    n0m4n, (edited )

    I was getting excited about getting a new vehicle, and was looking at a Tesla.

    But, Nope! I’ll ride a tricycle before Elon gets a penny from me.

    @Moshpirit@lemmy.world avatar

    Please, share a photo of you riding a tricycle


    Thank you for your service, sir!


    https://www.lucidmotors.com/ has entered the chat


    Never heard of them, but terrible mobile website.


    Twice as expensive and a tiny charging network in the United States. No thanks.

    Elon sucks. In case that wasn’t clear.


    Twice as expensive as what? A Lucid Air sure isn’t competing against a Model 3 if that’s what you’re saying. It’s priced almost identically to the Model S, so not really twice as expensive. Also, in case you missed it, the Supercharger network is opening to all brands, so that selling point is not a thing for much longer.

    There’s literally no reason to pick a Tesla over another brand, unless you really enjoy paying $12k to beta test absolutely terrifying ADAS software.




    I’m expecting to see you on one of these


    photo By Prioryman - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

    @andthenthreemore@startrek.website avatar

    Enthusiasts have established owners’ clubs and some have modified their vehicles substantially, adding bigger wheels, jet engines, and high-powered electric motors to propel their C5s at speeds of up to 150 miles per hour (240 km/h).



    Those look cool but very expensive compared with most ebikes


    Not compared to a Musk truck. Then it’s 5% ish, and a bargain.


    You’re not very good a product research if Elon being a shithead is what put you off Tesla. Tesla cars should put you off Tesla cars. Lying about range. Thousands of dollars for software features that don’t work. Atrocious reviews from owners about reliability. The list goes on. Then there’s the hostile racist workplaces where they are manufactured. Elon is just the tip of the iceberg.

    The worst review I’ve ever heard of any product goes like this. “Imagine if your printer was your car, that’s what owning a Tesla is like.”

    @owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

    I work in the automotive industry as an engineer, and I can confirm that Tesla has a dogshit reputation. A decade or so ago, it was considered the best place to work. These days, the best engineers avoid it like the plague.



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  • BlueMagma,

    Why do people keep upvoting musk news ? This guy is cancer, I’m annoyed by all these post about him, am I the only one ?

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Controlling the damage Elon does must be like trying to control a fire after the building is razed to the ground and nothing is left but smouldering ashes.


    You’re forgetting the buildings in the surrounding area


    Don’t forget you might still be fired at any time as a cost cutting measure.


    Like trying to catch the smoke with a butterfly net


    By the 1930s, the new Nazi government needed that technology — and recruited IBM for the job. Tabulating machines made tracking lines of Jewish descent possible, even if a German citizen’s family had married out of the religion or converted generations ago.


    That’s because there’s a racial component


    90 years ago. Musk is giving a platform to Nazi and endorsing them right now.


    What spirit are you posting that comment in (liquor notwithstanding)?


    I think the implication is that IBM was happy to work with Nazis to implement the holocaust, but working with X is a bridge too far. Thus by that logic, Musk is worse than Hitler.


    Or… they’ve learned from their past and don’t want to be associated with Antisemitism anymore?


    theyve decide its not profitable for now lol companies that big dont let silly thing like morality color their decisions


    I wonder who makes the mainframes used at NSA domestic spying server farms, or who run the computing for predator drone targeting systems. “Not profitable to be vocal in support of antisemitism” hardly means “currently on the moral high ground”…


    Point taken. One form of dissent is definitely safer


    Of course they did, it’s all in jest.


    You’ve used that word ‘implication’ a few times now…


    Is this supposed to be some kind kind of gotcha? It’s just a related fact, with no opinion, or narrative, or near as I can tell, point


    It sounds like you think IBM has the same employees from 90 years ago…

    Is your point that they should be consistent in their historical anti-Semitism? What exactly do you expect them to do other than disavow their past transgressions?

    If anything companies like IBM, Hugo Boss and Volkswagen should be extra vigilant about supporting Nazis because of their past.

    Your ancestors probably did some fucked up shit too. They may have own slaves. Are you arguing that you should be defending slavery since your ancestors engaged in it?

    Think dude


    What exactly do you expect them to do other than disavow their past transgressions?

    Compensations and restorations would be a minimally decent start.


    Then we are going to need reparations from you for your ancestors role in slavery


    implying I’m from the US

    good try, asshat.

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