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Xperr7, (edited ) in [XFCE] Blast from the Past using Chicago 95 theme
Xperr7 avatar

Some may call it heresy, but I abaolutely love themes of old Windows on Linux. It's familiar and nostalgic at the same time. Got a Windows XP theme on my Laptop, and plan to use a Windows 7 theme on my main rig when I finally set it up with Linux.


Those themes are truly important… Mist users at my work dont know that they are using Linux because it is looking like Windows 10.

No complaints so far, because they Know where every Button is.

(The people are gave Linux are mostly need the Computer for Mails and Word)

booty, in [KDE] Probably my best config yet. This is CLEAN.
@booty@hexbear.net avatar

you should edit the racism out of the title


Oh come on. “Rice” by far outgrew it’s racist part. 99.999% of people using the term don’t use it as a dog whistle…

@RandomStickman@kbin.run avatar

Unironically and sincerely asking what does rice mean in this context?


Don’t worry, he just wanted to feel superior

@booty@hexbear.net avatar

not really here to debate about it, this is a closed issue here. the post as is will be removed as soon as a mod notices the racist title

@MyNameIsRichard@lemmy.ml avatar

“Rice” is not and never was racist for the simple reason you can’t be racist to cars. Frankly people who think it is need to experience real racism which is genuinely scary. I’ll grant you that rice was meant disparagingly.

aard, in Idea / Question about tiling window managers
@aard@kyu.de avatar

The bit where you have a small view on a large virtual display exists in xorg (I assume it is still there - when I used that it was XFree86).

You’d configure a virtual screen with whatever resolution you want, and your physical resolution generates a view on that which is moving with the mouse focus. I used to run a 1200x1600 desktop on a 640x480 screen until my girlfriend said she got sick watching me and bought me a large screen.

Might be useful if you quickly want to prototype the general idea.


now you can run a 4000x6000 screen on your 1200x1600 monitor 😉

but seriously thank you. if that existed this might still exist in wayland…

@aard@kyu.de avatar

This is an Xorg thing - for wayland you’d have to implement that kind of functionality yourself.

Just checked, it seems to be still there, and exposed via xrandr, see the --panning option in xrandr manpage. So you should be able to somewhat dynamically resize the virtual desktop used via xrandr nowadays. The maximum virtual desktop size supported is determined by your graphics card - so if you’d want that some infinity thing you’d have to do that yourself and just throw a small part of the screen in the graphics buffer for rendering.

corus_kt, in [sway] im bored and i got stuck on something, so im posting this

C l e a n

Do you have the bg image or a source for it? It’s beautiful

ReakDuck, in Im going to get banned for this

Where is the Unix in this porn?


This is like posting a piece of steak in the vegan community and going “tHiS iS gOiNg tO gEt mE bAnNeD bUt i’M eDgY sO i’LL dO iT aNyWaY”


Yes, cringe


@KillAllPoorPeople @ReakDuck But why to kill all poor people.

unix_joe, in Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation

It’s a stupid term that is based on an antiquated mindset where Asian people are not creative and cannot invent anything of substance; we are only able to poorly imitate what the West develops. It needs to die.

Also, I’ve been using and customizing the X Window-based desktop for 25 years and I’m not sure that the term “ricing” was ever used anywhere before Reddit and even then only within the past decade or so. Let it die with that culture.


Now they need to just find an Asian person saying it's not a big deal so they can dismiss your comment.


It’s a stupid term that is based on an antiquated mindset where Asian people are not creative and cannot invent anything of substance; we are only able to poorly imitate what the West develops. It needs to die.

The term at least since the 90s means to modify stuff to your heart’s content and literally creating something new, unique and personal.

Idk where you went to get that “can’t invent anything of substance” thing, but you might want to check your internalized racism.


I’m with you especially on that last part. My most insane privately racist lug-mate called it modding or customization. Even in the windows shell hacking scene no one described it like that.

I do like using “tuning” though, fond memories of import tuner magazine and my dearly departed first car and first computer.

@Grownbravy@hexbear.net avatar

If you cant put a set of rays on your pc can you even call it done? 😤

NormalC, (edited ) in Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation

I agree, it’s another example of racism being burned into the English language. You should always make an effort to change and adapt your vocabulary, to not do so is to endorse the very racist history that the term is based on.

Also the term just doesn’t make sense? I have no idea what “rice” is supposed to evoke outside of its history in the car industry/communities. “Cooking” seems to be the better term because people on Unixporn “cook up” their desktop to make it as appealing as possible (to their tastes or to the tastes of the group). So a submission would be someone’s “cook/dish.” The whole “let them cook” remark is also a relevant catchphrase.

We can do better, and why disregard that opportunity? “Rice” is a two-faced compliment with racist roots. It deserves the bucket.


Yeah, “cooking” is superior


I have no idea what “rice” is supposed to evoke outside of its history in the car industry/communities.

Whoops, your virtue signal is showing.


Don’t go deleting it now.


wdym, you think people can’t change? Most everyone here has used rice before because it was the dominant term in this comm. Now that this post is here, there’s no excuse for it. This is not the clever own you think it is.

What a loser, get an actual argument instead of digging up my old comments that aren’t relevant to the current discussion, or just go back to reddit, they’d love you.


UH OHHHHH, better hand in your hexbear membership, you don’t fit in, you dirty racist


Lmao, it’s cute one of your comrades remove the image on your instance.

I didn’t say people can’t change. But 8 days ago you used the term “outside of its history in the car industry/communities” and now you claim you have no idea what it’s supposed to be? Give me a break lol. Are you outing yourself as a racist from 8 days ago? Wow quick reform.

This post doesn’t change anything. It’s just a bunch of hexbear snowflakes whining that a community has enough brain cells to know context matters.

How exactly is your use of a term you deemed racist not relevant in a post where you and your comrades are going around calling people racist for using a term they don’t deem racist? Are you actually serious right now? You can’t see the relevance? Take your blinders off.

At any rate, I didn’t dig up the comment on purpose. I was seeing how much hexbear engages with lemmy.ml/c/unixporn and wouldn’t you know it out of the 210 comments your instance had only 5 of them were not in this post. Not surprising since you only had 22 users subscribed here. Your comment was one of the 5 and I went to see if there was any consistency, expecting to see hexbear users call it out as racist if it came up as you all clearly think it is now. To my lack of surprise I saw the opposite, 80% not having anything to do with the term and your humdinger exposing yourself.

You’ve underminded your entire argument and exposed your bad faith tactics in one fell swoop. You should probably stay in your safe space instead of trying to find things you think are you dunking on people.


Cool story bro, stay mad. Even in your little mind of hexbears vs. The world, the hexbears won.

The OP is a hexbear who previously brought this up in the subreddit. Now it’s brought up here and now you’re mad there’s pushback. You can’t engage with us on the and now you’re resorting to meaningless personal jabs.

Stay mad poo poo pee pee.


You’re delusional. My only exposure to hexbear prior to this post was communities on large instances wanting to defederate you. This whole post makes it abundantly clear why that’s the case. You’re all very clearly a group of losers that banded together for some type of us vs the world bullshit, you even tried to pass off hexbears vs the world as my idea when it’s actually yours. It’s pathetic.

You can’t engage with us on the and now you’re resorting to meaningless personal jabs

On the what now? Do you just rage type and submit without making sure your words form coherent thoughts? Try again junior. It’s not a personal jab to point out you outed yourself as a racist by your own definition. Almost every comment you lot have made to me has been dodging my original point that there are a lot of you piling on and then attacking me. I guess hypocrisy is lost in your small world eh?

As an aside, do hexbears have an infantilzation fetish? The amount of your users randomly bringing in baby shit is really odd. Oh, what’s that? You all lean on tactic that was pivotal to maintaining slavery? But go ahead and tell me again how you’re not racist anymore. In case a hexbear mod removes the link, I linked to the wikipedia page on infantilization.

To get this straightened up, you’ve outed yourself as a racist both by using a term you now claim is racist that you had no idea how it would be used outside of a racist context and your whole lot use the same tactics with people you disagree with that were used to prolong slavery. Got it.


I accept your surrender. Better luck with the virtue signaling next time. Try to stop being racist 👍

@Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar


inasaba, in Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation

Thank you for making this post. The number of times I’ve seen the term used here lately has been bothering me.


Everything bothers you


This bothers me

@chaorace@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Oh, bother…

Fizz, in Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

I’m going to continue using it.

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

bravely being a racist in line with social norms, our hero!

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Sure, and I will lose no sleep.


Way to engage with the subject matter, no justification at all, nothing. You’re part of the problem you do know that?

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

My justification is most people don’t care. You would be hard pressed to find an Asian person offended by this.


The “most people don’t care” and the “find me an Asian person offended by this” are both non-talking points.

  1. You are in a thread about this exact issue, it seems that there are people who care, and you have to engage with that.
  2. So? Does that mean we should stop discussing this? How are we hard-pressed when this thread exists?
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

I didnt say “find me an Asian person offended by this”. I also didnt say you should stop discussing it.


You also didn’t say anything of note besides pulling your justification out of your ass. I have nothing to really discuss because you didn’t give anything worth talking about.

My justification is most people don’t care. You would be hard pressed to find an Asian person offended by this.

Source: trust me bro.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

The thread question is “we should stop using this term” my reply was no. My justification is that most people don’t care. The term has been around modding communities for decades and used by people of all races. If it bothers you so much start using something else and then you can see how many people care enough to change.

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

people like you are why shit like this is impossible to change. thank you for doing your part to keep the world just that little bit more racist, shitbag

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

How do I make it impossible to change? If I keep using the term and then you and everyone else use your new term then the term will be changed.

The reason you see comments like mine and get pissed is because its the majority sentiment. The only people that would get offended by this are people going through life with a magnifying glass looking for things to be offended by. Most of the people here getting upset are from the communist instances.

@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

“I refuse to stop being racist because it’s commies telling me to stop being racist”

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Hexbear… opinion disregarded.

@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

ad hominem

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Cool 😎

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

no cracker, you just don’t want to change so you pretend you not being offended means no one is

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

What is it with Commies and not being able to read? Nowhere did I say no one is offended by this. I said most people aren’t. I don’t care if a small amount of people are upset by it. It not realistic to change language on a large scale everytime a tiny tiny percentage of people get upset.


funniest thing i’ve heard today is implying commies don’t read ENOUGH


Hi. Asian American here. I’m offended by this. Please stop deliberately choosing to use terms that are hurtful to me.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

I dont think you understood my comment.

eltimablo, in Do you consider the term "rice" or "ricer" to be racist?

Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements


Or Rage, I’m always angry customising

polymerwitch, in Do you consider the term "rice" or "ricer" to be racist?

I’m not a part of the demographic who would experience racism around this. So, I can’t comment there.

I am a white hipster though. So, I usually call my window manager customizations “artisanally hand crafted”.


artisanally crafted operating systems lmaooo

some_guy, in Do you consider the term "rice" or "ricer" to be racist?

Never heard either, but ricer would clearly be racist as there’s no general contemporary reason for the word.

LegendofDragoon avatar

At first I assumed ricer referred to a kitchen tool that made vegetables into the shape and size of rice


You could also say it is riceist

yrmitz, in Official Unixporn Community on LemmyWorld

What is the point to swap instances? We already have solid community in this instance. Why not just move your moderators in this instance?


We have observed this instance over the last weeks, and came to the conclusion that it’s not a good fit for our community, as it’s often down and we don’t always agree with the administration on this instance.

@caboclo@lemmy.eco.br avatar

how silly lol


lmao removed


Considering this user made an account on lemmy.ml to post this, and the community in world was made by the same user with a world account, maybe they don’t understand the federation aspect correctly. It seems to happen a lot, and it’s frustrating because it leads to one huge instance in lemmy.world.


Man and I thought linux users were supposed to be technical smh my head.

Evil_Shrubbery, in [GNOME] Rainbow Dreams

… shit, my KDE looks almost exactly like this. Gnome is cool again.

Emanuel, in [GNOME] Rainbow Dreams

Could you link your wallpaper? I liked it

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