China says Israel has gone too far

China’s foreign minister said Saturday that Israel has gone too far in responding to last week’s invasion by Hamas, China’s official news agency reported.

Speaking to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have extended beyond self-defense.

According to Xinhua, China has an interest in helping resolve the conflict and the underlying issues involving the Palestinian population.


Speaking to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have extended beyond self-defense.

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


So many Palestinians dead…do you understand how much free labour you could’ve gotten out of them?


I liked how Vlad Vexler put it. I’d try to paraphrase, but it’s probably better to let him speak for himself:


“Before the Hamas incursion and subsequent Israeli military response, it was believed that Israel and Saudi Arabia, driven by a common animus toward Iran, were working toward a normalization of relations, a development that could have shifted the dynamic in the Middle East.”

Who wants the dynamic in the Middle East to remain unchanged?


Who wants the dynamic in the Middle East to remain unchanged?

People who don’t like Israel.


What is there’s to like, really?

avater, avatar

maybe the chinese can give them some tips, I heard they’re pretty experienced in handling minorities…


“you just build a giant factory around them and start exporting”

avater, avatar

And some camps for them to concen…to focus and recreate.


He’s not wrong. But it’s worth remembering that when China faced a far smaller provocation from their own restive Muslims, in Xinjiang, they responded by locking up a large fraction of the population in vast reeducation camps…

Grayox, avatar

Not saying that’s right, but at least they didn’t bomb the camps…

thatsage, avatar

They raped and tortured them form what I understand.


There’s also the issue of the potential mass organ harvesting from people in China’s “Reeducation Camps”


thatsage, avatar

Yes, I remember when I learned about it, I was shook to the core… The harvesting of organs was cherry on top, absolute horror…

BeatTakeshi, avatar

Same thing everywhere, dehumanise a people and they’re just chicken in cages. God knows we’ve been far down that route


It’s apparent some believe silent torture is more civilised than bombs.

They are both horrifying forms of genocide.

gAlienLifeform, avatar

I think if they felt the need to they would have. China and Israel’s government both place about the same value on the lives of people who get in their way, China is just a lot more self conscious about its international image.


This is a stupid take. 70 years has passed since China’s last military attack on a nation. 70 years. But sure, let’s ignore history and view things from our fee fees.

China may be oppressive against those in its nation. But it’s proven from decades of peace to not do anything like what you are saying.


Seems like youre the one led by the nose by your fee fees


So please tell me what country has China violently attacked in the last few decades to:

I think if they felt the need to they would have.

Just once.


Country? The example was that china also willingly abuses and kills minority groups it has power over when convenient.

Do you need to be reminded of the many different minority groups china played “israeli genocide” with? Just because palestine is technically still a government doesnt change how israel, and the rest of the planet, treat them as a functional subdivision of israel.

Get your head on straight bud


Actually, the post above mentions those people were sent to camps and not killed. In fact, there’s still no evidence of any deaths, just conjecture. The UN even visited and stated that while they don’t believe there is killing happening that it still constitutes as human rights violations. So no, China hasn’t

Do you need to be reminded of the many different minority groups china played “israeli genocide” with?

Personally, I believe the UN over conspiracy theorists like yourself.


Pretty sure I alluded to multiple suppressions of minority rights, so Im not sure how the UN checked multiple time periods within a single visit, but woe to a lowly conspiracy theorist like me to question your claims of UN time travel.

Hey, just to double check. You wanna keep defending china with shit like “it was only multiple human rights violations”? Or did you want to start acting like a human being again?


I’m tired of morons accusing China of killing people, particularly like how Israel is doing to Palestine. There’s no evidence anywhere and it’s becoming idiotic to even try to compare what’s happening in Gaza with anything China has done in the last few decades.


If you go back and read, they didn't accuse China of anything. They only stated that if they felt the need to have bombed the peoples, they would have. But maybe you're right that China would not have done that, so I'll just keep looking for the wiki page for NOTHING-BAD-HAPPENED Square.


You know it’s funny. People keep bringing that up even though China fully admits it was a mistake and vowed to never do it again. The censorship people talk about is that China won’t disclose how many people died, not that they don’t admit it happened.

And then HK happened. And there are no examples of the police killing anyone. Only one rumor of a girl who committed suicide off a building people tried to attribute to the HK police. Even when they stole a police officer’s gun, or lit a janitor on fire, the HK police didn’t kill anyone.

But the BLM riots…

But yeah, China bad.


Right, right, god forbid someone think the confirmed humans rights abusers might have also killed a few folks. Thats such a massive leap, from subjugation and dehumanization of an entire class of people to not only lesser living conditions and quality of life but a literal claim that they are inherently less human all the way to killing someone??!?

Goodness. Why would anyone think one leads to the other? Its like thinking very hot water in a metal pan over a fire would lead to boiling water. How conspiratorial.

Could you run me through that UN time travel bit again?


The problem with your argument is you’re comparing to maybe probably killing a few folks with thousands in a day. Yeah OK, let’s go with this whataboutism. USA kills tens of thousands, they’re totally an evil organization. What about Australia. Least we forget about these war crimes.…/the-real-crime-isnt-australian-war-cri…

Oh wait, why isn’t the ICC allowed to go after USA? Oh right threats of violence.

Yeah but MAYBE China killed some people, totally the bad guys.


I know the answer. The US does horrible things so that means china can as well!

Wait... That doesn't make sense at all


No, there’s no evidence that China killed people, there’s lots for the US. So yeah I’m gonna pick the not a murderer.


… Are you, like… Stupid?

America is a genocidal war machine. Thats not a gotcha, you just pointed at a cloud and started screaming that theres something in the sky. Yeah no shit, bud, waters wet, glad you finally outgrew the diaper. Australia? The country that literally just voted no on trying to unfuck the natives they tried to genocide? What, theyre also genocidal??!?

Jesus fucking christ, chinese apologists are dumb as fuck. This isnt a sport where your team got less penalties, you psychopathic monster, these are human fucking lives.


What the ever loving fuck are you even saying here?


Sorry, were the words too big?


No they were too stupid. So I should hate China and not want China to stop the genocide machine. Wtf? I’ll take the country that has only circumstantial evidence of killing over the genocide machine and I don’t know how you can see it otherwise.


Impressive 4th grade reading level. I should show you junie b jones, really stretch your mental muscle.

You shouldnt trust china, the people known for killing and abusing anyone it disapproves of, for claiming to want whats best for minority group they already have a history of killing and abusing. (Your conspiracy theories aside.)

Theyre a genocidal world power. Get their cock out of your throat and pay attention, maybe when you get a breath of cock free air it will clear your head.

You do not trust the statements of genocidal world powers, because they are always trying to save face for past or future transgressions. When these countries claim to want to help, they are trying to divert your gaze so they can pick your pocket or run you through with a knife.

China is no different from america, or canada, or australia, or britian, or russia, or brazil, or any of the other large genocidal world powers. Only a cock drunk idiot trusts them at their word.

Joncash2, (edited )

Again only circumstantial evidence against China. You keep lying and saying China does these things even though the UN says there is no evidence.

*Edit: Also you keep saying we shouldn’t trust genocidal powers, but you 100% absolutely believe the US when they say China is just as bad. Since it’s literally only the US saying it and forcing others to agree. Some how, the projection US puts on China is true to you, but nothing else? WTF is wrong with you?


Dude one of the most famous photos of systemic abuse is from china. Just because 1 UN official didnt find a body once doesnt undo the history of the chinese government. You sound like a tin foil wearing lunatic repeating yourself, especially since the UN says the same things about the US, britian, australia, russia, etc etc etc.

Your edit is a massive conspiracy theory too. You literally admitted proof that they were violating human rights. Did the US force you to do that? Is uncle sam in the room with us right now?

Do you also believe those photos with stalin magically didnt have any people in them? For fucks sake dude


Violating human rights is something every nation does. Just ask Canada and the indigenous people. That said, I’m absolutely going to judge a country on how bad they violate it.

The fact that USA’s propaganda system is really good and made that one tank photo famous, doesn’t change the reality that the man actually didn’t get ran over.

He even got away with climbing onto the tank.

So the argument then becomes as it always does for Americans trying to accuse China. BUT WE DO IT, IT HAD TO HAPPEN.

It’s called projection buddy.


“Its ok that china violated a bunch of rights, cause canada did it worse!” You really were bricked in the head. There isnt a justifiable level of human rights violations, you living piece of filth.

The photo isnt bad for implying that singular man died, its just the famous photo of a massacre. Oh, wait, let me guess. That one didnt happen, but if it did, it wasnt as bad as the US so its not a big deal, and it had to happen right?


I hope you’re actually curious about the events that did happen. Because I’d love to tell you about them. And yes, this is the actual position of the Chinese government.

The protestors eventually got violent and started violently attacking the police and military who were sent there to quell the rebellion. For peaceful protestors, explain to me how they destroyed several armed military vehicles in this picture.…/…

BLM protestors couldn’t even destroy police cars, let alone a column of armored vehicles.

Now, admittedly the terrified and violent over reaction by the Chinese military and police from this situation was horrible. China continues to refuse to disclose exactly how many people died from this. Which is what all the calls on China’s evil censorship is about.

However, as unfortunate as it is, and I do personally believe thousands were killed. The police and military are human. They were terrified of a group of terrorists who were able to destroy and entire column of armored vehicles. Does that excuse their over reaction? No, but could I understand, unfortunately yes.


Do you remember when I told you that you cannot trust the word of a genocidal government?

Did you notice how you just parroted like a well trained bird the words of a genocidal government? You even admit you know you are repeating what you are trained to say.

Did you notice how you blamed the protestors for “starting it?” Thats what the US says about black and indigenous people. Australia and canada about their respective indiginous populi. Russia about ukraine. You just blamed the victims of a war crime for, and I quote you previously, “it had to happen.”

Youre excusing mass killings. You literally say, “no but unfortunately yes.”

Youre justifying and excusing mass killings, just because a chinese man pulled the trigger.

You are the person who defends humans rights violations. Youre doing it right now.


Right, I don’t trust the government. I do trust images, such as the one of a destroyed armored column. That could not have been done by peaceful protestors. How do you explain the destroyed column otherwise.

*Edit: I do trust that I saw the tank man survive. I also do trust I’ve seen dozens of images of US police running over BLM protestors. I trust what I see with my eyes, not what the governments say. Why do you trust words over images?


Show me proof that the chinese did not destroy them themselves to justify the killings. A thing multiple nations have been caught doing to hide human rights violations for centuries, from japan to the US.

Oh my god, you do think stalin was alone in those photos


What the? So your argument now is that after seeing the military avoid conflict driving around the tank man and seeing destroyed columns of armored vehicle, you think China staged all of that? Even though those images were taken by western journalists who were there at the time? So China got the west to play along with this as well? What are you talking about?

*Edit: You do know that no pictures were taken by China and that everything we have was taken by foreign journalists right? You know at least that much about the history I hope.


All you have showed me is some broken vehicles. Thats not proof that terrorists did anything, nor is it proof that china had no other choice but to commit multiple successive war crimes.

Your handler gave you one photo and a fantasy story and you barked happily on your knees. This isnt proof, its a pro genocide conspiracy theory that china decided makes great propaganda.


No I showed you an image that a western journalist took. This is not available in China and was taken by a UK journalist. Here’s an article using it from the UK.…/tiananmen-square-protest-mass…

So what you’re telling me, is that an image created by and taken for UK newspapers is actually Chinese propaganda? Do you hear yourself?


… Do you not understand how propaganda works?

Did you miss the entire 2016 election?

Also, I see nowhere in that article where it calls the protestors terrorists who forced china to slaughter all of them by bombing cars. So I think your handler sent you the wrong link


Nope, they’re using that image to say China bad. And yet no one can explain how those armored vehicles got destroyed. They just conveniently leave that information out. Which is my point. I’m sourcing from WESTERN ANTI-CHINA sources. So it’d be really awkward for you to try to deny them. Which was the whole point. I really enjoy reading you jumping all over yourself to try to explain why western media that are anti-china is posting proof of what I’m talking about.


So, you think its more likely that terrorists snuck weaponry into a very regulated china, bombed chinese vehicles, and then got slaughtered while also magically removing any evidence china could use to prove there was a terrorist plot forcing them to hide all facts about the event?

And its less likely that the well armed chinese military also blew up vehicles while slaughtering protestors?

Who was the conspiracy theorist again?


What are you talking about? This isn’t China today, this is China in 1989 when they weren’t able to have the kind of control they do today. In fact, Tiananmen is WHY China puts all the controls they have in place today. And we can feel that’s excessive, but at least know some basic history. Jesus, if you don’t even know basic history you really are a lost cause.

*Edit: In fact prior to Tiananmen, the west thought China was so open they were happily selling China weapons.…/GAOREPORTS-T-NSIAD-98-171.pdf

It wasn’t until after Tiananmen did they feel China was closed. And China said it had to be because of Tiananmen. So yeah, back then, not too hard to get weapons in.


Did you just say that they couldnt have collected proof of a terror attack because it was 1989?


What? I said back before 1989 the west was even shipping weapons into China, so weapons were pretty available. But they decided to stop because China cracked down and then became opaque. I don’t even know what you’re trying to say.


Try reading what I say, and magically you will learn.


No because it’s completely incoherent like your argument. But to answer your original point, it was much easier to access weapons in China prior to 1989. You just can’t deal with reality.


My original question was where the evidence of terrorist attacks went, not that china is a magical anti weapon zone.

Fuck me dude, can you follow a sentence at all? Are you following a script, and Ive gone too far off your path?


Where have you been? This is China’s stance on literally everything. You don’t need evidence because we are not beholden to you. That’s what they’ve said about everything from Tiananmen, to the Uyghur situation, to Jack Ma, to what Xi ate for lunch.

Hey Jack Ma is dead right? He disappeared, and the west was going crazy as shit that they killed him. Oh but now he’s in Japan, they were wrong. And China’s response on all of that? Fuck you, it’s none of your god damn business.

*Edit: Also 911 was an inside job right? Where’s the proof it wasn’t? And that’s why China says fuck you. Because idiots like yourself will spout nonsense no matter what anyway.


You don’t need evidence because we are not beholden to you.

Oops, someone tell the handler youve slipped lip a bit.

So, what youre saying is there were definitely terrorists but they refuse to prove it, but they had to massacre everyone there to deal with the terrorists that tooooootally were there, so it wasnt war crimes because of the evidence you definitely have but refuse to show?

Or in other words… Proof of a terror attack would exonerate china of the event and completely embarass all of its global rivals. Instead of rubbing everyones nose in it, they are actively hiding and suppressing any discussion of the terrorists.

Because they arent real. They dont exist. And if china lets that out, they have to admit they murdered their own people over nothing.

E: the US did loads of “inside job” investigations. They published a good deal of it. You should google it, its an interesting read


There are lots of photos of burnt out armor from the protestors attacks by western journalists.

Their argument is if you see those images of destroyed armor taken by foreign nationals and still think that some how China did it, well fuck you. You’re too god damn stupid to talk to.


Where on those images does it show they were damaged by non chinese weaponry?


What are you talking about, of course they were damaged with Chinese weaponry. They’re in China. I already told you at the time weapons weren’t as restricted, the people got access to Chinese weaponry. Why the fuck would Chinese protestors use other weaponry?

*Edit: Did you know BLM protestors used AR-15s? Where was the non-American weaponry? No PROOF THEREFORE BLM DIDN’T HAPPEN. You absolute dunce.


For fucks sake dude, obviously I mean proper noun china, in contrast to the imaginary terrorists.

Could you pick typing, or huffing glue? You get to do 1. Either turn off your computer, or go put the fucking glue away.


Chinese people used Chinese weapons yes. Just like Americans user AR-15s. What is your point?


AR15s are not trademarked US weaponry. An AR15 is not proof of american military presence. Its just a gun.

Do I need to dumb down questions for you? Should I avoid big boy words?


… Are you dumb? AR-15 is the civilian moniker for M-16. You know that right? There’s no way to distinguish the damage they do from one another.


You genuinely have no idea what you were asked, and its so fucking funny.

Its like someone told me they trained their dog really well, so I tell the dog (you) to fetch a ball. And the dog (you) keeps trying to put its paw in my hand. No you dumb dog! Fetch!

Im not using complex ideas, Im speaking in simple sentences, Im repeating myself for you when you fuck up, and you still dont grok a thing.

“Hurrr, but AR? But AR? That merica weapon? Weapon, in merica? AR? It M16? Hurr? What was question?”


There’s no way to distinguish the damage. It would be like comparing ar-15 with m-16. It’s impossible. And thus, you’ve proven why China simply says fuck you.


… Do you think that terrorists on american soil would attack with ARs?

Do you think that the american military only uses the M16, as its singular weapon, and would respond with such to a terror attack?

Do you think the only evidence of non military strikes are if you can see an AR in frame?

Genuinely, you have no clue what youre talking about.


Wait, do you not know there’s domestic terrorism? Do you think the Jan 6th rioters used foreign weapons? BLM? Yet the police still had to deal with them, sometimes violently.

I don’t get where you are getting this foreign terrorist idea from


The jan 6th rioters mostly didnt use weapons at all, but the ones carrying used open market sold firearms. Not military issued and grade weaponry.

Ill be honest, I dont think you know what BLM even was. You keep bringing it up like its even remotely on topic. Do you watch a lot of fox news?

Let me spell it out for you. Ill keep it simple. Read slowly, and sound out the words.

China makes their own weaponry. Their weapons, like all weapons, leave specific patterns of damage and debris. Every nation has heavily studied these weaponry patterns, and can easily determine what weapons could and couldnt cause a given type of damage.

China doesnt sell its weapons to the people, and really never has. The public chinese gun market was mostly foreign made, and chinese weapons were mostly used for self arming or selling to other nations. There are a lot of political reasons for that, but they dont matter for this. The end result was foreign guns in the peoples hands, and state made guns in state sponsored hands.

What this means is any evidence of non chinese weaponry would prove actions of terrorists. Any evidence. Left behind guns, bombs, grenades, any bullet casings, any identifying fragments of weaponry, specific destructive patterns, literally anything.

Even a single non chinese bullet dug out of a wall would prove china right, because chinese military would never have those bullets.

China has nothing to show. Despite how easy it would be to find any type of this evidence.


Right so ignoring your ignorance I will repeat, people use weapons they create. The Chinese used Chinese weapons. And I’d love you to explain how to differentiate the casings of a Russian SKS and a Chinese made one. Or a markarov. Oh wait, they’re exactly the same. And that was the primary weapons for both the civilians and the military at that time. Well damn, I guess your just wrong


… Are you claiming that people only use guns they handcraft? And not purchase? Because the chinese public gun market from 1870 to the massacre was almost exclusively foreign models.

You tell the difference based on manufacturer differences. They burn and bend the casings differently. You can id which factory an SKS came from via that. Same thing for bullets, you can tell exactly which gun fired a bullet based on the damage done to the bullet by the chamber. Thats how cops can id which gun was used at the scene of a crime.


Wait wait wait, you think they handcraft SKS? Also, you clearly don’t understand forensics. The only way they can match is if they have the gun. You can’t match based on the bullet or casing alone.

*Edit: Here’s a document on how forensics works. ….

Key point:

If investigators recover bullets from a crime scene, forensic examiners can test-fire a suspect’s gun

They need the suspect’s gun to identify.


You said they handcraft them, dunce. Im mocking you for that.

You need the gun to match the specific gun to its specific bullet. You can still id model and company of origin, often down to the factory via batching defects.

A bullet or its casing would tell you what kind of gun it was, and who made it. Proof of russian made SKS, for example, would show that non military combatants were present.


I didn’t say anyone handcrafted anything. I said you can’t tell the difference between a Russian SKS and a Chinese one. You’re the weird one talking about handcrafting.

Also, no you can’t tell the difference forensically from a Russian vs Chinese SKS unless you had the gun. They were literally made with the same tools. But you don’t know that do you?


I will repeat, people use weapons they create.

Ok dunce, your comments are right there.

If they were made in the same factory, you mean? Its the same concept as forensicall bullet to barrel matching. You are matching the casing to known micro defects of the regions manufacture.

Different manufacturers use different materials for the barrel, or chamber, etc which alters how the bullet or casing is dented, burned, etc. Theres also some minor stylistic differences which result in the same thing. AK47s from russia in the 60s jam a lot, for example, way more than is normal. Something was wrong with a template, and the error wasnt caught for a while.

This forensics was used in the middle east under bush to id who had participated in different fire fights, because different groups were supplied from different sources. If you know only the taliban has access to russian made weaponry, for example, you can use that to id where they were involved.

Your handler should have told you all this, very embarassing.


Nothing you said is correct. I literally sent you a document that explains how it works. Your ignorance is astounding.


No you didnt, you sent a link to a 2 paragraph article-ette detailing how cops apply the science to match a gun to a crime scene.

Thats just how local cops use it, not the only way to study post firing remnants. Cops dont need to know which militaristic force robbed your cousin, just if his personal gun was at the crime.

This is like if you posted a mini blurb on how to collect rain water in your backyard as proof that the water cycle doesnt create fog.

Ask your handler. Im sure he can explain this to you using pictures with bright colors.

E: I actually went looking through that site, and while its not public access they go into some detail about how they are literally creating a database of gun type forensics. Literally exactly what I am talking about, down to gun year and difficulties vs obvious tells for specific models.


Yeah, things they didn’t have in the 89s. Thanks for confirming you have no idea what you’re talking about. A database of gun type forensics. Yeah all those super computers in China back then.


Holy shit, you genuinely are stupid. That single website is working on their own private database for american gun circulation. That is not the global database for all guns ever since the invention of guns. We have had ballistic forensics since the 1800s, and manufacturer tells have been commonly known since the 20s.

I pointed it out as an example from your source confirming that what I said was correct. Are you now calling your own source a liar?

Also… Hey, buddy? You understand databases are older than computers right? A database is just a collection of datapoints. This could be, and likely is, a stapled packet of papers sorted by company and model.

Oh, wait, let me guess. China didnt have paper in the 80s?


A collection of sortable data points. Guess what isn’t easy to sort, stacks of paper. No one had a “database” of forensic markings to compare anything to back then. Which is why they compared it to the barrels. Sure once you get computers and stuff you could use that to collect data points and sort, but you ain’t doing that with paper.

Otherwise, why even have computers?

*Edit: Oh wait is this your thinking of how SKS are handcrafted? The world doesn’t work that way.


Hold up, are you trying to claim that china is so incompetent that they couldnt do the basic levels of investigation that had been common use since the 20s on a massive terrorist attack??

The US was using this data nationwide in the 60s. Are you genuinely saying china was over 2 decades behind the US for basic investigation capacity?? For a supposed terrorist attack??

How incompetent are you trying to say china is?


At that time, very. That’s actually well known. China’s boom didn’t really start until the early 2000. Which is why America likes to say that they created China.

But all that is actually not the point. It’s not an issue of incompetence but simply not keeping stacks of useless data about minor forensic differences in bullets. As with most places at that time, you’d just have enough to give you type of gun but not make and manufacturer. I’m not even sure that US would have had it at that time.

*Edit and China didn’t care at the time because unlike the violent shithole that is America, they didn’t have a lot of gun crime.


Ballistics forensics has been considered massive military intel since, again, the 20s. Its considered one of the intel gold standards, it is only useless if youre a fucking moron.

Its cute that youre pretending this is some useless info, but even a simple google search would show you otherwise. Any country with legal guns keeps detailed records. As you yourself so proudly stated, china had a thriving foreign gun economy. Information about those guns would have been at the tips of any investigations fingers. (It doesnt matter how much gun crime you have, because if you have any gun crime at all you need to id the murder weapon.)

Especially while investigating a terrorist attack.

Youre grasping at straws because you didnt read your own source before sending it to me with a bow, not realizing it confirmed what I already told you. Just admit youre lying about the fake terrorists.


Like I said, china was backwards in many things at that time. The reason all their weapons were Soviet was because they didn’t know how to even begin to make their own. The Chinese story is one of coming from nothing in the 80s and 90s to becoming a super power in the 20s.

So yeah, their military definitely didn’t meet the gold standard at that time.

What about it.

And thus, again, why China just says fuck you. There’s no reason to let anyone know where in advancement stages china was in.


Dude do you understand how unhinged you sound claiming china has no idea what basic crime investigation is?

Thats like saying they were still using horse drawn carriages. Or didnt have shoes.


Wow, such an American thing to say. Hey the world isn’t America, we don’t all have gun violence problems. It shouldn’t be surprising that China didn’t invest in ballistic forensics as much as America did. But to YOU, not having good ballistic forensics is the same as having no idea about basic crime investigation.

Hey, here’s another secret, crime existed before guns. Crime investigation existed before guns. Not all countries had psychopaths like the US toting guns and shooting everyone that ballistic forensics became important.

Jesus, you sound ignorant of the real world.


It was an international standard set in 1933 by a conference in europe, which the majority of the world participated in. Its not magically uniquely american, other nations also know what forensic science is.

Hey look, I get youve dug such a deep hole that you need to pretend that america is the only country who can investigate crimes in order to not admit you lied about the terrorist thing. But you sound like an idiot pretending china was some undeveloped proto nation.

Joncash2, (edited )

Ah yes Europe, the Asianest of continents. Wait no it’s not. One of the problems China had was that the west wasn’t sharing all the data with them. It’s cute again that the west thinks they’re the international world. But guess what, Asia never felt that way. It’s literally one of the dividing issues. Again, so ignorant.

*Edit: Also it’s important to note that I’m not saying China couldn’t match a barrel to a gun. I’m saying China didn’t have this magical database that could let it identify to the manufacturer. It simply wasn’t important to China at the time to match to manufacturer. If they found the murder weapon it was enough for them to identify the murderer.

*Edit 2: Wait in 1933 was just the standardization of how to identify barrel to gun. There was no database at that time. You’re just makin stuff up to trick me. WHEN DID THIS MAGICAL DATABASE EXIST!?


China was involved in the conference, so I dont think they felt left out of the party they were present at. Manufacturer identification is older than barrel id. Barrel id is matching a specific bullet to a specific gun.

… Every country makes its own database, honey. There isnt a single database. This isnt a video game, its the real world.


… Every country makes its own database, honey. There isnt a single database.

Bingo and as I said over and over China didn’t invest a lot into this. So they didn’t have the data to trace. It’s not rocket science.

*Edit: Also, it’s not like I said they couldn’t trace anything. I said they could trace to type at the time, but not as detailed as manufacturer. You’d need enough data to do that and they didn’t think it was important to collect to that level.


They went to a conference in 1933 to directly invest in this, so I think they knew it just fine.

You seem to think manufacturer id is harder than gun barrel id. Manufacturer id is very easy, thats what was pioneered in the 20s.

If china could do barrel id (which they could, like everyone else) they could do manufacturer id.


If they had the gun. Which they don’t. I’ve also said that again and again. They needed the gun to match the barrel and bullet.

*Edit: Matching to barrel is also different than matching to type. They only kept enough to match to type unless they had the gun in question.


Why dont they? They killed everyone at the protest. How did those terrorists lose, but magically vanish away their weaponry?

And, also, no, if they had any piece of the weapon they could id its manufacturer.

Matching type is matching manufacturer. Thats what the type is. The manufacturing is the part that makes the gun denting and burning identifiable. Youre pulling this out of your ass because you dont understand how this works.


Lol, god so you admit what I was saying

And, also, no, if they had any piece of the weapon they could id its manufacturer.

Yes, I know this, in fact I’ve been saying it over and over if they had the gun. But no they didn’t go around digging through the corpses to find all the data. Again, I get that YOU want them to, but they didn’t. And again, this is why China just says fuck you. Because it’s none of your god damn business what they choose to do. They chose to sweep up everything as quickly as possible and return things to normal, not go out of their way to hunt the protestors. China isn’t as revenge obsessed as Americans.


Bullets are part of the weapon, sweetheart.

I know you think china still shits in buckets, but they arent living in mideval times. They werent a century behind the rest of the world.

And they absolutely dont shrug and excuse a terror attack, thats a fucking laughable claim.

Just admit you made up the terrorists bud


Oh wow, I just realized you optimize American ignorance.

After Tiananmen, the Chinese government realized their mistakes and instead of spending agonizing time to find all the assailants, they decided instead to reform. They spent the next decades doing capitalist reforms and trying to improve everyone’s lives after that incident leading to today where China is unquestionably just behind USA.

After Jan 6th, US decided the best thing to do with it’s time is to hunt down everyone at the Jan 6th riots. Creating a massive divide in the country. Causing friends and family to turn on each other. Because hunting down the rioters was more important to them than fixing the actual issues at hand.

You see this in the HK riots too. China only arrested the leaders, they let everyone else go. They aren’t interested in identify exactly who did what, they know that cutting off the head is enough.

But then, that’s the difference between western and eastern thought. Westerners are so individualistic they obsess over every individual. Eastern thought is that if we see something like this, there must be something structurally wrong and we need to fix it.

And I’ll say again, after these riots is when China reformed and changed their laws, not hunt down individuals. Where as in the US, the Americans say their laws are absolute and they need to hunt down every individual.

*Edit: And while you may not agree with China’s law changes and say they’re oppressive, the simple reality is, when China sees structural issues like this, they’re open to change.


So you are claiming that after china was attacked by terrorists, they didnt look at all to find out if another attack was coming?

Since, historically, terror attacks happen in waves? Multiple attacks within a few weeks or months?

Youre saying china did zero research or investigation to try and prevent further terror attacks? They were okay with more attacks happening? No attempt to find the ringleaders?


They did find the ring leaders what are you talking about? I literally just said they cut it off at the head and feel that’s enough. In fact this is one of the reasons the US keeps claiming China is oppressing people. When China feels it has enough evidence they arrest the leaders. They don’t have to pass what US thinks is enough like your personal obsession with ballistics. Thus, the US complains China oppresses it’s people. But the reality is China just thinks differently and doesn’t want to waste time explaining it to ignorant people.

I’m actually happy we are having this discussion. I would have never realized how different the thinking is without you. Thanks, this is great. Even if you have no idea.


How did they find the ring leaders without the ability to investigate the origins of the weapons? Thats how terrorists are usually caught, via following the weaponry sales.

They couldnt interrogate anyone, they were killed.

How did they find the source if they were incapable of tracking their weaponry?


Wow, so stupid. These were riots. Are you saying we didn’t know the leaders of the Jan 6th riots or BLM riots? They literally stood up with megaphones.


No, we didnt. It took 8 months to find the organizers of the jan 6th riots. You called that an individualistic obsessions with revenge just a minute ago, yes? Well without that, the people behind jan 6th would have gotten away free. This was on the news regularly, not sure how you didnt know that.

And no one was ever caught as a ringleader for any BLM protest. At all.

Do you not know how terror attacks work? The people doing the attacking are not the leaders. The leaders do not go to the attack. They stay hidden and plan further attacks.

Did you think that bin laden was on the planes that hit the twin towers???


You know, unlike USA, China arrested their version of Trump. Look up Jimmy Lai. Where as in the US, they’re saying the leaders are these people below, in China they say the leader is the one promoting it in newspapers. Which again to your thinking is freedom of speech but also why China doesn’t have that. If your promoting the riots, your the leader, not the guy on the ground.

wildginger, (edited )

Thats got nothing to do wth your fake terrorists.

E: wait, unless you are claiming that china just grabbed a random person, claimed they were a terrorist leader, and just hoped the real terrorist leader didnt plan any other attacks?

EnlightenMe, avatar

The UN visited and said china’s actions were crimes against humanity but pulled back from using the word genocide out of caution. That is not the same as saying they “they don’t believe there is killing happening”.

wikipedia/Uyghur Genocide

Also the only reason China hasn’t had a deeper probe into the situation is it keeps getting downvoted at the UN Human Rights Council, guess who is voting against it? Qatar, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan citing the risk of “alienating China”.



Ah yes, the Muslims who visited XinJiang and said they are OK with what China is doing. That’s why it keeps getting downvoted. But China oppresses Muslims, how confusing. How does the hypocrisy line up in your head with no issues is beyond me.

EnlightenMe, avatar

So no refuting the info I posted just moving the goal posts?


I’m not moving goal posts, you are. I’m saying there’s no evidence. You’ve confirmed there’s no evidence. And then attacked the people who are Muslim and literally visited and confirmed there’s no evidence. Because you didn’t like the way they said it.

EnlightenMe, avatar

How am I moving goal posts? I posted info and asked a question. I’m not sure you are arguing in good faith.


No you posted proof there’s no evidence and then stated that it must be happening anyway because you don’t believe the Muslims who said it isn’t happening and downvote it. In fact, besides that statement, what is your question? You are not arguing in good faith.

EnlightenMe, avatar

I’m done, you’re not arguing in good faith. Have a nice day, touch grass.


Says the person who makes a statement with no question. Right, I’m the one not arguing in good faith.

EnlightenMe, avatar

Your reply is literally a statement with no question lol

Sorry, that was too funny not to hit on. I’m out, enjoy your day, man.


It is because I was making a statement to your statement. Which is it’s hypocritical to ignore the Muslims who support what China is doing.


Re read the original post.


Quiet down Tankie, the grown ups are talking


Ah ad hominem, as expected.


Some people don’t deserve to be given a voice based on their political beliefs.


Yeah particularly those like yourself that wants to silence people. Absolutely should get no say.


Thank you for dunking on all these ignorant western chauvinists in this thread.


I’m not trying to dunk on anyone. I just hate when facts are distorted.


That’s both one of the stupidest and dangerous things I’ve seen someone say. In my opinion, you qualified yourself for your own comment.


Then it seems we have achieved a paradox…

I just believe that there needs to be a ruling class of people to guide us simpletons since we’re too stupid to be trusted with a slight grip of power.


How would you safeguard us from being abused by the ruling class? How to make sure they truly have our best interest in mind?


You act like i have any respect for Tankies or care for what you think.

You guys are even worse than us Americans, at least some of us fight back against the atrocities we commit.

You guys refuse to believe that your side has done horrible things too.

You'll feel better when you admit that, then you won't feel the need to defend every choice your leaders make.

You are the world's biggest hypocrites, other than maybe the Israelis with their whole evacuation convoy bombing.

You and Israel would probably get along great, what with the unbridled hatred of minorities.


I fully admitted multiple times in this conversation alone that china has done bad things. So now I know you don’t know how to read.


So the sino-indian war was in 62, but they’ve been salami slicing in indian aksai chin the past decade, and this is acknowledged by outside observers.

China isn’t just brutal to its own people.


So nothing in the past decades, like I said. This isn’t even remotely comparable to what Israel is doing.

FlyingSquid, avatar

They literally said China and India have been going at it in the past decade. Which they have. For example:…/2020–2021_China–India_skirmish…


I wouldn’t call people pushing each other a violent attack. It became bad not because they killed each other but because they were pushing each other on the top of a mountain.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Are you actually arguing that the deaths were all caused by people accidentally being pushed off a mountain? Really?


I wouldn’t say accidentally, but it was mutual pushing.

FlyingSquid, avatar

The world doesn’t work like a cartoon. There were guns and bombers involved. You can’t be this naive.


What? I didn’t know CNN was lying this whole time.…/index.html

Stupid western media wu maos. I never knew.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That both is not a claim of pushing and is only one event out of many. So I’m not sure what you think it proves since it doesn’t even prove your claim.


Ok I gave you a source, why don’t you prove your point by giving me a source of bombers being used?

FlyingSquid, avatar

You gave me a source which didn’t support your claim. I can do that too, but why would I?


Wait, the source said they used bombers? I didn’t see that, can you point me to it?

FlyingSquid, avatar

That’s not what I said. I said you gave me a source which didn’t support your claim. You said all the deaths were people being pushed off of mountains. Your link did not make that claim.

Which shows that you are a disingenuous person and not to be taken seriously.


I see you lost and are now trying to back out of the conversation. To that I say good day.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Sure, I “lost” because you posted a link which did not support your claim in any way. Gotcha.


Like you said I’m so naïve I didn’t know they used BOMBERS. Apparently you’re the naïve one because they definitely didn’t use bombers. It was so hilarious what you said I laughed and laughed. Personally I’m hoping to get more out of you.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Love it, still can’t find those elusive bombers eh?

FlyingSquid, avatar

Love it, still can’t post a relevant link, eh?


I’m not the one who’s seeing imaginary bombers. But OK

FlyingSquid, avatar

Nope, you’re the one who’s imagining people being pushed off of mountains.


OMG IS THAT A BOMBER BEHIND YOU!?!? Oh wait, it’s just a dude with a stick. Oh wait you think those ARE BOMBERS, You better be careful, sticks might drop a nuke on you!

FlyingSquid, avatar

Your sarcasm doesn’t prove that anyone was pushed off a mountain, sorry.


I’ll tell you what it definitely doesn’t prove, that there were bombers used. I hate to tell you sticks aren’t bombers.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I hate to tell you sticks don’t prove anyone was pushed off a mountain. You can say ‘bombers’ a thousand times and it still doesn’t prove anyone was pushed off a mountain.


Yeah but there was definitely no reporting of bombers, so who’s the naive one? Oh right, that’s you. Because you thought there were bombers. Lol.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’d rather be naive than a liar.


And I’ll quote you again

The world doesn’t work like a cartoon. There were guns and bombers involved. You can’t be this naive.

That makes you a LIAR on top of being naive. Unless the world IS a cartoon as you said.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’ll quote you again

I wouldn’t call people pushing each other a violent attack. It became bad not because they killed each other but because they were pushing each other on the top of a mountain.

That makes you a LIAR on top of being naive. Unless the world IS a cartoon as I said.


So you admit the world is a cartoon then. And definitely no bombers or guns right?

FlyingSquid, avatar

So you admit the world is not a cartoon then. And definitely no one pushed off a mountain right?


I’m not the one who commented that the world is a cartoon unless there were guns and bombers used, that was YOU son.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That’s not what I said. That would be another lie.


They attack sovereign waters all the time. They make threats to Taiwan nearly daily.


So who got killed?



  • Loading...
  • Joncash2,

    Love it, can’t find an answer so you turn to ad hominem. The last bastion of a loser.


    The last bastion of a loser

    I’m so hurt right now


    You are? Oh I’m sorry then. I didn’t know you were so sensitive.


    -100 social credit score for manifesting empathy


    I’m so hurt right now


    You better be, you lose more points, you will lose a kidney


    How high are you right meow?


    It’s been 44 years since their war with Vietnam. It’s been 11 since they were involved in Mali as part of a multi-state force.


    So decades and they defended a compound. Yeah?


    Much more recently than the 70 years you claim though.


    No it’s not. I said 70 years since they attacked. What you’re talking about is China’s slow retreat out of Vietnam. That would be like arguing that USA invaded Afghanistan last year.

    gAlienLifeform, avatar

    Where in my comment did I talk about their willingness to attack other countries? I said they didn’t value the lives of people who get in their way, like the pro-democracy student protesters they massacred in 1989, or the Uyghurs they’ve been enslaving/brutalizing/killing in concentration camps more recently.


    There’s no evidence of killing. The UN even visited and stated they did not believe China was engaged in mass killing. So no, nothing like what Israel is doing.

    gAlienLifeform, avatar

    Plenty of circumstantial evidence of killing (e.g. missing people), and when there’s been documented imprisonment forced labor and forced sterilizations, the fact that they don’t say “… and then we kill them” in any written documents the UN can get their hands on and just rely on their guards to know what to do really doesn’t matter

    Both countries want to exterminate people who challenge their aims, China’s just got a slightly more controlled environment to do it in


    Right right, killing thousands is comparable to circumstantial evidence. Do you hear yourself?

    gAlienLifeform, avatar

    killing thousands is comparable to circumstantial evidence of thousands of killings that there would be more direct evidence of if China didn’t have such a good environment for destroying that evidence

    Yes, I do think these things are comparable, that is what I have been saying for several comments now


    Ok well there’s circumstantial evidence someone in your neighborhood killed someone. Why aren’t you stopping the genocide in your backyard.

    gAlienLifeform, avatar

    Because I’m not a government, I pay taxes for other people to deal with things like that. Also, if it was someone who I had a motive to have killed and I was the last one seen talking to them my neighbors probably would be a lot less trusting of me even if the cops couldn’t ever find their body and whatnot.


    Ah, NIMBY got it.


    They’ve managed to be very belligerent in spite of that. They’ve flown incredibly close to US jets and veered away barely in time, and they do the same with all sorts of ships in the South China Sea – which they claim as their own to an extent that would be equivalent to the US claiming the entire Gulf of Mexico. They’ve destroyed fishing ships and left fishermen stranded too.

    China is not a model of peace to follow. It is a model for nascent global powers however in how to exercise and test out influence for acts without impunity.

    DarkGamer, (edited )
    DarkGamer avatar

    Until Egypt recently closed the border Palestinians could leave Gaza through that crossing. Uighurs cannot leave their confinement.


    If I were getting tortured and organ harvested I’d rather get bombed.


    At the “start” of this, I didn’t really have an opinion. But that’s mostly due to lack of knowledge and the complexity of the issue.

    I was initially siding with Israel as they were hit first, but their response has made me rethink things.

    I’m still really undecided and am unqualified to make an opinion anyway.

    thatsage, avatar

    Iarael’s response is to destroy the terrorist organizario that is responsible for all of this misery.


    History has proven time and time again that this is the worst possible way to do that. Israel is either stupid or is acting intentionally with another purpose.

    thatsage, avatar

    I think this is unprecedented. Everything about this actually, not just Israel deciding to end Hamas… So I don’t know if history showed this before, I do know that previous attempts at pacifying Hamas - as opposed to ending it - did happen, and we definitely see now they achieved nothing…


    And how does that justify bombing evacuation convoys?

    thatsage, avatar

    Israel didn’t bomb evacuation convoys, from what I know at least, it’s fake news.


    I read the phrase “fake news” and my stomach immediately turns upside down.


    There are videos, so which part is fake news?

    They even took the time to analyze shadow placement for time and location verification


    Gaza civilians afraid to leave home after bombing of 'safe routes' - The Guardian

    Here is proof, you can decide for yourself who did it

    thatsage, avatar

    Arguments, not proof, also unstated ones - we only see drawn conclusions. Israel didn’t confirm or accept blame, but I won’t deny it could’ve been a mistake or a moment of confusion. But that would still not be “attacking evacuation convoys”, but an isolated case, especially since, it seems according to the article that the designation of safe roads happened after the strike - though the timing is also not exact.

    Israel does not want to harm innocent civilians. If you don’t believe that, surely you agree that it has nothing to gain from that but bad influence.


    They have lots of land to gain, they are already using this to attack people in the west bank

    thatsage, avatar

    If Israel wanted land why did it agree to several 2 state solutions (which palastinians declined)? Why did it exit Gaza?


    If they don't then why do they keep making new settlements in the west bank?

    Why did america leave Vietnam or Afghanistan?
    Because the resistance isn't worth it.

    Same reason for Israel and gaza

    Marsupial, avatar

    Oh are they going to ban Likud?

    thatsage, avatar

    Having seen what Hamas did, can you really deny they’re terrorists, on the same level as ISIS? Filming themselves, kidnapping teens, rape and torture, beheading babies… Parading half naked bodies in the streets to spit and cheer at.

    I want Netanyahu out of office. But he’s not running around doing that, don’t be ridiculous.


    The graphs here go to 2008 and the situation has been going on for decades before that


    Do you feel the need to take a side


    Interesting thought, when you have countries sending aid to one side or the other, or protests pro one way or the other, makes you think you should have a side.


    The only side I give a shit about are the civilians just trying to live their lives


    The pressure is all over these comment sections. Not this one in particular.


    It’s OK not too have a side. Israel and Palestine have been going at it for so long and the history is so complex that there is literally blame on both sides.

    elbarto777, (edited )

    “As they were hit first.”

    Whooboy. You have to go far, far, far back in history, buddy.


    People were on TV news saying the Israelis are like Native Americans getting their land back 🤣🤣🤣

    sab avatar

    The fact that you consider yourself unqualified to make an opinion probably makes you more qualified to do so than 95% of the idiots out there whose opinions are already firmly established.


    It’s really complicated. If you trace back why people did what they did, including motivations, you’ll end up centuries back. I stopped in the Russian revolutionary time period last time I tried.


    Is it even safe to start from the Ottomans?


    Goes even further than that I suspect, but I’m not sure. I would seriously not be surprised though if you could trace it to the Romans in Jerusalem.


    The Romans created the diaspora in the first place. How relevant that is to the modern conflict is debatable. Zionists certainly use the ancient Jewish kingdoms as evidence of their legitimacy.


    I think it does trace that far back then. The diaspora is likely a large contributing factor in why Jews were so often persecuted in Europe, which was what created the desire for a Jewish state in the first place. And I do think that is a fair desire and claim, but the way the British did it was completely wrong.


    I was initially siding with Israel as they were hit first, but their response has made me rethink things.

    To generalize this out to other wars and conflicts, even regular old arguments, there are almost always pre-existing conditions and tensions leading up to the first major attack. Even things like WWI, where the catalyst was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. But there is quite obviously more to the atmosphere, national ambitions, etc. etc. that make it so that the separatists wanted to assassinate him, and make it so that Austria-Hungary wanted to invade Serbia and used this as an excuse. A war would have happened anyway, no matter who attacked first.


    I thought the CCP hated Muslims too.

    hark, avatar

    Gee, maybe religion isn’t the sole factor in all of this?


    Communists hate religion. The CCP is disingenuous.

    hark, avatar

    The CCP doesn’t define communism.


    But they are communists.


    I’m very inclined to ignore West Taiwan’s position on matters of ethics and morality.


    Pro-tip: If you’re pitching a Taiwanese company, saying “West Taiwan” is almost a guarantee of winning the business.

    InternetTubes, (edited )

    Yeah, Israel should only have gone as far as putting Palestinians into concentration/re-education camps with a healthy side-dose of black market organ trading and forcing Palestinian families to live with an Israeli supervisor, if CCP’s example is to be followed.

    At least China is making it clear where it is on the lines being drawn in the global geopolitics. What I don’t get is social media like YouTube still sucking up to them and censoring things like 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. It’s very easy to support Palestine against Israel, but what Palestinians really need is support that isn’t built up on bad faith (a.k.a. the people also supporting Hamas and their terrorist acts or countries that clearly don’t really give a sh-t in other circumstances). As it is and because a lot of it is being built on that bad faith, it’s allowing neozionists in Israel to get away with far more than they would normally be getting away with.


    Gaza has basically been an open air concentration camp for 16 years.

    But the sheer balls on China to spout this rhetoric.


    Because the Chinese government treats Muslims so well, right?

    I wonder what they would do if the Uyghurs revolted… oh wait, we do know, we have precedent, just look how they treated their students.


    Did they get bombed?


    Nope, just shot and ran over by tanks to such an extent they were not even recognizable


    The Chinese are more frugal in their methods of genocide, but the disregard for human life is about the same.


    No but they are forced into re-education and labor camps and have their organs harvested among other things…/china-un-human-rights-experts-alarmed…


    Nope, just got kidnapped and their organs stolen.

    BeatTakeshi, (edited ) avatar

    Here’s an idea? Let the Chinese government administer Gaza! They have experience reeducting Muslims right? Then all Gazaouis muslims will become Jewish, Christian, atheist, you name it! Possibilities are endless.


    They have experience reeducting Muslims right

    so you think there’s only muslims in Gaza, moron?


    No, there’ll be plenty of Jews in a few days as well.


    Holy shit.

    ^sometimes, ^we ^need ^dark ^humor ^to ^make ^it ^through.

    BeatTakeshi, avatar

    Thank you for supporting the idea and sorting out the details! You are right, gazaoui buddhists gonna have it rough. Also sorry for making assumptions without insulting you, I’m new around here


    No need to spread misinformation. China has not sought to convert people to other religions.


    True, they just try to stamp out any religious beliefs and non-conformity in populations they've invaded and subjugated.


    Last I checked Uyghurs are still practicing Sunnis and Tibetans are still practicing Buddhists. In fact, Uyghurs still speak Uyghur and Tibetans still speak Tibetan!

    I’m not going to ask how many Cherokee speak Tsalagi or how many Cherokee practice Christianity because it’ll make me sad.


    They’ll all be Chinese!





    wow, says by the nation who abuses Filipino fishermen, claiming they own the entire West Philippine Sea




    Marshall Islands?

    Oh you meant China.


    Hey you’re missing out the part where they literally run concentration camp torturing Uyghurs!


    Dude, Huawei allegedly partnering with China to identify Uyghurs.


    Projection gaming. Classic China lmao


    Their 9-dash line claim failed. So they have freshly-baked 10-dash line lol


    More dashes, more chances of winning

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    Wtf I love Israel now


    Lol wtf is this, the onion?

    TwoGems, avatar

    Genocidal China has problem with more genocide? Whut?


    This is one of those things that is so set in people’s minds, I’d love to know what you actually imagine happening when you say it - like what you’re picturing.

    I’ve been giving friends pop quizes about Xinjiang when they bring it up, so far not found a single person who knows anything about any single part of it.

    It’s interesting because so many people claim to be deeply concerned about it but no one ever seems to have any real desire to learn about it, I’ve seen a million infographics this week about Palestines population and the history and everything but no one ever posts facts about the situation in China even though it’s mentioned endlessly in glib comments.


    But have you given your friends any pop quizzes though?




    At a guess, it may be because it’s not as easily accessible by the western media. If they can’t report on it directly, they won’t give it full attention apart from the occasional opinion piece or blog and that won’t make a headline or sell papers.

    No money to make, no reporting to be done.

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