RealFknNito, avatar

Get fucked, stay fucked. YouTube shorts eating good.


Neither TikTok nor YouTube Shorts a good.

RealFknNito, avatar

Lol YouTube Shorts is fine, TikTok is oversatured dogshit.


It’s the same shit. Same dogshit.

RealFknNito, avatar

Yeah, wasn’t bad for me. Don’t know what shit you guys get but I get stuff that isn’t brainless sigma videos or 14 year olds dancing in thongs.

livus avatar

Lol it's what the algorithm thinks you want. It goes by what you watch right through, not just what you actually upvote.

RealFknNito, avatar

Then I guess I skip past the trash because it actually gives me things I want. Like some dude cosplaying in fallout gear and acting out scenarios in a funny way. It feels like what Vine used to be, so it’s chill to me. TikTok just has too much jailbait and room temperature IQ posts of ‘stimulating’ videos. Like cutting kinetic sand or some shit.

livus avatar

Yeah this is why I never let other people use my tiktok, ten minutes and they wreck the algorithm.

If you just search option find proper content, follow that, then block/not interested any kids or kinetic sand and shit in fyp, it will change and never show you it again, it learns way faster than youtube.


Only US tech companies can harvest all that data from their products, I mean, customers.


I mean let’s be honest, that’s slightly better than US companies plus the Chinese Communist Party being able to do so.



Zagorath, avatar

Because definitionally, fewer people doing a bad thing is better than more people doing a bad thing?


Because your government can use the information against you while a government on the other side of the planet can’t.


Used to be true. See countries affecting populations in foreign countries. Propaganda is not local.


Not having the choice is slightly worse I’d say.

a1studmuffin, avatar

I don’t know about you, but if I must leak my private data like a sieve to use the internet, I’d much rather that data go to a government that isn’t governing me!


A government that isn’t governing you … yet and that has no ambitions (/s) to take over as much power as possible in the country you live in, you mean?

highalectical, avatar

I hope the CPC takes power here in burgerland. Maybe then the place would stop being a shit hole.


I don’t think you’d like ruining your social score by hanging out too much on lemmy and as a result losing access to movies/streaming/games, driving cars and your dog.

highalectical, avatar

America defended. You get +1 FICO credit score. You can now afford air conditioning for 2 hours.


I have enough hate for both governments, no worries.

frauddogg, avatar

No you don’t. Not a single misbegotten anglo son in the west has ever meant the former when they say “neither washington nor beijing”.



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  • frauddogg, (edited ) avatar

    Europeans are not far removed with how many of you just-as-misbegotten colonoids vassal’d out to Amerika; I don’t know why you think that’s a defense. You talk like you’re still a westerner; ergo, you and yours don’t mean it either, because you’re on the yankee’s leash, and follow the yankee’s lead. Uncle Sam says jump, you say “ja mein fuhrer!” Or what, you’re gonna tell me you’re not German either, with how much you talk about it?


    So now I am german? I think I will stop engaging with lemmygrad users. You seem to be a very special bunch. That “FICO credit score” comment was genuinely funny though.

    frauddogg, (edited ) avatar

    Maybe you should stop engaging in general. You add nothing of worth to discussions that another western scumbag techbro couldn’t have before you. Btw, the receipts I’m referring to; if you aren’t, you definitely do a lot of talking about places you don’t live-- which I mean, if you were a comrade, I’d applaud the opsec but you’ve got me fucked up sideways if you think I’m offering adulation to a fuckin liberal.

    Tak, (edited ) avatar

    Ahh yes, I should be worried about how they could in the future, do something while my current government can make me a fucking slave, legally if they decide to.

    Schorsch, (edited )

    Look, I don’t know which country you live in but if you’re worried it might make you a slave, you should riot (if at all possible, that is). Be part of the opposition.

    Fidel_Cashflow, (edited ) avatar

    So what…?
    Not everybody is living in the “default country” and also, with the US we see how well it all works for them and how slavery is not a thing there at all.

    frauddogg, avatar

    “So what?” Unbelievable. You get told Amerika is still a nation of chattel slavery and all you can say about it is ‘so what’? That’s my community, my people they’re bundling off into modern-day slavery, day by day by fucking day where they’re not chalking us out on the fuckin asphalt, and all you can say is ‘so what’.

    I hope your mf country collapses. Return to the fuckin dirt with you.

    Fidel_Cashflow, (edited ) avatar

    Wow, you said you didn’t know which country had legalized slavery, and I answered and you turned into an obstinate asshole for some reason. What a weird way to behave!

    E: ah, wait, German. That makes sense.

    frauddogg, avatar

    negl current-day krauts might be as bad as yankees

    yamanii, avatar

    Damn I thought private prisons were a loophole and not in the constitution to punish people with slave labor.

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    Since the days the first settlers landed here, the backbone of the US economy has been forced labor. It’s only natural that we would enshrine it in our constitution.


    They still can, they just have to go back to buying that data lmao

    Ultragigagigantic, avatar

    Everybody Sucks Here

    yamanii, avatar

    What can China do to you? You don’t live there.


    TikTok enacted a very obvious influence campaign to fight this legislation that resulted in congressional phone lines becoming jammed. So what China can do is directly influence our laws.

    boyi, (edited )

    They (not just China - any country, in fact) don’t have to do anything to you. But they can in such a way influence you to go against your own country’s policies directed towards these countries, for example. That’s the reality when a country choose to be a foe instead of a friend - they’ll get extra paranoid to think that the other country have everything planned to go against them, which ended up to be a reality as a consequence of retaliatory measures by these new foes.


    Problems with this app go beyond just privacy and bleed into national security.

    You as a citizen of your country have an obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector for cybercriminals all so you could fry your brain with garbage media.


    As if all these other social medias don’t have garbage media or propaganda


    We must return to AOL and Friendster.

    Andromxda, avatar

    That’s not the point


    You as a citizen of your country have an obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector

    Please explain how using tiktok constitutes “offering yourself up as an attack vector”


    If you actually think that app is there for the purpose of entertaining you and marketing to you you are naive beyond belief. Go look into the level of control the chinese government has over their tech sector and the restrictions they place on companies operating there.

    Or on second thought don’t even bother. For sheep like yourself it will all go in one ear and out the other. Keep letting them shove their hands down your ass and puppet you more.


    It’s great how liberals are now indistinguishable from your average racist, paranoid, Qanon chud.

    BaroqueInMind, (edited )

    Case in point: all the college protests. All the arrests happening are from people being encouraged on TikTok to become aggressive and angry towards apartheid. But the question is how the fuck is protesting at a college going to change what a government in another country is going to do in any way? The Israeli government gives little to no fuck about kids opinions protesting at a college campus in the United States. It’s likely civil unrest being spread by TikTok.

    livus avatar

    Pretty sure people protesting in the US are trying to influence the US govt.


    Wait, are you trying to frame “people protesting their government committing genocide” as them violating “their obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector.”

    You’re literally just trying to say that citizens shouldn’t allow themselves to be exposed to views counter to government line.

    BaroqueInMind, (edited )


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  • queermunist, avatar

    Israel is dropping US bombs. 🙄


    How is protesting at a college going to stop it?

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar

    The colleges have relationships with the companies that make the bombs and have direct investments in Israel.

    BaroqueInMind, (edited )

    Why not also protest at, I don’t know, the White House or Congress? The people who make policy work there, a college faculty can’t do shit to affect Israeli strategic policy.


    Then why are you part of the college protests?


    I went to the one at USC and wanted to show support.


    TikTok is spreading this shit. These protests do nothing and only increase civil unrest.

    This you?

    BaroqueInMind, (edited )

    Yes it is me. I literally just posted it.




    You advocate for more intelligent discussion but reply like a teenage troglodyte. Please tell me why you laughed out loud

    frauddogg, (edited ) avatar

    Ooof, nice eugenicist reference (“troglodyte”, which afaic falls under the same red flag as “degenerate”). Guess we know exactly what you are, don’t we?


    Least self-important fascist.


    Your fucking four word reply is not an elaboration. You are starting to sound more like the troll here.


    Lol. Nice try.


    Ok. I’m not going to argue basic facts with a genocide denying fascist who thinks media should be suppressed if it “increases civil unrest” (aka, shows the truth.)



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  • brain_in_a_box,

    See, this is why it’s not worth arguing with fascists like you. You’re clearly just trolling; you aren’t even bothering to keep your basic positions consistent (see you up and down the thread saying things like “These protests do nothing and only increase civil unrest.” and yet you’re know trying to claim that you’re actually part of the protests and actually Tiktok is trying to ‘legitimize’ them)

    BaroqueInMind, (edited )


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  • brain_in_a_box,

    K. No one asked

    BaroqueInMind, (edited )


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  • brain_in_a_box,

    Lol, you replied with an unrelated non-sequitur. If anything, that does the opposite of rebuke what I said; further proves that you’re knowingly trolling.

    BaroqueInMind, (edited )

    You literally called me a fascist prior to my non-sequitur, and you started this silly scenario with your nonsense nonsequitur. I’m simply defending myself here.


    You’re not doing a very good job of it, fascist.



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  • brain_in_a_box,

    Ok fascist. I already told you I know you’re deliberately trolling.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    Favors ban of platform widely used by protestors

    Lectures people on the “correct” way to protest

    Thinks “civil unrest” is universally bad

    Believes Israel should destroy the Palestinian resistance

    Not a fascist


    Hmmm I’ve never been great at math, but…

    davel, avatar







    You are a fascist.

    queermunist, avatar

    The cops start mass arrests regardless of aggression.

    frauddogg, avatar

    Funded by Amerikan money. The government you uplift, and everyone who still supports them after eight months of unmitigated genocide, is complicit. Is a collaborator.


    The US government provides weapons for the genocide.

    One of the main campuses in the protests is opening a campus in Israel, which students are opposing until Israel ends genocide and apartheid.

    Many of the campuses donate money to or have partnerships with candidates and organizations that are also complicit in the genocide.

    Of course Israel isn’t going to stop genocide because a bunch of college students in the US don’t like it. But that doesn’t mean students have to sit idly as their tuition dollars go to fund genocide.


    Seeing someone posting sense and reason. From the heart of a disingenuous, hyperbolic propaganda storm is rare and appreciated.

    Asserting that Biden is committing genocide. Really downplays and belittles what genocide actually is. It’s a despicable thing to do. And everyone involved should be ashamed.

    Biden can still be wrong, and also not committing genocide. And he is. His reluctance to distance himself from Bibi the Butcher. Has absolutely left him enabling it. Even as he tries in vain to reach out diplomatically to stop the slaughter. We’re long beyond the point of diplomacy. And Biden must start acting like it.

    Thank you for being a rational voice.

    highalectical, avatar

    Civil unrest to force the great satan to stop supplying the zionist entity is good and cool actually. In fact, I hope the unrest stops being civil.


    I’m not sure it’s true that the Israeli government doesn’t care about American public opinion, since they do benefit from American military support, but let’s assume what you said is true.

    Even if Americans protesting won’t stop the genocide, won’t end apartheid, I’d prefer that those atrocities are not committed with my tax dollars, with support from my government, in my name. The lesson learned from 9/11 shouldn’t have been “we need to enact regime change anywhere in the world where American interest are opposed”. It should have been “Americans better make sure they are OK with the things that their government is doing abroad”.

    I’m not OK with it, I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that Gaza can be levelled with “made in America” munitions. I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that oil companies and other big business interests have friendly regimes to collude with in the region as they scam the people out of their resources and freedoms.


    College protests have been a thing since Vietnam. Look up Kent State.

    It wasn’t China that gave them the idea, it was history.

    And it’s working. More and more people are sympathizing with Palestine the more the government overreacts to peaceful protests.

    davel, avatar

    All the arrests happening are from people being encouraged on TikTok to become aggressive and angry towards apartheid.


    WTF is wrong with you?


    They are a genuine fascist.


    If they don’t care then why did satanyahu come out in a speech against it? Protesting does work and does matter. You only need to look at history to see that

    RoseTintedGlasses, (edited ) avatar

    They have very simple demands, they’re not giving some pie in the sky stuff like “have Joe Biden tried for war crimes and abolish capitalism” or something; the protests all have demands along the lines that their university boycott Israeli companies and cut ties with weapons manufacturers aiding the genocide. To claim otherwise is completely infantalising to the protestors who are risking their university positions and physical health to protest despite the police crackdowns.

    Here’s a link to the list of demands of the student protest in new York, for instance

    And here’s a picture of the list of the demands of the columbia faculty protest:

    frauddogg, (edited ) avatar

    I dunno, I absolutely want to see Genocide Joe internationally tried for aiding and abetting a genocide.

    dumbass, avatar
    Ultragigagigantic, avatar
    highalectical, avatar

    If you are an American, you have an obligation to humanity to be a fifth columnist.

    The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo, avatar

    Problems with this app go beyond just privacy and bleed into national security.

    Entire world should ban US based apps in this case.

    frauddogg, (edited ) avatar

    Fuck Amerika’s national security; I don’t claim this mf country. I don’t even think twice about lying about where I’m from when I’m in international circles that ask me what it is. If someone offered me citizenship with them to Yeonmi Park y’all asses, I’d do it in a new york minute.


    Bye felecia

    K0W4LSK1, avatar

    Idk why so many people assumed they would its a data gold mine even with the USA blocked


    Here’s Bernie Sanders from a year ago talking about how a handful of companies control the news people see, read, and hear. TL:DR - He makes the argument that it’s not fake news, that journalists are usually hard-working and honest. He says the problem is the limitation of allowed discussion - what topics make it to the consumer. He says for instance that he’s never asked about wealth and income inequality.

    I believe TikTok is being banned because as it stands now it brings topics outside the limits of allowed discussion to a lot of eyes in ways US government/companies haven’t proven able to control. If the issues justifying a potential ban were truly data security or mental health as some argue (not without merit mind you), then the legislation to address those issues would look a lot different and include companies like Meta, Google, Instagram, etc. Those are valid concerns but the new measure is clearly not designed around them.

    Finally, we’ve seen how Trump can tie up the courts for months on end even after all his self-snitching. Thus I very much doubt we’ll see any actual action in the 9 months + 3 months grace period laid out for the resolution of the TikTok matter. There are too many constitutional and business law challenges in my (admittedly layman’s) reading of expert opinion.


    That is some top level propaganda. Mixing facts with half truths and fiction. Nice.


    Kinda like the not-so-unsupported conspiracy theory that musk bought Twitter to silence protest coordination. That Twitter was too useful to the ‘masses’ and the “sinister cabal” (not my words) said it needed to be taken out.

    To reiterate: this is not my position but it is one I’ve heard that matches the sentiment expressed in the parent comment

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    I 100% admit that my take on the TikTok ban is opinion based on the hearings and arguments + the scope of the bill, so you aren’t being unfair. I have never heard that about the Twitter purchase - I had read it was a poor decision Musk made only half-seriously and then was basically forced to follow through with.


    The conspiracy theory, which I must again say is not my opinion, states the reluctance of the purchase was either: (A) A show put on to obfuscate “the truth”, or (B) An internal power struggle between the ruling elites and Musk

    Just explaining, not advocating. Please don’t @ me.

    tearsintherain, (edited ) avatar

    What we certainly do know is that Musk bought twitter not to enable free speech, but to control speech according to his personal whims and beliefs.

    I imagine the Saudi’s went in with Musk on the twitter deal to also control and dilute unfavorable speech. The Saudi ruler is the guy that assassinated journalist Jamal Khashoggi on foreign soil because he wasn’t exactly a team Saudi ruler kind of guy.

    livus avatar

    I agree with this. I think you're right.


    I believe TikTok is being banned because as it stands now it brings topics outside the limits of allowed discussion to a lot of eyes in ways US government/companies haven’t proven able to control

    I mean, if this were true, that would mean you wouldn’t be able to find similar content on Western platforms. Are you really saying similar content isn’t readily available on YouTube? If so, what content?


    For one the YouTube algorithm is absolute dog shit compared to TT, which is literally the gold standard at this point.

    If you haven’t tried, you’re seriously missing out. It’s legit incredible how good it is. I hardly use it because I prefer long-form content (and don’t honestly have much time) but I absolutely can respect what they created


    Fuck all the algorithms, I don’t need any of that bullshit.


    K… you alright? lol. What’s with the aggression 😂

    Can you show us on the doll where the algorithm touched you?


    Nice username, btw 👍🏽


    Western SM is already in the pocket of the state and any content that goes against their values is suppressed.

    Pro-Palestinian content on Tiktok can easily get traction and receive over hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views.

    Considering that younger people are not watching regular media news, channels like fox just do not have comparative reach and they aren’t buying into the zionist propaganda like previous generations.

    There are a lot of content creators who are articulate, succinct and organisation has come out of it. People have created sites & apps that list all corporations and products to boycott because of their support for Israel and it’s had an impact.

    Sure, TTs algorithm can easily push you down unpleasant rabbit holes but that’s the nature of algorithms, not just specific to TT.

    So there might be similar content on western SM but it’s being held down and isn’t showing on people feed ‘organically’.


    I just did a brief search on YouTube and found pro-Palestinian content posted over the past week with hundreds of thousands of views too. I’m not arguing about the quality of the platforms, I’m saying this has more to do with geopolitical corporate hegemony (aka money) than with any specific content, as evidenced by the fact that this has been on the table since well before the Oct 7 attacks


    The difference is that on Youtube you have look for it, and the algorithm will be sure to offer you plenty of pro-Israel content in response.


    I just randomly selected this Channel 4 (3.8 million subscribers) video with 370K views on YouTube: Israeli soldier speaks out on war in Gaza. The next video it played was In Gaza now, it’s worse than ethnic cleansing from Al Jazeera. Then it gave me another Al Jazeera video, Norman Finkelstein on Gaza: The US could have stopped Israel on day one. From where are you driving your accusation that YouTube is delivering you any more pro-Israel content than TikTok?


    what do you mean you “randomly selected” it?


    Just one of the first 20 hits when I searched for “Palestine.” I have to admit I’m struggling to find any pro-Israel content among those search results. Searching for “Israel” gives a more mixed bag, but still plenty of pro-Palestinian content mixed in

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    That’s a solid criticism and I upvoted. I hadn’t thought about YouTube. Anecdotally I’ve had factual comments about how many kids are killed, what Israeli politicians say, etc. auto-moderated into oblivion on YouTube. But at the same time I get a lot of the facts I use from YouTube (basically never been on TikTok) so it holds water. I also get a lot of info from other sources, but I can’t think of something specific I’d get from them that I could never find on YouTube.

    In my defense, I’m basing my opinion on why TikTok is particularly targeted on interviews like this one with Ted Cruz. He talks about how TikTok is specifically designed to push messages that are harmful to America, including what he calls pro-Hamas content but I suspect is actually anti-Israeli policy, pro-Palestine content. That is why I would argue there’s some evidence of a campaign against TikTok in particular that might skip over YouTube or other major platforms. Perhaps the Western powers feel that YouTube is still acceptably moderated towards their interests whereas TikTok isn’t. Perhaps Google is just too influential domestically.

    Edit: I found a video I was looking for: Biden talking about passing the TikTok/Israel funding/Ukraine funding package. A bit of language he uses that I think is telling is “it continues America’s leadership in the world and everyone knows it” which could signal US dominance as a motivation and thus TikTok as a target and not US companies.

    That doesn’t mean your point isn’t worth discussion, or that my points aren’t opinion. I’m interested to see how it develops. I’ve based my opinion on the conversations I can find and language used, but I’m open to adjusting my view if evidence prompts that.

    protist, (edited )

    I think this ban is completely agnostic re: content. The issue is more fundamental – it’s fully owned and operated by people in China. This is a geopolitical battle that is currently playing out across many industries. Social media grabs headlines where less sexy industry battles do not.

    I think Tom Nicholas gives a great overview.

    Also, fuck Ted Cruz with a 20 inch dildo. Don’t take anything that sniveling carcass has to say seriously.


    I think it’s a many birds with one stone situation - an industrial battle, a move to monopolize for Facebook after years of lobbying, Censorship etc.

    davel, (edited ) avatar

    it’s fully owned and operated by people in China

    US private equity firms own more than anyone. WSJ: What Is TikTok Worth? Some Say $20 Billion, Others Say $100 Billion

    [ByteDance founder] Zhang owns 20% of ByteDance, according to the company, though super shares have given him larger voting rights. Roughly 60% of ByteDance is owned by global institutional investors including Carlyle Group, General Atlantic and Susquehanna International Group. The remaining 20% is owned by company employees.

    The CEO is Singaporean Shou Zi Chew and the VP is American Michael Beckerman.


    TikTok is a subsidiary of ByteDance, and that the Chinese government exerts significant political influence over ByteDance really is not a question


    Anyone who has spent any amount of time on TikTok knows this is true. The narrative is beyond their control there, lots of eyes see. That terrifies them.

    Zagorath, avatar

    TikTok is being banned for a bunch of different reasons all added together.

    Republicans agreed to it, among the other reasons, because Democrats will get the blame for it and it will hurt Biden at the election.

    Republicans and Democrats supported its ban because of sinophobia. It’s a big, successful business in America, there’s scaremongering around what data it’s collecting or ways it could be used to manipulate people’s opinions—ByteDance did not do itself any favours by coming out and telling all its American users to tell their Congresspeople to vote against this, which was spun as a demonstration of that power.

    They also support the ban as part of an ongoing backlash against “big tech”. Republicans are angry at big tech because they think it’s too liberal. Democrats are angry at it for being addictive, abusing monopolistic powers, and other quite legitimate issues. The problem is that neither party is very good at actually dealing with the problem, so they just lash out wildly at whatever comes along that looks vaguely tech. Not realising that in this case, that will give way more power to Meta and Alphabet.

    queermunist, avatar

    I think the reason it’s happening now is because of the growing protest movement against the genocide in Gaza.

    All the other US media companies actively sensor pro-Palestine/anti-Israel content and TikTok doesn’t. Unacceptable!

    Zagorath, avatar

    Maybe, but I don’t think so. The US govt is infamously slow and inefficient. I’ve been following this and it’s been a drumbeat that’s been growing for years, since long before Israel’s latest genocidal push began last October.

    If there’s any particular reason that it’s succeeded now, I’d put it more down to the upcoming election.

    queermunist, avatar

    Here’s US Senator Pete Ricketts saying that we need to ban TikTok because pro-Palestine videos “have more reach than the top 10 US news websites combined”

    The reason it’s succeeded now is because of Gaza. Crediting the election makes no sense, how does this help anyone’s election chances?

    Zagorath, avatar

    how does this help anyone’s election chances

    It doesn’t help. It hurts Biden among younger voters. Because he gets the blame for this.

    queermunist, avatar

    So why are Democrats doing this? This isn’t just a Republican thing, it’s bipartisan and Biden signed it. Why?

    Zagorath, avatar

    So why are Democrats doing this?

    For all the other reasons already listed?

    queermunist, avatar

    But only for those other reasons and definitely not because of TikTok being a hotbed of pro-Palestine/anti-Isrsel media content. Can’t be that, right? It’s just a coincidence. 🙄


    That’s a bingo.

    frauddogg, avatar

    Y’just say ‘bingo’. /ref

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    He is wrong though. When the war machine gets going we 100% have fake news. And the Journalists do not matter just look at New York Times massive Zionist propaganda takeover.

    Ultragigagigantic, (edited ) avatar

    Oh shit, how did I miss the Noam Chompsky Bernie Sanders crossover episode!?

    Thanks for sharing!

    jimmydoreisalefty, avatar

    I wonder if Tiktok will just make a seperate company that would comply before the 2025 ban comes to effect…

    Or they will just exit the US market, interesting stuff.

    I still think Glenn Greenwald views on this topic hold true.

    “ByteDance doesn’t have any plans to sell TikTok,” the company posted on its official account on Toutiao, a social media platform it owns.

    The sell-or-ban measure was signed into law by US President Joe Biden on Wednesday.

    “We are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts,” said TikTok boss Shou Zi Chew in a video posted on the platform this week.

    “The facts, and the Constitution, are on our side… rest assured, we aren’t going anywhere.”

    The Chinese government has also dismissed such concerns as paranoia and has warned that a TikTok ban would “inevitably come back to bite the US”.

    TimLovesTech, avatar

    The last line sounds like a threat from a country that has had State sponsored hackers take over a great deal of the US infrastructure.

    jimmydoreisalefty, avatar

    Yeah, not too sure why you would forcefully see it as a threat…

    If you already see it and think of a country as an enemy (boogeyman) than anything people from that country or gov’t says would look like a threat or to be a scary statements…

    At least that is how I see it…

    I hope we shall continue to analyze our own way of thinking and talking about such topics!


    Imagine WW3 kicking off from TikTok. Not even a cool battle or anything, just massive misinformation campaigns to incite violence and false flag attacks


    That’s literally already happening


    The Chinese government has also dismissed such concerns as paranoia and has warned that a TikTok ban would “inevitably come back to bite the US”.

    If instead of getting anything they are opting to get $0, that actually confirms the “paranoia”.

    The fact that the two countries that are most accused of spreading disinformation (including using Western’s own social media) not only provide their own alternatives, but also bans Western social media shows that West wasn’t paranoid enough.


    The Chinese government has also dismissed such concerns as paranoia and has warned that a TikTok ban would “inevitably come back to bite the US”.

    The fundamental ethos of the US and its propaganda of why it’s the greatest country on the planet is the first amendment and the current bunch are absolutely destroying that illusion in plain sight of younger generations.

    They’re sending billions for wars and to Israel supporting and assisting them in genocide yet are saying to the ones they expect to pay for it that there’s no money for healthcare, infrastructure, education, welfare, raising minimum wage, etc, etc, et al, and then still demanding they should receive their votes “because the other guys much worse”.

    I see a lot of younger people saying that both are shit, that the system is rigged and they ain’t playing their game anymore. That is tantamount to revolution.


    Funny how you concerned citizens always seem to mention Israel without also mentioning supporting Ukraine. Almost like it’s not on your talking points list.

    If you don’t see an issue with a hostile nation state directly controlling something that is consumed by so many Americans, you’re not looking at it properly.


    This is what you liberals would call “whataboutism”?


    Also because Ukraine is a nazi state. It has nothing to do with my “talking points” just that Ideologicaly I am opposed to The Ukraine, so I do not want support being sent to them.


    Ah, so you’d be perfectly ok with Russia just expanding in Europe and invading the Baltics and Moldova? Oh, you’re a .ml user. Your answer is obviously yes.

    frauddogg, avatar

    Don’t stumble down that slope jackass


    Who said anything about the baltics ot moldova?

    Ukraine was doing a genocide and violated 2 treaties Russia granted aid and enforced the treaties, and then the areas voted to join russia

    If you want to talk about the baltics we can, or Transistria, not Moldova, we can, but that wasn’t the topic of discussion

    davel, avatar
    queermunist, avatar

    Banning TikTok in an election year is proof Democrats don’t want to win.

    TimLovesTech, avatar

    Who votes for the dictator because of losing TikTok?


    By the dictator, you mean the one running the genocide and expanding spying on the civilian population as we currently speak, right?

    queermunist, avatar

    They’re just going to stay home.

    TimLovesTech, avatar

    Which is the same as a vote for a dictator. And that is super cool if you are looking forward to Project 2025, and selling out loved ones so they can be put in camps as political prisoners.

    wildncrazyguy avatar

    The guy you replied to has replied in a similar variant of “x event happened, therefore dems don’t want to win.”

    Can’t fault them though, he’s just doing his job and following orders. The opposite would be …. Unthinkable


    No, it's not.

    Abstaining from voting is an option the voter is given.

    I bet you have a heck of a time differentiating apples, oranges, and pears.

    "A pear is basically just an orange because you didn't pick the apple." - TimLovesTech

    blazera, avatar

    Have you thought maybe the democrats themselves own some responsibility for the jeopardy the election is in? Maybe banning one of the most popular social media sites right before an election was a bad move?

    TimLovesTech, avatar

    It had votes/support from both sides. And giving away democracy because you’re upset about a social media site seems like a bad take. Imagine telling future generations you traded the country’s democracy because you were mad at them because they took away your short video sites.


    You can’t fear monger about “the end of democracy” every election while also insisting that everyone has to vote for your guy, regardless of him being an antidemocratic, genocidal ghoul.

    blazera, avatar

    Can you not comprehend what i said? Tiktok is more popular with younger people, and younger people have historically voted more for democrats. Of course republicans would help democrats shoot themselves in the foot here. How can you see this and not give any responsibility to the democrats?


    Pretty sure that funding, aiding and abetting a genocide while denying there’s money for anything that benefits their own citizens is what’s losing the democrats support.

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar


    Is a vote for Trump actually two votes for Trump? Oh! Is every dollar you don’t donate to Biden a dollar donated to Trump?

    christian, avatar

    Mathematician here, I can answer this. Equivalence relations are symmetric, so if staying home is a vote for Trump then showing up to vote for Trump is the same as staying home on election day.

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar

    Okay, but then isn’t staying home also a vote for Biden by the same logic?

    This isn’t a binary relation, there’s clearly three options (vote for Biden, vote for Trump, vote for neither).

    christian, (edited ) avatar

    That doesn’t make any sense. The idea that staying home could be a vote for Biden seems pretty silly on its face. If that were true, there wouldn’t be any point in going out to vote for him, because the majority (or at least a plurality) of the country stays home regardless. He’d win in a landslide.

    queermunist, avatar

    Why is it that staying home is a vote for Trump but it isn’t a vote for Biden. Doesn’t that seem strange to you?

    And you’re right, it doesn’t make any sense, and that applies to staying home being a vote for Trump. The plurality of the country stays home, so Trump should win in a landslide, right? Yet he lost once. This seems like a glaring error in the idea that a protest vote is a vote for Trump.

    christian, avatar

    Doesn’t that seem strange to you?

    It doesn’t seem strange at all. I have never once heard someone suggest that staying home is a vote for Biden, but it’s pretty well agreed upon that not voting is a vote for Trump.

    …so Trump should win in a landslide, right? Yet he lost once. This seems like a glaring error in the idea that a protest vote is a vote for Trump.

    Only if you believe that election wasn’t stolen.

    queermunist, avatar

    I have never once heard someone suggest that staying home is a vote for Biden, but it’s pretty well agreed upon that not voting is a vote for Trump.

    That’s the strange part! Why is staying home a vote for Trump but not a vote for Biden? What makes them different?

    christian, avatar


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  • queermunist, avatar

    I give people the benefit of the doubt until they get nasty, so it’s no trouble to waste some time arguing with a brick wall 🙃

    christian, avatar

    I feel bad about this and I’d like to make it up to you.

    If you tell me your favorite candidate I promise to stay home on election day to cast a vote for them.

    queermunist, avatar

    I think I’m going to write in Aaron Bushnell.

    They already cast the only vote that matters as far as I’m concerned.

    Whichever génocidaire wins doesn’t really matter. America’s days are numbered.

    christian, avatar

    A vote not cast is a vote for Aaron Bushnell.

    This sounds a lot more productive than election day usually ends up. Thanks for making this election season inspiring.

    TimLovesTech, avatar

    I’m not following your logic here. Not voting, or actually voting for Trump both work in his favor because his base is going to vote for him no matter what. You would only be hurting the side that wants us to continue to have future elections. But at the end of the day if you can look in the mirror and be ok with selling out democracy more power to ya.

    queermunist, avatar

    They just passed a fascist bipartisan bill to censor TikTok because it was showing the truth about Gaza and because it was disrupting the preexisting media cartel that already exists in the US. This was part of a larger fascist foreign aid package meant to help Israel carry out its genocide and prolong the war in Ukraine instead of seek a peace deal and help provoke a war in Taiwan by arming them to the teeth and pushing us to fucking WW3. By voting for them you are making it clear that they can do anything they want to you and you’ll beg for more.

    I already decided not to vote for genocide Joe a while ago. If I’m going to vote at all, I’m going to vote the way Bushnell did.

    frauddogg, avatar

    But at the end of the day if you can look in the mirror and be ok with selling out democracy more power to ya.

    Brotherman I want Amerika to collapse. You think I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror? I already can’t any day I feel like I’ve sold out to you settlers; selling you out to a better steward would probably be the most tacit sense of relief I’ve felt in my ENTIRE LIFE.


    What’s the overlap between people who vote Republican and people who use Tiktok? I’m actually curious.


    They're both dumb as hell and love to be influenced by autocratic governments

    davel, (edited ) avatar

    You’re saying that 1/3 of Americans are dumb as hell while repeating BlueAnonsense.

    highalectical, avatar


    Stealing this.


    You’d be surprised. I used to work in a rural factory. All the big burly red-neck older men were on tiktok during their smoke breaks.

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar

    The age range skews younger, so probably not huge. It’s definitely there though - lots of “tradwife” thinly disguised fetish content. 😒

    There’s a reason Trump came out against this ban, he knows it’s going to be unpopular and he loses nothing by flip-flopping on it.

    This is just a free W for Trump and an L for Democrats with literally zero upsides. It accomplishes nothing besides pissing people off!

    livus avatar

    lots of “tradwife”

    Wild, I've never stumbled on any of that. But it has a really sensitive algorithm and I'm pretty firmly entrenched in the science-travel-pets axis.

    DarkGamer avatar

    It accomplishes nothing besides pissing people off!

    It denies the CCP mainline media access to our society, with which they can sow division. Arguably a lot of what's happening on campuses now is thanks to TikTok.

    That they refuse to sell tells me that their investment in this company is not about profit.

    livus avatar

    You think Chinese-owned Tiktok is inciting anti genocide protests on purpose?

    That train of thought has interesting implications. American-owned Facebook keeps being caught inciting actual genocides in other countries...

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar

    The CPC can just buy data from a different broker. You think Alphabet or Meta are loyal to American interests?

    Also, TikTok won’t be banned for months, so it won’t change the campus protests at all. In fact it’ll probably piss the protesters off even more, it’s very obvious government censorship.

    Also also, there’s zero proof TikTok is promoting pro-Palestine/anti-Israel content. That’s just what is naturally popular, the reality is that all the other social media companies are suppressing pro-Palestine/anti-Israel content. That’s it.


    Facebook absolutely would sell your info to foreign governments, however I’m not convinced Google would.

    I know Google harvests a shitton of data and uses it for advertising, but that’s ironically why I think they probably wouldn’t actually sell it. Because Google owns a massive advertising company, it’s in their best interests to keep the data they collect so that other companies can’t pop up and use the data themselves.

    Also, if I’m not mistaken, the bill isn’t specifically about tiktok but instead covers the sale of personal data to foreign countries in general. It’s just that it’s worded in a way that tiktok is the obvious target. As such, I’m not sure an American company could sell their customer’s info to China; at least not without laundering it through other companies first.

    However, all of that said, I’m not trying to defend the bill, tiktok, Google or Facebook. I don’t like any of those companies and while I think the concept of the bill is good, it’s very obviously focused on tiktok and, like you and others have pointed out, does nothing about the data collection that American companies do.

    queermunist, avatar

    The law only prohibits the operations of so-called “foreign adversary controlled applications” i.e. companies with Chinese investors.

    I’m pretty sure if TikTok was controlled by American investors and sold data to China it would be fine - although there’s also an executive action that bans selling data to foreign adversaries, it also hasn’t actually been implemented by regulators and is pretty simple to work around anyway since a third-party can just buy data from American companies and then sell it to China.

    I think a bill like this that targeted all companies that collect data would be good.

    Targeting “foreign adversary controlled applications” doesn’t really help anyone.

    adespoton, (edited )

    Well, unless there’s a credible national security angle that’s being kept confidential. I kind of suspect there is, since Trump tried to push through similar legislation, but worded it so badly that it never got out of debate… and the likes of Wyden voted for it even while they said it was the wrong legislation to solve the problem.

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar

    Please don’t tell me you actually believe them when they cry about national security. It’s almost always a lie.


    Usually it’s about economics. But in this case, it may actually be true.

    Generally, I consider real natsec issues to be things they can’t tell the public. So when I see privacy minded reps joining in with reps from both side of the aisle, I’m willing to lend a bit of credence to a security angle.

    Assuming it’s not just the US being upset that some other autocratic government is controlling the medium du jour.

    queermunist, avatar

    … and so by whining about natsec they can get you to support anything, as long as they don’t tell you about it?


    No, I ignore the whining and consider it may be an issue based on actual behavior, as I originally stated.

    Hence the “in this case, they might be actually telling the truth” from the original statement.

    Just because they over-use an excuse doesn’t mean that it isn’t true on the odd occasion.

    The problem is that so much crying wolf makes it more difficult to tell when it’s real.

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar

    If this was an actual national security threat, why would they give them so long to sell? In fact, why even try to buy it? Why not just ban it immediately? Furthermore, why haven’t they implemented Biden’s executive order to stop China from buying data from Meta or Alphabet? And why haven’t they given us any proof of an actual national security threat?

    Their actual behavior betrays the truth, just like you said. It’s clear this is just national business interests and censorship.

    Stop believing in national security bullshit.


    “The app that has kids doing silly dances and is a festering piece of shit is a natsec issue”.

    Those people don’t realise just how fucking daft they sound!

    takeda, (edited )

    It’s actually already banned in multiple countries, especially for anyone in government positions.

    livus avatar

    According to the world map in this link the countries that have banned it outright are: North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Krzykstan, India, Nepal, and Somalia.

    (For anyone else like me who has trouble with unlabeled maps).


    What about according to the text on that damn page?

    livus avatar

    The text is poorly organized, the map is faster.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Lol it was bipartisan. Not just democrats, Republicans as well.

    queermunist, avatar

    So what? This only pisses off the Democrat’s base and it will make them stay home.

    davel, avatar

    Notably the ban doesn’t kick in until after the election, after which it may not even be Biden’s problem. Maybe ByteDance will shut it down sooner. Maybe the next administration won’t follow through with the ban. 🤷

    queermunist, avatar

    It was smart to delay the ban. The original bill would have banned it before the election - monumentally stupid! This, at least, delays the impact.

    People are paying attention, though, and TikTok has been buying ads to campaign against this law. It’s still going to have an impact.

    livus avatar

    And Biden himself has a tiktok account that pumps out content.

    The whole thing is very cynical and weird.


    It’s a piss poor attempt to try control tiktok and ensure they play along. They don’t really want it banned, they just want to control the flow of information and it’s absolutely destroying the illusion of the first amendment!

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Ehhh…I doubt it.

    jimmydoreisalefty, avatar

    The sell-or-ban measure was signed into law by US President Joe Biden on Wednesday.

    This is the important part you might have missed, without a president signing it into law it means nothing.

    Similar to when Biden said he would never sign a M4A bill (4yrs ago), he would veto, which became a deal breaker to some on the far left.…

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Well yeah, but saying this was all on democrats isn’t true, either. A democratic signed it, but an entire group of Democrats and Republicans are the reason it exists. Besides, I’m ok with the ban. A lot of people are actually, so technically, yeah it will affect who we vote for haha

    jimmydoreisalefty, avatar

    Maybe in your circles people are okay with banning a social media company due to perceived ‘spying’, but in reality we know why the blues/reds want to ban it.

    People in my circles are fighting and helping share why these bans are bad for our society and free speech in general.

    I hope that helps you see a different view from what you are used to!

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    No, not really. It’s cool of you disagree with me, though.

    jimmydoreisalefty, avatar

    Yes, that is just another reason the DNC/Democrates will continue to lose support, compared to 2020.

    Some also left the duopoly due to following the DNC Fraud Lawsuit, Bernie Sanders 2016.

    Interesting times we are living in, we shall continue to follow!

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