@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar



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@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Frankly I don’t see any way whatsoever that this would fly, and that’s a good thing!

Imagine what it would mean for software-development if one angry dev could request the deletion of all their contributions at a moments notice by pointing to a right to be forgotten. Documentation is really not meaningfully different from that.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

it is legally still your copyright, since you produced the content. Pretty sure in EU they cannot prevent you from deleting your content.

They absolutely can, you gave them an explicit (under most circumstances irrevocable) permission to do so. That’s how contracts work.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Frankly, the solution here isn’t vandalism, it’s setting up a competing side and copying the content over. The license of stackoverflow makes that explicitly legal. Anything else is just playing around and hoping that a company acts against its own interests, which has rarely ever worked before.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You can when it comes to copyright. That’s EU-law and anything else would be such a horrible idea that no country would ever set up a law saying otherwise.

If you could simply revoke copyright licenses you would completely kill any practicality of selling your copyrighted works and it would fully undermine any purpose it served in the first place.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I’m not saying vandalism is illegal. I’m say that it borders on immoral and that there is a better, more radical (and thus effective) alternative that one might expect to be illegal but in fact isn’t.

Pressefreiheit in Deutschland von Rang 21 auf 10 verbessert - weil andere Länder schlechter geworden sind (www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de) German

Deutschland steht auf Platz 10. Das ist ein Aufstieg gegenüber 2023 (21). Betrachtet man die Gesamtpunktzahl, hat sich die Situation in Deutschland aber nur geringfügig verbessert und auch nur in der Kategorie Sicherheit. Der Sprung auf Ranglistenplatz 10 ist zudem auch der Tatsache geschuldet, dass sich andere Länder auf der...

FJW, (edited )
@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Also der Grund warum die Situation in Deutschalnd nicht perfekt war, war dass es insbesondere auf Queerdenker-Demos Angriffe durch Privatpersonen auf Journalisten und “Journalisten” gab; nichts was irgendwie in die Verantwortung des Staates fallen würde. Mit dem Ende der Covid-Pandemie, hat sich das halt weitgehend von selbst erledigt.

In vielen Ländern können Journalisten von so einer Situation nur träumen, was das Gejammere von Deutschen Pressevertretern etwas hohl erschienen lies.

Im Übrigen hat Deutschland eher zu viel Pressefreiheit, wenn man sich anschaut, in welchem Maße selbsternannte Presseerzeugnisse Volksverhetzung, Falschinformationen, (fast immer mindestens fahrlässig, bisweilen vorsätzlich), grotesk verzerrte Darstellungen, Privatinformationen von Personen nicht nur des öffentlichen Lebens, und ähnlichen Schrott vollkommen ungestraft und fast immer unwidersprochen veröffentlichen.

Pressefreiheit ist kein Selbstzweck sondern dient dazu, eine wahrheitsgetreue und kritische Berichterstattung über mächtige Institutionen ohne Angst vor unangemessenen Repressalien zu ermöglichen. Dieses Ziel ist sehr wichtig und es ist angemessen dafür auch mal an anderen Stellen eine fünf gerade sein zu lassen. Aber wenn Pressefreiheit fast ausschließlich für andere, verwerfliche Zwecke missbraucht wird, dann muss man eigentlich auch mal anfangen zu schauen, inwieweit Einschränkungen Notwendig sein können.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Wie wär’s mit Artikel 5? 😈

Oder wenn das zu viel verlangt ist: Ein paar Eurofighter für die Ukraine und die Aufhebung aller Gebietsbeschränkungen was den Einsatz angeht?

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Eine ganz einfache Möglichkeit eine ganze Kategorie massiv abzusenken wäre:

  • Transmenschen bekommen sofortigen Zugang zu eine angemessen dossierten Hormontherapie
  • Volksverhetzung gegen Transmenschen wird konsequent mit aller Härte verfolgt
  • das Inkrafttreten des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes wird deutlich vorgezogen.
  • die Wartezeit für das Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes wird gestrichen oder auf allerhöchstens 3 Wochen abgesenkt.

Aber dafür dürfte man halt keine Transmenschen hassen…

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

What dose are you on and what are your blood-levels if you have them? A lot of places want to underdose you, so that could explain unsatisfactory results. Also, it’s quite hard to tell from the picture (I’m kinda face-blind and your expression doesn’t make it easier to tell things), but are you sure it really is that bad or might you just have overly high standards? And I’ll add here that being pretty and passing are two different things as well!

Lastly, and I know that this is an uncomfortable topic: If you want to pass, shave above your upper lip and cover any remaining shadow up with make-up. That is the only thing that really sticks out to me as a telltale-sign in the picture.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

he left lane is for passing, the right lane is for entering and exiting. The middle lanes are only for driving.

No, the right lane is for driving! It’s where you are supposed to be and the only place that won’t get you fined if you aren’t using it for overtaking! The middle lane is only for overtaking those on the right lane and the left lane is only for overtaking those overtaking on the middle lane.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The right lane is for exiting and merging,

And for driving! If you see someone merging you can temporarily switch to the middle lane to overtake them, given that your speed will usually be higher.

Iran launches drone attack against Israel as Biden rushes to White House (www.theguardian.com)

Iran said it launched dozens of drones and ballistic missiles towards Israel on Saturday in a major attack following days of acute tension building up in the region and warnings from the US and elsewhere about a wider conflict erupting....

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Iran attacked the specific military installations that Israel used to perform their highly illegal attack on the Iranian embassy. This is the most textbook example of textbook examples of appropriate, proportional and measured self-defense we have seen in a very long time in the entire region. The relevant thing to count is not the number of missiles or drones, but the number of targets and their relevance to the case.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Can we please not do the “it hurts the other side more”-bullshit? Especially in light of the fact that Viagra has legitimate medical uses outside of ED and that ED can also be caused by factors that affect conservatives a lot less, such as HRT for trans women.

FJW, (edited )
@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Ich sehe nur den teaser, aber ist dass der pseudowissenschaftliche Bullshitartikel, der mal eben so die gesammte Studienlage ignoriert, weil sie ja nicht doppel-blind ist (Hint: Man merkt ob man eine Hormonbehandlung bekommt!)?

Doppel-Verblindung hat Anwendungsfälle, aber nicht, wenn es darum geht Menschen nachweislich hilfreiche medizinische Behandlung vorzuenthalten. Es gibt da einen wunderbare Metastudie zur Effizienz von Fallschirmen: Da es keine doppelblinden Studien zur Wirksamkeit von Fallschirmen zum Schutz vor schweren Verletzungen bei Fällen aus großer Höhe gibt, und es sowohl Menschen gibt die mit Fallschirmen gestorben sind und als auch Menschen die es ohne Fallschirm überlebt haben, gibt es nach diesem Standard keine gültige Evidenz für die Wirksamkeit von Fallschirmen.

Die Autoren schlagen vor all jene die blind Doppelblindstudien fordern, zur Teilnahme an einer doppelblinden Fallschirmstudie zu zwingen, einer Forderung der ich mich hier explizit anschließe.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

An unnötigen Hürden in erster Linie, dass du es 3 Monate vorher anmelden musst und erst nach Ablauf eines Jahres wieder ändern kannst.

Dann der Quark, dass es im Verteidigungsfall nicht geht, weil die Wehrpflicht ja bekanntermaßen verfassungswidriges Verfassungsrecht darstellt und sexuell diskriminiert; und statt das halt zu reparieren setzt man lieber Grundrecht außer Kraft. Sicher eher ein theoretisches Problem, und ich habe den starken Verdacht, dass das das BVerG nicht überleben würde, aber halt trotzdem kacke.

Fairbuds are Fairphone’s proof that we really could make better tiny gadgets (arstechnica.com)

But of course we all know that the big manufacturers don’t do this not because they can’t but because they don’t want to. Planned obsolescence is still very much the name of the game, despite all the bullshit they spout about sustainability.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Those were the first earbuds they offered, which were just OEM-ones where they main point of attention was on getting the workers a living wage (which is fair enough, they are called “fairphone”, not “repairablephone”), just like the Fairphone 1 where they apparently wanted to collect some experience in the space first.

I have them because I bought my fairphone 4 like one week before they had a free pair with every purchase on offer and wrote to their support, who graciously gave me a voucher as well. I don’t use them a lot, because I do have pretty good over-ear headphones, but they do come in handy on occasion, as they fit into my handbag, which means I am more likely to actually have them with me.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I hated that too at the time, but I have to admit, that in practice this has not really turned into an issue basically ever: My headphones and earbuds are bluetooth anyways and I did get a usb-c to headphone adapter that I store with my earphone’s backup audio cable for the very rare case that I need it (I can count on one hand the instances for when that happened). And in those very few cases I wasn’t about to charge my phone anyways, which is the one argument for why you might want both.

So, I don’t know, maybe it really is time to move on. I will defnitely say that I’m not a big fan of analog cables, so maybe a more general move to USB-C for audio might be the right way to go in the first place?

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I’ve had issue with very worn out 3.5mm adapters before! Like: I was on an intercontinental flight earlier this week and my cable barely held in the worn out port of the plane. I agree that there are fewer issues with software refusing to work, but the hardware-connection can be quite sucky on them too.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The scientist in me is sooo tempted by the idea of setting up a website where people have to classify pictures of cis and well-passing trans people by AGAB to really drive the point home that no, those fuckers CANNOT tell. They can usually only tell when the person in question is in the progress of medical transition which is an instance of “no shit Sherlock, why do you think we want to get this done as quickly as possible”. And yes, Enbys are a bit of a different story, but even a lot of them pass very well as the opposite of their AGAB, even though they often don’t even identify as that.

The big issue with this is that the vast majority of people making those kinds of statements are incapable of thinking rationally and instead just continue being bigots.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Misandry is sadly extremely widespread and often not even recognized as a problem: Erin Pizzey who invented modern women’s shelters quickly found out that women were just as capable of being violent to their partners and logically tried to start men’s shelters as well.

What she had not expected was that instead with the support that she previously got with women’s shelters, the same did not happen with men’s shelters; instead she received insane amounts of hate, victim-blaming and death-threats from radical feminists. She had to repeatedly flee her countries because of material safety-concerns as a result of that.

In some way the peak I encountered of this kind of hate was some Fedi-site that had a rule banning misandry (good!), because it also harms trans people. Now the second part is very much true and as a trans girl I agree that it does and that that is bad, but that should not be the primary argument for why it is bad. That’s like saying anti-judaism is bad, because some Jews are white or saying misogyny is bad, because it also affects trans men or saying anti-black racism is bad, because it might affect white people with a strong tan: The statement is true and the secondary victim group fully preserves protection, but by making that statement you betray an incredibly bigoted mindset that doesn’t even respect the primary target-group enough to care about them at all.

There is a lot feminism that really just amounts to men-hating and that is why I do not use that label for myself. I believe in equivalent treatment and rights and so should everyone;

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

That’s not how it worked for me either of the two times. I don’t have any memories of going out the first time and I think I kinda woke up kinda normally both times.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The question is which idiot in the press (or anywhere else for that matter) decided that it was acceptable to measure the thickness of a phone in any other way than as the minimum distance between two parallel planes such that the phone fits between them?

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You are so full of shit, it isn’t even funny:

Snowden could have been an official whistleblower and avoided prosecution

He literally tried to do that and was ignored.

leaked only to US papers and avoided prosecution

You mean like the American Branch of the Guardian and the Washington Post? Aka the Newspaper that he leaked to?

leaked only non-classified information and avoided prosecution

Leaking unclassified information about a classified program. How do you imagine that?

Snowden sold classified info to enemies of the US. He made his bed.

No, he literally did not.

How about you stop getting your info from Fox News?

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Tesla hasn’t had any technology-leadership anywhere in a long time, they just have a Conman as CEO who was very successful in hyping the value of the company into completely unjustifiable places.

The only thing they are good at, is the Keynesian beauty contest.

@FJW@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Das eigentliche Problem bei der Diskussion ist, dass die meisten Menschen die Grundform als maskuline Form interpretieren. Die Ursache dafür ist wiederum, dass es keine echte maskuline Form gibt und die Wortgrundform daher als schlechte Notlösung herangezogen wird. Insofern: Ich bin kein Fan davon jetzt überall nicht-Grundformen zu verwenden (ob feminine Formen oder Partizipialkonstruktionen) und würde mir dafür lieber die Schaffung einer explizit männlichen Form im Deutschen wünschen. Dann würde man auch wunderbar sehen, dass die meisten Verwendungen gegenderder Formen eigentlich nur dazu dienen um eine als fehlend wahrgenommene Geschlechtsneutralität herzustellen und sie sonst meist unnötig sind.

Der Postillon hat da mal einen ganz unironisch guten Vorschlag gemacht.

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