@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar



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@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Whats the point of a threat if everyone agrees it’s just a bluff? Saying people who don’t vote Biden are in full support of trump is victim blaming. The voters are disenfranchised, whose fault is that? When will it be safe to vote in a way that will force the dnc to change? You think if trump wasn’t the Republican candidate or during future elections it’s going to get any better? The Republican Party has the 2025 plan in play, so any candidate that needs money to run must play ball with that.

By your own admission people complaining that they are not going to vote Biden is the right thing to do, and yet here you are attempting to call their bluff.

No we can’t talk about Bidens broken promises and part making the US complicit in genocide. Its bad because of the election you see!

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

So, when will it be time to vote in a way to get representation? When it’s Harris v DeSantos?

I can also make statements like “a vote for Biden is a vote for the status quo”. Its victim blaming because it is not the voters fault for being conflicted. The Democratic Party and Biden has made voting for them difficult, and failed their campaign promises. If they want cohesion, they are the only ones who can achieve that.

I will still probably vote Biden next election, but i am thinking about it every single day. And you do not ducking help this dilemma throwing shade around. knowing people, as long as they can be distracted there will be no change. And maybe a trump victory is not so easily ignored.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see anyone getting the standard punishment for insurrection or treason here so no this does not track.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

You are aware that someone was justifiably shot to death for attempting to reach a protected person under siege right?

There were barricades and evacuations. There were calls for Pence’s head to be removed from his body because he didn’t do his part of the plan to realize the coup, there was planning prior to locate offices of persons of interest and escape routes, there was weapons confiscated before the event.

You don’t get to claim a protest because a single cop was sympathetic to the cause. But you know that. There is no ambiguity, at this point you are complicit in its white washing

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

I am all for it. Just wish it didn’t take a genocide for his numbers to dip far enough to need the PR boost

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

What it does make invalid is the argument that valve is enshitifying because they don’t cater to apple users. You can put that blame on apple all day. Valve? Not at all. Its a huge waste of time, and all efforts tword Linux advancement is much better spent.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

I am not aware of any stream agreement with game developers that prevents them from releasing their game using any other method. Your argument about streams “” monopoly “” is 100% due to market forces working as advertised. They offer a service that no other company either can or will match. And that is not the fault of steam and was not achieved by illegal means. There’s dissent even need to be a launcher at all! Game companies can just sell us the game alone without a launcher. What other companies want is market dominance, not a fair market place. Because the fair market place gave steam the current win

WraithGear, (edited )
@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Its the “if you build it they will come” type of scenario. I want to switch to Linux really badly, but my driver is for gaming, i don’t want to adopt a pet project of getting my games to run in the first place.

Though i know valves interest in Linux is not completely motivated in philanthropy. They want to be able to separate from the dependence of Microsoft, for the safety of their businesses future. But so far our interests align

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Yes there is. Because it gives the games companies the ability to sell however they like. What to make the game sellable privately? No problem. What to sell an apple version, go for it.

So what part of the open market covers preventing the consumers from being able to choose which launcher they prefer, if any? Valve didn’t do that. EGS did. You should blame the competitors for failing to meet market standards

When you are upset at Valve for not doing for apple what they did for Linux, who you are really mad at is Apple for having terrible… everything, and game developers who don’t want to put the needed effort in for such a modest return.

You are upset at everyone BUT Valve. Or at least you should be.

WraithGear, (edited )
@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Oh now they are at least considering putting a condition on the aid… like what we do with Ukraine. Well as long as he keeps giving us words i am sure we can forgive the continual lack of action. Its also good that we can hand wave genocide as long as it helps Biden in the election! I was worried that i would have to not vote for Biden because of my moral compass. I guess the blood will be on the hands of the disenfranchised voters if Biden loses. And that Israeli lives are worth more then Palestinian. Glad you cleared that up. /s

WraithGear, (edited )
@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Like wise to you! We have every right to criticize Biden, and it’s our civic duty to do so and to vote as we will. Maybe next time we be allowed to strategically vote in order to get representation, oh but not this time because trump is the opponent, as if there isn’t a line of stooges in the republicans party waiting for him to die to co-opt his nationalistic hate mob.

As a matter of fact, the way i see it, if the democrats lose this election because they disenfranchised the voters, this would be a huge incentive to have an actual left candidate after the next 4 trump years. Which would benefit me in the long term. Otherwise we will be stuck in the “you can’t vote for who you want, if you don’t vote for the slightly less evil candidate, democracy will die” hole forever. And always shifting right in the process.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

You say entropy dictates that the perfect candidate will not achieve leftward momentum. And you offer me… entropy in its stead. Great. By that logic there is no winning out come, just a march into tyranny, in which i get to decide the speed at which we fall! How delightful. If that is the case, then we should just cut to the chase and get on with the Revolution. Its better done sooner rather than later wile we still have some freedoms and the highest chance at success! And if it fails, then we have the result of the current trajectory anyways.

Or we can wrestle control of the Democratic Party. Start shifting that window heading back to the left.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Here i am mocked as an armchair warrior, with one hand dismissing my point of view and with the other saying that i don’t actually care because i didn’t do anything warrior like.

Your stability is poison, its complacency with the status quo. The status quo that is currently systematically harming the innocent.

You also claim that i have some anterior motive and am using Palestinian children as a pawn for some yet undeclared actual motivation. Turns out, i support Palestine for the same reasons i support Ukraine, and i balk at the restrictions the US puts on the aid we give Ukraine, just like i resent Biden for not doing it for isreal.

And the gall of accusing me of anterior motives when you openly state the reason you want stability is that its not your problem because it’s not affecting you or yours! Such unethical and short sighted thinking will damn us all.

Damn you and DAMN your stability

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t want trump to win either. What i want is either the Democratic Party to put up a candidate that is more progressive, or correct Biden on his current actions. My options to achieve that is by design limited. I voted against him in the primaries. Looks like it didn’t take. And now it’s letters to congress that don’t get read. And rattling my cage as hard as possible. Is the pattern that voting Democratic in the election is going to lead to maintaining the status quo, which is the slow march to fashism to stop the full on sprint. Both paths lead to failure. The alternative is too show my lack of confidence in the party the only way given to me… voting third party, which i know means a trump victory. “But now Is not the right time!” Ok then when will it be the right time to demand representation? Does anyone think that any future republicans will not be just as bad? There will never be a time where voting for the non designated candidate will end the world. So it might as well be right here and right now.

Things need to change, and i will do my damndest to pay the piper now and not foist the cost unto the children of the future like my ancestors did to me.

It seems that there is no hope for Palestinians, and the future looks to contain yet more violence due to our demand for “stability”

I hope the appeal to stability tasted bitter as you spoke it, that there was some pang of regret as a sign of empathy.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Does he hear Palestinian advocates out? I thought that when he condemned isreal, that was a preamble to action. Looks like i was wrong. It’s apparent that his condemnation was for my ears and not isreal. Hoping to appease the cage rattling long enough to get past the election and doing nothing to even mitigate the reason for why he is disenfranchising his base. He said ‘hey let’s not be super obvious about committing the genocide guys! Here’s more guns! If you keep this up i might make you pinky swear to not bomb humanitarian aid workers!’

Do i advocate that you and your children pay for the cost of change? You are damn right i do, because this is the time when i can pay my damn share. It’s unfortunate to be the ones who have to clean the mess of generations of such heinous evil, but someone has got to do it and at some time. So its right here, right now. by forestalling it, you put an even higher cost on your children and their children and their children. You want someone to blame? Blame the past generations, but they are not going to do anything about it. Your children are already paying for global warming, oh look at that Biden have more subsidies to expand oil companies, against his campaign promises. Didn’t stop him from making speeches about the importance of fighting climate change as we fail our obligations.

This really has nothing to do with trump, he’s the boogie man the democrats hold over us as leverage the enact things they actually care for and it’s not passing progressive bills. The next presidential election it will just be desantos. Same shit different year. You advocate staying on course which has lead us to this point, and wile i am not there yet, voting third party seems to be the only way out of the tantrum spiral, at the cost of a truly terrible 4 years under trump.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

So does your path lead to wide spread death and destruction, but with no action at all to make it subside. And you are right THE ACTIONS OF PEOPLE LIKE ME GOT BIDEN TO ‘TALK’ ABOUT DOING ACTIONS THAT MIGHT HELP. that means the cage rattling is working, so we best not stop until it is done. I am 35, i was unhappy at systemic injustice when i was younger but i am PISSED now. And for as long as i have been alive i have always heard those who say, now is not the time, win out over and over, and things have gotten worse and worse.

Seems to me the genocide is happening no matter who is president. So the claim that not voting Biden would be a worse genocide is laughable. What is trump going to do? GIVE ISREAL WEAPONS? IGNORE THE MURDERS OF HUMANITARIAN AID WORKERS?

Who knows? Maybe he would deploy the US military to show them how america does a genocide!

either way you do not offer a solution, only comfortable ambivalence. The insidious death of freedom. Maybe the realization that the Democratic Party must change to stay in power can survive 4 years of trump, for a better outcome over all. Or maybe not and there is no way out within the system. Or maybe with the party fracturing under his nose Biden will correct his course. He said he would and i I’m watching. so far i am unconvinced. And the threat of voting third party means nothing if there isn’t the will to actually do it. And the threat of holding isreal accountable means nothing with out the will to follow through

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

You are weighing lives of a future you cannot see or know. I can just as easily declare that forcing the Democratic Party to enact progressive legislation by risking their hold on power will have far reaching effects that will save more lives then those extra lost by a trump presidency. Remember that for this genocide to even happen the US had to enable it, and we did so 100% under Biden. I believe there was little else more trump could have done to make this worse. Biden prevented possible peace talks with his vetos. So i am not going to take your word on this genocide, Biden has done more than enough. No a trump presidency would be worse than another Biden’s for a million other reasons.

But the question is, in the long term, like a decade out, would righting the democratic course be better for all, even with the high cost of trump as president? Because when would they do it otherwise?

You can ask if i am just an anomaly, an outsider left, who prophesied either tyranny or revolution . Or am i the canary in the coal mine voicing a discontent that plagues the hearts of a large amount of people? I couldn’t tell you. We may have to wait and see.

But the more i think about it the more i am convinced. There must be change, one way or another. I just hope the frog isn’t boiled to death before it’s forced upon us. And my only outlet for that change is my vote. And i hope i get to vote for Biden

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

How far can she go before someone calls her on these? And who should i be looking at to intervene? Usually corrupted judges have to at least appear unbiased.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

At this point just drop the weasel words and say it plain. It is a genocide by all accounts. Its not going to change anything, but call it like it is already.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

You are promising a lot from an institution that is corrupt to its core and has a vested interest in denying you these things in order to extract the most out of you and hoping you die before society has to support you

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

I mean they kinda are. The school only has leverage on students that care. So leading up to a confrontation the school really can’t do anything against an antagonizer. when there Is a confrontation, only the student that cared in the first place is going to be punished meaningfully. Well it’s either that or the teachers are just as cruel as the bullies.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

Wow i wonder how far the judge can go before someone has to step in. Is there even a mechanism to remove an incompetent judge, or have we been completely relying on judges to not be corrupt on a pinky swear this whole time? Ah well, one more pitch fork on the pile.

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

A code of ethics without the punishment for breaching it is probably more flimsy then a pinky swear

@WraithGear@lemmy.world avatar

How extreme are we talking about here? They already get kick backs, so is there like a number they have to stay under? Is assisting by stalling long enough to reach the power to aquit themselves seems on the same level as stalling out a case so it goes over the statue of limitations to aquit the guilty

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