@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ya know, the Appalachians are old enough that they’re split across the Atlantic Ocean.

The international Appalachian trail is a thing.

Plus, there’s sections of the Appalachiana in the south that ended up being “settled” by people from where the biggest section of be Appalachians in Ireland exist. There’s a major Scots-Irish population in my neck of the woods.

“Settled” refers to the fact that there were already people in the area as a whole, so saying that the Europeans that took the land settled it is a a matter of not having a better word to use that wouldn’t also require an explanation.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

And here’s the realistic explanation for why and why now:

"…Orin Kerr, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote on X on Wednesday that “from a public policy standpoint, that seems like a bummer.”

“Geofencing has solved a bunch of really major cases that were otherwise totally cold,” he wrote.

“And there are lots of ways of doing the legal process (including Google’s warrant policy, although that’s just one way) that are a lot more privacy protective than ordinary warrants. But I can see why this might be in Google’s business interest. If there isn’t a lot of economic value to Google in keeping the data, and having it means you need to get embroiled in privacy debates over what you do with it, better for Google to drop it.”

It’s a good thing! It never should have been allowed in the first place. But, Google didn’t give a fuck until it caused them enough hassle. Doing this is just a way to avoid something more expensive later, it isn’t a strong principled stand. And I’d bet small amounts that they’ll still have a way to use the data anyway. It won’t be some magic wand that means Google can’t make money off of it.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sooo, they want the crazy apes with opposable thumbs and the ability to persistence hunt any animal alive to band together and hunt them until they run over a cliff?

Because that sounds like a good plan at this point.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m not exactly what you would call concerned about meat as a food source. I’m fine with it. But anything that can break the need for industrial farming is a damn good thing imo.

I’m eager for a good product to come to market so I can at least try it. So far, there hasn’t been one that’s available that’s priced well enough to be a viable choice, nor that matches expectations of taste. Textures have gotten good though.

But I think a sausage format is a great place for cultured meats to break into because there’s a wide range of ingredients with different flavors already. We’re used to sausages being fairly varied in taste and texture, so adding a new type is less of a “new food” barrier. Tbh though, it’s gotta be better than veggie sausages, those are pretty meh at best.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, fairly similar.

Dude worked with me and two of my players (not mtg, but ttrpg) at a fast food joint back when we were still in high school, and right after.

Guy was dumb as a brick, but just genuinely nice. Always willing to help people out with whatever.

But he was couch surfing. And he’d never had good hygiene (we find out later) because his family were almost homeless, and rarely had fancy things like running water.

His teeth were literally green.

He starts playing d&d and my home brew system with us. Again, dumb as a brick, but he’s totally into it, does voices, physically acts things out, just straight baller of a player, the kind that keeps a table on a good vibe.

But Jesus fucking Christ, the smell of the guy. And his skin was horrible on top of that.

Me and one of my friends took him aside after work and talked to him about it. Me being me, I was pretty blunt. Said something like, dude, we love playing with you, you’re a great guy, but I’ve smelled rotten skunk that smelled better; what’s the deal?

He was pretty ashamed, but me and my homie reassured him that we liked him anyway, and wanted to help.

Well, dude didn’t really have a place, and had to limit himself to one bag. So we talked to my dad, and another friend’s dad. Got permission for the guy to shower at our places here and there.

I was a nurse’s assistant, got my certification during this time, and ended up having to teach the guy how to take care of himself. It was a bit weird, but as he started getting cleaner, feeling more confident, he’d open up about things. Dude didn’t know how to wash his dick properly. So my freshly 18 year old self had to instruct this mid twenties dude in how to keep his junk clean lol. Nobody else involved really knew how to teach someone stuff they took for granted, but I’d had to kinda relearn all the hygiene stuff from a new perspective, so it was easy.

Anyway, a few months into this, and he’s looking better, smelling a lot better, and lands an assistant manager position because of it. I mean, it’s fast food, so it’s a shit job, but it was a big step up for him. And it came with insurance (amazingly), so he started getting his teeth fixed up a little at a time.

About a year and a half passes, and he meets this girl at a party we were throwing. Not exactly a friend, but known to us. She sees him and gets all flustered, red faced and stuttering. Turns out, he cleans up pretty good. He’s smiling a lot more because he’s not hiding his teeth. He’s got better clothes, his own place, he’s a new guy from the outside, but still this awesome dude inside.

About a year later, they’re married. Me and the ttrpg group are all standing with him, the second of any of us to get married, and the first not to elope lol.

A little over a year after that, he’s got a kid new born, and is a regional manager. Still dumb as a brick, but because he’s able to follow instructions and the company had good ones, it’s something he can do well. Plus, everybody that worked under him loved the guy because he was still just righteous.

They ended up moving to Colorado for her job, and he was stay at home dad for a while. We kinda lost touch except for the occasional email or call, but they were happy and doing fine the last time we caught up.

There’s no real moral to all of that, but it was similar enough to the greentext I figured it might be of minor interest.

I’ll say this much; it never hurts to try reaching out to someone.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Pretty sweet, just be aware that if you whack it against hard things, dowels will sometimes break and splinter. Wear protective gear, just in case.

It shouldn’t, as long as the grain was straight and tight, but I have seen it happen a few times over the years with dowels being used. They’ll do fine as hanbo, but when you start whittling them down, you find any weaknesses pretty quick when you make contact.

But it’s way cheaper as long as you’re using it for poo and giggles, or with straight sword techniques.

Oak does okay, imo, but some folks swear it’s too prone to splintering with extended use unless the grain is super tight. I’ve never had problems with oak myself, the last boken I bought was oak and I wore it the hell out before I gave it away. And that’s what I’ve always used as a hanbo, an oak dowel. Never have broken personally, but I’ve seen it happen.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

No bullshit, not a joke. Try masturbating with your off hand.

It is a simple enough task, it gives an (eventual) reward for the work, and it helps build coordination between the muscle groups involved. It’s also enough effort that the muscles involved strengthen, and the brain has a chance to build up connections to manage that.

Seriously. It works. I had multiple patients over the years that gained benefits in learning to use their off hand after strokes (heh) or amputation. Same with friends and acquaintances in disability support groups. They’d be struggling, doing their physical and occupational therapy, but eventually run into the horny wall. Things would be difficult with masturbation at first, but it drove improvement in other areas way more than any other task.

Works for men and women (though sitting with a support group slowly working their way around to talking about it was hilarious. The blushing and euphemisms were numerous).

Truth is, anything you’ll do often enough that engages all those muscles and the brain will do the same thing. But what tasks are more enjoyable than masturbation? You gonna be chopping onions left handed regularly? Maybe whisking a nice lemon curd daily? Repetition is what builds the kind of dexterity your main hand gets.

A few months of spanking it off handed, and you can try writing, or relearning an instrument. You probably won’t ever be as good as with your primary at anything, but you can get good enough to handle daily tasks.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Some of them are

I’ve been bedside at more deaths than I can accurately recall. Most of them followed some religion or another, and there were a dozen or so that expressed peace and/or joy at the thought of the afterlife promised to them. Some of the others hoped it would be there, but expressed it with some degree of fear or doubt. The rest were honestly either not in their mind at all, or were otherwise unable to communicate towards the very end.

Christians, most of them, for what that matters. Three Muslims that I recall because you don’t find many here in the rural south. All of them were awake and alert towards the end, and expresses still having faith, though they seemed to focus more on making their last days be about saying goodbye. No clue if that was them as individuals, or a facet of Islam in their lives.

The ones that were the most outright joyous were what you might call a bit obsessed with their religion, but it didn’t seem to stay along denomination lines with the caveat that Catholics aren’t much better represented here than Muslims, so protestants made up the majority of my religious patients, period.

Only ever had one Hindu patient that was dying, and he never mentioned it at all. He just wanted to cuddle with his wife and enjoy good food.

But shit, one the happiest people I ever sat with as they were dying was a secular humanist. Dude was all about going out with a smile. Kept himself just high enough to feel no pain, and was otherwise essentially partying until the cancer made that impossible. Then it was just enough medication to keep pain minimized while allowing him to be aware and able to talk. But he said he was happy with his life, and expected death to be a welcome cessation of the bullshit that comes with a body.

I think the most “impressive” Christian I sat with was an retired evangelical preacher. Despite his religion, the guy was very zen about it. “The Lord will reach down for me when it is time. I’m just going to enjoy what I have until then, and praise his name with my last breath.” But it wasn’t some kind of crazy thing, it was said very calmly, very matter-of-fact. He shrugged a little when he said it, like it was no big deal when he went.

That guy was of one of my favorite patients tbh. We’d go walking, and just chat about whatever our minds brought up. Wasn’t always deep stuff, sometimes it would just be swapping stories about ourselves. Never preached at me, not once, and I had let him know I was essentially atheist, but also Buddhist despite that. You’d think a retired preacher from the kind of church he was in would be all up my ass, but he never even hinted at that kind of thinking.

I came late to when he was passing. It was late at night, and he was a morning patient for me. He was pretty much non verbal the last two days, but he would reach out to people you hold their hands, and smile.

Some people really, truly believe. They can believe so deeply that death is either a momentary inconvenience between them and their afterlife, or is a very welcome gift from god. There’s no doubt in them, no fear, but also no desire to accelerate it.

Anyway, it’s obvious that nobody can speak for the billions of religious people in the world totally. Even as many deaths as I saw are a drop in an ocean of death. But it’s certain that religion can bring about what you’re asking.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I dunno, I don’t really do guilt beyond truly bad acts done by choice.

That being said, I am a chocolate milk fiend.

I have to strictly limit myself or I’d drink nothing else, and not eat anything useful nutritionally.

Chocolate in general is my one true vice. I don’t drink, I don’t use recreational drugs, I’m monogamous (and happily so), I quit tobacco, and even caffeine beyond trace amounts in decaf. But you try an take chocolate out of my life, and I will fuck you up.

I’ll even accept Hershey’s if there’s nothing else available.

But chocolate milk? Fuck me running. Cold, sweet, chocolatey goodness. I will walk right the fuck over infants and kittens if there’s a cup on the other side. Puppies? I dunno, I think I’d try to step between them, but I’m not making promises.

Home made is incredible. But my particular weaknesses are the pet trumoo, and the promised land midnight. They use thickeners that up the silky texture. The promised land stuff is meant to be more like melted ice cream, and it succeeds.

Which, don’t even ask me how quick I can kill a pint of hagendaz chocolate. Don’t blink is all I’ll say there.

I have no guilt involved there, but holy fuck is it an indulgence.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s honestly not bad since you don’t have a lot of stuff.

Like you said, some hangers are a priority purchase. Need to do some non permanent runs for the lan cable.

Beyond that, you’ll want something to get the bed off the floor, be it an actual foundation/box spring, or something improvised. It really does change things mentally to have a proper bed. It feels more like a proper home than a temporary cot somewhere. It is harder to move, so if this is going to be a few months stay, it wouldn’t be worth it, but if you’re looking at a year or two, you’ll want to figure something out.

Curtains would be another mid term option. Not worth it for a few months, worth it for a year plus. Makes a huge difference in sleep with the light better limited.

The rest? Depends on house rules. Like someone else said, having more than bare walls makes even a small room feel cozy and homey rather than like you’re shoved in somewhere. You can use poster putty if you aren’t allowed to hang things more securely.

But look, at 20, nobody feels like an adult unless they’re delusional lol. You’re just starting out in that regard, there’s going to be bumps and a lot of changes as you figure out how to get through life. Don’t worry about it, just learn from any mistakes you make so the next mistake is different, and you’ll be fine.

Finding life balance is a thing. It takes time. I can’t honestly say I found mine until my mid twenties, and it still took a few years to figure out how to maintain it through changes like moving or new jobs. You’ll be fine homie :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It was a horrible thing. Revising standards, enforcing good care, and making sure there was a solid path to life outside were what was needed. The flaws of the system didn’t mean that getting rid of the system fixed the problem the system was there for. It absolutely, 100% made life worse for hundreds of thousands of people.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s kinda crazy that it took the combined culinary efforts of at least 4 nations to create something genius that would piss off all of those nations.

Also, pineapple on pizza is fucking delicious, and I will fight over that personal opinion being as valid as it sucking :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yup, and no matter how the DM handles it, it’s still a pain in the ass.

My table? That shit don’t fly, but it’s still going to mean some dude getting butt hurt and needing a firm talking to. Might go years without it happening, but I don’t know a DM that hasn’t run into it it once or twice with new groups or new players.

One of my long term players is a woman. She was a “girl” when she started with the core group, if you count 16 as a girl still.

She’s a great player, and a good friend. The number of times I’ve had to tell guys to fuck off and not come back is absurd. Shouldn’t even be once, though you’d expect teenagers to pull it. No, it was grown ass men. The last one, we were all 40ish in the core group, and the guy that pulled it was older than us. He was an acquaintance from where I used to work, and had always been chill with women. No bullshit, no problems. But he still couldn’t get past the idea that she was there and obligated to give him a shot just because they shared a hobby.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Another take on that is that he wasn’t going to war for his school at all. That’s ignoring the previous comments about it not being about the school at all (which is partly true), but recognizing the validity of that perspective.

My point is that even if the war had been about the school itself, that wasn’t what Harry was fighting for. He was fighting for his home

Books or movies, Hogwarts was the one place that Harry felt was home. Not the Durselys’, not even the Weasleys’. Hogwarts was Harry’s first real home. So, even if he hadn’t been the “chosen one”, even if voldemort was attacking the school directly as a goal without any of the rest of the part about him and Harry, I think he still would have fought as hard as he could to defend it.

You could make Harry a supporting character with his parents just having died of natural causes, and him being taken in by the Dursleys to eventually go to school at Hogwarts with nothing else involved, and that kid would still have fought for the one place he felt at home. Hogwarts was like that for other students, but Harry had that abusive household and extremely limited freedom to make other social connections. That’s an ideal setup for someone to attach to something as wonderful as Hogwarts was in comparison.

I really think that Harry would have fought just as hard or harder for no other reason than that.

How do I get my suit tailored?

I bought a cheap suit with the intention of making it look good through tailoring, but I don’t know how to actually get that done. The local stores don’t have websites and haven’t picked up when I called, should I just walk in with the suit? Do I need an appointment? Also, how much should I expect to pay? (California)...

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

As you’ve already been helped regarding it being a walk in friendly business, I should warn you that not every suit can be tailored like that. The cheaper suits skimp on material, So even the best tailor can have difficulty improving the fit, with that difficulty increasing if you have unusual measurements.

I’ve lost a lot of the muscle mass I used to have, but I still have an unusually thick neck , big shoulders and a big chest, which can make things difficult for a tailor if the suit isn’t pretty well made to begin with. So if you’ve got an unusual size issue, expect it to be a scant improvement.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Try to fucking kill me.

Feral dogs have mixed in with coyote in the area, and there’s indication that the eastern coyote is mixed with wolf anyway.

But, it leads to small packs of canines that roam, usually with enough size per critter to be a problem even alone. They aren’t usually huge, but we’re talking anything from a little over knee height at the shoulder to a little under hip height. I’m 5’11". The ones that are more dog, and the actual dogs, tend to have a wider range of sizes than the coydogs. The coydogs, for all intents and purposes, are around coyote size, though they tend to have odd coloration and are a bit less lanky.

They’re usually not going to outright attack anyone, even if you’re alone, unless you’re alone and have your dog with you (which isn’t really alone, but you know what I mean). But I used to go out into the mountains by myself (after checking in with rangers).

A couple of times, I had some in the area I was hiking or camping with no issues. They are usually skittish. But twice over the years back then, conditions were bad for them, and I had food. The first of the two times, I scared them off. The second, I had to kill several, and may have stained an otherwise good pair of jeans by the end of it. Only had three rounds left in my second magazine too.

Didn’t return to that area unless I knew conditions had been very good.

Ran into a bear once too. Not as in literally running into, but we saw each other through the woods, close as I’d ever want to get. Ngl, I may have stained those pants a little too, but the mud I fell in hid that. Stumbling backwards away from a bear doesn’t let you see where you’re going lol. Startled the bear, and we both took off running.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s what it’s all about, really. You do the best you can to be supportive, while knowing you’ll fuck up occasionally, and because you’re genuinely trying, it either doesn’t hurt, or it hurts less.

At this point in my life, I’ve had three people in my life transition. Well, three people I was close enough to, to be involved in their process fairly deeply. I’ve known more tr ans people, but wasn’t involved enough in the process to matter.

It isn’t easy to shift your brain. You build up literal paths in the brain associating a given set of words with a given person, so you have to unlearn those while learning the new associations. That gets harder as you get older too. Well, it has for me, and it seems to for others.

But putting that effort in is what matters. It isn’t that much to ask at all.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

My wife rick rolled me as a Valentine’s present.

See, I’m an old fuck. Old enough that I was around when the song came out. I love the song, and did back then.

So, when rick rolls became a thing, I loved them. Did a lot of them, and giggled like crazy any time I’d run across one.

It essentially makes me impossible to Rick roll because my default assumption is that any link, hidden image, or otherwise suspicious thing online is going to be one, and I’ll gleefully go looking in the hopes that it is.

But she found a Valentine’s card that has the lyrics with a rickpic, and plays the song when you open it.

So I got rick rolled for the first time in ages, and we laughed ourselves into an achy stomach because of it.

Good thing I married her :)

Doesn't the need for a permit fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech?

I went to some palestine protests a while back, and was talking to my brother about the organizing, when revealed something I found pretty shocking, we (the protesters) had acquired a permit to hold the protest. Apparently this is standard policy across the US....

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s a matter of when and where.

A protest isn’t inherently able to be made anywhere any time. Public property is shared property, so in order for one group to use that to the exclusion of others takes planning. On private property, nobody is obligated to allow you there at all, and not all universities are public.

The street you block in protest isn’t your street, it’s our street, so you have no more or less rights to it than I do. A permit, in theory, is just a fancy way to make sure that anyone else that would be using that place can have alternatives. Traffic being rerouted, etc.

There are also health and safety issues like overloading bleachers being a risk, or a space not being able to be evacuated in an emergency because of too many people.

You’re right, if permits are not granted equally, it’s a huge problem, and abuses can occur. They do occur. But as long as the entity (be it a government or a university or business) isn’t placing undue obstacles, grants permits equally, and everything is done without corruption (bribes or such), that’s how the most basic peaceful protest has to work.

This isn’t saying that there can’t be other forms of protest. There are many forms available. But a simple awareness protest? It needs to be peaceful, cooperative, and only marginally inconvenient. Remember, that kind of protest is about awareness, of making sure people know and possibly gaining support. It’s a flies with honey vs vinegar.

Now, illegal protests, disruptive protests, and even violent protests have their place too. As do rallies, which can be seen as a type of protest, but isn’t really the same imo. But you have to choose when and where to apply those tools effectively. Some protests, the entire point is to cause disruption, get arrested, and use that as a tool to achieve a goal. But a cooperative legal protest can do things that type can’t.

Remember, the right to free speech does not guarantee you can exercise it everywhere. Your right to free speech ends at your neighbor’s door, so to speak. You can say what you like, but she doesn’t have to let you say it on her porch. You can be asked to leave, and should you refuse, be removed after some hoop jumping along the way (which varies by state and municipality).

A public space like a street is the same basic thing. You have a right to use it, and so does everyone else. Your freedom and their freedom may come into conflict. Having some kind of system for resolving that issue is necessary. Permits work for parades, parties, and protests.

Even with the kind of anarchy that most people identifying as anarchists espouse, there’s a social contract involved in that kind of thing. It’s only a matter of the mechanism involved.

Besides, there’s always been limits on speech. Collectively, there’s an understanding that there are limits where, when, and how they can be expressed. The whole “fire in a theater” trope is an example. There’s “fighting words” laws on the books. The only question is what any given social structure has decided those limits are.

Generally, whether it works correctly or not, representative democracy promises that the limits are agreed on via those we elect to do so. That has flaws of course, but that’s the US on a simplistic level. We’ve all agreed to the limits in one way or another, or can choose to try and change those limits (or the social structure itself).

But if that slippery slope slides too far, well, that’s when protests become revolution, in theory. Assuming enough people agree and work together. It doesn’t seem to happen very often, but that’s the ultimate safeguard against a democracy failing.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Fuck, for sensual, a long and hot shower is sovereign. Just kick back and enjoy the muscles unkinking (shower chairs ftw?)

Climbing into fresh sheets after said shower.

A hot cup of beverage on a rainy day, looking out over the back yard.

Cuddling with our hen. No, that’s not a typo. She’s not as cuddly as she used to be, but every now and then, she’ll nestle into my beard and trill while she gets her neck petted. Pure, simple joy right there. When she was smaller, it was every night. Now, it’s maybe once a month.

Finding a new band/performer that resonates with me on an emotional level.

Used to take joy in baking, but that’s kinda fallen off what with arthritis interfering more, but every now and then, I can pop some NSAIDs and knead a dough, or make something sweet that fills the house with that smell.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Damn, that’s a seriously unpopular one!

But, consider this.

It wasn’t so much Elijah by himself that made his Frodo great.

It was the chemistry and dynamic he had with other actors, especially Astin. The way they played off of each other made the movies great. It was synergy. Mind you, Astin killed it as Sam. Just a brilliant performance, and he could have carried anyone as Frodo the way Sam carried Frodo.

But the two of them? Possibly the most amazing duo performance I’ve ever seen. They made each other better, and the way they expressed the lines together was bloody art. I genuinely don’t think there are many actors that could have paired up as well as they did.

Are there other actors that could have done a better Frodo in other ways? I wouldn’t argue with anyone that said yes. There’s certainly plenty that could have done as well (though Wood does bring a delicate vulnerability to the role that’s hard to deny).

I’ve seen suggestions of alternative casting for every role, but I can’t think of any for Frodo and Sam that would have been so magical.

Jim Henson (and everything he created) are VASTLY AND ANNOYINGLY OVERRATED

The fucking Muppets aren’t entertaining. At all. Not even a tiny little bit. First of all, who is their intended audience, even? Not kids, really, because they contain a bunch of references to stuff that kids really won’t get. Kids don’t really know how a rock drummer is supposed to behave. They won’t find Kermit and...

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nah, I think what you’re running into isn’t so much your basic opinion, it’s the venom you direct at it all, and at people that have a different opinion (and once you said “shouldn’t be” about adults liking it, you included your audience as a target of that venom whether that’s what you intended or not).

See, people seem to think that “unpopular opinion” C/s or r/s are for them to come along and rant and insult things/people.

That’s really not the point. As a matter of fact, it defeats the point because one you start ranting, you aren’t presenting an opinion, you’re just being “loud”, and often obnoxious as well. So your opinion ceases to matter, and your behavior becomes the issue.

Seriously, there’s a ton of discussion possible about Henson, puppetry in general, the Muppets in specific, and how those things work for people that enjoy them (and fail to work for those that don’t). But your post isn’t unpopular because you don’t like Muppets, puppets, or Henson. The post is unpopular because it makes you look like an asshole.

Did you intend it to be a funny rant? If so, I gotta say that you need to work on your material. Comedy can be the hardest thing to write, and doing a good rant that’s funny is much harder than regular jokes. This post? It’s like that drunk uncle bitching about a political issue at Christmas. Nobody is entertained, and any laughter is at the drunk asshole, not what they’re saying.

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