
I've also said nice things about it, and it's just because I'm happy that I can look shit up again. The results are relevant, the blogspam and listicles get stuck in their own sections that I can safely ignore, and I don't get constantly tracked by Google when I search for random shit. It feels like using Google way back in the day before enshittification.

If you're making software for actual end-users, you HAVE to give it a goddamn GUI, or else you suck, your software sucks, and nobody is going to use your damn software.

You see this shit SO much more often than you would think. And the infuriating thing is, it seems to be most common among programs that are INCREDIBLY complex and sophisticated....


Game devs specialize in writing code that gets displayed on a GUI. They also have to learn how to do scripting and some decision tree stuff for AI, but from day 1, they're writing for a GUI. Plus, game engines contain a tremendous amount of code that makes it very fast to make GUI. That game engine is huge and complicated and you have to spend a bunch of timing learning how the hell it all works. Software devs outside of the games industry haven't done that, and it would increase the size of a small and simple script from 200 lines of code and a few kilobytes to thousands of lines of code and multiple megabytes or gigabytes.


I hate righty-tighty lefty-loosy. Depending on whether you're looking at the top or bottom of the screw, you can see movement to the right or the left. I hate whoever came up with it, and I wish I had been taught the right hand method. It works exactly the same as the electromagnetic right hand rule:
an example of the right hand rule as it relates to a screw thread

Basically, you take your right hand, stick your thumb out, and curl your fingers like you're grabbing a broom handle. Point your thumb in the direction you want the screw to move to. Want to screw something in? Point your thumb towards the thing. Want to unscrew? Point your thumb away from the object the screw is currently in. Then, just look at the way your fingers are pointing! If it helps, squeeze your fingers into a fist and see which way they move. Alternatively, bend your wrist in, and observe which way your fingers are moving. Works every time.

It sounds complicated, but there are plenty of people who are unable to intuitively differentiate from right and left the way they can differentiate up and down. I am one of those people. Thanks to this method, I've been able to develop the muscle memory/intuition to know which way to turn a screw.

It's important to note that this only works for screws that are "right hand threaded." If the screw is only getting tighter when you're using this method, then it's likely reverse threaded, or left hand threaded. If that's the case, just use your left hand instead of your right hand.


I tip 20% or $5 on takeout orders, whatever is larger (provided nothing goes terribly wrong). I have the means, and I remember how much I fucking hated working in retail. I depend on these people to feed me and I appreciate that they're willing to do it (especially with how poorly they get treated at times). If I can make someone's day better then it's worth it to me.

That being said, I hate tip culture and wish that the laws in my country around tipping would change. This is getting off topic now (since I think that the people doing takeout orders aren't subject to this), but it's absurd that we let restraunts pay $3.50 an hour if someone is making the rest of the minimum wage in tips. If I tip someone, I want it to be because I really appreciate what they did. I don't want to be paying their wages, they should be receiving a livable wage no matter what. I know that refusing to tip won't change that, so I just go along with it.


I'm much less worried about human piloted craft. It's very difficult to program complex decision making and discernment. The astronauts present in the first landers will have been intensively trained in how to avoid catastrophe and will likely be able to come up with solutions on the fly if unanticipated things happen. Still dangerous, but hopefully less so.

It will be much easier to land completely automatically once we have landing pads, radar tracking, and other infrastructure present on the surface. It's just hard to land a robot on an airless moon with a bunch of rocks and hills and shit everywhere.


I didn't downvote those posts, but I did feel like the thread was aggressive when it didn't need to be. I'd guess that a flippant/passive aggressive remark like "New to US civil law?" was (rightfully) upsetting to the user who clearly has an understanding of the law here. That user responded in kind and defended their original comment. However, they then kept responding to other users in a fairly aggressive fashion, even when those other users were communicating in alright way.

I totally get it. I'd be pissed if, after posting a well reasoned and researched comment on Kubernetes, someone responded saying "new to container orchestration?" I try (and sometimes fail) to express the more vulnerable feelings underneath anger online after dealing with my anger in meatspace. I find it results in more productive conversations. It's hard to do that, so I'm not casting aspersions. I think that's probably why people downvoted in this case though. People try to suppress and avoid aggression and conflict because those things are uncomfortable and used to be precursors to actual physical danger. It's just biology and emotions at work.

Stop using for projects - Credit card info required for new registrations

If your IP (and possible your browser) looks “suspicious” or has been used by other users before, you need to add additional information for registration on, which includes your mobile phone number and possibly credit card information. Since it is not possible to contribute or even report issues on open source...


Because greedy investors are gullible and want to make money from the jobs they think AI will displace. They don't know that this shit doesn't work like they've been promised. The C-levels at Gitlab want their money (gotta love publicly traded companies), and nobody is listening to the devs who are shouting that AI is great at writing security vulnerabilities or just like, totally nonfunctioning code.

Badabinski, (edited )

Chlormequat is a "plant growth regulator." It prevents the plant from creating a hormone that would otherwise cause the plant's stems to elongate and thin. Falls into the "something else" category, imo.

Edit: I think that some plant growth regulators are hormones, but not all. I should note that I'm not an expert, I just like to look chemicals up on Wikipedia (and the linked sources) and noticed that a lot of journalists were getting this wrong.


This is the second time I've seen someone incorrectly refer to chlormequat as a pesticide. It's not a pesticide, it's a chemical that encourages plants to grow thicker stems, which in turn makes harvesting easier.

I don't say this to defend its use. I just feel that it's important to call it what it is.


Sodium-ion batteries appear promising. Like, the energy density by weight of the current market offerings is absolutely too low to be useful for vehicles, but there's hope that can be improved in a relatively short timescale. Prices should be pretty good when factories finish tooling up, and most chemistries use no rare earth metals. Current densities seem great for grid storage, which is where hydrogen has the most potential right now (imo).

I still like the idea of hydrogen for some forms of transportation (freight trains, container ships, possibly aircraft if energy density could be increased or aircraft weight decreased somehow) and as a strategic emergency energy reserve. It'd be great to have more grid resilience as the environment continues to decay. I just worry about the energy costs that come with transporting hydrogen for cars and individual transport. Pipelines seem like they'd be challenging, and trucking it around seems a bit wasteful. In-situ generation would be ideal if power and water are available and hydrolysis can be made more efficient and compact, but that's not possible everywhere.

I dunno. I'm glad it's not my job to figure out the actual energy cost of everything, but I'm really hoping grid-scale sodium-ion batteries will become a reality sooner rather than later, and that we'll see sodium-ion batteries in cars within the next 10-15 years.


lol, I'd love to see the fucking ruin of the world we'd live in if current LLMs replaced senior developers. Maybe it'll happen some day, but in the meantime it's job security! I get to fix all of the bugfuck crazy issues generated by my juniors using Copilot and ChatGPT.


Thanks for pointing this out, I've updated my comment to get rid of the unnecessary distinction.

Badabinski, (edited )

In addition to the fact that it's not just English via hand gestures, I believe it's done because sign language is speech, with all of the benefits that comes with. There are extra channels of communication present in sign language beyond just the words. There's equivalents of tone and inflection, and (I beleive) even accents. Like, this video of this lady performing "Fuck You" in ASL is what made it click for me when I first saw it many years ago. She's just so fucking expressive, in a way that subtitles could never be.

EDIT: changed my wording to be more accurate, since sign language literally is speech through a different medium. There's no need to draw an unnecessary boundary.

Microsoft Looks to Nuclear to Fuel AI Plans (

Data centers, the things that physically store and share applications and data, require an enormous amount of energy to run. These giant storage units, responsible for 1-1.5% of global electricity consumption, have traditionally relied on renewable sources like solar and wind but it seems as though renewable energy just won’t...


I'm not making this comment to disagree with your point, but the failure of the SL-1 reactor strikes me as an engineering and process failure more than anything else. The reactor was not designed in a safe fashion, probably because it was designed as a test bed for reactors that could be deployed via airplanes to the Arctic circle. The fact that an engineer was even able to fully remove a control rod, and the fact that removing that control rod lead to a fatal steam explosion make me think that they really tried too hard when they removed weight and volume from the reactor design.

In well designed safety-critical systems, human error should not be able to cause any form of bodily harm. I don't think it's a great idea for a private company to be running nuclear reactors on Earth to power something as trivial as a data center (investing in storage + local solar/wind/geothermal/hamster wheel velodrome seems like a more efficient use of resources for one thing), but I also don't think that SL-1 is the best example to cite here.

As an aside, my high school Physics teacher went on a long diatribe about how the three SL-1 casualties were the only humans ever killed as the direct result of nuclear fission in the context of a nuclear reactor. Looking back on it, I think she was splitting hairs a bit, but it is an interesting point to make.

Badabinski, (edited )

I want to offer my perspective on the AI thing from the point of view of a senior individual contributor at a larger company. Management loves the idea, but there will be a lot of developers fixing auto-generated code full of bad practices and mysterious bugs at any company that tries to lean on it instead of good devs. A large language model has no concept of good or bad, and it has no logic. It'll happily generate string-templated SQL queries that are ripe for SQL injection. I've had to fix this myself. Things get even worse when you have to deal with a shit language like Bash that is absolutely full of God awful footguns. Sometimes you have to use that wretched piece of trash language, and the scripts generated are horrific. Remember that time when Steam on Linux was effectively running rm -rf /* on people's systems? I've had to fix that same type of issue multiple times at my workplace.

I think LLMs will genuinely transform parts of the software industry, but I absolutely do not think they're going to stand in for competent developers in the near future. Maybe they can help junior developers who don't have a good grasp on syntax and patterns and such. I've personally felt no need to use them, since I spend about 95% of my time on architecture, testing, and documentation.

Now, do the higher-ups think the way that I do? Absolutely not. I've had senior management ask me about how I'm using AI tooling, and they always seem so disappointed when I explain why I personally don't feel the need for it and what I feel its weaknesses are. Bossman sees it as a way to magically multiply IC efficiency for nothing, so I absolutely agree that it's likely playing a part in at least some of these layoffs.


I'm sorry you had such a poor experience with men and relationships. It's not my place to speculate, but it sounds like you may have had some really harrowing experiences. It's good that you've found a lifestyle that makes you happy. Your first comment in this thread is really painful to read and makes me very sad. It's also not my place to debate with you about whether or not your comment is right/good, so instead I'll just share some of my background and why I feel pain when I read it.

I was absolutely raised to be "manly." My father, the Boy Scouts, popular media—all of it seemed like it was encouraging me to just "toughen up" and be strong. Nobody ever talked to me about feelings except anger. My dad was a great role model for anger. However, I was small. I was weak. I had allergies and asthma. I was sensitive and scared of violence. I cried easily. I was cuddly. It was very difficult for me to square what was expected of me with the reality of who I was, so for a long time I was just angry and numb and tried to hide.

I had a series of relationships where I failed to be emotionally present with my partner and rather than fixing it, I just emotionally whipped myself raw in front of them. I thought that punishment was the only way to be accepted. I finally met someone who showed me what it was to feel and helped me see a therapist. I was able to unpick a lot of the "manly" crap, and nowadays I'm pretty happy in my skin. I crochet with my partner. We talk freely and openly about our feelings. We call each other disgustingly cute pet names. We hold each other and cry when bad things happen. We both continue to go to therapy, and we're always looking for ways to improve and deepen our relationship.

For all of that, there's still the old raw spot in my mind. Inside of me, I'll always have that kid who just wanted a hug and instead got contempt and judgement. He was so lonely and miserable and felt like there wasn't anything nice in the world for him. He felt so confused and broken and wrong, because why couldn't he just be manly? Why couldn't he be a rock? That's the raw spot that your comment pokes for me. I suspect I'm not alone in that.

Having typed all that out, I guess I'll make one request. I don't know what exactly you went through, and I sure as hell won't invalidate it, whatever it was. All I'd ask is that you consider that there may be more than just sex and hate in the heart of the men you walk by. You don't have to be in a relationship or like men or want to be around them, but the world might seem like a bit better of a place for you.


I immediately thought of this video when I saw "tr3n"

It's a very grumpy Scottish man responding to being told that he says the word "train" like he's saying "tren."


Heyyy a fellow Utahn. God I wish I didn't have to own a fucking car. I hate how expensive the insurance is, and I hate having to keep a stupid internal combustion engine working. I work from home now so I hardly drive, but when I need to go somewhere, there's no way I could use public transit. The nearest Trax station is miles away and I'd have to deal with an eleven lane road with no bike lanes to get there. There's actually a bus station somewhat closer, but there aren't enough busses to keep a good schedule.

I can totally see why Gen Z doesn't want to deal with it. Hell, I have friends my age (millennials) that don't have a car, or even a driver's license. They live and work in SLC, so they can just get away with it for the most part.


The only thing that comes to me is that someone who was really into tuning/spiffing up Japanese cars was involved in the community early on. I've always found it weird, and I'd honestly kinda prefer to just use "theme" or "spiff" or one of the many other words that the Godfucked curse of the Earth that is the English language provides for the purpose.


Yeah, that's why I wish the community would just use a different term. I'm not a fan of where it came from (Asian people bad asian motorcycle bad), and the arguments where one person says "I've been saying it for years," versus "bro it's been fucking racist for years," have gone past the point of a beaten and dead horse and into the realm of a fine mist of blood, fat, muscle, and viscera. Like, I just don't understand why people are attached to it, it's such a weird hill to die on. If it's a matter of having a term that people outside of the community wouldn't immediately understand, then I'm sure a different word could be found.

Edit: christ, I was not familiar with its usage in the 1930s. What a mess... Also, really loving the section on its Korean war usage, that's just great. Thanks for the link, it reaffirms my desire for the community to just use a different goddamned word.


I think my initial read of your comment was wrong (I thought you were saying that the term was fine, which didn't hold up on my second read where I was paying attention), so I want to clarify by saying what I think you mean. You're making the point that I should be saying that the statement is racist and that they should consider whether or not they want to use it, not that they are being racist by using it in ignorance.

Is that right? Because if so, that's a fair point. More flies with honey than vinegar and all that. I'm normally better about giving people a chance to consider rather than just dictate my beliefs, but I'm sleep deprived and cranky and I think it's making me act in ways that aren't aligned with my usual values.

Edit: and it's a sign that I need to get off of the Internet for now, since I'm being waaaay more negative than I want to be.


It's uh, very racist. I didn't know just how bad it was until today, but this Wikipedia article posted elsewhere in this thread does a good job of breaking down how fucked up it is:

The people using the term nowadays probably don't know, but they should learn. It's pretty bad.


Also, the congressman has his fucking finger on the trigger like the big stupid idiot that he is. Like, if you're going to be a "gun person," can't you at least follow the rules? There's so much wrong with this person and this photo.

People like this are the reason I got out of target shooting, which was the only sport I was ever any good at (which turned out to be really great for me, because I was able to explore machining and electronics stuff which I like more). Like, I was just there for the engineering challenge and precision, when it seemed like a bunch of the people I was competing with were there for the "2nd amendment fuck yeah fuck the libs fuck the poor my gun is an extension of my big floppy weiner" shit. I have such contempt for people like this, and I've grown to feel horrified at the violence that this type of behavior leads to.


I live in Utah, so it's pretty red 😅


People ought to be careful with the going outside thing. Like, if you're just going out into your yard or apartment complex then it's fine. If you're commuting and there's the possibility that you might end up stranded where there's no climate control, then please at least stick that extra layer in your backpack or something.

I had somewhat severe hypothermia once, and it's an insidious thing. I got colder and colder until I just stopped noticing it, and then I stopped noticing most things. I didn't realize what was happening to me, and I would have died if I had been alone. I had others who saw my slack, dumb face and my kinda blue lips and helped me, but I'm not going to risk ever going through that again, and I'd encourage everyone to please be careful. Keeping a coat or hat or whatever with you is worth the hassle.

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