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Ferk avatar

Yes.. honestly, I don't see this approach being worthwhile...

It's better to search for full open source alternatives, front end and backend... like Lemmy/kbin for or reddit, peertube/lbry for YouTube, etc.

Ferk avatar

But C syntax clearly hints to int *p being the expected format.

Otherwise you would only need to do int* p, q to declare two pointers... however doing that only declares p as pointer. You are actually required to type * in front of each variable name intended to hold a pointer in the declaration: int *p, *q;

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

I feel it's a balance. Each operation has a purpose.

Rebasing makes sense when you are working in a feature branch together with other people so you rebase your own commits to keep the feature branch lean before you finally merge it into the main branch, instead of polluting the history with a hard to follow mess of sub branches for each person. Or when you yourself ended up needing to rewrite (or squash) some commits to clean up / reorganize related changes for the same feature. Or when you already committed something locally without realizing you were not on sync with the latest version of a remote branch you are working on and you don't wanna have it as a 1-single-commit branch that has to be merged.

Squashing with git merge --squash is also very situational.. ideally you wouldn't need it if your commits are not messy/tiny/redundant enough that combining them together makes it better.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

"Capitalism" just means that the industry (or specifically, "means of production") can be privately owned.

The whole idea of Lemmy is allowing smaller groups / individuals to own smaller instances, so we don't depend on big corporations.

So the way I understand it, it's more of a big vs small thing, not really a "private" vs "governmental/social" ownership thing.

Sure, Lemmy gives freedom for people so, even governments, can make their own public instances.. but this all still relies on capitalism, since individual instances can still owned by (smaller?) private groups that can compete amongst each other for users, so you basically are competing as if you were just another company in a capitalist system controlled by offer/demand and reliant on what the average consumer goes after.

This would be the equivalent of asking people to purchase ethically sourced goods and drive the market with their purchase decisions (which is actually what a capitalist system expects) as opposed to actually making laws that forbid companies from selling unethical products. That means we are not ignoring capitalism, but rather participating on it, and just asking consumers to choose ethically when they go buy a product. That's just an attempt at ethical/educated capitalism, but still capitalism.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

Boycotting is an expected/intended tool in capitalism. It's part of the "free market" philosophy, the regulatory "invisible hand". The reason you can boycott a company is because the economy is based on a capitalist free market.

If boycotts were actually a good and successful method for the society to regulate the wealthy, then there would be no issue with capitalism. So that's not how you "end" capitalism, that's just how you make it work.

The issue is, precisely, that boycotts do not work (and thus, capitalism does not really work). Particularly when entire industries are controlled by private de-facto monopolies. If they worked you would not need social-democratic laws to force companies into compliance in many ethical aspects.

What you are advocating is not an alternative to capitalism (like communism or socialism), but a more ethical/educated capitalism that works at controlling the wealthy, just like many proponents of capitalism expected it would.

Ferk avatar

That's even harder. Specially if we aspire to have a community that protects privacy & anonymity.

Keep in mind "rich" does not necessarily mean "famous".
For all anyone knows, you and me could be part of the wealthy, yet nobody here would know, no online service would deny us service. Being forced to live an anonymous and private life is not really much of a punishment, at least it wouldn't be for me... if I were part of that wealthy I'd just lay low.. I'd get a reasonably humble but comfortable house in a reasonably neighborhood where people mind their own business, dressing modestly and living life without having to "really" work a day of my life, while my companies / assets / investments keep making money so I can go on modest trips and have some nice hobbies that are not necessarily really that expensive anyway. Anyone who figures it out, I set them up. It'd still be worth it to live that life.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

it’s even ISO standardized

Not only are there other ones that are also ISO standards when it comes to software layouts, but funny enough, when it comes to physical layouts, US keyboards normally follow an ANSI standard (not an ISO one), whereas many non-US keyboards typically follow a physical key layout known as "ISO Keyboard", so one could argue those are more of an "ISO" standard.


right ctrl + left shift + 9 will do?

No keyboard layout uses ctrl like that..... in fact, I don't think you ever really need to press more than one modifier in any standard non-US keyboard. Unless you have a very advanced custom layout with fancy extra glyphs... but definitelly not for the typical programming symbols.

ISO keyboards actually have one more key and one more modifier ("AltGr", which is different from "Alt") than the ANSI keyboards.

In fact, depending on the symbol it might be easier in some cases. No need to press "shift" or anything for a # or a + in a German QWERTZ keyboard, unlike in the US one. Though of course for some other ones (like = or \) you might need to press 1 modifier.. but never more than 1, so it isn't any harder than doing a ) or a _ in the US layout.

Ferk avatar

I use EURkey, which is basically a superset of the US layout extended to support symbols from several European languages.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

Same effort as getting &* and () on a US layout (so, modifier key + 7 8 9 0, respectively), the difference is you press AltGr instead of Shift as the modifier. And i'd argue its actually easier to press AltGr with the thumb than shift with the pinky.

Ferk avatar

Developing a crippled port that is limited/restricted by design due to Apple policies would not really help Mozilla’s/Firefox’s reputation anyway. Apple fanbois will complain ether way.

If those fanbois want a Firefox app on Apple systems, it's Apple the one they should complain to.

Ferk avatar

At least it's just a "considering"...

I remember back when they scrapped the multiplayer promises they made for Cyberpunk 2077 there was also word about them preparing some separate standalone multiplayer game for the future instead. To me this "considering" is more of an indication that the new game won't be multiplayer focused (if it has multiplayer at all), rather than a promise of anything.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

In a public forum, I don't think blocking should be a tool for those who want to get the last word and silence someone from being able to post a open public response as follow up in the thread, nor a way to try to sneakily hide what you are saying from someone (which wouldn't work anyway, since it's all public to anyone not logged in); but rather a filter to stop hearing/seeing those you don't want to hear/see.

Also, the way the fediverse is designed you cannot stop someone from posting a reply to a particular post you made, because the replies are simply posts that happen to reference yours. The one writting the post is in control of the link to your post that's included in their post. It's like trying to stop someone IRL from talking to other people about something you said. These threads are not really 1-to-1 conversations, even if sometimes it might look like it.

Ferk avatar

And that was just the warm up.
850k concurrent players and rising right now...

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

Yes... how is "reducing exclamation marks" a good thing when you do it by adding a ' (not to be confused with `, ´, or ..which are all different characters).

Does this rely on the assumption that everyone uses a US QWERTY keyboard where ! happens to be slightly more inconvenient than typing '?

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

Even when you care about a product, at the end of the day you still have to put a price tag on it, and you'll still have to give fair shares to all the people who worked on it, while saving up as much as you can to invest in more well cared products... without making it so expensive that not enough customers will buy it.

Caring about the product, investing on it and producing something that is actually good and that people place in high value (so they are willing to pay more for it) is not incompatible with maximizing profit. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Larian is profitting quite a bit from all the good publicity (imho, well deserved) they are getting for not having gone down the road of predatory monetization tactics.
Probably they would not have been as successful if they had. So I'd argue they are maximizing profits in the best way an independent game studio can.
Choosing to not participate in Subscription services at the moment is likely also in their best interest, profit-wise. Particularly at this point and with this momentum they are having.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

I'm not convinced that the gacha model works for every demographic. And even if it did, I'm sure it's much harder to be successful selling that kind of crap as an independent studio with no prior experience doing that. Maybe exploiting the D&D / Forgotten Realms franchise would have helped.. but after the OGL fiasco (which is a good example of how profit was affected negatively when D&D fans cancelled their D&D Beyond subscriptions on the wake of new plans for monetization by WOTC) I'm not really convinced the game would have made as much money as they can with this different focus.

Reputation also affects profits. And long term, I'm convinced Larian approach will prove to be more profitable than it would have been had they chosen to enter the wide and unforgiving world of competing RPG gacha games by introducing "yet another one" in a market that is increasingly tight, and with a public that is getting more and more tired of it.

Yeah, Diablo Immortal / 4 or probably even Fallout 76 made money with those tactics... but I don't believe those profits are gonna last that long, or reach an overall total as high as could have been when you think long term. They have managed to get a lot of people to stop caring about those franchises, so I'd argue they are actually burning down their golden goose just for a short big burst of cash, instead of actually maximizing the profit they could have made from the goose had they been taking care of it while steadily producing golden eggs people actually wanna buy...

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for younger adults (aged <60 years) at approximately 8000–10 000 steps per day

So... it is 10 000.

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Even if they did hallucinate answers, it wouldn't be the first game that relies on the "unreliable narrator" trope.

AirDrop cracked by China, revealing phone number & email (9to5mac.com)

The Beijing institute developed the technique to crack an iPhone’s encrypted device log to identify the numbers and emails of senders who share AirDrop content, the city’s judicial bureau said in an online post. Police have identified multiple suspects via that method, the agency said, without disclosing if anyone was...

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

How can Apple debunk it?

If I told you I know of a way by which I can "hack" the lock of your house to enter it, how can you prove whether I'm lying or not? Specially if I'm not willing to show you how I do it, and I haven't given you any proof of having actually done it that you can try to dispute.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

They aren't saying that the email/number is part of the message. What the are saying is that they are able to decrypt the logs in order to identify the senders .

It could be they cross-reference matching some internal ids / tokens / physical addresses of the devices together with all the data the Chinese government already has (or can obtain) ...or it could be a bluff.. who knows... there's not enough information, and what we know is probably distorted.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

Apparently, this article is talking about the "Legacy CS:GO Version" that was available (even after the CS2 launch) for devices that were unable to run CS2. It seems that was less than 1% of CS:GO players, so they are ending support for it, even though they claim it should still be available with reduced compatibility.

I think anyone can switch to this version in the "Beta" tab of the properties window for CS2 by selecting "csgo_legacy".

What is the legacy version of CS:GO?

The legacy version of CS:GO is a frozen build of CS:GO. It has all of the features of CS:GO except for official matchmaking.

What will happen after the end of support for the legacy version of CS:GO?

After January 1, 2024 the game will still be available, but certain functionality that relies on compatibility with the Game Coordinator (e.g., access to inventory) may degrade and/or fail.

Ferk avatar

Then check-out their due date, specially if they have been left out in a stack for too long, before you pop one out.

Maybe just a lukewarm (see what I did there?!) take this time: I don't want to see a hard-R Star Wars horror movie or anything focused on an unrepentant Imperial or Sith.

None of that is on-brand for Star Wars in any way. Yes, yes, "it's a setting," but it's also a style and a tone. Andor was pushing it a little, but fundamentally it was about finding hope and meaning, and being something better than your darkest temptations want you to be. Or, barring that, about sacrifice. I can handle some...

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

If an act is wrong, the act is wrong regardless whether or not those affected by it knew the risks.

If someone kills a policeman who happens to have put their life on the line, the killer shouldn't just be let free under the pretense that the policeman knew the risks...

Also, I feel the empire probably didn't expect the rebels would actually end up being able to blow up the station. Sure, they were very concerned and seriously tried to get the schematics back / supress the rebels, but I don't think everyone there was fully aware of the risks.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

I do not like totalitarianism, I'm a democrat. But that's not the same thing as saying that totalitarianism = evil.

My support for democracy is mainly pragmatic, rather than an absolute belief in the goodness of whatever the majority decides. If a democracy makes decisions I consider evil, then I would criticize it, same as I would criticize a dictatorship that does evil. And yet when it does good, I would praise that, same as I would praise it when it's a dictatorship the one doing a good deed.

The reason I prefer democracy, is because it gives certain guarantees that there will be a way for people (me & others like me) to voice their dissent in a way that might have some impact. But that doesn't mean that it's ok to do evil whenever it's done in the name of democracy.

The Republic (by whichever governance method it uses.. which is not completely clear, at least in the OT) can commit evil acts in the same way as the Empire can. And based on that, they can be the evil ones, just as much as the Empire can.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

It would be great if the movies had shown that.

We are not shown any of those systems the resistance has in place that would "optimally" prevent evil acts, and how are those superior / more efficient to the ones from the Empire. Instead, they present a case for how the Empire can, in fact, be challenged. Whether that challenge ultimally results in an improvement for the galaxy is not shown, we are left guessing.

But the whole point I was making was that all of this is open to interpretation. You don't have to agree with any one particular interpretation of it. Just as long as we acknowledge that such interpretation would be a valid one.

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