Ignacio avatar



Spanish guy, who likes open source software and has just discovered the fediverse (as of 28th of April, 2022). I like video games, and indie and retro music. I’m a student. I’m officially diagnosed with ADHD and ASD since January, 2023.

America is a continent and Americans are people from that continent (Canadians, Usonians, Mexicans, Cubans, Argentinians, Brazilians...)

Mastodon user: https://mstdn.social/@icg937
Peertube user: https://video.hardlimit.com/a/ignacio/video-channels

"I need to stop and reflect": the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, announces that he is considering resigning after starting an investigation into his wife (www.bbc.com) Spanish

The president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Wednesday the suspension of his public activities to consider his possible resignation from office after a Madrid court accepted a complaint against his wife, Begoña Gómez, for a possible traffic crime. of influences....

Those with executive function issues and who take atomoxetine, did/do you go to therapy or do any meditation technique? Did/do you notice ED improvements with that combination?

Just what the title says. I'm taking atomoxetine since 13 months, and this week will be my first psychological session. I've severe ED issues, to the point I can't do almost anything productive (including meditation itself), no matter how much I want to.

Ignacio avatar

I'm not allowed to take ADHD stimulants.

Ignacio avatar

I don't know what that has something to do with what I asked, honestly.

Ignacio avatar

Firing doesn't exist in public service. Suspension of job and payment does, but only under circumstances specified in the law, which is not the case.

Ignacio avatar

If Budapest does not want a war, the tell your puppeteer Putin to leave Ukraine alone.

Ignacio avatar

Let me guess. Only for United States, right?

YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking (alternativeto.net)

The company’s team clarified that their terms prohibit third-party apps from disabling ads, as it denies creators their due reward for viewership. Although the announcement did not specify any app by name, it’s plausible to presume that third-party YouTube apps such as NewPipe, YouTube ReVanced, Piped, and others might be...

Ignacio avatar

unless PeerTube finds a way to pay content creators

Google is a for-profit organization. Framasoft, which developed PeerTube, is a non-profit one. The only way to pay content creators is when people donate money to PeerTube and then PeerTube share that money with creators. Which is also difficult because there are no trackers to know internally who has more subscribers or which video has more views, etc. Internally as using a tracker, but you have to visit one by one every channel and every video to know its numbers.

Ignacio, (edited )
Ignacio avatar

A whole continent is the disease? Seriously?

Ignacio avatar

That's half of United States rather than half of America.

Ignacio avatar

There’s so much hostility

Same here, to be honest. Except for Beehaw, every other place seems like a no-mod/no-remember-the-human land.

I saw a recent post that 60% of playtime in 2023 was spent on games 6 years or older. What 6+ year old games are you playing?

I haven’t stopped playing Overwatch since it came out, still getting on with friends 2 or 3 nights a week and putting in a few hours (and I’m still awful lol). I also still log on to Battlefield 1943 from time to time to get in a few matches....

Ignacio avatar

I'm ripping and tearing in Doom 2 megawads... until it is done.

Income Tax Campaign 2023-2024: everything you need to know (valenciaplaza.com) Spanish

The Income Tax Return is an informative document, which is submitted annually to the Tax Agency, and which details the financial situation of the taxpayers, including income, expenses, assets or deductions from which they have benefited during the previous year.

Ignacio avatar

And some governments, like Germany and The Netherlands.

Ignacio avatar

I always do that, but only if I have the option to edit it. If I don't, then maybe I delete my comment and start over, or maybe I don't.

Ignacio avatar

ADHD and ASD enter the chat: "May we join?"

The PP increases its pressure on Armengol and will summon her to the commission on the 'Koldo case' in the Senate (www.publico.es) Spanish

The spokesperson for the Popular Party, Borja Sémper, confirms that its formation will require the presence of the president of Congress because "it opened the doors to a plot that was fueled in the worst of the pandemic"

Ignacio, (edited )
Ignacio avatar

I don't use stuff from that continent (in fact, as far as I know, Kbin is European, and lemmy.world is even based in Europe). But when I browse through all, majority of content is related to US somehow, and majority of comments are related to something in the US too.

I can block communities and instances, obviously, but generic communities are being pushed to US culture somehow, despite having allegedly users from other countries and continents. And there is no filter, unfortunately, so either block or get bombarded by US-related stuff

Ignacio avatar

I already do, not every day but sometimes, when I see something worth to be published. You can check inside my profile.

Ignacio avatar

There is no need to read those languages. Translations are still a thing. I remember that, while on Reddit, r/Europe posted links in other languages, but OP provided an English translation. So, yes, you can post national news in your official language, whatever it is, and post its translation, and now you have an international community or instance.

But it seems I'm the only one who posts links in my official language (Spanish) on international communities.

Ignacio, (edited )
Ignacio avatar

To me, it seems like you and the OP resent US users for simply existing in an online space without putting forth any solutions to the issue. Are you sure you’re not trying to find ways to justify anti-US bias?

If you want the space to have more equal representation, why not produce high-quality content that appeals to your fellows rather than moaning about people who by your own admission mean no harm?


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