
higher wages for the servers... by the customers. Fnbs (

Went to a restaurant in LA today and when I got the check I noticed that it was a bit higher than it should be. Then I noticed this 18% service charge. So… We, as customers, need to help pay for their servers instead of the owners paying their servers a living wage. And on top of that they have suggested tip. I called bs on...


And that is why in some places in the world, service fee is illegal.


And the oceans are too cold for them, so they are pushing us towards global warming, right?


A custom made Google Sheet to track everything - maintenance, repairs, insurance, and fuel ups. I'd like to move to an app that supports all of the above, but getting everything into an importable format was messy (tried it with Fuelio), and I gave up after a while. The fact that I'm also writing down parts purchased prior to installation does not make this easier.

My plan is to try and convert it all into plaintext accounting format (probably Beancont with a tailor-made plugin), but so far I've been mostly kicking that ball down the street.

Nearly two years after Texas' six-week abortion ban, more infants are dying (

Some 2,200 infants died in Texas in 2022 – an increase of 227 deaths, or 11.5%, over the previous year, according to preliminary infant mortality data from the Texas Department of State Health Services that CNN obtained through a public records request. Infant deaths caused by severe genetic and birth defects rose by 21.6%....


The thing is, if the number of abortions prevented was higher than 2,200 - as far as pro-lifers are concerned, it's a win...


Yeah. And you can also develop skills in jail - doesn't mean we should be throwing people in jail indiscriminately and then argue it's for their own benefit so they can learn new skills.


No, it absolutely uses a Linux kernel.


Your screenshot does not really show anything other than the fact that Ally attempts a connection to Facebook (it's not even clear how it was blocked). You can see the amount of people telling you to unblock NTP, which you stated isn't blocked - that's a clear sign that you haven't presented you data in an easy to review format.

Why not show what exactly is blocked by the firewall, how the rules are configured, and disabling which rule exactly gets the app to work? E.g., if you block Facebook by redirecting to your own HTTP server that responds, the app may decide to bork because of a failed certificate validation - resolve the Facebook domain as NXDOMAIN in your DNS, and see if that helps.

The fact that they use Facebook APIs is infuriating, regardless.

It's a bit old (hasn't been updated in 4 years), but works great.


Not sure about S31, but I have a couple or TH16s (rated at 16A/~3500W), and I've read a bunch of reviews where the units can't handle the rated power and burn up. To be on the safe side, I connected it to a contactor instead of wiring directly to an appliance.


Exactly. The issue is with the source of electricity, not with the AC itself. Not to mention that leading by example is nice, but it's not always the best course of action. An individual avoiding AC is a drop in the water, and not going to save the planet, while suffering immensely. Hell, even if every single individual stopped using AC at home (which isn't even close to reality), that wouldn't have a significant effect, compared to what corporations, factories, etc. are doing.


Android TV should handle HDR automatically (and tonemap it if needed).

Green and pink tint sounds like the source is Dolby Vision, not HDR10. So, 2 questions:

  1. Why do you need HDR sources if your displays don't support HDR?
  2. Assuming the answer to (1) is that you're future-proofing, why not just get HDR10 files instead of Dolby Vision?

Not sure what Linux ISOs are, but it's pretty rare that something is only available with Dolby Vision and not HDR10. Have you verified that HDR10 gives you trouble? 4K HDR is also usually HDR10, unless specifically marked as DV, in my experience.

Anyway, another option, if you don't care for HDR, is to transcode/tonemap everything in the background. This way, you don't have to worry about performance during playback.


Ah. Sarcasm is difficult to see in text based communication.


Not necessarily demanding, but Uncharted is a very pretty game, and fun, too.


I mean, if it's something that's editable only by admins of the instance, I'm not sure it constitutes a vulnerability, since admins can change the content to whatever they desire by definition.


DDR5 is a waste of money in this build. You're better off switching to DDR4 and using the savings to get a PCIe 4.0 NVMe, such as the 980 Pro. Also, depending on what you do with the PC, 64GB is a complete overkill.


If it's a gaming computer - loading times will be faster. Generally speaking, doubling the rate of an SSD in such a case will provide more tangible benefits than faster RAM or faster CPU. You wouldn't notice a few FPS difference in a game, but you would notice it loading quicker. In all seriousness, if Zen 4 doesn't support DDR4 as you say - maybe going with an older gen CPU is a better value for money. I'm sure the performance advantages are not significant (they usually aren't between subsequent generations), while the savings are - and they can be used to upgrade other parts while staying under budget. I suggested storage, but FWIW this money can just as well go towards better peripherals or a screen.


No, you couldn't. Why are you spreading misinformation? You are posting to your instance, and that's federated to Threads. Threads isn't getting any information about you that isn't publicly available.


Yep - and in that case, what you interact is, is your instance. You have no direct interaction with the Threads server, whatsoever. Your instance pulls that content (which is publicly available!), and shows it to you. If you comment on it, you do so on your instance, and it federates that comment back to the Threads instance (where the data federated is publicly available - it's the content of your comment, and your handle). There's nothing malicious going on here.

That's not to say that something bad can't happen in the long run. E.g., if people get used to content from Threads, and then Threads suddenly stops supporting ActivityPub (or forks it with negative changes), many people might be lured to start using Threads in order to keep accessing its content. That's definitely a potential issue. But the technical side of federating with Threads is absolutely benign.

mr47, (edited )

I'm having a hard time copying it properly on mobile, but it reminded me of Evensong by Lester del Ray:

EDIT: Managed to find it in cleartext (, but it's still too long to fit in a comment :)


Managed to find it in cleartext (


by Lester del Rey

By the time he reached the surface of the little planet, even the dregs of his power were drained. Now he rested, drawing reluctant strength from the yellow sun that shone on the greensward around him. His senses were dim with an ultimate fatigue, but the fear he had learned from the Usurpers drove them outward, seeking a further hint of sanctuary.

It was a peaceful world, he realized, and the fear thickened in him at the discovery. In his younger days, he had cherished a multitude of worlds where the game of life's ebb and flow could be played to the hilt. But the Usurpers could brook no rivals to their own outreaching lust. The very peace and order here meant that this world had once been theirs.

He tested for them gingerly while the merest whisper of strength poured into him. None were here now. He could have sensed the pressure of their close presence at once, and there was no trace of that. The even grassland swept in rolling meadows and swales to the distant hills. There were marble structures in the distance, sparkling whitely in the late sunlight, but they were empty, their unknown purpose altered to no more than decoration now upon this abandoned planet. His attention swept back, across a stream to the other side of the wide valley.

There he found the garden. Within low walls, its miles of expanse were a tree- crowded and apparently untended preserve. He could sense the stirring of larger animal life among the branches and along the winding paths. The brawling vigor of all proper life was missing, but its abundance might be enough to mask his own vestige of living force from more than careful search.

It was at least a better refuge than this open greensward and he longed toward it, but the danger of betraying motion held him still where he was. He had thought his previous escape to be assured, but he was learning that even he could err. Now he waited while he tested once more for evidence of Usurper trap.

He had mastered patience in the confinement the Usurpers had designed at the center of the galaxy. He had gathered his power furtively while he designed escape around their reluctance to make final disposition. Then he had burst outward in a drive that should have thrust him far beyond the limits of their hold on the universe. And he had found failure before he could span even the distance to the end of this spiral arm of one galactic fastness.

Their webs of detection were everywhere, seemingly. Their great power-robbing lines made a net too fine to pass. Stars and worlds were linked, until only a series of miracles had carried him this far. And now the waste of power for such miracles was no longer within his reach. Since their near failure in entrapping and sequestering him, they had learned too much.

Now he searched delicately, afraid to trip some alarm, but more afraid to miss its existence. From space, this world had offered the only hope in its seeming freedom from their webs. But only micro-seconds had been available to him for his testing then.

At last he drew his perceptions back. He could find no slightest evidence of their lures and detectors here. He had begun to suspect that even his best efforts might not be enough now, but he could do no more. Slowly at first, and then in a sudden rush, he hurled himself into the maze of the garden.

Nothing struck from the skies. Nothing leaped upwards from the planet core to halt him. There was no interruption in the rustling of the leaves and the chirping bird songs. The animal sounds went on unhindered. Nothing seemed aware of his presence in the garden. Once that would have been unthinkable in itself, but now he drew comfort from it. He must be only a shadow self now, unknown and unknowable in his passing.

Something came down the path where he rested, pattering along on hoofs that touched lightly on the spoilage of fallen leaves. Something else leaped quickly through the light underbrush beside the path.


He let his attention rest on them as they both emerged onto the near pathway at once. And cold horror curled thickly around him.

One was a rabbit, nibbling now at the leaves of clover and twitching long ears as its pink nose stretched out for more. The other was a young deer, still bearing the spots of its fawnhood. Either or both might have seemingly been found on any of a thousand worlds. But neither would have been precisely of the type before him.

This was the Meeting World—the planet where he had first found the ancestors of the Usurpers. Of all worlds in the pested galaxy, it had to be this world he sought for refuge!

They were savages back in the days of his full glory, confined to this single world, rutting and driving their way to the lawful self-destruction of all such savages. And yet there had been something odd about them, something that then drew his attention and even his vagrant pity.

Out of that pity, he had taught a few of them, and led them upwards. He had even nursed poetic fancies of making them his companions and his equals as the life span of their sun should near its ending. He had answered their cries for help and given them at least some of what they needed to set their steps toward power over even space and energy. And they had rewarded him by overweening pride that denied even a trace of gratitude. He had abandoned them finally to their own savage ends and gone on to other worlds, to play out the purposes of a wider range.

It was his second folly. They were too far along the path toward unlocking the laws behind the universe. Somehow, they even avoided their own destruction from themselves. They took the worlds of their sun and drove outwards, until they could even vie with him for the worlds he had made particularly his own. And now they owned them all, and he had only a tiny spot here on their world—for a time at least.

The horror of the realization that this was the Meeting World abated a little as he remembered now how readily their spawning hordes possessed and abandoned worlds without seeming end. And again the tests he could make showed no evidence of them here. He began to relax again, feeling a sudden hope from what had been temporary despair. Surely they might also believe this was the one planet where he would never seek sanctuary.

Now he set his fears aside and began to force his thoughts toward the only pattern that could offer hope. He needed power, and power was available in any area untouched by the webs of the Usurpers. It had drained into space itself throughout the aeons, a waste of energy that could blast suns or build them in legions. It was power to escape, perhaps even to prepare himself eventually to meet them with at least a chance to force truce, if not victory. Given even a few hours free of their notice, he could draw and hold that power for his needs.


He was just reaching for it when the sky thundered and the sun seemed to darken for a moment!

The fear in him gibbered to the surface and sent him huddling from sight of the sky before he could control it. But for a brief moment there was still a trace of hope in him. It could have been a phenomenon caused by his own need for power; he might have begun drawing too heavily, too eager for strength.

Then the earth shook, and he knew.

The Usurpers were not fooled. They knew he was here—had never lost him. And now they had followed in all their massive lack of subtlety. One of their scout ships had landed, and the scout would come seeking him.

He fought for control of himself, and found it long enough to drive his fear back down within himself. Now, with a care that disturbed not even a blade of grass or leaf on a twig, he began retreating, seeking the denser undergrowth at the center of the garden where all life was thickest. With that to screen him, he might at least draw a faint trickle of power, a strength to build a subtle brute aura around himself and let him hide among the beasts. Some Usurper scouts were young and immature. Such a one might be fooled into leaving. Then, before his report could be acted on by others, there might still be a chance....

He knew the thought was only a wish, not a plan, but he clung to it as he huddled in the thicket at the center of the garden. And then even the fantasy was stripped from him.

The sound of footsteps was firm and sure. Branches broke as the steps came forward, not deviating from a straight line. Inexorably, each firm stride brought the Usurper nearer to his huddling place. Now there was a faint glow in the air, and the animals were scampering away in terror.

He felt the eyes of the Usurper on him, and he forced himself away from that awareness. And, like fear, he found that he had learned prayer from the Usurpers; he prayed now desperately to a nothingness he knew, and there was no answer.

"Come forth! This earth is a holy place and you cannot remain upon it, Our judgement is done and a place is prepared for you. Come forth and let me take you there!" The voice was soft, but it carried a power that stilled even the rustling of the leaves.

He let the gaze of the Usurper reach him now, and the prayer in him was mute and directed outward—and hopeless, as he knew it must be.

"But—" Words were useless, but the bitterness inside him forced the words to come from him. "But why? I am God!"

For a moment, something akin to sadness and pity was in the eyes of the Usurper. Then it passed as the answer came. "I know. But I am Man. Come!"

He bowed at last, silently, and followed slowly as the yellow sun sank behind the walls of the garden.

And the evening and the morning were the eighth day.


Hear me out. Why don't we create a paywalled API for 3rd party apps (like Threads), that will end up costing, say, $20 million annually to use at Meta's rate... And then use the proceeds to keep all the instances running, and for other shenanigan.


Try punching 2 holes in your tire, and demand to pay for at most 1 puncture repair, let's see how far that 0 or 1 hole argument gets you :)

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