
Interstellar_1, to asklemmy in how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

I like to use Wikiwand, it’s a browser addon that overhauls the wikipedia UI.


I was curious so I added it and now Wikipedia is full of ads. No like.


That’s weird, I don’t see any ads when using it. Are you using the official extension? www.wikiwand.com


I added it through Firefox extensions. I can upload a screenshot if it’s helpful.


You may be using something that counteracts the ads. Such as an ad blocker.


Ah yeah that’s probably it

baduhai, to asklemmy in how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

I don’t know what the answer to your question is, but I love the way tekst is spelt.


I am Groot.


*Ik ben

@zakobjoa@lemmy.world avatar



Fun fact: in Dutch the word pagina is pronounced exactly the same as vagina


Well, not exactly the same, but they rhyme, yes.


Pagina schmagina


Breed groot pagina


yea I guess it has a visual ring to it

neidu2, (edited )

Scandinavian languages also spell it like that, as it’s closely related to Dutch without (much) french influence.

The only words I can remember that we spell with X as place names such as Texas and Mexico.

Edit: dutch, not german


Yeah, I speak German, but in German it’s spelt Text.


In Swedish we spell it text.


Well, you swedes also eat Kex, if my memory serves me right. X seems a lot more common in swedish than noggie.


We Finns use ks instead of x as well.

Alexander would be Aleksanteri and so forth.

I wanted to make a joke about the Swedes but then I googled it and there was a thorough Quora answer, so I’ll link that instead.


Viking_Hippie, (edited ) to asklemmy in how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

buys Dutch bathroom scale and turns into Marvel character

Ik ben Groot!


ben, not bin


Okeydoke, fixed!

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I actually wonder if he’s still called that in Dutch.


You and me both 😁

Update: I checked and apparently they pronunciation is significantly different so that he doesn’t in fact just go around bragging about how big he is 😆

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I love how funny they can make it.

kibiz0r, to asklemmy in how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

Current Setting: Breed Groot

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Droom groot Breed groot

Microw, to asklemmy in how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

Individual Wikipedias have individual designs and Individual design features.

dysprosium, (edited )

is there no overhaul to copy ideas from one to another? Or overseer to somewhat keep a consistent theming?


I remember when “new” Wikipedia came out with big press I was confused because it had already been in use on the French wiki for months.

My guess is as the biggest wiki, the English wiki is naturally more conservative on the rollout of new features.

dysprosium, (edited )

other languages are just guinea pigs for the English wiki I gather


I would be very surprised if it wasn’t voluntary, as far as I know each Wiki is maintained independently with very little oversight.


Technically these kinds of things are decided by the Wikimedia Foundation but they’ll usually not do things that the editing community of the local wiki doesn’t want.

In 2014 the WMF forced a new software feature (Media Viewer) on all wikis and enforced this by “superprotecting” the JavaScript on the German-language Wikipedia so local admins (who at one point even blocked the Deputy Director of the WMF from editing) couldn’t disable the new media viewer. The WMF doesn’t really want these kinds of constitutional crises to happen again.



JameUwU, to greentext in "Anon" has problems with cybersecurity [Mod approved non-greentext]

Downvoted for Discord

Martineski, (edited )
@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I still use matrix for my group and other groups that use it. It’s not easy to quit discord with so many projects being there.

Edit: nvm, I forgot where I posted it and misunderstood what was your point.


I have a discord account that only exists to link in foss projects that are too stubborn to switch to matrix. Its directly bridged into Matrix and I dont actually have to interact with the enshitified platform unless I need to join a new Server (so not very often). My profile is completely blank and my name is just user

@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Can you share the process of setting something like that up?

simple, to asklemmy in how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

There’s a button in the bottom right to make the page wide. As for text size, I guess it’s kind of redundant since you can just zoom in the page.

dysprosium, (edited )

using the browser zoom makes the layout narrower again, as if it’s actively trying to reverse the wide layout by the button in the bottom right. It makes the page very weird looking. Just far from ideal.

EDIT: it’s also very inconvenient since my browser saves the zoom level per website (not between en.wikipedia and nl.wikipedia) so the zoom would always be off when going from one article to one in the other language.

Stovetop, to asklemmy in how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

Maybe it’s a default feature for all non-English languages to account for potential writing system differences? May not make as much a difference for other languages using the Latin alphabet, but maybe for East Asian scripts or Arabic or Hindi etc., they don’t want to assume the default layout is as readable as it is for English?

Just a shot-in-the-dark guess.


well the english wiki does have the wide layout option through the square button on the bottom left, ever since the new layout revamp. Just not the font size option.

RecluseRamble, to greentext in "Anon" has problems with cybersecurity [Mod approved non-greentext]

Use a password manager. Won’t forget passwords anymore.

@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

proceeds to generate password for each service and forget the master password


SkaveRat, (edited )

just use a password-manager-password password manager for the password manager password


Or use a hardware key to unlock it. And then loose that hardware key. Does keepassxc support fingerprints yet?

@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

just make the password a little story you can remember, e,g. “Carl+Lenny:go2a bar&spend$$$”


Hell naw, my last password was: Xé7&//sgn385d$@+îñccv72RtY¾ff°¥∆§


Write it down somewhere. Just do it by hand.

@Zachariah@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, and the master should be a paraphrase not a password.


That’s just recommended to emphasize length. If your password is as long as a passphrase it’s likely more secure (harder to remember though).

@Zachariah@lemmy.world avatar

But if the point is to remember it, then you should use the security from length of series of 5+ random words. It’s easier to remember, write down, and type. All great characteristics of a master passphrase.


I don’t disagree, sorry if it sounded like I did.

There’s just a theoretical weakness since the base word lists are usually public knowledge and bruteforcers could (and probably already have) optimize for that.

The advantages of a passphrase outweigh though as you mentioned. An attacker would first need your repo anyway.


I’m adding obscure memes and anime references to my passphrases. Good luck bruteforcing that

@vorpuni@jlai.lu avatar

Separating some of the words with random symbols also isn’t too hard to remember and no chance that can be bruteforced.


Also, you don’t need to write it down correctly, if you remember what’s the missing or different or fake bit. And you can write down a few decoy ones next to it. Or have it in two different places. Lots of room for obfuscation along with some good old fashioned physical security on where you store the note. And the backup note off-site, if you’re that kind of person.

Hell, just make some extra decoy ones just for fun and practice.


My strategy for this is to have a second password manager available on a couple old devices, accessed with biometrics (fingerprint in this case), and only the master password saved within it.

I considered saving it within the main manager itself, since I have devices where I can use biometrics rather than password, but that feels like a bad idea.

Has definitely been a life saver

TootSweet, to greentext in "Anon" has problems with cybersecurity [Mod approved non-greentext]

Websites need desperately to display their password creation rules on login pages. If I knew this particular site had (for some dumbass reason) a maximum password length less than the length of the password I’d otherwise use on that site or (also completely unreasonably) restricts special characters, I can more easily figure out what password I used when I signed up with fewer wrong guesses, all without sacrificing any security. (It’s not like the rules aren’t public info that anyone can get. Just don’t make me go halfway through the signup process to get that information if I’m just trying to log in.)


Use a password manager, no need to remember shit then (besides your master password). For example if you want a local solution KeePass and sync the file (I use Dropbox, it’s encrypted anyway). You can also access it on Android with the sync.

@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh yeah, that would be a huge QoL thing.


It would also let hackers know what combinations not to try.

I have a better proposal: If your login page has any restriction on passwords (other than being part of Unicode and a max length of 128 characters) then your site should be shut down.

@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It would also let hackers know what combinations not to try.

You mean the exact thing they could learn by clicking on “sign up”?

KISSmyOSFeddit, to greentext in "Anon" has problems with cybersecurity [Mod approved non-greentext]

why is life like this?

Because someone else getting access to your email account nowadays is worse than losing your wallet, phone and keyring, combined.

halvar, (edited )

why is life like this?

Because the whole thing started with anon forgeting their password, the solution for which should be complicated and secure, which it is.


I locked myself out of my main email account once.
I had set it up in the year 2000, when people didn’t have mobile phones, so they sent a letter to your home address before they activated it.
In the meantime, I had moved 11 times, updated my personal info on the site a few times, but never added a phone number or recovery mail address.

So when I called the hotline and they asked me for my address to confirm I’m me, that was a hard one to answer. But I actually got it right in the second try, which was good enough.

varnia, to greentext in "Anon" has problems with cybersecurity [Mod approved non-greentext]

Sounds made up.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Nah this is actually how using steam + Gmail is.

@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Nope, I shared my experience on discord in greentext format because I found the whole process funny (not hating on security) and then thought that it would be a good idea to post it on lemmy too.

wagesj45, to greentext in "Anon" has problems with cybersecurity [Mod approved non-greentext]
@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Life is like this because its easier on the developers than having to deal with the deluge angry customers losing all their shit to scammers because they use the same 5 character password for every site on the internet.

Evotech, (edited )

Life is like that because some people are constantly trying to steal shit

toothbrush, to 196 in Rule
@toothbrush@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

me too

TipRing, to memes in Bribery schmibery. Make them pay for their stupidity

Man, I’ve seen so many people fired for taking bribes and kickbacks from vendors. Not even large amounts, just more than the limit and then not disclosing it to the ethics and compliance board. Such a stupid way to sabotage your own career.

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar



Uhh… whut

E: sorry Steve but we pride ourselves on only taking a little bit of bribery, and your level this year was ‘moderate’. We can’t have people going around here like that, we have to stay on the down-low.

AA5B, (edited )

I think of it like:

  • I can buy you a beer or company branded swag, like I might for any friend
  • I can probably buy you lunch but not dinner
  • giving you anything of value is right out
  • buying you a top of the line RV or giving you a ride on a private jet to an island private resort is instantly to jail. Yes, this means you, Clarence

They’re probably referring to minor gifts random people might offer you out of gratitude sometime, say if you do customer service and went out of your way for them. A bottle of normal priced wine, some chocolates perhaps, a gift card for a lunch at xyz. Some giveaway merch they have tons of.


A bottle of normal priced wine, some chocolates perhaps, a gift card for a lunch at xyz.

These are all pretty sus and might be things I’d report.

These policy limits are intended to allow things like swag at a convention or if you’re in a meeting and they have lunch catered.


I meant more like, either of these not all. Nothing worth more than 5-10 bucks combined


Even then, it’d need to be a token wedding gift or something similarly eventful. A birthday isn’t enough. For those things, even within the limits, I’d want pretty justifiable context. At least if you’re working for/in US government.

A $15 box of chocolates from my new contractor who just won the bid just isn’t worth dealing with as an issue.

@edgemaster72@lemmy.world avatar

It’s okay to have a little bribery. As a treat.


The limit is relatively low so that you don’t have to flood HR with reports because a supplier gave you a branded pen or a contractor paid for a burger while you were out fixing stuff.

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Of course! This is America!



Kind of, yeah. Like a vendor can buy you lunch as long as the total amount per annum is less than a certain amount and if it goes over that you just have to disclose it so E&C can make sure that this doesn’t impact decision-making. There is an allowance for a certain level of glad-handing so I don’t get fired because Cisco came by and gave me a branded t-shirt.

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

TIL, thanks!


We even had limits like this when I was a postman.

If someone gave me a card at Xmas with some lottery scratch tickets or a gift card it was fine as long as the value was under $50. A coworker got in trouble at my facility about it because a nice old guy on his run gave him a thrashed and neglected early 90s dirtbike missing a bunch of parts because he wanted it gone and couldnt be bothered selling it and they had talked bikes before. The guy told his son he gave it to the postman and the son got it in his head that the postman must have pressured him into it but because he didnt declare it the postman got into a bunch of shit. The process exists to protect everyone involved.

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