
danielkyler, to gunners in Gabriel's awareness and quick thinking to put Garnacho offside.

On the down low, this was greatly underestimated. Very high football IQ test free thing. We would have been insane to give him over to the Saudi league.

karpintero, to bodgers in Have I invented a new joint?

That’s a new one to me, I’ve seen tee bridle joints but not haunched. Did you use a router plane for the tenon part?

@AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah - router plane, rip saw, crosscut saw, and chisel to clean up in the socket.

potatobro, to lemmyshitpost in imagine
massive_bereavement, to disneyvacation in How to own a house in Brooklyn, New York
massive_bereavement avatar

Woah! a room with a window, who are you? Rockefeller?

Etterra, to lemmyshitpost in LPT: Never get a tattoo in a language that you don't understand

How many Chinese people and places have mistranslated a word into English as “fuck?” I can’t remember which word it is, some kind of food. So ya’know, glass houses and all that.


Pho king

BrutalPoseidon, to 196 in bad day rule

Is just a hug out of the question?

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

NGL a hug sounds better

I’m not here to grab a tit and wander off, I’m here for some semblance of emotional connection

MossyFeathers, (edited ) to adhd in Dinner party

The comic made me chuckle; but why has introversion become synonymous with being anti-social or asocial? My understanding is that it’s entirely possible to be highly social and introverted, because being introverted just means you gain energy from being alone. It doesn’t mean you hate social gatherings or don’t like having friends; it just means you discharge when socializing and recharge during alone time (and the opposite is usually true for extroverted people).

I wanted to point that out as I seem to be a social introvert. I like socializing and love being invited to things (even if I’m not available or it’s something I don’t like doing, because it means someone remembered that I exist), but my battery wears out fairly quickly when doing so. Strangely, I used to be very extraverted, but at some point I swapped to being introverted.

Edit: I guess I will say that the thing the comic gets right is that usually I won’t hold it against someone for cancelling. However, I don’t get excited about it, and might even be disappointed if it was something I was looking forward to, but I usually am okay with it.

Edit 2: made a small edition in bold.

@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

You’re right, but I think perhaps conflating anti-social and asocial? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asociality


Maybe? I guess when I think of asocial vs anti-social, I think of someone who is apathetic towards social interaction vs someone who doesn’t like socializing and only does it because it tends to be a mandatory part of society. As such, I’d think someone who’s asocial would be indifferent to a host cancelling, while someone who’s antisocial would be happy or excited by it.

Edit: I am aware that anti-social tends to have different connotations when used generally, but in a social setting I tend to think of antisocial being opposed to socializing.


Antisocial is a personality disorder, but idk if they still call it aspd.


“Introverted doesn’t mean associal. I mean, I am associal, but not brcause I’m introverted”

[Insert in meme tempelate]


I’m super introverted but like socializing. It just takes a lot of energy. So only one party a week, and I’m probably going to leave early. The fewer the people the longer I can go though. Like camping a whole weekend with a few other people is fun. But alone time is a core need.


Okay so as a person who can be very social, talkative, and genuinely enjoys interactions with people.

I am first an introvert. And that means there is a very decent chance any social outings can suddenly sound like a dreadful experience regardless of the company because you just do not have it in you to be interesting to them or interested in them. You just wake up and are like… nah, not happening. Sure you made a commitment and will push through but that is why we are delighted when the event itself is canceled and we don’t have to force ourselves or make an excuse.

Evil_Shrubbery, to adhd in Dinner party

Yet still happy & glad they were thought of and invited. Ty.

foothillbilly, to fuckcars in [meme] Trains -- not driverless cars -- are the future of transportation

I heartily agree, but I’m 67 years old and society is slower than the Antarctic melt. Oh, wait, that’s not slow.

Sketchpad01, to autism in I'm in this post, and I like it.

Honestly wish I could do that. I’ve gotten so used to masking my inability to do small talk that I basically just say yes to everything. It’s super annoying and something I want to work on, but I dont really know how.


Its incorrect wording but i shorthanded it to ‘embrace the sociopathy’. Very nice little koan to drop on the programmed reaction i’ve had to natural ASD reactions

‘You can’t do that it’s sociopathic!’ No ma it’s ASD and i’m tired of pretending i’m not to save your face.


most of the people claiming it’s sociopathic tend to be pretty controlling in my experience, which is ironic


Since the acronym for sociopath is ASPD, I will often respond with something like “nuh uh, mine has one less letter”. Pretty niche, but when someone gets it, so good.



that’s just a portal gun


I’m the opposite i can do small talk ( and even be charming while doing it) but, i just can’t STAND it and don’t know how to get out of it either so i’ve just taken to greyrocking whenever it comes up. For the record i don’t have asd ( some people said they had it in this section) just static encephalopathy ( brain damage) and am actually quite smart just I’ve got a lot special niche interests ( sci fi, fantasy and Gorillaz to name a few) and if i don’t know you ( aka you aren’t interested in these things and / or like small talk) then I don’t want to talk to you but, if you don’t do small talk and/ or are interested in something I’m interested in GREAT! IF YOU WANT TO TALK I’M DOWN FOR IT!


I’ve always wanted to get into the Gorillaz, but never found any of their music that I like, do you have a recommendation?


I say Demon Dayz or The Now Now.

jordanlund, to atbge in Vroom vroom!
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Needs a speaker playing this everywhere:


YarHarSuperstar, to drugs in Drug Art: Drugs Say Stop The Drug War
@YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world avatar

Very interesting art. As always, acab and end the drug war.

maculata, to trashyzone in I usually love the onion comics but this shit isn't funny. It's just tasteless.

I don’t get it. Are they all convicted sex pests?

UFODivebomb, to programmerhumor in It's fine until you run out of disk space

I dunno why I didn’t realize you can add more swap to a system while running. Nice trick for a dire emergency.


Even better, you can swapoff swap too!


It’s Linux it’s made by people with a brain.

xkforce, to tumblr in You're just wrong. Don't @ me

If lemonade tastes the same to you as sprite, you need to go to the doctor or maybe the hospital because something is very wrong

Stamets, (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

It’s more that they’re straight up called the same thing in those areas for some strange reason.


Where did this bullshit come from? Sprite is not lemonade in Europe or Australia, it’s lemon and lime and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know that. There’s loads of brands of lemonade here and Australia, cloudy, traditional, clear…wtf?

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Really? Because there are a lot of people who disagree with you.

  • From reddits Ask an Australian
  • Wikipedia saying " In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Central Europe, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, a carbonated lemonade soft drink is more common. Despite the differences between the drinks, each is known simply as “lemonade” in countries where it is dominant."
  • Quora saying “Lemonade” in Australia normally refers to a clear, carbonated, lemon-flavored beverage similar to 7-Up. “Lemon squash” is a cloudy version of the same thing (still carbonated). There’s no particular tradition of making non-carbonated lemon drinks at home, but if you did, you’d probably call it American-style lemonade."
  • My Australian buddy who lives in the UK

However I did goof on it not being available. That I’ll edit. But the rest of it seems to hold up…


I grew up in the UK, lived down under too for just over 5 years, maybe I just missed the Australians calling it lemonade, as it was always lemon and lime with those I know. Was definitely lemon and lime in the UK and not considered the same as lemonade, sprite became the cooler choice over 7up when I was teenager in the 80’s. If you asked for lemonade you wouldn’t get either of those, or folk would check if sprite was okay instead. Maybe it is generational, the young crew do something different, or maybe a lot of people can’t detect lime flavour…I dunno, but in my experience they’re not treated the same. Just one Internet strangers experience though.


You’re not thinking of lemon lime and bitters, are you?


I’m not dude, sprite especially, literally says lemon and lime on the label. I had no idea this was something people didn’t know. https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/f14b9cf9-4a3e-43c3-a2d3-e39adfa7552e.jpeg


I know it says Lemon lime on the label. Doesn’t change the fact that us Aussies call it lemonade.

I dunno, I’ve been out of the country for the past 12 or so years so maybe things have changed significantly over that time, but for my entire life up until I left, everyone calls Sprite & similar drinks lemonade. No one I know ever made the distinction between Sprite (lemon-lime) and something like Schweppes lemonade (Lemon only), they were just both lemonade, unless you specifically wanted a specific brand.


Fair play, I’m not native and was only there a short while quite a long time ago. So my experience could very well not have been typical.


No one would call it “American style lemonade”. It would just be home made lemonade or something similar. Also we have a massive tradition of making non carbonated drinks at home. Australian kids grow up drinking cordial, which are pre-made, very sugary, mostly fruit flavoured, and are made by mixing the cordial and water.


Yeah, sprite is lemonade. Not sure what the other commenter was on about smh


I’ve always known sprite and similar lemon flavored soft drinks to be lemonade, though there is a lime version.

I’m sure I remember seeing lemonade on sprite packaging when I was younger, and it looks like Google agrees with my memory. Not sure why these other guys are arguing with you.

Obviously the same for all the other brands as well (Schweppes lemonade is very much a carbonated soft drink).


In thinking as an immigrant I just missed this fact in my time down in oz.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe it’s regional or generational?


Maybe it’s generational, I’m pretty old and sprite is and always was lemon and lime, it’s why it’s green and yellow… it became popular in the uk when I was young as a 7up competitor which stopped being “cool” in the 80s though it had been more popular before that. Lived in UK, France, Canada and Australia… so its just personal experience.


It’s not though, it’s lemon and lime. Lemonade is just fizzy lemon…Barr’s make a great lemonade, Schweppes is decent. if you go for a lemonade and orange or lemonade and lime in a pub you generally don’t get sprite/7up. If its all they’ve got they’ll check with you that that’s OK, like if they have Pepsi instead of Coke.

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

Well why the country fried fuck doesn’t everyone drink uslemonade it’s delicious. Keeps the scurvy down too.


After reading that article I have to say it looks amazing

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

We have a lemon tree right next to our kitchen window and we just open the window to pick lemons for lemonade. I’m kinda spoiled. Still gotta boil my own corn syrup tho.


That’s amazing, where I live these days I’d need a heated polytunnel or greenhouse to grow lemons. I’ve found an online recipe though and I’m def going to try making real lemonade.


I see on the Wikipedia article it seems to say that lemonade in the USA is flat, not fizzy? I think this is where I confused your question and we got our wires crossed. Anything that ended “ade” in the UK is a fizzy drink, like a pop/soda. Lemonade, cherryade, orangeade etc. Schweppes, Barr’s etc make lemonade like that, clear, sweet fizzy and just lemon flavour.
I can’t think of a drink that’s fresh lemon juice as described on wiki over here. There is squash, or cordial, diluted juice with water. But lemon wasn’t common or popular to the best of my knowledge. I’ll look when I’m in asda the morn now though, just to see for curiosity.


This is…not true



May have been from back in the day when sodas were still made from carbonating different kinds of fruit juices. Drinks like fanta were a lot more like sparkling lemonade or orange juice than they are now.


I love doing that! So much so that for me true lemonade is just carbonated water and lemon. I do it with oranges, grapefruits and strawberries (mashed)



Soda/Pop is called lemonade (or limonade or variations).

Lemonade (US) aka citrus water is not necessarily called lemonade.


They’re called the same thing, but no one considers them to be similar.

It’s like how we use “chips” to refer to both crisps and fries. You usually know which ones it’s going to be based on context, and if it’s not clear you can always ask.

On menus and things, we typically would call it “traditional lemonade” to clarify that it’s not sprite.


Here in germany every sweetened, carbonated beverage is called “lemonade”


Because what we call “lemonade” in Europe is not the same drink as what is called “lemonade” in the US, although we usually have our own variation (citronnade in France) that corresponds to the American one.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

What’s lemonade in the EU, then?

Or rather, what do you call water, lemon juice and sugar blended together?


Speaking to 28 countries with 24 languages “WhAt Do YoU cAlL tHiS?”

Not that the UK is in the EU anymore, but we’d call that “Still lemonade”, still meaning not sparkling.

Not to be confused with “Flat lemonade”, which would just be regular “sparkling” lemonade which has lost its bubbles and now tastes rancid.


In Germany, Limonade is usually from oranges, so Fanta.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar



What is this madness? Limonade is made with lemon and lime. Or at least “limon” which is a hybrid of lemon and lime.



We know what you call it, you’re just fucking wrong.

@RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

These are the same people who drive on the wrong side of the road and weigh themselves in stones.


Most of our schools are still safe tho :)


You’re not wrong, but it is a bit like bringing Hitler into the conversation.

The US has never had Hitler, feel better now? Can we talk about soda and lemonade now?


Didn’t know all of europe is now the UK

@RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

Get antibrexited nerd

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