planetaryprotection, to programmerhumor in Its been an interesting morning

Randomly got a message from one of my reports asking what this “Mandatory Team Meeting” was on his calendar. I hadn’t been invited, but it was our whole company shutting down ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Bitwise industries did that to us but it was an optional meeting. Like a kick to the gut.

Worst part is they stole our 401ks.


Random team meeting on the first Friday after I got hired. “Telltale has lost it’s funding and everyone is being let go”. Fun week.


Oof, how did it end up going?


The company shut down.

guyrocket avatar

But the company's not supposed to shut down.

anonymoose, avatar

Is that not typical?


Of course it's not typical! Ordinarily, companies don't just shut down. I want to make very clear that this is not the normal state of affairs!


So what’s the minimal employee requirements for a company?


Oh, I suppose ... one?


One employee?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Well, one, I suppose.


Chance in a million

-spam- avatar

That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


To shreds you say? How are the investors holding up?


To shreds, you say?


The front fell off.


The front fell off?


Yeah that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.

(The idea’s that the company tanked, just like this tanker did.)


Still one of the greatest pieces of cinematics ever produced, and I’ll die on this hill.

flying_monkies avatar

¯\(ツ)/¯\ you dropped this


Hilarious that one of your reports got invited to the company shutting down meeting but you didn’t, F


Hey, that happened to me, too!

I got scheduled for a mandatory meeting with 1 hour notice. During lunch.

I asked my boss what it was. He didn’t know either. I joked that it was us being shut down.

Sure enough, 1 hour later we were both writing LinkedIn recommendations and helping each other find jobs after it was announced that our whole studio was being shut down by corporate and myself plus all my coworkers were all now jobless.


A former coworker of mine once learned that his company was shutting down because the office was raided by FBI agents who seized all the computers, servers and company documents. Everybody sat around in the empty office for a little while and then went home, and nobody ever got paid or heard from the company ever again. Even the tax documents at the end of the year didn’t get sent out.


What did he have to do without the tax documents?


I don’t know exactly. There’s some process you go through with the IRS to find out what you were paid and how much was withheld in situations like this where the company just goes out of existence suddenly. The IRS has all that info anyway because companies withhold and submit the taxes (at least while they still exist).


Well, they’re supposed to, anyway.


I at least had the cathartic experience of being told “hey we need to shut down EVERYTHING before 7pm because that’s when the email will turn off, so log into every service you know we use and delete it all.” And then I spent the next couple hours clicking every delete button I could.

K8s clusters? Delete. Prod DB? Delete. Prod DB backups? Delete. S3 buckets? Delete. Cloudflare account? Delete.

It was actually kinda fun.


This sounds therapeautic

Tb0n3, to microblogmemes in Insanity

Only rational if you’re the last person in line and not moving doesn’t spill people out of the designated waiting ropes.


I nearly wet myself laughing


It’s still rational if you don’t care about those people though


Rationality doesn’t exclude emotions or empathy. That’s just being literal, not rational.


You don’t care about the people behind you inline but you still care enough about the people in front of you to wait behind them? Weird lol


Willful denial of the feelings of others is irrational in itself. Everything you know about humanity should lead you to believe that others have feelings too


“Why? Because fuck ‘em. That’s why” turns out is not a rational mind set.


She’s counting on people behind her not doing the rational thing which would be ignoring her and just passing her if there’s lot of empty room in front of her.

bric, (edited )

I guess it depends on your definition of “rational”. From a pure logic perspective (i.e. the math definition) being rational just means making optimal choices in pursuit of your goals. I can be perfectly rational, understand that others have feelings, and simply not care about them unless they benefit me. Being perfectly rational basically makes you a sociopath, only considering other factors or people when they further your goals. Emotions and feelings are irrational to begin with, but sometimes it’s better to be a little bit irrational


Feelings are not rational or not; they are a state and part of the deduction you’re calling logic. Your description of following reason as being sociopathic is wrong. What you are describe is being over-biased to your wants. Nothing about logic says it’s ideal to live only for yourself. Any suggestion of what you should use sense for is arbitrary.

Laticauda, (edited )

I think you’re just fundamentally misunderstanding what being rational means. There is nothing inherently rational in being selfish or only caring about your own goals and what benefits you, especially not when you are a member of a species that evolved to be extremely social and community focused. Emotions and feelings aren’t inherently irrational either. They can certainly be expressed in irrational ways, but they themselves are neither rational or irrational. They’re just a fact of nature. You might as well say it’s irrational for living creatures to have to excrete waste. Sure, it may be irrational to take a piss on your boss right before asking for a raise, but the act of taking a piss is not in itself rational or irrational. It’s just a bodily function. So if you refuse to take that factor into consideration because you claim it’s irrational, well that’d just be ridiculous.

Imagine a teacher refusing to let a student get up to go to the bathroom because they claim it’s irrational to need to take a piss, and therefore perfectly rational to force them to stay where they are and ignore their bodily needs. The teacher is being selfish in that situation, only making optimal choices in pursuit of their own goals (to teach the class without interruption), and doesn’t care about the other person’s need to perform bodily functions unless it benefits them. And yet I think most people with even half a brain cell will agree that the teacher in this scenario is not in any way shape or form acting rationally. They’re just being a dickhead.

Sociopaths aren’t more rational than other people or “too rational”, they lack the ability to feel empathy or they only feel a small amount of empathy but not enough to affect their decisions. It has nothing to do with being rational or logical, sociopaths can often be very stupid irrational people. Not to mention, while sociopaths often don’t care about how other people feel, they do often care about how other people perceive them.


This was a rough read. The leap to think it’s purely rational to be entirely selfish is absurd. You need help from other people to function in society. It’s also entirely logical and rational to benefit the group. Being selfish is not “purely mathematically logical”. That’s just being dumb and selfish. Are you going to steal from your coworker because you benefit from it or are logical enough to look a couple steps further and see helping them so they help you benefits both of you far more? There’s tradeoffs for sure but sociopaths aren’t just too rational



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  • Draces,

    Uh what did you even read what I said? You’re not addressing anything I said. And you can’t just make up your own definition for a word that definitely has one. Quick search, Oxford dictionary says rational: based on or in accordance with reason or logic. Which being purely selfish absolutely is not for my previously mentioned reasons you’re ignoring. You can’t just redefine a word to suite your argument

    Edit: this funny since you keep mentioning mathematics:

    MATHEMATICS (of a number, quantity, or expression) expressible, or containing quantities that are expressible, as a ratio of whole numbers. When expressed as a decimal, a rational number has a finite or recurring expansion.


    Why take less space when can take more?


    Kevin took that advice to heart

    alcasa, to memes in Your Operating System is Not Supported. Please install Google Smart Home OS to continue.

    All companies seem to be doing their best lately to cure us of our social media addiction.


    Yeah for real. Enshittification has gotten me permanently off Facebook for like 4 years and Twitter for like 10. Reddit now for a few months. Getting ready to leave YouTube.

    I have been playing guitar a lot more lately 😊

    Been telling myself I need to get more exercise…


    Are you me? I have been off of Twitter and Facebook for years now. Reddit is dead to me. YouTube seems like it’s heading in the shitter. I’ve also been playing more guitar lately too! I’m still early on, I think I’m progressing nicely but I’m firmly in the “novice” stage. Take it from someone who didn’t exercise at all before, you’ll do yourself great even taking a nice walk for 20-30 minutes every day possible. It gets easier everyday, and they become enjoyable.


    Haha pretty close! I’m more of a veteran guitar player. Just very rusty. Used to be 4-6 hrs a day. Now is more like 4-6 hrs a month. Last month was more like 4-6 hrs a week though!!

    I hiked a lot during the pandemic! New job has had me sitting at my desk and ordering delivery though. Too much pot and beer, and I’m starting to feel winded doing things that are setting off some early alarm bells lol

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    I’ve been using GitHib as a social media. But instead of memes I see pull requests and commits.


    Been telling myself I need to get more exercise…

    I decided to get offline more and get more exercise. I found a personal trainer who runs his own gym. He has a media center set up to play music. It plays youtube videos. Without an adblock.

    I’ve seen more youtube ads at the gym than I’ve seen when I’m doomscrolling at home.


    My exercise of choice is hiking, so I’m all set to see less ads when exercising.

    …for now :shudder:


    less not none




    I’m back on internet forums now. Screw the big companies.


    Can you recommend some general forums that focus on a wide array of topics? Or do you only visit niché community forums?


    The Whirlpool forums are probably going to meet that requirement, though they’re local to Australia. I’m not sure of a global equivalent…


    Back to videogame addiction it is boys!


    I missed it tbh


    Imagine if this turned out to legitimately be true, sarcasm aside.

    They WANT us to stop fighting and just use social media less lmfao.

    Bonehead, (edited ) to linkedinlunatics in How about no

    If I get up at 4am, I'm going to bed at 8pm. So I'm not saving any time, I'm stealing time from my evening to work in the morning. That's what it ultimately comes down to...stealing personal time to spend on working...


    I get up at 4am on days I have to go to the office. Driving an hour to work at 4:30 sucks but it’s better than driving 2 hours to work at 6:30.

    On Fridays I either have the day off or have to work 4 hours, alternating each week.

    I get up at 4am on the working Friday and finish at 8 exactly like this guy suggests because it feels like I have every week being a 3 day weekend.

    It is shit cramming a full working week into Mon-Thursday though. My employer implemented the 4 day work week if we wanted. You still have the work the hours though, so it’s quite shit.

    I know quite a few people just went back to working 5 days to shorten each day.


    That's not the same thing at all. You're already getting up at 4am normally on Friday, and you apparently only work 4 and a half days a week. This meme assumes you work 9-5 5 days a week, and advocates that you spend more time outside those hours working.


    Term for it is compressed hours, and it is stupid


    Just drive that forklift on 3 hours of sleep bro


    If I’m getting up at 4am on the weekends it means I’m going to be running on ~3 hrs of sleep. Which is fine because at least I’ll get a few hours of quiet before everyone else wakes up. (Also why I stay up til 1am)

    BeefPiano, to hmmm in hmmm

    There’s no seat on the bench

    Damaskox avatar

    Yeeahh I'm blind...needed to check the comments to see, what's wrong/strange.

    Some kind of a edited image?


    There’s no seat on the bench.


    Ohhh, I thought it was the one on the right having two left arms.


    The whole picture is AI. Look at the arm for the girl on the right


    No it’s not.


    Bro thinks her boobs is an arm

    RealFknNito, avatar

    My brother in Christ it’s just her right hand tucked between her and the other girl. The jacket just vaguely makes it look like she has two left arms. Some of you are too eager to call things fake.

    magnetosphere avatar

    For some folks, the urge to call bullshit online is actually a need, right up there with breathing and eating

    wander1236, avatar


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  • Sphks, avatar

    The shadow is perfect. It’s just girls having fun ? The two on the right have an arm on the bench. The one on the left must be athletic.

    magnetosphere avatar

    Thank you. I just kept not seeing it.


    That’s because it isn’t there.

    Damaskox avatar

    "Do not try and bend the spoon—that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth."
    "What truth?”
    "There is no spoon.”

    magnetosphere avatar

    It’s been over a day and I still want to say GODDAMMIT.

    You got me lol

    1984, to programmerhumor in Its been an interesting morning avatar

    Companies are often insane. I’m working in one who has this one guy build a super complicated architecture, because he don’t know aws. So instead of just using a message queue on aws, he is building Java programs and tons of software and containers to try and send messages in a reliable way. Costs the company huge money, but they don’t care, since he is some old timer who has been there for like 10 years and everyone let’s him do what he wants.


    old timer

    10 years



    Isn’t that a long time for corporate?


    There are 2 types of people, the 2/3 year people, and the 20-life people. 10 is a lot to the 2/3 year people… but not to the others


    It also depends on the age of the company.

    My current company is comparatively young and only really grew above the 100 people mark a few years ago. There are people who only worked here for 10-15 years, but are so integral as head-monopoly, that they might as well have been there forever.

    In my old company, there were developers retiring that worked literally their entire lives for the same company.


    True, true…

    Aside: Back in my day, we could use the term “relatively” to mean “in relation to” some other thing. Over time it became “in relation to the average thing” instead of a specific thing. Now it just means “a little bit”/“sort of”. Now people use “comparatively” to convey what “relatively” used to mean. Except… you just now seem to be making that same “relatively” transition with the word “comparatively”. I just find language interesting, and wonder what the next “relatively” will be once that meaning has been lost even to “comparatively”.


    That may be an artifact of my native language. In German the term vergleichsweise (Vergleich meaning comparison) is used like that and sometimes these constructions spill over to my English writing.


    no no no, its not a critique specifically of you. Native english speakers do this all the time. And I’m sure its inevitable that “comparatively” will make that transition too.

    I’m interested: is there a german word to replace "vergleichsweise " to more explicitly mean “comparison”?


    It literally means “comparison-wise”, so there’s no more explicit translation, I guess.


    Well it’s German, we can always split up our long words into a long string of shorter words.

    If I want to compare something to another specific thing I would probably never use “vergleichsweise” (which is more or less just “rather” like you described “relatively”).
    I would probably use “im Vergleich zu” (in comparison to).

    But maybe that’s just me.
    And writing in English about German stuff makes my brain feel weird so maybe I don’t make much sense rn.

    netburnr, avatar

    Didn’t you know, anyone that stays at a company more than 18 months is old…


    Hey, I just hit 18 months, almost to the day! …but was at the previous job 23 years lol. Good to know I’m back to old timer status.


    No vendor look-in with his solution though.


    Yeah great but what about when he dies and nobody else knows how it works? I’ve had to deal with that more than once (creator of Blackboard and creator of IP Office Contact Center, when they died so did the product)

    1984, avatar

    It’s a different form of lock-in since it’s just his creation. When he leaves, all of this will be very hard to maintain and the company will probably rebuild it all on aws.

    I have been bringing this up but they say that it’s too late to change direction now (they are afraid to upset the guy).

    But I’m looking on the bright side. I get to learn a lot of stuff I otherwise I wouldnt if this was a single managed aws service. I’m bringing in terraform and instead of just putting a message queue there, I need to spin up entire architectures to run his ec2 instances with all the apps and everything required to make things work.

    Takes months… So for me it’s fun. I don’t have to pay for it. But companies are crazy. :)


    I personally always try to engineer away from cloud services. They cost you ridiculous amounts of money and all you need is documentation afterwards. Then it can be easier and faster than AWS or GC


    Nah, unless you have a super popular app or suck down bandwidth I rarely find the costs of AWS exceed the labor of a good sysadmin.


    One time I rewrote an Azure function to make it slightly more efficient. The cost savings were ~$50k /yr. Cloud services have their place but it is amazing how quickly the costs can spiral out of control.


    You’re the guy 1984 was talking about…

    m4xie, (edited )

    I didn’t look at the username, so this came across as an underserved Orwell-referencing insult. Lol

    Accusing him of being O’Brian or something.


    Got to agree with @Zushii here, although it depends on the scope of your service or project.

    Cloud services are good at getting you up and running quickly, but they are very, very expensive to scale up.

    I work for a financial services company, and we are paying 7 digit monthly AWS bills for an amount of work that could realistically be done with one really big dedicated server. And now we’re required to support multiple cloud providers by some of our customers, we’ve spent a TON of effort trying to untangle from SQS/SNS and other AWS specific technologies.

    Clouds like to tell you:

    • Using the cloud is cheaper than running your own server
    • Using cloud services requires less manpower / labour to maintain and manage
    • It’s easier to get up and running and scale up later using cloud services

    The last item is true, but the first two are only true if you are running a small service. Scaling up on a cloud is not cost effective, and maintaining a complicated cloud architecture can be FAR more complicated than managing a similar centralized architecture.

    MrPoopyButthole, avatar

    Yup, if your solution is not cloud agnostic you’ve fucked up.


    Being cloud-agnostic also means additional cost/complexity.

    Sometimes the only way to win the game is by not playing it.

    MrPoopyButthole, avatar

    I would argue that most cloud native services existed in their standalone forms way before public clouds made their own versions. For example there are loads of message queue systems that are just as easy to incorporate and are cloud agnostic, some of them are FOSS. Sure you can reinvent the wheel but in most cases something like RabbitMQ will work OK depending on the use case. Having cloud vendor lock in is where cost catches up with you. Complexity is arbitrary since there are ways to make anything overcomplicated.


    RabbitMQ is more expensive on AWS than e.g. SNS/SQS. It’s not a coincidence, you’re trading lock-in for a cheaper price.

    The increased complexity comes from the fact you will need some components which exist in either managed, but vendor lock-in form, or you need to spin them up / managed yourself.

    MrPoopyButthole, avatar

    Right, paying for managed services whether cloud native or not is pretty much the same thing, it hurts in the pocket. Spinning up your own RabbitMQ on a VM is both cheap and cloud agnostic, especially if sized right.

    1984, avatar

    You are paying aws to not have one big server, so you get high availability and dynamic load balancing as instances come and go.

    I agree its not cheaper than being on prem. But it’s much higher quality solutions.

    Today at work, they decided to upgrade from ancient Ubuntu version to a more recent version. Since they don’t use aws properly, they treat servers as pets. So to upgrade Ubuntu, they actually upgraded Ubuntu on the instance instead of creating a new one. This led to grub failing and now they are troubleshooting how to mount disks etc.

    All of this could easily be avoided by using the cloud properly.


    I used to work on an on premise object storage system before, where we required double digits of “nines” availability. High availability is not rocket science. Most scenarios are covered by having 2 or 3 machines.

    I’d also wager that using the cloud properly is a different skillset than properly managing or upgrading a Linux system, not necessarily a cheaper or better one from a company point of view.


    where we required double digits of “nines” availability

    Do you mean 99% or 99.99999999%? Because 99.99999999% is absurd. Even Google doesn’t go near that for internal targets. That’s 1/3 of a second per year of downtime. If a network hiccup causes 30s of downtime, you’ve blown through a century of error budget. If you’re talking durability, that’s another matter, but availability?

    For ten-nines availability to make any sense, any dependent system would also have to have ten nines availability, and any calling system would have to have close to ten nines availability or it’s not worth ten nines on the called system.

    If the traffic ever goes over TCP/IP, not even if it ever goes over the public internet, if it ever goes over Ethernet wires, ten nines sounds like overkill. Maybe if it stays within a mainframe computer, but you’d have to carefully audit that mainframe to ensure that every component involved also has approx ten nines.

    If you mean 2 nines availability, that’s not high availability at all. That’s nearly 4 days of downtime a year. That’s enough that you don’t necessarily need a standby system, you just need to be able to repair the main one within a few hours if it goes down.


    Sorry, yes, that was durability. I got it mixed up in my head. Availability had lower targets.

    But I stand by the gist of my argument - you can achieve a lot with a live/live system, or a 3 node system with a master election, or…

    High availability doesn’t have to equate high cost or complexity, if you can take it into account when designing the system.


    you can achieve a lot with a live/live system, or a 3 node system with a master election, or…

    “A lot”, sure, but not say 5 nines. 99.9% (8 hours of downtime per year), is reasonable. That’s enough time to fire up an instance in another location if that turns out to be necessary.

    99.99% (50 minutes of downtime per year) is harder. It means you need automatic systems doing the switchover, geographical separation, people on call 24/7 to diagnose and fix any issue in minutes.

    99.999% is only 5 minutes of downtime per year. At that rate, you can’t even afford for someone on call to respond. You do still want them on call to verify the automated systems did the work, but you need to rely on automated systems fully handling any possible emergency. The system needs to fail over perfectly without any human intervention. For that, a 3 node system isn’t enough. You need geographical redundancy, as well as redundancy within each geographic region. You need to be able to do software upgrades without affecting that redundancy, so you need at least a secondary 3-node system so that you can do a blue/green deployment, testing out handing over traffic to the new system with the ability to instantly roll back if something doesn’t work.

    Each “nine” you add reduces the “error budget” by a factor of 10, so as you start getting above 4/5 nines, you really do start to need specialized engineering which tends to come with high cost and complexity.

    For a typical Lemmy instance, 3 nines is probably good enough. 2 nines might even be acceptable if people aren’t paying. But, for something like Netflix, 8 hours of downtime per year is far too much. For something like a high frequency trading platform, 8 nines might not even be enough. For them, the custom engineering and obscene cost of chasing 7+ nines is worth it because every second of downtime could cost millions.


    Agreed, but for many services 2 or 3 nines is acceptable.

    For the cloud storage system I worked on it wasn’t, and that had different setups for different customers, from a simple 3 node system (the smallest setup, mostly for customers trialing the solution) to a 3 geo setup which has at least 9 nodes in 3 different datacenters.

    For the finanicial system, we run a live/live/live setup, where we’re running a cluster in 3 different cloud operators, and the client is expected to know all of them and do failover. That obviously requires little more complexity on the client side, but in many cases developers or organisations control both anyway.

    Netflix is obviously at another scale, I can’t comment on what their needs are, or how their solution looks, but I think it’s fair to say they are an exceptional case.


    That could be avoided by using on prem properly, too. People are very capable of making bad infrastructure whether on prem or cloud.

    wizardbeard, avatar

    Yep. Virtualization is not a unique selling point of the cloud, despite the benefits of it seeming to be one of the largest selling points.


    We have on prem and do all our upgrades by burn the OS and move the data, with the exception of the hypervisor OS (which has a pretty resilient bulk self upgrade built in, and we have a burn-the-OS plan documented for if they do crash). Even system file corruption of a random pet server? New VM and reattach the data disk. Need high availability? Throw F5 or HAProxy at the problem (assuming L7 protocol support).

    Both cloud and on prem can work equally when done right. The most important part is to understand that both have different types of cost (human, machine, developer) and to make the right choice based your/your customer’s needs and any applicable laws or regulations about data locality. And yeah, sometimes one will be better for someone and not someone else.

    Seven figures of cloud engineering can’t solve stupid, but neither can seven figures of datacenter. This isn’t some Sith/Jedi concept where you have hard definitions of dark and light or good and evil - though sometimes both will see each other as the enemy, and they are in a way competitors.


    I worked in operations for a large company that had their own 50,000 sq ft data center with 2000 physical servers, uncountable virtual servers, backup tape robots, etc… Their cooling bill would like to disagree with your assessment about scaling. I was unpacking new servers regularly because, when you own you own servers, not only do you have to buy them, but you have to house them (so much rented space), run them, fix them, cool them, and replace them.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’ve also seen the AWS bill for another large company I worked for and that was staggering. But, we were a smaller tech team and didn’t require a separate ops group specifically to maintain the physical servers.


    If you really need the scale of 2000 physical machines, you’re at a scale and complexity level where it’s going to be expensive no matter what.

    And I think if you need that kind of resources, you’ll still be cheaper of DIY.


    Plus, if the cloud service goes down, you don’t need to worry about your service being out as well


    That describes two out of the four jobs I’ve had in my career lol

    It pays the bills though so what can I say, the tech I actually want to work with is what personal projects are for lol


    old timer = being paid little


    That doesn’t mean he or his fuck ups are free.

    A bad architecture means slower development, more bugs, less reliability. All of which cost money.


    That is probably what used to be required. Have you told him about the message queue?


    Quick and dirty as they like to say


    What the company likes about the old timer is that because he has been there for 10 years, he will likely be there for the next 10 years to support the complicated system he is creating now. If a younger team member creates something using a modern approach, there is the risk they will leave in a years time and no one knows how the system works.


    No one knows how to use a well documented, publicly available service? No, I’d argue that no one knows how to use a private, internal only, custom solution.


    That because you’re an engineer (I assume). The people signing off on these kinds of projects don’t know enough themselves, so they go to someone they trust (the old timers) to help them make the decision. The old timers don’t keep up with new tech, so we keep reinventing the wheel.


    “keeping up with new tech” is often just re-inventing the wheel. If it isn’t broke, and can still be maintained, then why break it because you like the flavor of the week?


    In this case, we’re talking about the OPs example of someone implementing a complex message passing architecture in Java instead of using an off the shelf solution. There are devs with 20+ years at the same company who don’t know the basics of networking/cloud, because they haven’t improved their technical skills much in those 20 years and instead focused on corporate politics. Those are the people who tend to gets asked for advice from upper management.


    So he’ll rip an even bigger hole, when he is retiring because the company never bothered to get a new solution running. Then they get a hydra of legacy code that is poorly documented and probably using some old hacks based on even older forum posts, nowhere to be found again.

    wizardbeard, avatar

    Oh god. I do a lot of PowerShell scripting at my place, and less than half my team is proficient in it. My co-workers who are almost never write comments in their scripts. Meanwhile, if it’s anything that will live longer than ~5 manual runs, I spemd more time on comments and documentation than scripting.

    That effort is valued, but I’m shocked that my team isn’t more aware of the need for documentation. We literally experienced the “bus factor” situation a few years ago.


    We have someone at my company who has been here for 30 years that gets to do whatever he wants basically - but what he builds is great. He doesn’t even have a BS degree or anything related, he started as a paralegal who wanted to make his life easier, and has built several iterations of the software that the entire company uses. He’s now my boss, running the data engineering and science department and I gotta say that he’s genuinely great. The only bad things I’ve run across that he’s built are things that he explicitly told management were meant to be just a quick bandaid fix to a problem to buy time for a full fledged solution… and they kept it as the full fledged solution. The stuff still works, it’s just awful to make updates or change to


    There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.

    ImplyingImplications, to unions in Who's really important

    “So anyways that’s why I’ve decided it’s illegal for you to strike”

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    Yep. Biden is antiunion and it’s disappointing to see this posted here.


    Lol exactly. What a fucking joke.

    ThePyroPython, to linkedinlunatics in Let's do this 💪

    Absolutely no chance this ever happened.

    What the hell are these people on? Huffing Mercury?

    BuboScandiacus, avatar

    This is a parody account



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  • TheMauveAvenger,

    Reddit was really bad with detecting sarcasm/parody/comedy, but Lemmy is on a whole new level of missing the joke.


    Maybe because there’s no joke.


    It’s satire

    Zoboomafoo, avatar

    “The joke is I can’t afford this house”


    starman2112, avatar

    No, the punchline is “I can’t afford this house.” It’s humorous because the preceding story seems to build up to some anecdote about how having some money right now is less important than having more money later, or some other overdone trite non-observation, but it ends with the orator subverting your expectation that he can easily afford the house by admitting that not only can he not afford it, he in fact has no money and must find a way to make the entire $15,000,000 within one year.

    Like all jokes, it’s not funny if you don’t get it, and if you only get it after someone explains it to you, it still won’t be funny.



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  • frunch,

    Ok so how does 4 work exactly? Do you have to hold onto it until it’s fully charged or is it more like Bop It™ where you quickly have to perform various motions on the fly?


    I’ve seen multiple communities where people not only miss the obvious joke, but they get angry at how there’s no joke. It’s truly something to behold.


    Some jokes are dumb.


    It’s clearly a joke, lighten up.


    No, just regular mercury. It’s still bad.

    darcy, avatar

    no the Huffing™ variety has more uhhh toxins


    Not to mention that a property like this likely costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to maintain and pay tax on, if not milliona


    And this picture isn’t even real.



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  • anarchrist,

    So this isn’t a lunatic then… also not on LinkedIn…


    That is correct and I hope the mods stick to keeping this place exclusively for real posts. “Close enough” makes places homogenous

    1110101010101, (edited )


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  • glimse,

    Expressing hope is not complaining. Did my comment hurt you or something?

    1110101010101, (edited )


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  • glimse,

    Ok have fun dumbing down every community you post to while thinking that everyone is your enemy I guess. See ya later, dork

    Noughmad, (edited ) to programmerhumor in Its been an interesting morning

    “Team restructuring” is so much fun, you never know what you’re going to get.

    Your boss’s boss now reports to a slightly different VP? Everyone is getting fired? No way to know which it’s going to be, until the end of the meeting.


    If nobody is getting fired HR won’t be there


    Bit let me first say that these are difficult times, and we’re proud of this team.



    pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

    It’s like I’m there

    bob_lemon, to antiwork in Consequential Efficiency

    Nina learned a valuable lesson that day: never show your boss how much time you actually need to produce results.

    111000, to oldpeoplefacebook in Wrong update button?! 😂

    Holy shit. This is gold.

    Jimbo, avatar

    Unpopular opinion… I kinda liked that album. Well, not that much but it had a few stand out songs imo

    ElBarto, avatar

    I had no problem with the album, I just had a problem with the delivery of the album, I want the options n to download it for free, not being forced to have an album I’d never buy in my collection.


    Wait did U2 do the same thing again?? Or is this an ancient meme?


    Its ancient

    YoFrodo, to microblogmemes in Insanity

    Its only the same if you strictly consider ‘the time I stand in this line’.

    Its different because everyone behind her loses a feeling of progress from moving up, and it increases the queue length (at least visually) which can impact other people’s decision on which queue to join which, of course can impact the other queues.

    To think the way the image suggests is to be inconsiderate to others around you.


    It’s not even the same if you strictly consider ‘the time I spend in this line’, which I would assume is to most people the time that actually matters.

    Everyone behind her doesn’t just lose the feeling of progress, they lose actual time (granted it’s probably just a few seconds). And she loses that time also.

    The actual justification here seems to be that she’s busy doing something on her phone and doesn’t want to be distracted every 30 seconds, which in her mind trumps the handful of seconds she and everyone behind her would gain.
    Which imo would be fair enough, if you didn’t have to also add the annoyance of the people behind her to the equation.
    Many people standing in such queues are tired, stressed about catching their flight, or otherwise impaired and someone holding up the queue for no obvious reason can become aggravating fast.


    Unless they considered all of those things and only didn’t move because there wasn’t any point, which to me is ultimately what staying in place is about.

    In that very specific situation, yes it’s inconsiderate. We’re missing details like how busy the airport is etc so it’s a little unfair to point out though.


    the photo is from someone behind her. Even if one person is behind her then she is being inconsiderate to that person by waiting even if the other elements are not present.


    That person behind her could be her partner or friend, we don’t know. I’d imagine in that case they may feel a little stressed, but breaking that stress would be good imo. Why let a line-up bother you? Theres 3 more lines to choose from with hers being the longest. It’s also confirmed not spilling out if you observe the image.

    There’s a possibility she’s being inconsiderate, but there’s a bigger possibility she’s fine based on visual evidence over reddit rhetoric.


    In the context of the meme shes holding up a line and people are bothered by it. It takes little effort to progress through a queue instead of causing an issue for others just because you can.


    It only takes little effort now, because she’s skipped 5 cycles of picking up her bags, progressing a couple feet, setting them back down.


    And if noone actually upset was behind her, nothing was lost and she benefits :)


    We don’t know if anyone is bothered by it except whoever posted it to the reddit and everyone here imagining a ton of people behind her. The photo might not even be owned by the OP. If someone has evidence of the contrary I’d change my mind, but otherwise there’s 0 reason to be triggered by this.

    Laticauda, (edited )

    The person who took the picture is presumably the one who wrote the caption, so unless they’d call their partner or their friends “this girl”, we do in fact know that isn’t the case.

    Since this is an airport those lines are likely for different services, not just 3 options for the same service.

    If something you’re doing is annoying an entire group of people around you and they’re all asking you to stop, then 9 times out of 10 what you’re doing is inconsiderate. There’s no good reason to just stand there ignoring everyone else instead of moving with the line and conserving space other than because you only care about how you personally feel on principle and your desire to die on a really stupid hill.

    If her choice just affected her then that’d be one thing, but she’s forcing her choice on everyone in line behind her regardless of whether they want to keep moving or not. If she wants to stand in place and wait so badly then she can ask someone in front or behind her to remember her place in line and let her back in later (most people are willing to agree to this if asked politely), then she can stand off to the side until her spot gets to the front, and go back to where she was once it’s her turn, then everyone gets what they want.


    If she wants to stand in place and wait so badly then she can ask someone in front or behind her to remember her place in line and let her back in later (most people are willing to agree to this if asked politely), then she can stand off to the side until her spot gets to the front, and go back to where she was once it’s her turn, then everyone gets what they want.

    We can all do that! Just remember what order we were in and stand off to the side until our turn in order comes up. Though, to make sure no one gets in other’s way when it’s our turn, we should stand off to the side in order of who’s place in line is first. Then we can all just stand off out of the way, all queued up!

    Wait… what’s that? You’re saying I just made a whole other line in a different spot in a less efficient layout and not the area selected by the airport as closest to our destination? And this person’s “system” only works because she’s the only one doing it and she thinks that she’s figured out a cheat-code for life, but is actually an asshole?

    Society would break down if everyone just did the thing that was best just for them with no credence given to anyone else. The only reason she’s able to get away with doing this kind of thing is because everyone else cares more about moving on with their life and the established systems moving forward rather than grinding them to a halt to get her on board. It doesn’t make her more logical. It makes her more selfish.


    You can say and do literally anything online. I’d need empirical proof, like the actual OP posting photos with the girl more or something substantial. Not a fucking twitter/X reply to a screenshot of a reddit post from a rage-bait farm.

    Until then, this is a hypothetical situation. But in this hypothetical situation, we know there is at least one person behind her. We can estimate there’s at least not enough people to spill into the main area based on the remaining space in the photo showing the last section of the line empty. We gather that data based on a reliable presumption that the neighboring line-ups are fairly identical. At most, anyone behind her is feeling the mad breakdown of societal rules stripping away and beind made fun of in the actual post.

    The only context I’m missing is airport procedure, it’s been awhile. I don’t know if one must line up at a specific line for departure check-in.

    If she was actually causing problems and being snarky about it, I’d be on that drama. I just don’t see the evidence for being mad, especially for people feeling a little anxious over something that’s probably relieving her of anxiety. Fuck lines and chill out until it’s time. Moving will not change the fact you have to wait.


    The person who took the picture is presumably the one who wrote the caption, so unless they’d call their partner or their friends “this girl”, we do in fact know that isn’t the case.

    Social media and “like” counts make that statement invalid.


    I’d argue it’s always inconsiderate if there is even one person behind her


    But it’s just a feeling of progress not actual progress. Whether she moves or not there’s still the same amount of people ahead of you in queue. Plus it’s an airport you queue for the airline that you booked with there’s no decision of queue to impact. The only actual factor is whether or not it spills out past the barriers so she can periodically check and move if that’s the case


    The feeling of progress literally affects how our brains perceive time. We experience it passing more quickly when we are moving and feel like we are progressing. To our brains and our perception of time, it very much is the same as actual progress.


    Yes and the whole point of the post is about pursuing perfect rationality which means only caring about facts and logic not perception.


    True rationality and logic would not dismiss perception. Time is literally relative. How the brain perceives the passage of time and the factors that affect it is a fact of biology. If you perceive time as passing more slowly when you aren’t moving, then being forced to stand still will literally make it take longer for you from your frame of reference.


    Absolutely… the subjective experience is an objective fact.


    Considering the feelings of others is a thing though, and many airlines have multiple queues even for the single airline. I guess it depends on how large the airport is but the consideration of others remains. Traveling is stressful, why add to that just because you can?


    Yes the point of the post is that a single person acting perfectly rationally will be seen as mad by a civil society which is also perfectly illustrated by people saying “yes that does make sense logically but what about my irrational emotional perception of time?”


    It’s less work for everyone involved, because they have to pick up their things fewer times.

    The length of the line is determined by how many people are in it, not how close they are standing to each other. Being up in the business of the person in front of you doesn’t make anything go faster.

    Also it would be beneficial to a person joining this line, because it has less people in it compared to other wines of the same apparent length.

    So the only people who are actually negatively affected are the ones who join other lines. And the neurotic who get irrationally angry at seeing the gap.


    Personally I would rather pick my heavy stuff up for shorter stretches, especially if there’s more than I can carry at once. Can you imagine the chaos of her moving forward 20 feet and each person behind her having to carry two bags forward 20 feet and then run back for their other bag/pet carrier/baby car seat? Especially if they don’t wait for each other? Or someone tries to help but now the helpee can’t say they’re the only one who’s handled that bag? Dragging everything 3 feet at a time is hugely preferable.


    That ONLY assumes that everyone is perfectly aware enough to not cause the line to extend out of the allotted area, AND nobody misses the fact that the front of the line moved far enough that they never cause a pause at the front. Assuming everyone has the ability to do this means that there shouldn’t have been a line in the first place. (and nobody has their face in their phone, like the person in the picture)


    The line staying in the allotted area doesn’t make TSA work any faster. But you’ll get no argument from me that the people near the front of the line need to be paying attention.


    losing a feeling of progress

    Right, that’s why it says perfectly rationally. If someone is really being perfectly rational they should only care about how long they wait inine, not a feeling of how long they wait. I don’t think being “perfectly rational” is something folks should strive to do.


    Fuck everyone else though right? That doesn’t sound rational does it? In that case why even wait in the line? Just walk to the front because that will shorten your time

    synceDD, avatar

    Nice strawman bro


    Right, it’s illustrating the foolishness of endlessly pursuing “rationality”, it’s not something people should do. I literally said it’s not a good thing. Just because something is rational doesn’t make it good. Humans are emotional beings.


    Not only is it the same amount of wait time, but you have to pick up and put down your suitcase less times.


    If you can’t lift your bags, pack less.


    I don’t think the person’s behaviour is rational at all. The queues in an airport are set up like they are for a good reason, to maximize the amount of people queuing in a given area. That is the rational behind the setup.
    The person in the picture is ruining the system based in the time being spent queueing. But she is not considering the space taken up by the queue as a whole. Not very rational.


    Being impolite isn’t the same as being irrational.


    Except being rational is not void of emotional reasoning, so “perfectly rational” does not mean “thinking without any emotional logic involved whatsoever”. This person isn’t thinking rationally, they’re just thinking very literally.


    I think rational in this context doesn’t include emotional logic. I see your point though. I’m just saying I think they’re using the word differently than you.


    If it doesn’t include emotional logic when humans are fundamentally emotional beings, then it’s not rational.


    Which is why I think it’s clear they’re using the term rational differently and not including emotional logic.

    sbv, to voyagerapp in Christian (Apollo Dev) on contributing to Voyager

    by the screenshots it looks like I’ve done plenty

    Voyager is a copy of the Apollo UI. He’s entirely right when he says he’s already contributed significantly.

    I don’t blame him for being grumpy, but I also think it’s legit to clone a decent UI. As Voyager matures the UIs will diverge.

    phoneymouse, (edited )

    He is becoming a bit stuck on the whole Reddit situation. He keeps sharing nostalgic posts about Apollo. It sucks what happened, but it’s time for him to find a new gig… I know he likes pixel pals, but that isn’t for me. I did pay for his mobile html inspector, but it’s buggy and not well supported.


    Ya like I empathize with him but I know if I refuse to allow peopleto continue using somethingthry love, they find a way around it. That is the techie ethos, at least it is to me. Seize the means of production hehe

    iliketoshare, to piracy in Nintendo submit Yuzu DMCA request to Internet Archive

    Since they’re back at it again I have to jump onto my alt and re-share the fact that I totally backed up Yuzu’s source code, their progress reports, their Github issues pages + pull requests, and all the latest available binaries right before it got taken off of Github. No illicit materials in my archive (ROMS/Firmwares/Keys). Freely available as a torrent.

    Otherwise I wish the best of luck to the nascent Suyu project.


    Thanks. Just added this to my torrent server and will seed until the server dies

    Appoxo, (edited ) avatar

    Shit I might add it to my collection of stuff I tagged “Forever :)”
    Right now only the rarbg_db torrent is on it with a ratio of 46x (17gb upload).

    Appoxo, avatar

    I don’t seem to be able to add the magnet. Can you check if the link is still valid and if yes, give me a reply?


    The magnet link is very alive. I haven’t stopped seeding it, but there are clearly other seeds with far better connections than mine in the swarm.

    Appoxo, avatar

    Weird. My seedbox was unable to convert it to a torrent.
    I never had issues with me inserting magnet links.

    Anyway I solved it with a magnet to torrent converter.

    moistclump, to hmmm in hmmm

    His shirt. lol.

    magnetosphere avatar

    I’ve seen this pic before, but never paid attention to his shirt. Nice!


    This guy is based af


    not supposed to talk about fight club


    I love the commitment

    haulyard, avatar

    ShitiBank omg! 😂


    City Wok vibes

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