thefartographer, to news in Palestinian girl filming Israeli soldiers gets shot at in the West Bank

I’m kinda in a political vacuum and, being Jewish, am kinda shielded from being called antisemitic, but are people for realsies being called antisemitic for saying statements like “a little girl was filming from her house when the IDF shot her,” or is it more hyperbolic than literal? I mean, I’ve known some assholes from the Jewish community who would probably pull that shit to get out of an argument, but does anyone actually listen to them? I mean, I’m not gonna take hygiene tips from someone covered in dog shit…

Either way, selfishly, I just want my family in Israel to be safe; idealistically, the Israeli state should have been checked before it had even gotten to this point. You can’t destroy people’s lives and homes and then think they’re gonna roll over when you corner them.

I hope against all logic that there’s a quick and less lethal end to all this. After that, it’d sure be fucking great to see some repercussions for war crimes and crimes against humanity for once. I can’t even imagine what the poor Palestinian survivors of this are gonna be like when it’s all over. How can you ever go back to any reasonable form of daily living?


Yes, it’s a shame, but tbf Israelis really freaked out after Oct 7 and now see threats everywhere.

There was a strong supporting reaction at first, but then the Israelis started saying some dark things and some people are starting to feel an awkward vibe.

Hamas needs to be rooted out, it’s just a lot of Israelis seem to see all gazans as hamas now, which is problematic, and lash out with “antisemitism!” When people try to deescalate.

salarua, avatar

it’s just a lot of Israelis seem to see all gazans as hamas now, which is problematic genocidal

fixed it for you


I think I get what you were going for with that correction. Wanna know their government’s secret though, Cap? They’re always angry genocidal.


Yeah, October 7th was pretty fucked up, but it’s not like Israelis aren’t under constant threat. What sucks is that kind of fear leads to suspicion and a strange flavor of xenophobia I’ve never really seen from other countries…

But I can tell you that, in a way, Israelis didn’t necessarily see Gazans as Hamas before, but they sure as fuck saw them as an other and a threat. I swear, the things I heard from even my most liberal Israeli family members was shocking. “They just breed like rabbits,” “they want to be in power so they can oppress us,” “they can’t hold their own elections because they’ll just vote for terrorists.” And then the most religious citizens of their country live part of the year in NYC, have so many kids that they forget to vaccinate them, and vote for Trump and Netanyahu in two separate elections.

driving_crooner, avatar

It’s a joke about how everything is a hamas base in the eyes of the IDF army, and the answer from the Israeli government to any criticism calling it anti semitism.


Thank you for that answer! Fuck the terrorists in government on both sides destroying all the beautiful people between them. Also, I’ve met some non-beautiful people in both countries. So fuck them too, but small-scale.

Deceptichum avatar

Yes people really do for realises pull out the antisemitism remarks when it comes to criticism of Israel.

Honestly wouldn’t put it past being official policy for Israeli astroturfing/propaganda a la JIDF shenanigans.


I was gonna tell you to be careful with that JIDF stuff cuz conspiracies lead to blah blah blah and then did a quick look on ecosia. Jesus Christ my people suck sometimes…

Bwaz, to ukraine in "We will not stop at Kyiv, Warsaw, Paris. We will stop when we feel secure." - Russian propagandist Solovyov

Because Russia is being invaded so often.


Well, sure, a few weeks ago, Napoleon invaded it. Oh, wait, that was 1812…


I mean, let’s not forget Hitler…




The famous painter. His recent art piece is his brain scattered across the wall. Truly a masterpiece.


Historically, their brand of propaganda is rooted in almost millennia-long trauma the Russian people have suffered since Genghis Khan took over Russia back in the 1200’s, and other assholes have tried to invade them before.

Their way of dealing with it was to expand to have large swaths of land between them and anyone who’d try again. It’s why Russia is the largest country in the world by land area but only small parts of that land are actually developed.

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

small parts of that land are actually developed.

To a mid-century standard at best, let’s be fair.


True. Still, history is history. I wish there was a way to heal the trauma of the Russian people so they stop submitting to dictators and acting like this.

Grant_M, to ukraine in “War takes the best of us... but we are not ready to give our freedom to this f***ing terrorist Putin. That's it. That's why we are fighting.” Zelenskyy said in an interview with NBC News. avatar

Fuck terrorist Putin

TinyPizza, (edited )
TinyPizza avatar

How is Putin a terrorist?

Edit: I don't support Putin or Russia in the slightest, I was baiting out a genocide apologist above me to agree that murdering countless civilians is terrorism. If you support the wholesale murder of Palestinian civilians, go on and eat dirt. This has obviously confused some people and I'm sorry for that. It was not my intent to upset you and create a Poe's Law ouroboros.


This was dumb. The edit was dumb, you’re dumb.

Grant_M, avatar

Putin is mass murdering Ukrainian civilians.

TinyPizza avatar

Israel has killed more civilians in a month. Thank you Grant. You proved my point.


Classic whataboutism. Completely separate conflicts.

TinyPizza avatar

Indeed, so classic

Grant_M, avatar

piss off russian troll

TinyPizza avatar

Lol, I will always support Ukraine, as the flag on my house that I've replaced 3 times now will attest to. Glory to the heros. No glory for you Grant or the terrorists you support. Slava Ukraine!


Thank you for your kind support 🙏

theodewere avatar

it is an idiotic question that needs to be downvoted.. you are an idiot for asking it..

TinyPizza avatar

Damn, friendship ended I guess. Were the guillotine jokes for nothing man? You changed.


liberals have the political spine of a tube of jello

theodewere avatar

more drama

bloopernova, avatar

Gotta love Connect for Lemmy on Android, it has user tagging. For instance “asshole troll”.

ViperActual, avatar

Oh neat, didn’t know it had this feature, thanks!


As a state actor, Putin is indeed probably not technically a terrorist. He just walks like one and quacks like one, as the saying goes.

But as you see, the hive mind seems to like using the term here. And trolling anyone isn’t really going to be productive.

downpunxx, to ukraine in “War takes the best of us... but we are not ready to give our freedom to this f***ing terrorist Putin. That's it. That's why we are fighting.” Zelenskyy said in an interview with NBC News.
downpunxx avatar

there it is. no notes.

TinyPizza avatar

Maybe some brief notes on the Islamofascist scourge? Perhaps a post it on how to boost every comment that you'll ever make till the heat death of the universe...

Jaysyn, to ukraine in The wife of a Russian soldier complains that they've received absolutely no money.
Jaysyn avatar

Good. Fuck .

someguy3, to ukraine in Clearing rocket debris from Ukranian soil

This always gets me about war. Bullets are made of lead and it’s just being sprayed over all your cropland. Sigh.


Bullets are made of lead

for the military: not anymore. lead for bullets is only used for hunting nowadays and even there it is banned in many countries (being replaced by copper or zinc instead). the core of military small arms projectiles is usually steel or a special penetrator (i.e. tungsten)


That’s what I was thinking about as well: munitions like rockets contain a crap load of bad chemicals in them, what’s this doing to the fields used for food crops?

theotherone avatar

Add that to the list of why this conflict matters. That food goes everywhere in the world.

Burn_The_Right, to ukraine in Bakhmut direction, the Russians are dropping phosphorus bombs on the positions of our soldiers.

When a country invades a neighbor using phosphorus bombs, they are giving open permission for phosphorus bombs to be used in their country as well. There should be no complaints from Vlad Puta if phosphorus bombs started landing in Moscow.

I know everyone wants Ukraine to take the “moral high ground”, but when only one country is permitted to engage in heinous acts like this, it gives an extreme and unfair advantage to the offending country. If they win because of their advantages, it is worth it to them. The only way it becomes NOT worth it to them is when those horrific measures are recieved in return. Otherwise, why return fire in the event of a nuclear strike? The credible threat of suffering the same fate is how you stop the threat. Phosphorus bombs should be used on targets within Russia if we want any chance of them reconsidering the use of such weapons.


Yeah and Ukraine would instantly lose, a lot of, support from the EU and probably the USA.

There is a reason why some things are bad, enough people here (in the EU but obviously elsewhere too) know that.


Well, Israel does it against civilian population and nobody is blinking an eye, US is even giving them now weapons.

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

I disagree. A failure to move the lines across the border into Russia would lead to a loss (and a much greater loss of life overall), as Putin will never, ever stop on his own. Only disease, Russians or Ukranians will be able to end him and his war. And so far, disease and Russians are not stopping him.


AFAIK phosphorus bombs are allowed as long as only soldiers are targeted. Sadly so.

circuscritic, (edited )

Attacks that kill Russian civilians are very likely a real possibility as this war drags on, and they’re likely to get a bit of diplomatic wiggle room when that occurs. Not outright support, but probably not a significant amount of actual political blowback, aside from public statements.

However, burning civilians alive with white phosphorus, would almost certainly be a terrible move for Ukraine. If the goal is to build pressure within the Russian population on Putin to end the war, I think videos of women and children being burned alive would have the opposite effect and only build/retrench Russian domestic support for a long war. As well the risk of real diplomatic blowback from their external partners.

Also, and you know, it’s a horrific and barbaric act.


I agree with you about the risk that the Russian population is less likely to put pressure on Puta to stop the war. But, currently, they are not placing any real pressure on Puta at all.

A significant portion of the population is, unfortunately, conservative and in support of the war. The intelligent Russians, however, are already opposed and will not be easily fooled into supporting the war. I don’t think these lines will move much, even if the war starts hitting them at home. The conservatives who are not vocally supportive were already not going to oppose the war, no matter how long it lasts.

I think the two possible outcomes of bombing them in their homes is either continued (but louder) support for the war or louder voices opposing it. I think most Russians already have strong opinions on the matter that will not be reversed by local bombings (even horrific ones).


The majority of the Russian population is actually depoliticized. The goal of attacks on Russian soil is done specifically to re-politicize them and do so in a way that advances the goal of ending the war.

I would recommend you watch some of Vlad Vexler’s videos on the subject. He’s a Soviet born political philosopher who lives in the UK. He does a much better job explaining this subject, including why Ukraine can and will expand the war further into Russia as it drags on, and what the goal of that should be, amongst many other subjects.


Thank you for the suggestion. I will look into him.


So you (would) support those barbaric acts?

I mean, just so I can put you in the right bucket.

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

This is Russia’s war. These acts are playing by the rules Russia insists upon.

Would you have Ukraine just take an endless onslaught of “barbaric acts” from Russia without any regard for the common rules of war? Because that is what will happen if Russia’s heinous violence is not brought right back to them.

Let Russians experience war-torn homes and villages for themselves. Let them experience the hell that Russia has visited upon Ukraine every day for the last 2 years so they can decide if they still support Pinche Puta and his genocide of Ukrainians.

circuscritic, (edited )

Unless you want Ukraine’s strategy to be forced into an insurgency fighting a full occupation, they need Western weapons and munitions to keep the up the current fight.

You’re advocating that they literally start intentionally burning civilians alive, which would be one the quickest and more surefire way to end that support, which is already becoming more fragile as the war drags on.

Ukraine is an extensional fight for survival and I DON’T believe in overly moralizing the deaths of Russian civilians, but how they are actually killed matters. If they are nearby an assassins bomb, or an exploding military factory, is entirely different then launching banned weapons like White Phosphorus over their town for the express purpose of burning them alive.

If you’re Ukrainian, I understand the impulse. However I stand by my assessment of how that type of attack will ultimately blowback and critically impact your ability to win this war on your own terms, but I get it the raw hatred.

If you’re a Western observer, I’m genuinely concerned about you, and others like you. This level of dehumanizing civilians and wanting to see them burned alive is poisonous, both to your own mental health, but also to public discourse, and ultimately, to Ukraine’s ability to defeat Russia regain full control of it’s country, and secure their right to self determination.

exapsy, (edited )

I dont think this is a wise way to think.

You can say the same thing about HAMAS and Israelis? Like would you support if Israeli started now raping women, not bombing after saying to evacuate Gaza, but literally killing them with guns on the point, children, defendless people, innocent ones who had done nothing, torture them. Would you still support Israelis if they were starting to do that?

Morality is not a reverse competition, like lol. It’s not about “Oh, you used a Nuclear bomb? I use a nuclear bomb, we all use a nuclear bomb”. Morality is about stopping this whole sht. Israelis are trying to neutralize HAMAS and their supporters, and obviously HAMAS told their supporters to stay at homes at Gaza and Gaza is the one that voted or supported HAMAS for more than a decade. So, their supporters are now at Gaza whether they want or not Im sorry but they’ll die, because they simply seem to support Raping women, killing innocent children, attacking from nowhere a country, undressing a woman and placing her on a tree and cheering. Like these are attrocities who none should commit. It’s NOT a fucking competition. And unfortunately, as war is hell and always chaotic, unfortunately innocent people who never supported such things are the minority and some may die too. Unfortunately. But the majority of Gaza is the one that supported the HAMAS being their “government”. Nobody seemed to complain, like we would do at Europe for Macron, Trump, or any president that did something bad.

If you support such atrocities, Im sorry but I dont think you belong to a peaceful humanity. You should either be placed in jail, or in a war … die so we don’t have people that support such atrocities anymore.

Same with Ukraine and Russian war. Just because Phorphorus was used on the one side, does not mean that you’ve got the moral high ground of using phosphorus too. It is not … a competition. End of story.

It’s about neutralizing the target that used Phorphorus in the first place, not about using it against them. It’s about neutralizing the target that raped your families, your women, killed your children, supports an organization that does commit such attrocities. Not about doing the same to them.

Peace by neutralizing a target is the end goal, not catastrophy of both countries and competing at who will commit more war crimes.

Tosti, (edited ) avatar

Purged by creator


The targets would be military targets exactly as Puta claims their targets are military. Russia often stores or manufactures assets in populated areas, unfortunately.

CookieJarObserver, to crazyfuckingvideos in Israeli airstrike levels an entire high-rise building called "Palestinian Tower", alleged to be the HQ of Hamas.

In difference to the animals inside this thing the Israeli military doesn’t target civilians…

NOT_RICK, to ukraine in Ukrainian special services fighting Wagner PMC in Sudan with snipers and drones avatar

I suppose the idea is to kill them in Sudan so they can’t come fight in Ukraine?


I guess that Ukraine are getting paid by the Sudanese government. As a strategy, possibly just trying to hit Russians anywhere they can as a threat. I don’t know if I’m honest. Wouldn’t even surprise me if a third country, such as France, UK or the US, were paying Ukraine to do this.


It’s joint operations with US or NATO special forces, more of a cross training event than anything. NATO gets to learn more about drones, and Ukraine get more familiar with NATO ops. More than likely they were deployed from us bases in djibouti.


Yeah, that makes sense


Payback too

NOT_RICK, avatar

I question the utility of payback when your nation is still under active occupation

Potatofish, to Ukraine_UA in [Video] Steve Rosenberg interviews russians arriving at the patriotic concert on the red square celebrating annexation of Ukrainian regions

The cult of Putin is as strong or stronger than the cult of Trump. The similarities are as bizarre as the people.

Excrubulent, to ukraine in "And it's empty - there's no TNT!" - Invaders received shells without explosives. avatar

There’s a story from WWII about an injured British bomber making it back home and discovering unexploded 20mm rounds in its fuel tank, that certainly would’ve destroyed the plane had they exploded.

When they looked into it, they found the shells were empty, with a note in one of them written in Czech, that said, “This is all we can do for you now. Using Jewish slave labour is never a good idea.”

Seems like maybe this has happened again. Despots never have the level of control they imagine.

joneskind, avatar



Or knowing Russia somebody has been selling the tnt on the side cuz his friend is the one checking the shells and putting them into storage .

Dangdoggo, to crazyfuckingvideos in Bear eats mother and son's tacos right beside them while they both try to stay calm.
Dangdoggo avatar

They easily could have and should have scared that little cub off. I live near Yellowstone and every year some dunderhead tries to get a selfie with a bear or a wolf or whatever so I'm not sure why I'm surprised. A few years ago some folks even put a bison calf in their car on a cold night to help keep it warm? I guess? And the herd ended up rejecting him and they put him down to spare him starvation.


Look, that’s sad and all but I will note that there’s a hotel restaurant in Yellowstone that serves bison veal.

Dangdoggo avatar

Well the hospitality is managed by a private corporation and they definitely aren't using any animals from the park but the irony of that is pretty excellent lmao

Sanctus, to crazyfuckingvideos in Bear eats mother and son's tacos right beside them while they both try to stay calm. avatar

Its a black bear, aren’t these the ones you can scare off pretty easily and are quite docile?


Oppisite, black bears are the ones you cannot play dead with and require you to either hide or fight back

blanketswithsmallpox avatar

For those who can't see vote tallies, this is very incorrect.

FireTower, avatar

Black bears are scavenger more so than predators. If they came across someone who they perceived to be dead they’d likely take at least a probative bite.

I’d imagine who ever had been faking being dead who react in a way that would startle the bear off.

And direct confrontation by appearing to be a threat is a good tactic for black bears, unless it is a sow with her cubs.

CountVon, avatar

Usually yes, but it kinda depends on the bear. Some are so habituated to humans that they won’t actually give much of a shit if you start shouting at them. I wouldn’t be surprised if this bear has spent a lot of time dumpster diving and/or stealing food from campsites, to the point where it doesn’t bother wild foraging anymore and it is not longer concerned by humans and the noises they make. For a bear like that it might be necessary for a game warden or park ranger to tranquilize the bear so it can be relocated to a more remote area. Such a relocation might actually be a death sentence for the bear though, if it never really learned how to survive in the wild.

Edit: I’m actually staying in an area right now that has a significant black bear population. All of the garbage cans are bear-proof, and there are stiff fines for leaving unsecured food or waste accessible to the bears. It’s all part of an effort to avoid having bears end up like the one in the video.

baruchin, avatar

Well, being myself Mexican, and this incident happening in Mexico, we as a country and as population are totally uneducated in wild life matters, so I can almost assure you that this type of incidents surely happen quite frequently, so that’s why I think the bear is so chill eating besides humans.

CountVon, avatar

Where I’m from in Canada, we’ve had lots of problems with black bears in areas where housing overlaps bear habitats. There’s more emphasis now on not creating “problem” bears by avoiding the conditions that would cause them to become habituated to humans and food-conditioned. It’s still an issue but at least there’s a lot more awareness now.


Black fight back. Brown lay down. White good night.


Hire a tour guide so you don’t have to worry about remembering wrong.


Black and white? Don’t fight. Grey? Stay away. Green? Remain unseen. Plaid? That’s real bad. Red? That’s just Fred. Clear? Oh dear… Orange? Make some…more…whinge?


Orange… Throw a door hinge??


Grab your four inch.


It’s… I’m just kinda chilly.


Yes, black bears are the more docile compared to grizzlies. You are supposed to try to scare them off if you aren’t able to avoid them.

This one looks young enough that it’s 50/50 on whether mom is near by though. They should have gotten up and left while it was distracted by their food.

Just_Pizza_Crust, to crazyfuckingvideos in Bear eats mother and son's tacos right beside them while they both try to stay calm.

What a pathetic father. Both people in the video are clearly distressed, but dad’s gotta get those Twitter likes or some shit.


How do you know it’s father?

FlyingSquid, to crazyfuckingvideos in A walrus chased away Russian tourists and blew a hole in their boat near Franz Josef Land. avatar

Slava Walrus!

Wilshire, avatar
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