Gentoo Linux

mgorny, Polish avatar

Ciekawostka: jeśli masz plik .gitignore w jakimkolwiek katalogu nadrzędnym, go przeczyta. Agresywnie. Każdy jeden plik.

Zrobi to nawet wówczas, gdy .gitignore jest poza repozytorium.

Zrobi to nawet wówczas, jeżeli nie ma żadnego repozytorium gita!

Zrobi to nawet wówczas, gdy .gitignore nakazuje ignorować katalog z twoją paczką, czyli kiedy w ogóle nie powinien być traktowany jako część repozytorium.

W tym ostatnim przypadku, zaskoczy cię tworząc archiwum wheel bez jakiegokolwiek pliku .py. I tak, oczywiście, musieliśmy rozkminiać dziwaczny błąd z tego powodu.

Wynajdywanie koła na nowo zwykle nie jest dobrym pomysłem.

xgqt, avatar

is the 1st distro do to from-source compile (according to my research on repology) of 7.4.0 BUT I hit a problem with test needing additional source-generated csharp files. We will have to revise how we do our pwsh distribution tarball.

BTW Is pwsh package just downloading a prebuilt? I cannot read so some NixOS user/dev correct me please. :)

mgorny, Polish avatar

Opublikowałem dziś 0.11. Nowa wersja w końcu radzi sobie z plikami crate z gita, które używają przestrzeni roboczych. Niestety, kod jest paskudny, a ja jestem zbyt wypalony, żeby to zrobić lepiej. Ale powinno działać.

mgorny, Polish avatar

Za sprawą zlecenia z , Inc. (@cJ), sporo paczek Pythona w dorobiła się wsparcia , , Notebook, , , .

Chciałbym także podziękować autorom PyPy za ich wsparcie, zarówno w kwestii poprawiania błędów w PyPy, jak również udzielaniu pomocy innym projektom, by poprawić ich zgodność z PyPy. Praca z wami jest przyjemnością!

Na koniec, poznałem ważny argument za pracą nad wsparciem PyPy w projektach: nawet jeśli dana paczka nie działa szybciej na PyPy, to może być zależnością w większym projekcie, w którym PyPy ogółem przynosi lepszą wydajność.

peppe, avatar

Used the minimal iso. Switched to the testing branch. Used the no-multilib profile (not the KDE desktop one). Layered stuff on top. It helps I know exactly which applications I want. Edited some conf files and learned a lot about USE flags. Applied as well. 15 hours later and KDE (superlean) on Gentoo is up and running. And it was great to do. More tomorrow, it's been a long, but gratifying day.

#gentoo #learnlinux


kid says this is the farthest he has ever gotten and he's got zero intention of stopping. I feel like we Linux users should have some form of a Medal of Honor for people like this.

Wyatt, avatar

I am proof that anyone can brute force a Gentoo install and just stay with it. I feel like after trying to learn/teach myself something Gentoo related, it takes 3+ hours of racking my brain


@Wyatt Lol if you can get it to boot, you're golden!

But I like the brain hurt it gives me on occasion and portage really is the bee's knee's.

mgorny, Polish avatar

Ostatnio powtórnie wziąłem się za portowanie paczek do Pythona 3.12 w , i muszę powiedzieć, że idzie znacznie łatwiej, jak już poradziliśmy sobie z najbardziej problematycznymi przypadkami. Teraz paczki albo po prostu działają, albo wymagają pociągnięcia zmian z repozytorium autorów, wzięcia gotowej łatki przesłanej wcześniej autorom bądź prostych poprawek, które mogę sam przygotować i wysłać.

Najczęstsze problemy, z jakimi ostatnio się spotykałem to testy używające przestarzałych aliasów metod (np. assertEquals(), czy assertMatchesRegexp()) i przypadkowe użycia assert foo.called_once() zamiast foo.assert_called_once() w mockach. Jedno i drugie łatwo poprawić za pomocą seda.


Okay, level with me: I have legit textbooks shorter than the AMD64 Handbook, or at least it feels like it. I don't even know what some of these options mean and I'm still on booting. I can't even tell what's actually important here.

If I pick a bad option, will my computer blow up? Because this is a lot of options and again, I am still at Booting and apparently installation is a ten step process.

RyunoKi, avatar

@seperis Feel ya.

*Remembers the time putting Gentoo on an eeePC


Pretty proud of myself. Finally got real on real hardware now! 🎉 And somehow didn't blow away my permanent @EndeavourOS install 😅

I need to figure out wifi and sound, but I'm almost there


@Wyatt actually had to give up on systemd boot myself and just go tried and true grub. Gonna give it another go one of these days, or just switch it out later, but for now, It’s humming along just fine


@Wyatt Good advice! I’ll look into niceness

cs, (edited ) avatar

How do you pronounce Gentoo?

hund, avatar

@cs It's pronounced the same way you say "gen two". Gen being short for generation.

cs, avatar

I vote 1 and 3. This was, of course, an attempt at humor, and I don’t care how you say GIF.

However, it was spurred by a video of an online influencer on YouTube, who pronounced the distro as Gentoo with g as in gone. I thought it was kind of peculiar.


I should quit disabling IPv6 globally and grow up

dgar, avatar

never grow up! 😆

dentangle, avatar

At some point earlier this year I started typing emerge -U (--changed-use) instead of -u (--upgrade) and now it seems I have a whole bunch of upgrades to catch up on.

I thought things had been quiet 🤪

mgorny, Polish avatar

Ja: użyjmy stabilnej gałęzi na tym sprzęcie, bo jest zbyt cienki, żeby często go aktualizować.

Także ja: fajno, właśnie zmarnowałem ponad 30 godzin na stabilną wersję webkit-gtk, która — jak się okazuje — nie kompiluje się.

pfm, avatar

@mgorny Leżenie to najbardziej stabilna pozycja, co nie? :blobfoxnerd:

thedoh, avatar

TIFU by not updating my box for...a while.

How long?

binutils-libs is screaming at me that my toolchain is broken

openssl is long EOL (gulp)

and cmake is masked now?

and that's just the masked packages, not the inevitable untangling of package conflicts.

gabrielesvelto, avatar

@thedoh a trick I used to fix something like that on an installation that hadn't seen an update in years is via an old snapshot of portage.

I cloned the GitHub repo, and did a bit of bisection to find a point where I could upgrade safely. Then I worked from there. It took me 2-3 iterations.

x0r, avatar

It’s now the second time that, when updating my box, this happens:

pipewire[31450]: segfault at 7fab31fb3020 ip 00007fab3803aa4e sp 00007fab32ebafc0 error 4 in[7fab38015000+4c000] likely on CPU 1 (core 1, socket 0)

leaving my computer without any sound until I do something about it. Is there a way to get my sound back without rebooting the whole system? It’s rather annoying, and it feels like sound on has become a mess.

alarig, avatar
dev_ric, avatar

Today feels like the day to finally update this laptop. I run GNU so updates don't pull automatically, and it's been a while, since I last did this...

Total: 759 packages (605 upgrades, 37 new, 14 in new slots, 103 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 8,034,096 KiB

8GB of updates to pull through and compile! 😬

Also, I'm still running Kernel 5.15 and this is pulling the source for 6.1... can I be bothered to build a 6.1 kernel? Any notable changes to make that worthwhile?

gabrielesvelto, avatar

@dev_ric unless your machine is very recent I wouldn't bother with kernel 6.1. You can stick to the 5.15 series which is still receiving patches and still marked as stable (using the gentoo-sources) package

dev_ric, avatar

@gabrielesvelto it's a 2 year old laptop and the hardware is fully supported by my current, so I guess I'll resist then, thanks.

Actually, that's a bit of a lie... I had to build my own script which runs in the background to check for changes to the screens and recalibrate, otherwise closing the lid etc totally messes up the touchscreen tracking. If 6.1 stops this from being needed, then that'd save some CPU usage, I suppose... but that's a lot of work to find out 🤔

flameeyes, avatar

Oh hey it's now 14 years since my second most controversial decisions in #Gentoo: using #nano as default editor (for sudo and others)

thedoh, avatar

@flameeyes hot take: This was a GOOD DECISION, actually!

flameeyes, avatar

@thedoh I'm glad for the support :D

To be honest, though I don't stand by every decisions I made while in Gentoo, and I know for sure I didn't behave in a way that I would agree with nowadays, but for my two controversial ones (the other being removing XMMS), I think I did take the right decision after all.


Happy 24th Birthday, Gentoo Linux!

Named after the ‘fastest swimming underwater penguin’ #Gentoo is built to fine-tune the performance of hardware, giving users more control over the efficiency of their device.

Thank you, Gentoo community for building a great #opensource resource that people benefit from all over the world! 🐧🎂

#LPI #FOSS #tech #sysadmin #IT #technology #hardware #Linux #BSD

itsfoss, avatar

Gentoo turns 24 today!! 🐧 🥂

#gentoo #linux

JoMomma, avatar

@itsfoss has it finished compiling yet?

itsfoss, avatar

@JoMomma 😅

linuxuserspace, avatar

Today in User Space
🖥️We live the life
🔥Use only the BEST browsers
☎️Take calls from our favorite listeners
🍨Get the real immutability scoop from @jorge
🐧And defend our chops!


If you are new to please, don't use ~amd64

im really lucky recovering system to working state after openrc 0.50

So... i disabled flag sysvinit and enabled sysv-utils

i need to dig into that and probably i will move to stable but ... hey, i survived! 😅


@Wyatt After update to 0.50 i couldn't reboot or poweroff because ... s6? "s6-linux-init-hpr: fatal: unable to talk to shutdownd: Operation not permitted".

After forced reset, i found my system boots but didn't complete full sequence.

i found sysv-utils as tmp solution. Not really sure what's going on here and how to handle that... so, in any case this is my 'solution'.


@Wyatt @sourcerer
the problem is actually due to:


emerge --unmerge s6 s6-linux-init
emerge -vD sysvinit

After that, everything should work again under

dwarmstrong, avatar

Spending some quality time with the Gentoo Linux AMD64 Handbook. Going to do an install this weekend!

dwarmstrong, avatar

@sci_photos Thank-you!

dwarmstrong, avatar

@gi124 Arch is good. Gentoo is something completely new to me. 🙂


Also why I generally dislike docker/flatpak/appimage for distributing applications: you end up with dozens of copies of each "shared" library, and every application's team has to publish an updated version every time a vulnerability is discovered in one of the libraries (and you have to install them all separately)
In my ​:gentoo:​ systems, I have exactly 1 copy of, and updating that one copy is enough to protect all my applications


flameeyes, avatar

God, users are such insufferable people...

elected to bundle an old version [of libwebp]

Really? This PoS makes it sound like had a choice to not bundle third-party libs.

Hey asshole, maybe you've forgotten that Pale Moon is not just a Linux browser, but also a Windows and macOS one. Tell me how your beloved system libs will help those platforms, you smartass


@withoutclass @mima is just full of insane people obsessed with the tiniest bits of optimizations that ultimately don't matter and can even be harmful. You don't understand as you don't deal every other week with people from this distro asking you for support in the software you develop only to find out that their batshit insane build configuration is the culprit to their problem and therefore wasting time for everyone involved.

There's a reason why there was literally a website in the 2000s made specifically to mock these Gentoo people:

Now there are definitely a few people who are pretty fine I'm sure. I can respect those in Gentoo involved in the OpenRC project for example. Unfortunately they're a very small minority.

Until the Gentoo community as a whole gets rid of this weird and harmful obsession of optimizing at all costs, and actually starts respecting developer intent when compiling software, Gentoo will continue to give me a bad impression.

withoutclass, avatar

@job @mima there's a broad lesson in there about vocal minorities IMO.

While I can empathize with the situation you may be in and the very real mental suffering you experience as a result of the actions of others, generalizing all the users of Gentoo is an error.

Even the handbook, the thing that users first encounter, says that many optimizations end up doing more harm than good :)

Adorable_Sergal, avatar

Running into an interesting situation where #Gentoo #Linux only has v1.69 of #RustLang marked in the stable branch, but pretty much any cool little app I want to build is insisting on v1.70 or higher in the unstable branch. Upgrading is a no-go as it triggers a conflicting dependency in the same package slot, so I guess I just sit around and wait?

aburka, avatar

@Adorable_Sergal ehh, rustup is nothing like pip though. To make any kind of analogy to the extremely cursed world of python packaging, it's more like pyenv. Glad your distro updated though!


@Adorable_Sergal Ah yes, I do too, as much as I can. I dislike pip as well, but rustup is very okay, because it’s lightweight and well, I use Debian stable, so as a Rust dev who started 2015 I basically had to use it.

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