
Stupid shape for a can too, tips over In a vehicles cup holder


Shady backdoor deal with bounty I bet


Uses more aluminum to store the same amount of liquid too.

gamermanh, avatar

You sure about that?

Cylinders of the same volume will have the same area, so it should be the same amount of aluminum?

Maybe less, even, since the lid and bottom are thicker than the sides and on the taller can there’s less of that thick top/bottom


That can’t be true.

Consider a cylinder cut in half, giving a circular cross section. Cover each new circular gap with new aluminum.

Now you’ve enclosed the same volume in cylinders, with a different surface area.

gamermanh, avatar

You also created 2 cylinders where once there was one, which is not what was being discussed. You even mention that you added material:

Cover each new circular gap with new aluminum

I could have said “2 cylinders of the same volume” but I felt context made that clear


Yes I did say that I added material. That’s the point: you cannot do this transformation without adding material.

But you’re saying this is only with two cylinders?


The easiest way to imagine how cylinders have different surface area for a given volume, is imagine how closely a shape matches a sphere, it should have a lower surface area.

Imagine a soda can with the width of one water molecule. The cross section of that can would be on the order of four aluminum atoms for that hair thin can. Then imagine a can that’s nearly a cube or a sphere and how all the liquid can be hiding behind other liquid atoms: hence fewer can atoms per liquid volume.

Blood vessels have high surface area. A pint of blood has low.

Jonnynny, things like the bevel, wall thickness, etc. Just calculating for a basic right cylinder, you can see how the surface area changes for different heights with a constant volume. I’ve outlined the standard dimensions of a can(inches).


I always thought that narrower pressure vessels could contain higher pressure, because the curvature is more severe, meaning that for a vessel that needs to retain a similar level of pressure, you could just use less material in the walls of the vessel. Is this not the case with these new cans, and they have the same wall thickness, or is the tradeoff just one that still works out to be in favor of more total aluminum usage?

Jonnynny, (edited )

Force inside a cylinder vessel is just pressure times surface area. If you have the same pressure(soda carbonation) with more surface area, then you are putting less force on the walls. I don’t have any specialty in the materials engineering for canning, but i suppose less force on the walls means you could use thinner materials. However, soda can walls are already pretty thin to start with and from what I can find online, the tops are usually 2.5-3 times thicker. So, I could see it potentially cutting some cost from the tops by making them thinner but i doubt they are manufacturing different tops. It’s probably just marketing.

gamermanh, avatar

I had a feeling it’d math out something like that if I opened my fat mouth, lol

I do wonder if thickness of the walls or lid/bottom does have an effect, though, as there must be some reason they make these weird ass cans


In the grand scheme of things, it’s not using much more. And if the prices are correct in OP, the markup on the new can is way higher than any extra cost they are incurring from additional raw materials. They probably had some marketing study show that a taller looking can makes consumer’s less angry about a price increase or some other crazy nonsense.


The lid uses more aluminum than the rest of the can, making that smaller will have a bigger impact than the height of the can.


and both of those cans use the same size lid

TonyTonyChopper, avatar

a sphere (think bubbles) minimizes area for a given volume


there must be some reason

Just a marketing trick IIRC, since energy drinks got popular and beer cans got unpopular among gen z.


True, look at the seltzer market for instance.

Swedneck, avatar

pretty sure it just lets them fit more cans into the same box for shipping, same logic as how you can pack more sand into a box than you can pebbles


same size top/bottom for both; only difference is that the standard has a wider body bevel, and the sleek can goes nearly straight down. same lid on both cans, as well. not sure what it does for the scaled material cost, but since the lid is by far the most expensive part, it’s probably negligible, compared to the ability to inflate the price on a taller can.

I can’t fully explain the trend, but ready-to-drink (RTD) alcoholic beverages are a big hit for the industry, and even moreso when presented in the truly/high noon shape. maybe it’s a generational thing? I don’t get it, but I’m also not the target demographic.

bonus fact: the conversion costs of filling sleek cans is pretty steep for most independent brewers, so craft beer will take a couple years to adapt, if ever.


I thought the cand were extruded from discs… Maybe they use a larger disc, but I think the taller cans have thinner walls.



Also more surface area, so it will warm up sooner (I think?)

mindlight, (edited )

We’ve had those bottles for years now here in Sweden.

The reason for the change to the taller thinner can is because the amount of aluminium used in the top and bottom is less. The top and bottom in an aluminum can is the thickest parts.

The price increase has nothing to do with it though…


How is the top smaller though? It looks identical. There must be another reason.


Search on YouTube to see how aluminium cans are made you understand why to “lid” and bottom is where the aluminium is thicker (as compared to the “walls”).


I don’t mean it’s not thicker, i mean it looks like it has the same diameter.


While the chapter can statement us true, they definitely took the chance to up the price if the dates match. Capitalism at it’s best.


They “proved” the trick works by a couple years back, releasing some different flavors in that shape can. Too many of us paid the premium to get the different flavor, even knowing it’s just manufactured scarcity. I still miss the blueberry-acai Diet Coke. Maybe they came away with “weirdly shaped cans sell at bigger profit”

menemen, avatar

For some reason, those taller cans even feel like less. Maybe because they are so thin. We have them for several years here in Germany.


We’ve had these types of cans for years and years and years where I’m from, but they were expensive before the switch too.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I saw one of those thin cans the other day and thought, “that’s a weird can shape, I don’t know why someone would buy that.”

Now it makes sense.

Edit: Also, I forgot about this-…


Interesting website.


One advantage of the tall narrow 12oz cans is they take up less horizontal space in the refrigerator


One disadvantage is that they’re harder to stack


Another advantage is that they take up less horizontal space in the refrigerator.


Another disadvantage is they tip more easily if set down on an uneven surface or whacked by the dog’s tail


The biggest absolute price decrease in the price of 2 liters of coca-cola was in 2015, when the price dropped by $-1.79, or -100%.

Coke was free in 2015? Or is there a script filing is these paragraphs and it’s counting missed data points as zero?


Lmfao I think it’s AI garbage


It dropped by -1.79 which means it became 1.79 more expensive.

AI is amazing lol


They don’t fit in my mini fridge like normal cans do either


Worked for Virginia Slims and other brands.

Remember the connotation was slim cigarette, slim figure. I imagine the same psychological trick is at play with the slim can.


Maybe you want to have a cup of tea instead? Way more cheap and healthy. Or buy some off-brand soda. It is just as much garbage as coca cola but at least it’s cheap.


Or just water.


Yes, of course. Preferably tap water.

FlyingSquid, avatar

In America? Maybe not the best idea. Especially if you’re in, say, Jackson, Mississippi.…/in-jackson-the-tap-water-is-back-but-th…


Ok, in some places you might want one of those bubblers at home, I guess.



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  • FlyingSquid, avatar

    I’m pretty sure that wasn’t my point what with my link being about tap water. The thing the person I was replying to was talking about.


    What? No no no. Clearly soda is the healthy option. You can never be too cautious.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Got it. You’re totally ignoring my point that water straight from the tap is too unsafe to drink in multiple U.S. municipalities and are just trolling. Have fun with that.


    Exactly, it’s unsafe, making pop the safer option.


    Yes. Everyone knows soda is extremely healthy. It’s pretty much good for every major organ system! Kidneys, bones, pancreas, soda, soda, soda!


    What’s the point of this comment? 99% of counties in the US have safe drinking water and the few that don’t get called out for it like this. This is probably a better situation than most countries - including yours

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Where did you get that 99% figure from? Because I suspect you made it up.

    Especially since:

    One-fourth of Americans currently receive water from a source that violates the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Safe Drinking Water Act.…/top-10-states-worst-public-water-…

    More information:…/millions-americans-drink-potentiall…

    And then there are the substances which municipal water supplies don’t even need to get out of their water-…/Drinking_water_quality_in_the_…


    You may want to dig into the stat some more to get a handle on how bad the situation really is.


    I just need a sugar delivery medium. Preferably one that is socially acceptable.


    Have you considered eating?


    I agree soda dependence isn’t a good thing, but there’s not much evidence diet soda is any less healthy than tea.


    Diet soda contains sweeteners that are suspected to cause cancer. Granted, you’d have to drink a couple of liters of diet soda a day before you need to be seriously concerned, but tea has one big advantage: It contains as much sugar or sweeteners as you add to it, so there’s that.


    suspected to cause cancer

    Except there’s been a ton of reasearch on it and the best/worst they can come up with is “results are inconclusive”.


    Wait a minute are you telling me that their isn’t a sugar fairy dumping copious amounts of sugar into my tea when I turn around?!?

    Please tell me it ain’t so. Then I might actually have to take accountability for my actions and I can’t do that.

    Oha, avatar

    Reason 500,000 to not buy any Coca Cola corp products


    Fuck corporations but I don’t believe this for a second. People are just making this shit up now. Some dude scribbles some prices on a piece of paper and this whole website loses its mind.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    I was going to say… who the fuck was paying $1.06/can for Coke to begin with? Hell, I saw one of those 32oz Big Gulp cups selling for $4 less than a week ago.

    This all just looks made up and hysterical, because Americans cannot handle not having their sugary treats.


    500 mL,1 L, and 2 L of Coke all cost $3 here.


    which is how they get you to drink MORE coke

    maynarkh, (edited )

    Not from the US, Coke was always around 1.05 - 1.20 USD where I lived in the early 2010s. Haven’t been drinking too much of it since then so IDK. But Coke is irrationally cheap in the US apparently. Or it’s just the old before/after taxes shenanigans again?


    Not from the US either. 0,5l Coke was 2-2,50$ even in the early 2010s in Norway. The price hasn’t really budged much since that, though. And since our currency used to be really strong in the early 2010s, the price has actually decreased in terms of USD (not in terms of our currency, though)


    This is testable. Go to the grocery store. Buy staple goods. Keep receipt. Buy the same products the next week.


    Why not post with the receipts instead of marker?


    Soda is such a fucking profitable scam because it’s mostly water and that resource is mostly free. The syrup and carbonation should be pennies compared to what it actually sells for.


    Water is far from “mostly free”, especially at the amounts used by soda makers

    0xb, avatar

    Don’t know the situation in america so what you say may be true, but on some countries (developing ones where the power of the state is diminished) water is not free for everybody else, but multinational corporations get almost unlimited use concessions for their bottlers for a laughably low fee if any, drying out the area and sometimes literally leaving towns or regions with no public water left for other uses, forcing the people to have to pay for other sources. I don’t live in a place in that situation yet, but some other regions in my country are going exactly through that. In some cases, those beverages are for the american market.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    It probably not that cheap anywhere in the U.S., but on the other hand, they probably get enough tax breaks to make up for it.


    Here in Germany they can extract millions of liters for a symbolic euro, that is basically free and also far from a third world country. Coke has enough power to get through with this.

    Waldowal, avatar

    This must be that soft landing 3% inflation I’ve been hearing all about.

    darn, avatar

    if you’re buying coke in america, you should get the 12 packs at grocery stores instead. it’s anywhere between $5.99 to $8.99, which is less than a dollar per can


    Or get the 2L bottles, which are usually around the same price as the 500 mL bottles (for some reason).


    And if you think you can dodge microplastics by opting for aluminum instead of bottles, I have some bad news for you.




    Because if you drink 500ml of a 2L bottle and put the cap back on, the rest goes flat.


    Are you screwing the cap on all the way?


    IME, not only no, but they will yell at the housemate who does for putting it on too tight.


    It used to drive me mental when people would complain about how tight I’d screw the cap on. What do you even think the point of that thing is?!


    Yes, it probably won’t be completely flat after half a liter but the fizzyness will be noticeably weaker and will only get worse the more you drink, especially if you don’t get to it soon. Two liters are ok if you’re sharing them with multiple people who will finish it right away or the next day but they suck for one person unless you drink a ridiculous amount of soda.


    Not on sale? Where I am, I only see the $7 price when it’s on sale and you have to buy 3. So it’s 2 for $10 and get one free. Without that the normal price is about $10. The best sales that come around during big holidays only are buy 2 get 2 free, which brings it down to $5.

    vox, avatar

    most people are getting cans like that in a pinch tho, if you want a lot of cola, regular 2 liter plastic bottles (or even better, 6-packs of 1.5/2l) are a much better deal




    Wow good point! Water IS cheaper than coke! And healthier too I’m sure! It’s a damn shame we’re talking about coke and not water, or else I’m sure someone would give you a prize for your thoughtful and original comment.





    you’d be surprised how often bottled coke is cheaper than bottled water


    That’s fucking crazy. I stopped buying soda pre-covid, but I regularly got 4 12packs for $2.99 each up until at least 2019.


    At least it’s still original taste …


    If it’s tall and slim, it worth more. This is true for both cans and people.

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