KimPerales, to random avatar

We've been duped *rules for us & rules for them.

"At the time when WHO
was assuring the world: “COVID ISN'T airborne”…

…a ‘return to office’-document for WHO staff in Geneva stated:

Ventilation system has been modified
• increased volume of external air
• no recycling of air
• filters rated as high as we can go…"
-M de Cook

COVID IS AIRBORNE. Feb 22, 2022: CDC downplayed again, said masking indoors -not necessary. WHO/CDC: essentially for years bc the bus lobby dictates PH:

DenisCOVIDinfoguy, to auscovid19 avatar

Media celebrated Long COVID Awareness Day by denying its existence. By Julia Doubleday

"Long COVID is a thorn in the side of "back to normal." Attempts to silence patients are intensifying."



Tooden, avatar

@tofugolem We won't be. In every country that has , the Pandemic is ongoing. With any precaution at a being abandoned, the variants continue to mutate - destroying immunity to other viruses, and diseases. Minimiser no dubt hope that the diseased and disabled will just die...absolving them of any expensive actions. @DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19

CookieCat, to random avatar

I've been off of social media for almost a month recovering from a concussion.

I always talk about how important it is to care for community members in this . I've always been someone who loves caring for people. However, in practice, I struggled to ask for and accept help and care. Part of that is my socialization and lived experience as a cis woman. The other part is the we all deal with. I've done a lot of work dismantling this inside myself - but alas, it persists.

I often found myself feeling guilty and shameful for needing help. I tended towards not even asking and making assumptions about my loved ones' capacity and desire to help me. I've known this for a long time and been working on it, but it was so easy to fall back into old patterns.

While talking with a friend a few days ago, I mentioned I wanted to see my other close friend but didn't want to ask her to drive an hour to see me because I didn't want to stress her out. Rightfully, my friend called me out and told me it isn't fair to make assumptions about what my loved ones may or may not want to do, and I need to trust people to make those decisions for themselves.

That conversation and my recovery (still ongoing) have served as an important reminder that asking for help requires becoming comfortable with feeling vulnerable, and naturally, under , many of us have internalized the lie that vulnerability is weakness. Like any muscle you want to build, becoming comfortable with being vulnerable takes practice. It feels strange and somewhat painful at first, but when people show up for you, it's not as hard every time you practice it.

Anyway, this is your reminder that caring for others tends to be easier than asking for and accepting care ourselves. Practice being vulnerability with your loved ones. People can't show up for you if you don't give them the chance.

In these days of , where is allowed to continue to spread unchecked, where are killed everyday in a livestreamed ,we can't afford to allow the way things are to harden us.

Stay soft. Practice and . Remember that the internal work of dismantling all the bullshit capitalism ingrains within us is always ongoing.

See yall soon. I'm still recovering, but making small progress every day thanks to my lovely partner and friends.

KimPerales, (edited ) to random avatar

CDC's policy is Machiavellian, just bc numbers dropped a little, JN.1, now circulating, is still mutating.💔 US deaths: >1,500 a week & in the hospital >15,000.

The fed govt’s free at-home COVID test program will be suspended beginning on Fri in response to a drop in respiratory diseases(?).

The Biden admin brought back the free test program last year ahead of the respiratory viral season. By going to, HHs could order a free pack 4 at-h-.

KimPerales, (edited ) to random avatar

😷💉Sad, the CDC’s new policy is for . Business interests, which are short-sighted & will likely backfire, are prioritized above public health. We’re on our own. This wave may be peaking, but new variants are always on the horizon, & there is still a lot of JN.1 circulating. A form of eugenics?

KimPerales, to random avatar

Why does hire loyalists who harm Floridians? How could spreading deadly viruses...? His SG is anti-vax with a policy for Measles, Covid...

"FL SG says unvaccinated kids can continue to go to school. Unprecedented -kids need to stay home for 21 days during an outbreak -chance of infection, hospitalization, death or serious damage to the immune system -kids can get a vaccine if exposed within the past 72 hrs & if they get vaccinated -can return to-."
-Dr K Jetelina

KimPerales, to random avatar

😷💉🚨 The more you know… “Researchers looked at whether oxygen deficit plays a role in post-exertional malaise. They found that although oxygen was successfully transferred from the lungs to the bloodstream, the tissues of long COVID patients were unable to access and use it.” Use precautions, don’t .

KimPerales, to random avatar

😷💉 persists:

"Autoantibodies are common are Covid, persist to 12 months in 60% of ppl, correlate with neurologic symptoms, & reflect dysregulation of humoral immunity." -E Topol

Prevalent & persistent new-onset autoantibodies in mild to severe COVID. Our results show that prevalent new-onset autoantibodies against a wide range of antigens emerged following SARS-CoV-2 infection in relation to pre-infectious baseline samples & remained elevated for at least 12 mo-.

KimPerales, (edited ) avatar

I can't imagine how many ppl will be disabled by given the mentality in the US & worldwide. ~6.6%: immunosuppressed -up from 3% in 2013:

Immunosuppression prevalence is an impt. consideration for PH in the US given this pop.’s⬆️risk from viral & bacterial infections. Ests. of concern during the COVID pandemic bc ppl with immunosup. -less likely to have an adequate response to vaccines & are more likely to experience severe COVID symptoms even after vac-.

KimPerales, to random avatar

NEW: Covid is not the flu. The pandemic's death toll continues to rise💔. Most of the world, including the US, just :

The estimated total mortality related to the was just updated...the upper reckoning is around 35 million. Most countries stopped supplying mortality data (excess deaths + COVID-ascribed) to
the WHO in 2022.
-Laurie Garrett


KimPerales, to random avatar

A dangerous misfire from CA's PH Dir, & this Covid policy is similar nationwide. The Biden admin realized that most ppl had already sided with the minimizers & pro-bus advocates, so their message was #LetItRip & said the pandemic was over in 2022, endemic, & ppl who cared about #Covid -already vaccinated. Historians will look with horror on this short-sided, erroneous PH policy.

California Drastically Cuts Isolation Guidelines For Covid-now ignoring Covid test results.

jik, to random avatar

Fatal car crashes in VT went up 75% between 2019 and 2022. In CT, 65%. NH, 64%. SD, 45%. AZ and WA, 44%. There isn't a single state in which they decreased.
Driving safely requires the ability to focus and process multiple inputs at the same time.
is destroying people's brains. They can't drive safely.
If you've noticed that there seem to be more bad drivers on the road, you're not imagining it. There are.
Yet another way is endangering everyone.

CookieCat, to novid avatar

At this point, I know maybe 6 or 7 people (8 if you include me) irl, that haven't been infected with .

Every time I tell people I've never gotten , they seem shocked.

All the people I know who are do at least 2 of the following.

  • Not spending time indoors unmasked around others that aren't in their "bubble." If they do see people outside their bubble, they try to do stuff outside. If it has to be indoors, everyone must when inside

  • Don't spend a lot of time in public places indoors - especially when there are crowds.

  • Having common shared agreements about with the people they do see unmasked (usually about 3 people total - sometimes less - and it's pretty much always the people they live with).

  • in public using high-quality and well fitted masks (N95/KF94/KN95) - everyone I know who has remained Covid free is doing this.

I've watched basically every single person I know catch Covid, some of them multiple times, and it gets harder for me to comprehend how myself and others are screaming from the rooftops about , yet they're still not .

It's honestly just exhausting at this point because not only can the social isolation get you down sometimes, but I'm also just tired of seeing my friends get sick.

CookieCat, avatar


A trust is broken when I watch people I love refuse to do something as simple as wear a to protect others from .

Like - people keep saying things like, "How can we get out of this hellscape?", and it's just - its really as simple as making sure you .

Literally, that alone centers community care and solidarity and is a very simple action item that protects yourself and others.

Instead, the same people I know claiming they're against and , and say we can never trust the government (which obviously yeah), just dropped masking completely as soon as began the / approach.

We can't have any kind of if yall can't put on a mask.

CookieCat, to random avatar

This morning at 7:50 a.m., about 43 (ish) people showed up to a theatre in Seattle for a private, Covid cautious screening of Hayao Miyazaki's latest film, The Boy and the Heron.

People took a rapid test and reported results to the organizers before arriving and wore high-quality masks at all times. Folks stayed home if they or anyone in their household felt unwell. Masks and tests were available on site if needed.

Cost was about $13 per ticket after donations from community members who wanted to help make the event accessible to folks.

CO2 was monitored and never got over 900.

The film was incredible. Knowing there are folks in my community who are willing to wake up early af because they haven't been to the theater in years due to was just as incredible.

Covid safe events aren't just possible, they're desired. Imagine how many people would have attended if it could have been on a Saturday afternoon or evening?

CookieCat, avatar

I think my favorite part about all of this is that it cost LESS than an actual movie ticket to go to a masked private showing.

I'm planning on emailing the theatre and recommending they add one day a month where masks are required. I bet you they would sell tons of tickets. There are so many people who wanted to attend but couldn't purely because it was so early.

Yet, EVEN WITH the movie being at 8:30 a.m., almost 50 people showed up.

That tells me all I need to know. There is demand for covid safe events, and places have dropped them in the push to for "normalcy."

trendless, to random avatar

It's long past the time for excuses. For those in positions of authority, responsibility, trust, the denial is no longer plausible.

DenisCOVIDinfoguy, to auscovid19 avatar

"Just 1 in 20 GP clinics in WA are offering the COVID vaccine to children under the age of 12, leaving parents at a loss as to how they can protect their kids in the middle of Australia’s eighth wave of the potentially deadly virus."

@WAHealth @auscovid19



shtrom, avatar

@3TomatoesShort @DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 Add to that the few practices or chemists that offer a paediatric vaccine but have no special ventilation nor masks in sight.

We drew a blank stare from a pharmacist (who mistakenly accepted a booking for our 5yo assuming we meant 15, or something) when they had to work out that, no, our child didn't have immunity from previous infection.

I think that's one cause: people assume that previous infection trumps vaccine. And they in schools.

Tooden, avatar
Tooden, avatar

@RebelGeek99 Agreed. It's quite probably disingenuous rubbish. - which removed the protections - has been more responsible for the death of live killing its patrons and musos alike. Nothing spreads aerosol viruses like a large group of people singing, and yelling, and cheering. . @DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 miasma

DenisCOVIDinfoguy, to australia avatar
Tooden, avatar

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 Whose bright idea was it to ?

CookieCat, to random avatar

🧵Last week my work held their annual conference for our members.

All of the staff at my work had to be there (including me).

Taking a RAT test before attending was requested but not required. There was no , and the masks on hand were plain surgical masks. To put it lightly, there were no planned in place on a systemic level for this event that was being held during a

Upwards of 700 people showed up.

I'm sure yall know where this is going.

CookieCat, avatar

Layers of protection work.

They save lives.

Just because the government decided to doesn't mean we have to participate in this madness.

It's as simple as implementing layers of protection.

I'm grateful I'm negative and heartbroken that so many people are now dealing with Covid (many for the 2nd or 3rd time) because my work failed to offer protections.

w7voa, to random avatar

On Monday, President Biden is to deliver remarks to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (), which he cosponsored as a senator, and to mark , according to the White House.

noyes, avatar


No President has done more to ensure that more Americans will become disabled, not even Donald Trump. And no President has done more to eliminate Americans with disabilities than Joe Biden. How long are we supposed to pretend its an accident? If Joe Biden gave a flying fig about the disabled, he wouldn't be spreading SARS as if he were Ronald DeSantis on stilts.

CookieCat, to random avatar

🧵 My mom who has dropped many came to visit last week.

A while ago I shared how worried I was she wouldn't or test because I'm the only one in my immediate family still taking seriously.

Well, I can say that while it wasn't perfect - my moms visit reminded me how important conversations about with loved ones are - even when it feels like you're wasting your time.

CookieCat, avatar

While my mom was here, she masked up and respected my , and I only needed to remind or ask her a couple of times.

Considering my immediate family has totally abandoned masking, social distancing, and regular testing back home, I consider this a huge win for .

Why? Because it tells me that a lot of people are willing to when asked and take - but they've fallen into the trap and the narrative so they've given up precautions.

Is it exhausting, frustrating, and deeply upsetting when people fail to understand that we still need to on their own?


Does it mean we stop having these conversations and give up all hope that people who have stopped masking will change?


Tooden, avatar

@stuartl It is already biting authorities in the bum. While state opposition parties moan about hospital wait times, etc., state govts struggle with staffing levels - due to number of days staff are absent with illness.
Business is suffering also. Strangely, they are also experiencing problems with staff needing to take sick days, or they just can't work anymore. Seems had consequences!🤔 @auscovid19 @erictopol

CookieCat, to random avatar

COVID 19 is a litmus test for all of us who claim we want to see a better world.

If we are actually going to dismantle capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism, white supremacy and all of the isms that come with being socialized within it - we must dismantle it in ourselves.

The fight for a better world will involve sacrifice for all of us.

In the absence of government action to protect us from and not just action, but abandonment of any pretense that they care about our health as they , we must take community centered action to protect ourselves.

CookieCat, avatar

Behavior modification and mask wearing can be hard when our friends and family drop protocols and push us to do the same.

But again - a different world will require sacrifice from all.

This is a litmus test for all of us in putting our beliefs into action.

If we claim to care about the most vulnerable, we must put that into practice and . We must push back against the approach and fight for better and we must be vocal about the mass disabling event that is COVID19.

CookieCat, to random avatar

🧵To this day, I am still somewhat in shock at how much within my immediate family has impacted how I interact with them.

Some context: My family all lives back east. My hometown is small and conservative. I've always been the person in my family who is a "rabble rouser" so to speak. I was raised in a catholic conservative household, and although my siblings and I have abandoned both of those things at varying levels much to my parents chagrin, I've always been the most "radical" of us all.

However, when came to the U.S. my family was 100% on board with the science. They masked, they locked down, and they took it very seriously in the beginning. My parents worried for their community members as well as family and friends.

CookieCat, avatar

However, things began changing as mask mandates began dropping and the Biden administration began their / approach to the pandemic.

My family stopped being as consistent with masking. I visited home in summer of 2021. I took a pcr before I left, masked on the plane, and took a pcr when I arrived.

I walked inside the house with a mask on (I wanted to wait until I got test results) and my mom told me not to worry about it.

I was definitely worried about it. Later in my trip she seemed confused when I put on a mask to go to the store.

It became clear my family and I were diverging on .

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