@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar



He/Him. Retired Oracle DBA, Toad MVP, developer, husband, geek, not a dad, open source contributor. McLaren & Mercedes F1 fan.

I own a Huawei P20 phone with the Leica camera. I try to take at least 1 half decent photo every day if I can.

In 2020, Apress published my first book, 'Arduino Software Internals'. My second, 'Arduino Interrupts' was published in Dec 2023. I'm writing another as well as a 2nd edition of 'Internals' to document recent changes.

No longer on Twitter as https://mastodon.scot/@NormanDunbar.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

NormanDunbar, to animals
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

Good morning fellow Mastos and hello to a soaking Sunday. It is currently raining, has been all night, and will be all day too. Oh joy! At least with all this rain we won't need hosepipe bans! What's that? The news announced hosepipe bans already? WTH!

Enjoy your Sunday folks, probably best to stay in! Stay dry and safe.

Today's photo is "Malaki". He's an Afghan Hound pup. Those legs are real, he has phenomenal paws! He's one of Wesley's pooch pals.

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@simon_brooke Morning Simon. I'm currently in exile in Leeds and have been since 1996. Just sold our house though and are moving back to Scotland "soon". Probably to the Moray coast, or similar.

Enjoy the weather. Everything down here is boggy and soggy. Has been for months. Farmers are losing/unable to plant crops. 😟

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@WeeGem He's the most laid back and gentle dog I know. He "works" three days in a shop so meets and greets lots of people.

RosePuckey, to random
@RosePuckey@mastodon.scot avatar

Good grief, this weather is endless and really getting me down. Last night the rain was so heavy I had to pull over for almost an hour as visibility was reduced so badly. Today it's precipitating persistently AGAIN! Absolutely baltic too, it's almost May and I'm wondering if I should put the heating on - I won't of course, can't afford that, I have a thick Oodie and lots of layers.

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@RosePuckey Morning "She", 😉 sorry, Rose.

It's raining here too, but not like that. Although we did have it bad yesterday afternoon and evening. MrsD got wet on her walk so I volunteered to walk Wesley before bedtime. He didn't want to go out!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@skyfire747 @RosePuckey Evening Anthony, along with the rain, we've had downpours of hail too. Did you want some of that too? 😉

NormanDunbar, (edited )
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@RosePuckey We've had Springers in the family for as long as I can remember. One was a pet, Bouncer, back in 1965-66ish. The others, Asta, Teal, Bruno and Pip were my step dads dogs. They worked for a living as gun dogs. But still as mad as cheese!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@skyfire747 @RosePuckey I should be able to find a plastic bag in the recycling bin that should keep it dry until it gets there!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@RosePuckey Asta, Teal and Bruno didn't bother. Pip had to have his slice of dry toast every night at 9PM, to take to bed!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@RosePuckey Mum and Enrico, my step dad, used to have dinner parties. Enrico was a chef and he had a restaurant in Elgin. Anyway, as 9PM approached, Pip would snuggle up to mum. If 9PM passed, mum would get a paw on her knee as a reminder that toast was required.

When toast was produced, there would be a rush to the back door to get out to the kennels for a bedtime snack.

NormanDunbar, to random
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

Good morning fellow Mastos and hello Saturday. I think it's possibly going to be a dry day---shock horror! MrsD will be off soon, she's looking after a pair of cats for someone while they are away for a week. I'll be walking Wesley while she's out, if he's awake that is.

If you are up to anything today, make sure you enjoy it and have fun. Stay safe.

The ALT text has the details, but today's photo, from yesterday in Otley at the nature reserve, is entitled "Male Bullfinch at full zoom"!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@Steampunk_Prof Morning Professor, sounds like a very busy day, in the rain! Hopefully it has dried up by now but I doubt it! It certainly hasn't dried up here!

NormanDunbar, to random
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

Now this is what I call rain! It's hammering down! Even the fish in my pond are hiding from it.

elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Being interested in photography means I don't have a lot of images of myself. That's normal eh? Here's a brilliant one of yours truly though, taken a few days ago by expert @chriswright. Thanks Chris.

I did get a touch of vertigo stood there as the drop the other side was immense 😱

#mountains #landscape #landscapephotography #snow

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@elperronegro @chriswright I got vertigo just looking at that stunning photo!

NormanDunbar, to random
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

My late mum was an actual milk maid when she was a mere slip of a girl.

NormanDunbar, to random
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

Good morning fellow Mastos and hello Friday. I wonder what the weather has in store for us today? Oh yes, more rain. Never mind, let's have a great day and loads of laughter. Stay safe.

Today's random photo is another Apple Blossom one. This is a small tree I grew from the seed of a Pink Lady apple. It has of course "reverted to type" and is a crab apple now. After 25 years, in 2023, it flowered and produced a single crab!

This photo was taken yesterday.

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@Steampunk_Prof Morning Professor. Sounds like you'll be having our weekend weather too. 😟

The tree might make the trip up north, but I have to get that idea past MrsD! It's in a pot.

Have a good day, before it buckets down!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@CharlesW Beautiful. I'm afraid I can't eat Cox apples, but I love the juice! Me? Awkward? 😉

NormanDunbar, to random
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

Oh dear, how unfortunate! Maybe he'll keep his mouth shut until he knows what he's talking about, in future? (Advice I'd do well to follow myself, occasionally!)

BBC News - Laurence Fox told to pay £180,000 in libel damages

LindaCollins11, to random
@LindaCollins11@mastodon.social avatar

https://johnpavlovitz.substack.com/p/trump-supporters-arent-stupidand?utm_medium=email&action=share Most Trump Supporters Aren't Stupid—And That's The Real Tragedy.

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@mastodonmigration @LindaCollins11 Are other opinions allowed? 😁

NormanDunbar, to random
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

Why do Swedish warships have barcodes on their hulls? So they can Scandinavian when they return to port.

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@johnelalamo This is my day job! 😁

NormanDunbar, to random
@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

Good morning fellow Mastos and hello Thursday. And a special "welcome back" to the rain. Looks like we'll have doggy paw prints on the kitchen floor again today, after walkies! Oh well, not to worry, I treated myself to a new mop the other day!

Enjoy Thursday everyone. Make sure it's a good one. Have fun. Stay safe. Don't forget the laughs.

Today's random photo is from yesterday and is of a small group of local Flowering Cherry trees. The photo doesn't do them justice though!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@Steampunk_Prof Good morning Professor. Yes the blossom is lovely and I remember Wesley doing exactly that, the chase everything phase! These days it's just rabbits and squirrels he will chase; and cats of course but I stop him from doing that due to the "sharpness" and toxicity of those critters! So far he hasn't been on the receiving end of an irate pussy cat!

Enjoy the sunshine. It's bloody chilly here as well as wet.

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@Steampunk_Prof It must be Springtime!

billiglarper, to books German
@billiglarper@rollenspiel.social avatar

Looking for book recommendations, similar to or . We really like their charm, wit and humour, and enjoy their quirky characters and world building. (Urban) fantasy prefered.

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@billiglarper Give Jodi Taylor a try. Especially her "St Mary's time travelling historians" series.

LilahTovMoon, to random

Conservatives are always saying "beware of people with pronouns in BIOS". Jokes on them, my computer uses UEFI firmware!

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@LilahTovMoon I had to think, just for a couple of seconds there!

Good one!

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