@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar



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aral, to Israel
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

According to Israel:

The UN Secretary General is “supporting terrorism” and should resign.


Amnesty International is “antisemitic.”


The president of Ireland is “misinformed” and “legally wrong.”


Y’know, maybe if you think everyone is in the wrong but you, it’s time to consider what the chances of that are versus the chances that you’re the one in the wrong.

@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

Zionists are the Chosen of God. They are never wrong, by definition.

Green_Footballs, to random
@Green_Footballs@mastodon.social avatar

If something terrible happens to both the president and vice president of the US, the next person in the line of succession is a far right religious fanatic who thinks we need to return to those good old 18th century values.


@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

And they don't have to die in a narrow time window, either, because the House will not confirm the new VP, so the MAGAts will be able to pick off the other one at their leisure. If Biden were to die, Harris would have no VP and if Harris dies, Biden will not be able to replace her until 2025.

slcw, to anime_titties
@slcw@newsie.social avatar

And? isn't an official, nor does he work for the . He's a private citizen who happens to share a last name with the . If he committed a crime, prosecute him. You're not going to find a lot of people on the left who care about what happens to Hunter Biden, because it's completely and utterly irrelevant. The fact that he's the center of the right-wing universe is proof that they don't have any legitimate arguments.


@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

I think it's more a matter of them not being able to grasp the idea that a person of power would not use that power illegally.

skykiss, (edited ) to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

There is 'bad blood' between Americans and Mike Johnson

Republican nomination for House speaker, Mike Johnson, R-La., played a key role in efforts by criminal defendant Donald Trump and his allies to overturn President Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the 2020 election.

Johnson, who currently serves as the GOP caucus vice chair and is an ally of Trump, led the amicus brief signed by more than 100 House Republicans in support of Texas lawsuit seeking to steal the 2020 election results in four swing states won by President Biden: Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Filled with lies and misrepresentations the lawsuit swiftly drew backlash from battleground state attorneys general, noting it was “publicity stunt” full of “false and irresponsible” allegations.

flatly rejected Texas’ effort to overturn the election.

Mike Johnson is a Trump stooge tried to install a tyrant & steal our election. Coup leader wants Mike Johnson.


@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

For me, the fact that he thinks the Earth is 6000 years old and believes in Creationism is the most scary aspect of his being Speaker. He's not just a Nazi, he's an insane Nazi. Anybody who believes stuff like that shouldn't be in charge of anything, they should be taking medication and be under supervision to make sure they ARE taking their meds.

Savvyhomestead, to random
@Savvyhomestead@mastodon.social avatar

Why is this goon still in control of the USPS?

“The evidence demonstrates that [the states and localities] suffered harm by impeding their ability to combat the spread COVID-19, impeding their ability to provide safe alternatives to in-person voting,” and by imposing costs and administrative burdens on state and local governments

"Changes made by Postmaster General DeJoy before 2020 election harmed US Postal Service, judge rules


@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

Definitely Biden's fault at this point. He didn't ensure that his pick for the Postal Board would vote against DeJoy, and likely somebody bribed his pick to go for DeJoy. Basically, we're looking at treachery. Too bad there's no mechanism to replace Board members other than death. Why hasn't AG Garland gone after him for his financial chicanery, shoveling money toward businesses that he owns? Is it because the USPS isn't part of the gov't anymore?

lednabwm, to random

Holy errors, Batman...

@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

@DaWoDerPfeffer @Robert_R_Freitag_II @JoeQuinlan @lednabwm
The NT authors tell us that Herod was killing first born Jewish sons to preempt a Messiah from dethroning him, retelling the Ramses legend and Passover. Besides the fact that the Jews themselves do not remember this - and they do remember stuff like this - the Romans didn't either. Romans were real bean counters, and they would have kept records of both Herod's edict and how many Jews they killed, day by day. They don't exist.

@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

@DaWoDerPfeffer @steven @Robert_R_Freitag_II @JoeQuinlan
The English/Germanic days of the week are all pagan, named after the Teutonic pantheon,, except for Saturday. Xianity didn't really go over big up north until deep into the Dark Ages.

@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

@DaWoDerPfeffer @Robert_R_Freitag_II @JoeQuinlan @lednabwm
The Herod stories are the ones that truly label the NT as fiction. First, the underlying reason for Mary and Joseph being in Bethlehem at all was to pay taxes, showing that the authors knew nothing about the procedures Romans used to collect taxes. Second, why in the world would Joseph take his late term pregnant wife with him - riding on a donkey!? It's interesting to note that Mary doesn't become a virgin for another 3 hundred years.

KimPerales, to random
@KimPerales@toad.social avatar

🚨Texas is about to become more perilous: The TX House passed two of the most extreme & dangerous anti-immigrant bills TX's ever seen: SB4, HB6 & HB4 are fueled by hate & rooted in the blatantly racist vilification of migrants seeking shelter in TX. SB4 increases mandatory minimum sentences for human smuggling & stash house operators, HB6 allocates $1.5B for the construction, operation & maintenance of border barrier INFRA & HB4 creates offenses for “Illegal entry from a foreign nation.”

@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

How is it that TX gets away with pretending that the border between the US and Mexico belongs to TX? It doesn't. They have no right whatsoever to be building barriers on the US border with Mexico. It is a delusion that people in TX buy into, that TX is "a whole nother country" - literally. Doing so is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. They are either one of the United States or they are the Lone Star Republic, not both. Biden has to stop this.

boyle, to random
@boyle@mastodon.online avatar

I already hate the new Speaker of the House.

An insurrectionist, a traitor to his oath to uphold the Constitution, a fucking young earth creationist, the guy who authored the argument for overturning the will of the American voters, a forced-birther, a homophobe.

A shitty little twerp.

This guy is 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency.

@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

"This guy is 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency."
And I imagine Putin, Roger Stone and the Proud Boys are working on making that happen. I'd recommend that Harris and Biden not be within 10 miles of each other for the remainder of his time in office, except even that won't help. Harris' pick for VP won't be confirmed, so she'll have to serve out her term as POTUS without a VP and they can pick her off at their leisure. I'd say the odds are 50/50 that Mike Johnson will be POTUS .

MichaelEMann, to random

"Pioneering scientist says global warming is accelerating. Some experts call his claims overheated" by Seth Borenstein for the @associatedpress https://apnews.com/article/global-warming-climate-change-accelerating-worse-92facd6145ab9ab32281ff5d641517f0

@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

@MichaelEMann @associatedpress
Notice that it's always "experts", especially economists, that don't like what the scientists are saying.

br00t4c, to random
@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar
@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

Not even an upgrade from Gym Jordan. Perhaps the absolute worst person in Congress to be Speaker. Whodathunk we'd have somebody who believes the Earth is 6000 years old who could be POTUS?

tdwllms1, to random
@tdwllms1@mstdn.social avatar


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  • Threadbane,
    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    @tdwllms1 @GottaLaff
    Jesus fucking Christ. Like Republicans are not going to support Israel. Normally one has to go to the Republican ranks to find a moron of this caliber.

    GW, to random

    America’s War Economy and the Urgent Call for Peace in the Middle East

    Twenty-three years and more than two wars later, this statement reads as a tragic footnote to America’s Global War on Terror that left an entire region of the planet immiserated. It contributed to the direct and indirect deaths of close to 4.5 million people while costing Americans almost $9 trillion and counting.


    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    They should refer to the war in Iraq as Cheney's war.

    br00t4c, to Arkansas
    @br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders has lowest approval rating of any Arkansas governor over last 20 years


    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    Seems as if it would be most unpopular "ever". Does AR have a history of disapproving of its governors? Sarah is SO detestable.

    br00t4c, to random
    @br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar
    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    Antarctica is starting melt very quickly now, so it's accelerating, whatever the current rate.

    br00t4c, to random
    @br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

    Americans continue to have doubts about climate scientists' understanding of climate change


    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    Depressing how ignorant Americans are. 54% of adult Americans are functionally illiterate, and the percentage with even elementary scientific literacy is probably in single digits. When one considers the intellectual vacuum in Congress, the possibility of doing anything about planetary heating is almost non-existent. It's almost as if Republicans destroying the public schools destroyed the planet itself.

    br00t4c, to Law
    @br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar
    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    I imagine the plan will be to set off some nuclear devices in far eastern Siberia that will catch the prevailing atmospheric circulation and dump radioactive material on Alaska, across Canada, and into the US Northeast.

    br00t4c, to DaftPunk
    @br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar
    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    Jesus Christ on roller skates. The stinking Xians are ready to ditch the Constitution and US legal system entirely. Being an atheist these days is getting to be dangerous. An uncomfortable number of Americans think atheists deserve the death penalty just for being atheists, and I think Trump has expressed a similar sentiment.
    I predict every bill sent to the Senate will contain a poison pill, like outlawing abortion or defunding Medicaid, and it will be just like having no Speaker.

    br00t4c, to Atlanta
    @br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

    As an Atlanta native, I agree with Keith Lee. Our restaurants need to do better. Here's a list of things they need to fix.


    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    I miss Chinese restaurants with the One from Column A, Two from Column B, 2 from Column C menus. Going to a Chinese restaurant was always an intellectual challenge, especially for a table of 4 trying to get a little something for everybody, but now the ambience is gone. Now it's no fun at all. Bring us a , a , and a quart of #6....

    RememberUsAlways, to Palestine
    @RememberUsAlways@newsie.social avatar

    I'm just going to say what everyone else will not.

    is a terrorist nation where is in control for nearly 20 years.

    It's long past the time that takes a stand against .

    may be the new standard and example for embracing terrorists against humanity.
    I support Democracy
    I support

    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    Israel is just another theocratic, militarily aggressive apartheid state that continues to accrete more territory and kick out the people who lived there. The US was more of a democracy than Israel is when a slave's vote only counted for 3/5 of a freeman's vote.

    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    @RememberUsAlways @mafeesh @TimWardCam @MattMastodon
    "Not a random group of religious morons." Relative to the Zionist side of religious morons, who all have Jewish mothers to unite them, they are.
    The US no longer has any national interest in either side, now that it has ramped up its oil production to meet demand. Let the Europeans and Chinese duke it out with the locals for their oil.
    "Israel is at war. Hamas' is at terror." Jingoism at its finest. Both sides are sadistic and barbaric.

    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    @RememberUsAlways @mafeesh @TimWardCam @MattMastodon
    I think there should be two state solution, just to calm things down, and that Israel should give back some of the occupied land. It won't, but it should. I just think the US should get its nose out of the fight. The US should simply support UN decisions and go with the majority. If the UN wants to send in peacekeepers, fine, but the US should butt out and stop giving everybody money and weapons to kill each other with.

    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    @RememberUsAlways @mafeesh @TimWardCam @MattMastodon
    We have NATO and SEATO for that. Nobody in the Middle East is even on our side! Turkey aligns with Russia now, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, basically the entire Middle East is just a chaotic religious mess. Bag it. Pull out like we did in Vietnam, where we didn't belong in the first place. The only winners are the arms dealers.

    Ya gotta know when to hold up,
    Know when to fold up,
    Know when to walk away,
    Know when to run.

    br00t4c, to random
    @br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar
    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    They should be trying for a one state solution. If they would simply toss their religious nonsense, adopt a secular constitution, where everybody, men and women alike, have equal rights, everybody in the region could live in a democracy under one government, but since both sides demand a theocracy, that's impossible.

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