@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar



Malaysian tech writer. Works in tech. Former journalist but always a writer. Autodidact.

If you follow me I promise that I'm absolutely random.

Toots #IndieWeb #Obsidian #Malaysia #TootSEA #Books #TV #Writing #CDrama #KDrama #Urbanism #Cats #Dogs #Tech and very occasional #GeoPolitics

Occasionally talks in Manglish.

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liztai, to television
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

Just watched Sleep. Such a good movie.

And of course, I feel so sad seeing Lee Sun-kyun. Sigh.

#Kdrama #Movie #Kmovie #Kdramas #Korean

AnnaAnthro, to random
@AnnaAnthro@mastodon.social avatar

I watched both the Tencent & the Netflix versions and agree with the critiques in this blog post

‘3 Body Problem by Netflix is a bit of a problem’ – post by Elizabeth Tai @liztai


@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@AnnaAnthro phew you watched both! Not many will have this dedication. I am a little glad U share my opinion haha. I liked operation Guzheng in the Tencent version for some reason. It was just way more horrifying, cos we weren't given an idea what will happen until the very last moment and then they show it in such a subtle scary way. And then the real meaning of bugs towards the end

liztai, to Birds
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

I love watching the sunbird just fly in and out of her nest. it is such a delight that she chose my little balcony to have her eggs. 😁

Can you see her little beak?

liztai, to China
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

A 30-min video of iQiyi"s upcoming dramas in one convenient video with English subs

Very handy if you want to watch it on your TV 😄

#Cdrama #Cdramas #China #TV #Entertainment


liztai, to TikTok
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

I don't use . Don't even have an account. Can't stand the app. But this thing with TikTok in the US is grossing me out. It's one thing to ban the thing but quite another to force the co to sell the platform to a US company. That's like a land grab, even if money is exchanged. This is going to put a chill on business relations not just with China but with companies globally, because they'll be wondering, "will I be the next Bytedance? Will they try to grab my company too?"

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@maya_b yea it is all kinds of hypocrisy there. I bet Meta is running their hands in glee and can't wait for TikTok to be banned. Ugh

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@thepoliticalcat that's quite a different thing, no? You set up the co from the start this way. Anyway I am not familiar with Malaysian business law so I can't comment. But with this situation the US is literally trying to seize TikTok assets. Ban it outright, fine. But you want their stuff to? Reprehensible.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@chris I don't see how this is the same. One country has specific ways of doing business, you either accept their terms or not. Then there's another country who welcomes you set up a co without these restrictions and who are suddenly turning around and saying sell or else.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@chris you don't make any sense

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@lety thanks for explaining ! Totally appreciate it. But the global South, seeing how they are dedollarizing in the face of the Russian sanctions even if they are not the "enemy" so to speak, I have a feeling they would rather have safeguards than be in Bytedance's position in the future. However, you are right, the chill may not be as bad ... Hopefully. But again really hard to predict what China etc will do in the face of this. It's still not a wise move 😬

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@thepoliticalcat I actually dont care if TikTok is banned actually, as I really don't like what that app is doing to our brains 😆 But the political theatre going on around TikTok in the US is pretty ugh. Just very hypocritical, racist and gross (the stealing bits). U want it banned? Fine. But don't try to grab the co at the same time. Build your own damn TikTok.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@thepoliticalcat yes I did!! That's the major reason why I hate this whole TikTok exercise. No one will be able to convince me that the whole thing is not rooted in racism

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@thepoliticalcat I had some choice Hokkien words for that senator hahah

But honestly, showcasing their best racism out there for the world to see .. not a good look.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@thepoliticalcat daaang.
Ya know Malaysians used to be supremely embarassed by what our politicians say on the international stage. Never thot that I will see a day where the US would be top us in that category

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@thepoliticalcat LOL gosh in this day and age, I do hope they brush up on their geography. "America too big" and "Americans don't travel" is no longer an excuse to not know basic things like this 😆

I spoke to a friend in the US about this and she says that it is indeed true that they are not taught anything about other countries. What a strange way to live, honestly. You need to know they world beyond your borders to be competitive.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@benroyce and? I don't understand why people highlight this issue as a counterargument for the TikTok situation. It's their right as a sovereign nation to not allow these platforms to operate. And I am ok with America banning TikTok, but am not ok with them seizing their assets.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@benroyce the fact that it is being forced to sell is bad enough. Seizing assets is probably hyperbole, but this is what it amounts to.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@ToddPM haha I am confused too. Why is TikTok considered foreign aid?

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@badri @thepoliticalcat Some argue that it is unfair that Meta etc arent allowed in China etc. Yes, China made that decision right at the start. I find it odd that people think that it is unfair that a foreign nation is nof allowed to come to a country to do biz "without barriers." A sovereign nation should be able to decide who they want to do business with. So China said no to Meta etc. So what? If the US no longer wants to do biz with China that's fair, but theres no higher moral ground.

liztai, to random
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

it's the 10th episode and I am bored 😆

it is pretty, but I dont really watch dramas for romance. Something else must be present to make me continue watching a drama like this, usually compelling character growth or an interesting plot.

neither seems present for me so far 😬

The only thing that is keeping me going is Xing Zhi, whose laidback character I find unusual in xianxia.

I guess I need to be patient with this or concede that my ambivalence for xianxia has hit again lol

liztai, to Netflix
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

The #Netflix drama's depiction of China is, well, problematic. How did the people of China react to it? In this issue I highlight what Chinese viewers think about the 3 Body Problem.

#CDrama #CDramas #ThreeBody #LiuCixin #SciFi #Netflix


liztai, to random
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

Comprehensible input and creating my own Mandarin-learning curriculum

Adventures in learning Mandarin. As a heritage speaker, I have to learn Mandarin differently. It has been a frustrating and fun journey so far. Fortunately, lots of content from language learning experts, and I found one that is the clearest one yet!


liztai, (edited )
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@thepoliticalcat Yeah the problem is there's lots of content geared towards total beginners, but hardly for people like us, who have some foundation and come from the culture itself. I think newbies can also benefit, but they have a lot of areas they need to focus on, while we need a more targeted and strategic approach.

liztai, to magASEAN
@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

This is the best type of nasi lemak.
This is the hill I will die on.

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@Fury @sortius legit real reason why my parents and I don't cook most of the time

@liztai@hachyderm.io avatar

@sortius @Fury Yeah often times it is MORE expensive to cook your own meals!

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