argumento, avatar

Hey, . The war in is a tragedy, and a crime, and thousands of civilians have been killed and war crimes committed, by both sides.

But in all its cruelty and destruction, it PALES when compared to 3 months of genocide in .

Twice as many civilians have been killed, in way less time.

There has been a SYSTEMATIC destruction of hospitals and vital infrastructure.

There's clear intent to expel all Palestinians from .



argumento, avatar


Now compare the attitude your government and your officials have. When Russia invaded, The West decided to massively arm Ukraine so it could defend itself, but when Israel started mass murdering civilians, YOUR GOVERNMENT KEPT ON ARMING THE AGGRESSOR, ISRAEL!!

The F-16s Zelensky begged for? Israel has them, and is using them to destroy hospitals and bomb refugee camps.

We, in the so called Global South, see this. And we will remember.



@argumento @palestine We will remember for a lifetime.


> Israel started mass murdering civilians

You're having it wrong. It's Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza, wrecked a bloodbath killing about 1400 civilians in one day. Compare it to Ukraine that never did such atrocities.
Recall Hamas firing rockets at civilians so that Israel has safety rooms in every home. Compare with Ukraine which didn't.

Though I don't really like the idea of comparing a terrorist state of Hamas with a democratic Ukraine.


argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

The history of the Ethnic cleansing of Palestine didn't start last year, but in 1948.

Israel has murdered, raped, forcibly displaced and imprisoned with out charges (kidnapping) Palestinians for 7 decades.

In 2018, Israel shot at peaceful demonstrators in Gaza, deliberately maiming them.

Go educate yourself. Read up on what the Nakba was.

Gaza is not a State, and the ones carrying out a genocide are not Hamas.

Long live the Palestinian resistance.


@argumento @palestine 6th Oct - ~0 deaths. 7th October - over ~1400 killed by Hamas Palestinian terrorists. That is why Israel is now after every single terrorist hiding amid civilian population of Gaza.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

So it's "repeat a lie a thousand times until it becomes the truth".

I can quote sources for all my claims.


@argumento @palestine I've seen you running and accusing everybody of lying and waging genocide. Fuck it, the terrorists you're fronting did film the killing themselves.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

I'm not the only one accusing Israel of carrying out a genocide, Raz Segal, Francesca Albanese, Illan Pappé, Finkelstein, Craig Mokhiber, and the lawsuit the South African government submitted to the ICJ also claim Israel is carrying out a genocide.

Why do you believe you know better than all of them?

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

Nothing that happened on October 7 justifies the mass killing of 23 thousand people, more than 7 thousand children. The destruction of Mosques and Churches, of urban infrastructure both in Gaza and the West Bank. The mass detention w/om charges of Palestinians, that have reported torture and some of them dying under torture. "Execution style" killings by the IDF.

1,200 killing do NOT justify 23,000 ones.


@argumento @palestine And you thought after Hamas would kill 1.2K Israelis, Israel would do what? Acknowledge the long standing conflict? Kill the same number of Gazans in return? Sure they'd be coming after every single terrorist to stop it for good.


@argumento @palestine Because I've seen reporters asking a demonstrator at a 'pro-Palestine' rally whether she knew what has happened on 7th Oct and she replied negatively.

So I'd rather judge for myself rather than joining your mob thinking.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

1 demonstrator said something, so Craig Mokhiber, who resigned as UN Human Rights official over what he called "the inaction" of the UN over a "textbook case of genocide" is wrong.

And you call what I do, researching and reading on the subject, "mob thinking".

Please, read a book.


@argumento @palestine First, please, stop telling me what to do, that's just stupid.

I've used that demonstrator as an archetypal example, though I've seen plenty of it, e.g. Al Jazeera, Amnesty who babbled some bs on 8th Oct, etc.

I'd prefer to study how ICC rules on the matter first. I've seen UN officials tell all sorts of nonsense before.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

Answer me this, why is the IDF destroying the pavement in Jenin. Are Hamas hiding under the pavement?

Why does Israel bomb the south of the Gaza strip, when they told the civilians that they'll be safe if they move there?

What about the charges of torture while in detention dozens of Palestinians have raised?

Nothing of that makes a dent in you? How is denying reality any way to tackle with reality?


@argumento @palestine I don't have answers to these questions. I'm not privy to IDF operations, nor to that of Hamas.

ICC would be in a much better position to rule on them.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

You can't answer those questions.

And I know why.

Because you are an European, and Europeans tend to think of themselves as superior to "the jungle" that lies outside your "garden". That's why when you see brown people fighting for their land and their right you go to the "evil terrorists, islamists, jihadists" racist mindset.

Picture related.


@argumento That's you trying to put words in my mouth, which I sternly object. @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine I don't care.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

I'm quoting Josep Borrell on the "garden vs jungle" thing. Borrell is the head of the EU diplomacy. The EU is a democracy (or at least it claims to be), so Borrell represents you.

If you can blame all Palestinians for Hamas, I can put Borrell's words in your mouth, and further shove them in with my foot.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

Raz Segal is not a UN official

Raz Segal is a Israeli historian

Raz Segal specializes in the history of the Holocaust.

Raz Segal, a israeli historian tha specializes in the Hollocaust, claims that what's going on today in Gaza is a "textbook case of genocide".

But you know better...


@polezaivsani @argumento @palestine

The International Criminal Court is irrelevant here. South Africa has brought its case to the International Court of Justice. It's a few blocks away from the ICC, but it's an entirely different court.


@polezaivsani @argumento @palestine

Cough cough the terrorists they funded into existence in order to dissolve a (relatively) peaceful government.


@dung_eater Notwithstanding, doesn't acquit terror. @palestine @argumento

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine

But you believe Hamas killing 1200 people on October 7 does acquit Israel's terror.


@argumento Israel is retaliating for terrorist attack of Hamas. @dung_eater @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine

Israel is a racist, apartheid State, and its very existence is an act of extreme violence against the Palestinians they displaced in the Nakba, as well as those who lived decades under military occupation, as those who rot in Israeli cells without charges.


@polezaivsani By that logic of eye for an eye and tooth for tooth Hamas is doing anything but terrorism, engaging in justified retaliation for Nakbah and 76 years of humiliation and death at the hand if the occupier.

@argumento @palestine


@dung_eater Sir, you better be careful trying logical rigor on social matters in general, and your twisted kind of reasoning in particular. @palestine @argumento

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine

Bro, your reasoning is repeating "but Hamas, but Hamas, but Hamas" over and over.


@argumento I wager it's only natural to do it when that's the subject matter. Not that you didn't repeat apartheid a whole bunch of times. @dung_eater @palestine


@polezaivsani Well, I will continue to engage in my twisted reasoning and you’ll keep on appeasing a genocide. Seems fair to me.

Good day.

@palestine @argumento



When I first saw this, my first thought was that it was satire. Because, as a social scientist and critical theorist, logic is in fact essential to my work. Your statement is, in fact, off the asinine dial.

My second thought is that it could be interpreted as a threat: "Sir, you better be careful . . . " doing what I would say is a completely reasonable thing. This puts you far beyond the pale.

I have seen enough of you.

@dung_eater @palestine @argumento

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

Your claim that Hamas killed over 1400 civilians in one day is false.

Israel has adjusted the number to 1200, they oficial figure is no longer 1400.

Those 1200 are not only civilians, that number includes veterans, police officers and soldiers.

A number of the people murdered on October 7, maybe up to a hundred, were killed by the IDF, that attacked with tanks and helicopters building and vehicles, killing Israeli in the crossfire. Search Hannibal directive.


@argumento @palestine In my books killing veterans or cops or soldiers is still a desecration of human life and a crime.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @palestine

I've really never wondered what your book says.


@polezaivsani @argumento @palestine

the simple solution is to hold everyone accountable for any war crimes they committed. killing civilians is a war crime. genocide is a war crime. (here’s the specific case being raised against Israel if you’re interested per the definitions given in the Geneva convention. You may have your own views, but international law is pretty clear on this.

Per the same laws Israel has the right to proportionally defend themselves, this operation in Gaza is doing far more damage than Hamas did. Everyone calling for a ceasefire is doing so for humanitarian reasons, nobody is saying that Israel hasn’t the right to retaliate against Hamas. They just don’t have unlimited license to destroy the Palestinian people as a whole in the process.


@mapachin I agree, everybody should be held to account of the same rigor of international law.

At the same time I'm sure Israel is targeting only the sites they believe host or are used by terrorists. If Hamas used separate facilities from the civilian infra, I'm sure there'd be minimal civilian casualties.
@palestine @argumento


@polezaivsani @palestine @argumento

Israel is compelled under the Geneva Convention to utilize methods that minimize civilian loss of life. Failing to do so constitutes a war crime.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine

When the IDF took the Al Shifa hospital by assault, all they provided as evidence of it being utilized by Hamas was a Coran, a curtain, a couple of AK 74U (that witnesses say the IDF planted themselves) and a sheet of paper with the days of the week.

So let me be skeptic about "Israel only targeting the sites" where the resistance is.

(That is but one example, I can quote a dozen different ones)


@argumento @mapachin @palestine
I'm not claiming that Israel is free of fault here. Btw, there was at least some cctv footage of terrorists bringing in hostages there.

When army goes after a terrorist group hiding among civilian population in a densely populated region, there certainly will be casualties among civilians, awful accidents, bloody mistakes and everything in between.

That doesn't make me happy one bit. Though I can't think of a better response should've terrorist attacked my town.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine

Let me ask you a question.

What do you think about the Algerian FLN putting bombs in cafés killing civilians, as part of their war of liberation?

A sad necessity brought up by the cruelty of French occupation (that had bombed villages to repress the Algerians), or do you think they didn't have the right to use any means necessary to free themselves of occupation?


@argumento @mapachin @palestine I consider terrorist tactic to be reprehensible acts of crime. No matter what ends they're put to.


@argumento Allow me to answer this from my gringo perspective, or at least the one I was indoctrinated into believing.

When the IRA does it, it’s bad but not terrible – mostly anyone you ask, unless they are die-hard conservatives – will just call it “a necessary use of violent means”.

But when non-white person does it, it’s terrorism. The same reason we call gun violence and literal terrorist attacks in American schools “school shootings” instead of what it is.

But I know you already know that, calling someone a terrorist absolutely diminishes any reason and context leading to such attack, dehumanising the perpetuator in the process. Which, as we both know – is very convenient for the establishment.

That’s why the fucking Kurdish resistance including Rojava (I am aware they are not called that anymore) is viewed mostly the same as ISIS in my home country.

This pisses me the fuck off.

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine


@dung_eater In my country, white people are calling one's fellow white terrorists to be criminals. Even the terrorists themselves after some time admitted that their practice is wrong for many reasons. @palestine @argumento @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

Of course terrorism is wrong, war is a terrible thing, hurting another human being is an act of cruelty. But when you don't have any other mean to resist violence being done on to you, when you have no other means but terror to fight terror, you do. Even Gandhi acknowledged the right of people to resist violence violently, he just though non-violence was better.


@polezaivsani Why would that matter when you’re basically pulling out “but Hamas” argument when discussing tens of thousands of civilians murdered by a nation state our governments fully support?

@palestine @argumento @mapachin


@dung_eater Because you tried portraying terror as a racial matter. While Hamas' attack is the direct reason the IDF brought about the retaliation. @palestine @argumento @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

The terror an Aparheid State enforces is based on race. Israel is a racist State, by its constitution.


@argumento How come Arabs get to live in Israel or become citizens thereof?

@dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

Arabs gets to live in occupied Palestine because they are the original population of Palestine, and the ethnic cleansing of 1948 wasn't complete. It's all in Pappe's book.

Arabs, Armenians, Ethiopian Jews, are NOT citizens of Israel, because Israel is an apartheid State and only Jews are full right citizens.


@argumento I don't get it, Israel is a state yet Arab citizens there are not true citizens, how come? @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

Please be as kind as to watch this 2 minutes informational video.


@polezaivsani @argumento @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin and you wonder what this has to do with racism... :blobcatthonking:


@polezaivsani Just educate yourself. The fact you engage in this conversation without knowing the situation of the Palestinian populace is pathetic.

@argumento @palestine @mapachin


@polezaivsani @argumento @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin they are colonised Palestinians, and it doesn't make much of anything better for them.

servelan, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin 'Getting to live' is not the same as citizenship. Becoming citizens doesn't change the fact that Israel declared itself a Jewish state.


@servelan The Arabs bear citizenship of Israel. @argumento @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @servelan @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

You keep repeating that, and that's why I think you don't understand what apartheid means.

No, they are not.

In an apartheid regime, like the one in Israel, only one group of people have full rights. That's what "apartheid" means.


@argumento I no longer hold AI nor HRW in high regard. Here, tells that Arabs are proper citizens in Israel. @servelan @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @servelan @dung_eater @palestine @mapachin

Well, my mom says you're wrong.


@polezaivsani Have you ever been to Israel?

@argumento @servelan @palestine @mapachin


@dung_eater No, never been there nor in Gaza or West Bank. If you're going to berate me for talking of something I have no first hand experiences, then I would only retort that I haven't been to space either, without it being a stopping me from explicating about stars (just an example, not that I know much about stars). @palestine @argumento @servelan @mapachin


@polezaivsani so let me just say that I have (Tel Aviv) and that let me witness border controls and absolute fuck ton of IDF soldiers and metal fences everywhere. No country treats it’s citizens that way, especially when those pointed guns at and stuck at the controls were Arabs, not Jews.

@palestine @argumento @servelan @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@dung_eater @palestine @polezaivsani @servelan @mapachin

You not only don't have first hand experience, you are biased and refuse to see reality. You have been proven wrong a dozen times in this conversation: on the number of deaths on Oct 7, on the friendly fire on Oct 7, on Arabs, Armenians and Ethiopian Jews having the same rights as Jews in Israel, and every time you just dodge the bullet or cover up your ears and go "la la la la la la, Hamas Hamas Hamas". Please, stop being a clown.


@dung_eater Oh, never did I claim to love the idea of walls and fences. Not one bit.

I see it as the lesser evil (compared to all out war) when people can't reach unanimity with the seething confrontation. This ugly fence is monument to a human failure.

These means cannot bring about peace. I wish more people on both sides of the wall would realize that cohabitation is the only peaceful option.

@palestine @argumento @servelan @mapachin


@polezaivsani Well, I’m glad you’re privileged enough to just state the victims of colonisation and apartheid are equally responsible for their situation as their perpetuators are.

@palestine @argumento @servelan @mapachin


@dung_eater Again, this one-sided bigotry. These victims had committed a bloodbath couple months back and I don't see the 'cease fire' folks mourning them much.

How about Palestinians go and build a flourishing state rather than lobbing rockets?

@palestine @argumento @servelan @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani Oh, we absolutely do. Fuck Hamas. But then, Hamas is not Palestine.

And treating the Oct. 7 attack as in vacuum and as an attack commited by the Palestinian civilian populace experiencing genocide right now is what leads to said genocide in the first place.

How about Palestinians go and build a flourishing state rather than lobbing rockets.

There’s so much wrong with this statement I will not even humour you further. Stop being ignorant piece of shit.

@palestine @argumento @servelan @mapachin

daniel_keough, avatar

@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine @argumento @servelan @mapachin Again, this is one sided bigotry, ignoring 75 years of violence, ethnic cleansing.


@polezaivsani @dung_eater @palestine @argumento @mapachin the Israeli occupation forces are little different from the SS and Gestapo rolled into one.


@crashglasshouses didn’t Mossad train with ex-SS operatives including one and only Otto Skorzeny?

@polezaivsani @palestine @argumento @mapachin


@dung_eater @palestine @polezaivsani @argumento @mapachin idk but it wouldn't surprise me. zionists have co-operated with nazis before.


@crashglasshouses I’ve checked it out, as a matter of fact yes, Otto Skorzeny and numerous other fun war criminals were recruited by the Israel to train Mossad.

@palestine @argumento @mapachin

argumento, avatar

@dung_eater @palestine @mapachin @crashglasshouses

It'd be great if you shared a link on that.

NoFlexZone, avatar
NoFlexZone, avatar
NoFlexZone, avatar

@argumento @dung_eater @palestine @crashglasshouses

has some discussion of Israeli collaboration with Nazi Germany (and genuine affinity for Nazi Germany among some Israelis)

argumento, avatar

@NoFlexZone @dung_eater @palestine @crashglasshouses I'll listen to them tomorrow. Thanks.

jeremy_pm, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @mapachin @palestine
You seem to be overlooking international law which states an occupier has no right to self defence from the occupied people.


@jeremy_pm The occupier rhetoric is I believe meant to dispel a conversation. I don't want to have another lengthy discussion on the meandering history of the conflict. @argumento @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

But I do. So sit by the fire, Vasili.

It all started with the British mandate over former Ottoman colonies, that was unlawful and an imposition on the Arabs by the European powers. During the British Mandate, the UK favored the migration of European Jews to Palestine. Not only that, when the Brits saw the Arabs as a people to be dominated, they saw the Eruopean Jews as their allies in occupation. That's why the armed and trained them.


argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Then WWII happened, and the British enroled the Jewish colonists of Palestine in their army to fight Hitler, and provided them with more weapons and training.

Then, as the Jewsih population ammounted to about a third of Palestine, the British decided to gran them more than half the country, and set up an "Arab state" in 42% of Palestine. To which, obviously, the Arabs refused.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Then came the fateful year of 1948, and the Nakba.

The Nakba was the name the Palestinians gave to the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, which is carefully studied in Illan Pappé's book of the same name (recommended reading).

In that year, BEFORE the Arab armies intervened, the Jewish terrorist groups Haguena, Irgun and the Stern band, committed countless killings, destruction of buildings and whole villages.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

The Nakba included terrible massacres, like the one at Deir Yassim.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

After the Nakba, Israel occupied almost all of Palestine, with the exception of the West Bank, that ended under the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan's control.

And that was the situation until the war on 1967 and the UN resolution 242, and the "Land for Peace" Israeli plan, all of which opened (or at least appeared to open) the way for a two State Solution.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Yet, the Two State solution was never achieved, because Israel didn't want a Palestinan State, because Israel, both left and rifght wing parties, wanted the WHOLE of Palestine to set up their Apartheid Jewish State.

I can quote both Illan Pappe and Mark Regev and even Netanyahu on this. But I'll let Caitlin do the talking while I drink my coffee:

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Ok, so, where were we?

I'm gonna skip the Yom Kippur war, and fast forward to the Camp David accords. Supposedly, those were meant to end the conflict, and to allow for a disjoijnted Palestinian State in 22% percent of Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank.

But the "Palestinian State" wasn't really a State, as it didn't control the borders, airspace, international trade, nor had it right to engage in diplomacy w/o Israel supervision.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

A part of the Palestinian resistance saw the Oslo and Camp Davis Accords as a betrayal of the struggle to liberate all of Palestine, and rightfully so, so they continued the resistance by different means. Including the unarmed first and second Intifadas, and the rock throwing and other ways of struggle. To no avail.

Each time, the IDF (or IOF as its better called) responded with disproportionate violence.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

All the time, the Israelis kept on grabbing more and more land in the West Bank and Gaza, although the illegal (as per the 242 UN resolution) settlements in Gaza were dismantled when the IOF stopped the direct military occupation. (Can't remember the year, following the Oslo and Camp Davis accords).

Israel also isolated the Palestinian cities and villages in the Wes Bank, building massive walls and highways.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

If memory doesn't fail me, it was after the Israel's represion of the first Intifada that Hamas was founded. Up till that time, the Palestinian Resistance was mostly secular, both with Nationalistic and Marxist-Leninist tendencies. But the Oslo agreements and the inability of the Palestinian Authority led to the Islamic Resistance (Hamas) taking a front role.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

The Israeli, following the maxim "divide and rule", foster Hamas, let them have funding in different ways. In Netanyahu's own words, Hamas was the tool to keep a Palestinian State from happening.

Then the 2008 elections came, and Hamas surprisingly won them over secular (and corrupt) Al Fatah.

Israel, the EU and the USA were not having it, and despite the popular vote, they supported Al Fatah in not transitioning power.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

This led to the current situation. The "Palestinian Authority", with very low popular support, rules over isolated enclaves in the West Bank, and the Islamic Resistance took De Facto power on the Gaza strip.

Now, what is the Gaza strip, you might ask.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

The Gaza strip is a strip of land. It borders with Egypt to the south and is surrounded by "Israel" (occupied Palestine) on all other flanks. It has been called "the worlds biggest open air prison" and "the worlds biggest concentration camp", because it's basically surrounded, people can't go in or out, Israel control what comes in down to the number of calories it allows per capita.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Gaza is not a State, Gaza is a concentration camp. In that situation, the Islamic Resistance broke from the prison on October 7. And they are entitled to defend themselves, a inmate in a concentration camp has the moral right to fight to free themself, even if they need to kill the guards, even if they need to kill the guard's families. They are fighting for their freedom. But it doesn't end there.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

At least two intelligence bodies, the Mossad and the Egyptian Intelligence, had prior knowledge of Hamas planning an attack, and, at the very least, they were inept, if not complicit, with it happening.

What would that imply, why do I say this?

Because Israel has ALWAYS, from day zero, pretended tom keep all of historical Palestine to themselves. And this is documented in history books.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

So I hope this little history of Palestine helps you, Vassily, to get A FUCKING GRASP on reality.


@argumento arguement, judging by how you're bursting with caps I suppose you're about to explode and mar what little humility the discussion had with more crap. @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Oh boy, my all caps hold nothing to you calling the history of Israeli occupation "crap".

presses the All caps key


argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Where are you from Vasilii? How can you be so uneducated? Haven't you studied the history of colonization? Do you know who Frantz Fanon was?

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Do you understand what "apartheid" means?

jeremy_pm, avatar


Thanks for your clear and concise explanation of the history behind this terrible injustice.

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine

Miro_Collas, avatar

@jeremy_pm @argumento

Seconded - very well written!

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine

cwtshycwtsh, avatar

Did you even read that whole finely written short history or are you just a fascist?

I think the latter due to you labelling colonialism and genocide resistance as “terrorism”. Imagine calling those brave Jews who resisted and survived the Holocaust “terrorists”. That’s what you’re doing.

@argumento @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine


@cwtshycwtsh, you go easy on your woke kool-aid. To get back to your senses a bit, try reflecting on Hamas, the ruling authority in Gaza, wrecking a bloodbath on 7th October killing ~ 1400 people. Try answering yourself what where they thinking, how the massacre was to bring about peace.

Once you get back to normal, come back I'll tell you about the great terror of Russian communists.

@argumento @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

cwtshycwtsh, avatar
argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Hamas didn't kill 1,400 people in October 7. The official number according to Israel is 1,200.


ridicol, avatar


  1. on October 7th 1139 people were killed, some of them killed by the IDF

  2. the October 7th masacre wasn't too bring peace but to stop the occupation, or at least to draw attention to the unbearable life the Palestinians have been living for the last 75 years

  3. if you are unaware of the occupation, you can't understand Hamas and the only explanation you give yourself is 'they hate Jews". Too simple.

@cwtshycwtsh @argumento @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine


@ridicol Are arguing with yourself there?

For the record, you call killing ~1400 people in one day a drawing of attention is utterly deranged.

Wish you get better, but don't ask me to help you.

@cwtshycwtsh @argumento @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

The figure of 14 hundred deaths has been debunked more than once in this conversation. Even quoting official figures. How long are you going to keep repeating the same false statements?

You really, REALLY follow that thing about "a lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth".


@argumento Iirc you've insinuated a ridiculous idea that some the deaths where caused by friendly fire. That's one reason I ain't heeding you advice.

Putting a tilde in there as sign of approximate number seem good enough to have a discussion in general terms.

@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@argumento Hm, it seem that the 'friendly fire' claim may be not as ridiculous as it seemed to me before.

I'm offering an apology about the 'ridiculous' remark.

@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

I'm glad to see you can change your mind if presented evidence.

This is a 2 decades old documentary on Palestine, made by award winning journalist John Pilger. Please make some time to watch it, it's rather balanced and interviews many Israelis, as well as Palestinians.

It's never bad to have more information.


@argumento The film, does shed mode gory detail on what I mostly knew.

I don't want to pretend to know better how to untangle the mess except for keeping nourishing awareness and empathy on both sides.

Seems to me that none of events since 7th Oct are conducive to this end. Again Palestinians are chanting 'from the river to the sea' and Israel is scratching their heads on how to go about Gaza.

And the WB situation has deteriorated too.

@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine


@argumento How is current state of affairs helping Palestinians to build a sovereign state?

Kill a thousand people to draw attention (as some say here) and call out Israel on genocide? Sounds rather ridiculous to me.

I'm not here to tell any of the sides what to do, other than to retain what shatters of humility and compassion there are still left. And carry on inching to a better faring.

@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

You call injustices "gory details"? For real?

You call IOF soldiers deliberately breaking bones of Palestinian detainees during the first Intifada a "gory detail" and not a terrible injustice?

You call the israeli checkpoints keeping pregnant women from reaching a hospital a "gorey detail" and not an act of cruelty?

Boy oh boy, is your moral compass broken.

I guess the caste at the ICJ also is nothing but"gory details" 4U

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Ok, lets go back a step. Please, indulge me. Do you understand what "apartheid" means?


@argumento Get down from you high moral horse, and tell me with a straight face that none of ancestors in say a century or two had dabbled in some such acts? Mine did, and I'm sure there where moments where I could've be seen on either side of the injustice.

Yes I do understand what apartheid means, and you don't moralizing doesn't seem to offer anything of a value to me. Unless you're willing to explicate the broader aspects of just.
@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar
argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

If by "moral high horse" you mean being against genocide, then I'm sorry to tell you, I wont.

Your argument is shit. SHIT. If someone in your genealogy in the past committed a genocide, then the State of Israel gets a shot a ti too? For real?

You are deranged.


@argumento I find your rhetoric likewise deranged.

You keep abusing history to acquit the bloody massacre. You (figuratively) kill a thousand people and then go around crying about the injustice from past decade or two. W/o mentioning a word how the Gaza has been run for a decade by a mostly internationally recognized terrorist organization.

Stop telling me about injustice until you're willing to admit your own faults.

@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

I stand with the Palestinian resistance.


@argumento Go read some history to learn what's the deal about terrorism and why it's universally despised.

If you believe that that's an acceptable device, then you must also accept the consequences it comes with and stop crying when the other side hits back.

Though I find it (the prem and cons) to be abhorrent. You be you.

@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

You go read some history, looser.

Go read Illan Pappe's The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.

Go read Henry Cattan's Palestine, the Arabs and Israel.

Go read Rashid Khalid's The Hundred years war on Palestine.

Go read Finkelstein's Gaza: an Inquest into its Martyrdom.

Go read Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth.

Go read Edward Said's Orientalism.

I can go on. You ignorant whitey.


@argumento You sound like a racist or (I hope that's the case) just a rash human being.

Good luck!
@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

You claim the decades long crimes of Israel against Palestinians are "gory detail", and also claim that Palestinians don't have the right to fight to end them, yet you call me a racist, whitey.


@argumento I think we're done with a dialogue here. Let's stop short of calling each other names, blackey (or whatever color your skin may be).

@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

Just for the record, I'm not calling you whitey over your skin color, but the fact you're a white supremacist.


@argumento You're ridiculing yourself, that's what you're doing, at least in my eyes, however little that may mean to you.

Good luck.
@ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

You perspective is so bad you don't even get who's getting ridiculed here.

jeremy_pm, avatar


Your mind and morality is so perverse. Defending Palestinian’s is defending Jews and every ethnic or religious group who have been historically persecuted by another group. Defending Palestine is defending everybody’s right to live in peace with dignity.
means Never Again.

@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine



@jeremy_pm You (figuratively) have just slaughtered that thousand people to defend whom? Those thousands killed afterwards?

You can't vie for peace by killing innocent people.

@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

jeremy_pm, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

You’re arguing that the Nazi holocaust was the result of the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto uprising.
Do you believe that this is the case?


@jeremy_pm Stop blurring the lines, the 7th Oct attack was an act of terror.
@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

jeremy_pm, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

Did the Warsaw Ghetto uprising bring about the holocaust, yes or no?


@jeremy_pm Cut the crap. I'm not willing to continue this bicker. @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

If you don't want to continue, Vasilii, then just shut up.

From the river to the sea is a slogan calling for liberation. Calling for an end to an apartheid State and ethnic cleansing is not the same as calling for ethnic cleansing. It's just your narrow perspective and your racist bias that makes you think so.


@argumento you're have my permission to shut up to, argumento.

When a whole lot of people perceive that slogan as antisemitic, then either that many people are racist, or there is something wrong with the slogan. My biases take is that it's the latter.
@jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

gwit, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free


@gwit Free from bigotry I might add, though that's a tall order to be realistic. @argumento @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @gwit @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

Vasilli, you are wrong. The reason why white Europeans perceive the slogan "from the river to the sea" as antisemitic IS because they are racist. No one else in the world feels that way. I might add that it's also about the collective guilt Europeans have over the Holocaust that, funny enough, happened because white Europeans were racist and antisemitic.


@argumento White Europeans are racists? I'm not saying Europeans are saints, but you sure get puzzled stares on that account from me.
@gwit @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @gwit @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

White supremacist and racism as a system are European inventions, they heavily influenced European culture and are they key feature of Europe's relation to the rest of the world, either as a justification for colonization and slavery, or as part of a paternalistic attitude.

Read Frantz Fanon, Cedric Robinson, I forget the names of the authors but there's The Invention of the White Race and How the Irish Became White.

chiraag, avatar
argumento, avatar

@chiraag @polezaivsani @gwit @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine didn't know that one, adding to my to read list. Thnx

jeremy_pm, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free. This is a call for a return to a free Palestine for the Jews, Muslim’s and Christian’s who call this land their home and have lived there together in peace for centuries. The only group advocating and acting out a genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people are the Zionists.

The Zionists originated from Europe not Palestine.


@jeremy_pm I'm not willing to start that discussion again, we're obviously holding different views on it.
Me, I'm not swayed by your take on the meaning. There is too much double entendre in it to consider it benign.
@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine "I don't care about facts, I only care about my bias", for real Vasilii, for real...


@argumento Did we get to the point of simply cussing and insulting? @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@argumento You certainly ain't getting a pass at calling me names. @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine oh no, I don't get a pass for calling you names, whitey.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

Now now Vasilii, mocking me over my baldness was uncalled for.

jeremy_pm, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine
I can only assume you’re a

As far as I’m concerned, the only difference between Zion and Nazi is one letter.


@jeremy_pm A return to some 'free' Palestine is the similar discourse Putin uses to 'free' Ukraine. Sovereign nations are free to decide for themselves. @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

jeremy_pm, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

Your argument re Putin is the same argument the USA and Israel use against Palestine, however, Palestine are the Ukraine in this scenario.
Israel is an occupier of Palestinian land.
As said in 1986; The U.S. would have to invent an Israel if it didn’t exist.


@jeremy_pm I support freeing Gaza of terrorist reign, though my opinion comes with no authority and Gazans know best how to fare in their land.

Similarly you can't call for some 'freedom' for a sovereign state as it's theirs to chose how they want to go.

If you where to tell people how they should live, that'd be likely perceived as an unduly infringement.

@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

somekindahate3, avatar

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine When you mean terrorist reign, you mean Israel, right?

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani @somekindahate3 @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

Hey Vasilii, what are you gonna do in a few days, when the ICJ rules there is a genocide (or risk of thereof) in Gaza? Do you think you'll have an aneurysm, or just cognitive dissonance?

jeremy_pm, avatar
argumento, avatar

@argumento I appreciate you feign an air of care here, but worry not, I'll take it the usual way, consider new information and scrutinize my perception, something I urge people do themselves constantly. @somekindahate3 @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

somekindahate3, avatar
heretical_i, avatar

@jeremy_pm Donetsk and Lugansk are 'Palestine' and it's fucking well obvious. Ukraine's military, thanks to the same scumbags arming israel, is second in size and firepower to the Russians, in the region. Fair fight guy, and Ukraine WILL end up like FORMER Yugoslavia. All that's left is Montenegro, and all that will be left of FORMER Ukraine will be Kiev. Meanwhile, Z will... see image 🤣
@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

happymilk, avatar

They are absolutely not similar. One is a slgoan used by oppressed peoples. The other is a talking point of an invader. The only thing similar to Putin's speech is 's rationalization of "freeing from Hamas". But in typical fashion, you invert reality. @jeremy_pm @palestine


look, the hasbara troll even has boots in their profile pic. :D it's obvious he likes the taste of well worn leather, LOL!

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

ridicol, avatar

@morpheo @jeremy_pm @argumento @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

Time to block him. I'm over the non sense rants.



and if those "lot of people" use that very same slogan to proclaim their own--and only their own--freedom on stolen land, what is it then?

@argumento @jeremy_pm @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

gwit, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine Oh dont be racist to the whites... we are the most oppressed racial group in history. We enslaved, murdered, stole our way around the world BUT, now we get called whitey on the internet....


@gwit I'm mildly amused as the amount of crime you're willing to accuse me of. Some of those had plenty presence in my lineage, others not. Just as it did for yours.

Are you trying to assume the role of victim to acquite your crimes?

@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

gwit, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine No, I'm white. I am telling you to stop whining. Saying whitey isnt racist.


@gwit Fuck off. That's also isn't racist, just mildly insulting. @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine

gwit, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine Oh good one brother. You've made a great point.

argumento, avatar

@gwit @polezaivsani @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine for the record I'm a White Mexican. You could say I'm mestizo or something like that, but my skin is white.

jeremy_pm, avatar

@polezaivsani @argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

Terrorism is not a political label it’s a description of actions. The biggest purveyors of terror on the planet are the USA yet they, like Israel, are never prosecuted for their crimes enabling them the freedom to pursue their global crimes.


@jeremy_pm That's called what-aboutism. I'm not willing to partake in demagoguery.
@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

jeremy_pm, avatar

@jeremy_pm I want you to cut expand your narrow woke horizons to see how myopic your 'from the river to the sea' stance is. That blow for blow act in which a whole lot of people are dying the more you push it.

Not that I expect you to grant my wishes that is.
@argumento @ridicol @cwtshycwtsh @mapachin @palestine

ridicol, avatar

No, I'm arguing with a hopeless fascist.

You might not understand simple English, but the point was that your statement of 1400 is wrong.
Also confirmed by IDF itself, update your statistics

@cwtshycwtsh @argumento @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine



No sarcasm, that was splendid.

@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @mapachin @palestine


@polezaivsani @jeremy_pm @argumento @mapachin @palestine then please shut up, if willful ignorance if what you prefer.


@polezaivsani @argumento @palestine

ok, but there's a difference between raiding the hospital to find evidence of Hamas operations and leveling the building, right?

the issue is that Israel continually uses excessive force when operating in this very dense urban environment. the way you're phrasing this dramatically minimizes the actual damage being done AND ignores the compounding damage to the Palestinian people that will continue to take its toll long after the campaign ends because of the heavy damage to civilian infrastructure. which, incidentally, is also a war crime.


@mapachin I'm poorly positioned to judge what better ways IDF might've taken.

Though I've seen them admitting their mistakes on a bunch of occasions, something I've never heard Hamas do. That gives Israel some credibility. Though I would welcome a thorough objective scrutiny of all the facts and put the perpetrators on trial. @palestine @argumento


@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine @argumento you're poorly positioned to be saying anything. you already admitted that you don't want to understand the problem, probably because it makes it easier for you to say a bunch of racist nonsense and claim you didn't know!


@polezaivsani Murdering 20,000+ civilians, most of whom are were literal children, some of them not even 1 year old (!!!) is not a “bloody mistake”. It’s an indiscrimate murder.

@argumento @mapachin @palestine


@polezaivsani @argumento @mapachin @palestine if you don't like "terrorists" "attacking" your town, consider not murdering them for generations and subjecting every new generation to mass murder. that might help.

argumento, avatar

@polezaivsani If this was true, they wouldn’t have targeted houses of individual journalists as they did. And the tradition of murdering journalists is quite a long one in Israel. The same goes for humanitarian aid and UN peacekeepers. Israel killed numerous ones.

Who the fuck fires on medical staff? Who in their right mind explicitly targets journalists? Oh wait. I know. A war criminal.

@mapachin @palestine @argumento

not2b, avatar

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine @argumento The Wall Street Journal, which no one has ever credibly accused of being pro-Palestinian, reports that 70% of the houses in Gaza have been destroyed. So why are you sure that Israel is targeting only the sites that they believe host or is used by Hamas? If that's their intent they are incredibly poor shots. See


@not2b Because Israel isn't known to be indiscriminately destroying cities. That's my predisposition.

I've seen no evidence showing that they go after civilian infrastructure at will. Though I've seen a number of sham accounts spread by the 'cease fire' folks.

Doesn't mean I'm going to dismiss the fact to the contrary, but so far I didn't see much, apart from the folks yelling apartheid and genocide every few words.

@mapachin @palestine @argumento

not2b, avatar

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine @argumento Gaza (the city) was a city of 500,000 people. Now it is an evacuated ruin. The destruction was indiscriminate, and included many ancient churches and mosques. See (CNN is generally a pro-Israeli source, even Israel's defenders are taken aback by the scale of the destruction).

argumento, avatar
argumento, avatar

@not2b @polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine

Israel’s Demolition of Palestinian Homes: A Fact Sheet

The extent of the destruction since 1948: at least 130,000 homes and other structures.

The systematic demolition of Palestinian homes, mosques and other buildings emptied out in 1948 have continued until today.

In the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1967: around 60,000.

2586 demolitions just in 2020.


@not2b Was there a map that showed which parts are used by terrorists and which aren't?
Deliberation means they destroyed something w/o there being good reason for them to do so.
@mapachin @palestine @argumento

argumento, avatar
not2b, avatar

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine @argumento No, deliberation means that they did it intentionally. I deliberately drove to work today, and there was a good reason for me to do so. Maybe they feel that they have a good reason to completely destroy the city of Gaza; they certainly did so very effectively.

Clearly we aren't going to convince each other, so I'm going to mute the conversation.

servelan, avatar

@polezaivsani @mapachin @palestine @argumento The problem with this argument is that it says a military objective trumps civilian casualties, and is very close to collective punishment's perfectly fine.

Can't buy into that.

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