What things am I a dumbass about?

Had someone contact me because a browser interface was ‘down’ and it was actually a cert issue. It surprised me that in an IT context, this person didn’t have a basic understanding of SSL certs. They didn’t even know how to add a cert exception.

It got me thinking, what basic ubiquitous things am I a dumbass about outside of IT?

Ive seen lots of ‘fun facts’ compilations, but it would be better to get a wide range of subject suggestions that I can spend 30 minutes each or less on, and become a more capable human.

Like what subjects would plumbers consider basic knowledge? Chemical interactions between cleaning products and PVC pipes?

What would an accountant or a landscaper consider to be so basic its shocking people can live their lives without knowing any of it?

For most areas of expertise, its difficult to know even what the basics are to start with.


I work at a bakery. The number of people who ask for half a loaf of bread (normal to buy in this area, but they’re not pre-cut), then get upset when I pick up a whole loaf so I can cut half off is mind blowing to me. I’m also not a native speaker and autistic, so I’m wary of being inadvertently way too rude if I comment on it.

meekah, (edited )
@meekah@lemmy.world avatar

People are fucking idiots lmao. What, you don’t bake your half loaves, with the crust missing on the flat side?


I… Huh!? What do they want?


They want a loaf baked as a half loaf in the first place. They don’t realize all the half loaves are full loaves cut after baking.

They don’t realize that baking is a process that can only produce full loaves.


People this stupid are allowed outside on their own? Wtf did they expect?


You’re ignorant of most things, and recognizing this is one of the most important things to growth as a person.


I honestly have no idea what your first paragraph is about. It might as well be in Chinese.

I’m a molecular biologist. I was recently surprised when I told someone that RNA is a thing that all living thing are brimming with. He thought that RNA was something scientists invented in 2020s to use as COVID vaccines.

I also once worked with someone who had a degree in biological sciences and was shocked to learn that female cows have vaginas. She didn’t explain where she thought baby cows come from, but we decided not to push the matter and changed the subject.


ELI5 of certificates:

The “s” in “https” in urls like “wikipedia.com” stands for “Secure”.

When you connect to Wikipedia’s computer to read something, how do you know if the content you get back is what they actually sent and wasn’t altered by your friendly neighborhood hacker?

Wikipedia can “sign” the content before sending it you. They also give you a certificate telling you how they have a particular signature which has been verified by someone else whom you already trust, and how long this particular signature is valid for.

If a hacker tries to alter the document returned by Wikipedia, they wouldn’t be able to sign the document correctly. If they tried to give a certificate with a different signature too, you would catch it because they wouldn’t be able to fake the verification of the “someone you trust” so you’d catch the fake certificate.

Browsers handle all this stuff for us. If it detects something fishy, it’ll just show an error along the lines of “could not verify certificate”. In some cases, it’s genuinely an issue where you/the website is under attack and you may get a virus.

In some other cases though, it’s an issue of the certificate expiring and the guys at Wikipedia not being proactive about getting a new signature and certificate. If you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you’re just dealing with a lazy developer and not a malicious hacker, you can tell your browser to ignore whatever issue it detected and show you the content that was returned by Wikipedia.

Thanks for attending my TEDx talk.


Wow… I was pretty shocked at the levels of ignorance with vaccines in recent history too.

nutsack, (edited )

you probably don’t know how to do a valve check on the car you drive every day

@PriorityMotif@lemmy.world avatar

I know how, but I’m not messing with it. I have a Volvo 5 cylinder. It has plugs in the cam girdle (it doesn’t have a valve cover, the upper cover is also the upper half of the cam races) you pull the plugs and check the clearance. Then you do a calculation and order new lifters from the dealer. It’s not making noise, so I don’t care enough to check it.


don’t lie to me steven


How do the shims stay in place?




I know how to do a valve check… I probably should on my car. I did the valves on my motorbike. That was a real mission.


Don’t use high heat on nonstick pans.

Assuming we want the same internal temperature, high heat will cook the outside more than low heat. For bread you probably want a bit more heat to get a nice crusty outside. For steaks you want less heat to avoid overcooking most of the meat, then just a quick sear on the outside.

Don’t overload your pan. If your food is cooking in a bunch of water that came out of the food you are boiling it, not frying it, and it’s going to suck. Put in less food so that water can boil off before it starts boiling your food.

Don’t overload your cookie sheets either. The center of the pan will not get as hot due to all that cold wet food sucking up all the heat, so the fries on the edge will cook faster than the fries in the middle.

Sear or roast your brassicas. They taste way better with some browning and lots of oil and salt.

Measuring food by weight is much easier and much more accurate than measuring by volume with measuring cups and spoons. This is next level awesome if you’re trying to measure something sticky like honey or peanut butter, you can weigh it in the mixing bowl rather than dirtying a measurement device.

Don’t overvook your meat. Use a fast read meat thermometer. Beef, pork, chicken, seafood, are all much better when cooked.to the proper internal temperature.

I am not a cooking expert, I am a heat transfer expert with a strong background in chemistry and those skills transfer over to cooking.

Asafum, (edited )

Just adding to yours as I’m a nerd for gardening and it isn’t common knowledge: brassicas are vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, mustard, etc

Also on the topic of brassicas, if you see the little white “butterflies” with a black dot on each wing, those are cabbage moths and the bane of a gardeners existence! Unless an entomologist can chime in and say why they’re actually great lol


I find high heat in stainless steel pans is very good though? Like it works better to heat the pan and then add your oils. They’re so much better.


Definitely. I agree that in stainless, it is best to get hot first, then add oil, then add food. It is also best to let the food sit still for a bit on the heat, as it browns it will naturally start to detach to flip or remove. Same works for cast iron but easier


We are all terrible at applying statistics, it is incongruent with the way our intuition works. It takes intentional consideration plus math and understanding to consider things statistically, much harder than the immediate intuitive answers our brains give us. The worst part is sometimes those intuitive answers are dead on, sometimes they totally miss the mark, and we have no way of knowing which is which without doing the hard work to evaluate the situation statistically.

The boom Thinking Fast and Slow covers this in great detail and provides some guidance on how to manage it.

MadBob, (edited )

Basic knife skills is something I’m often almost shocked by. I had a housemate last year who’d bought herself a decent Sabatier chef’s knife (like this) but the way she cut veg, she may as well have been using a sharpened bit of moss. All the gear and no idea. Thankfully she forgot to take it with her or something when she moved out so it’s my knife now.

@poo@lemmy.world avatar

What can I do or watch to improve my knife skills? I’m aware of how woefully incompetent I am when it takes me like 2 minutes to dice an onion the way Ramsay does in 10 seconds lol


For onions specifically:

Sharpen your knife and make French onion soup.

You’ll cut so many that you’ll figure it out.

For everything else: pinch grip and crab your other hand. The pinch grip is where you rely on a pinch between thumb and forefinger on the blade just in front of the handle to grab the knife. It’s the choke up of holding a knife and will make you much safer and give more control. Crabbing your other hand is where you curl your fingers up like ginger roots instead of letting them extend out like little baby carrots. It will keep you from being hurt when something goes wrong and allow you to go much faster because you’re not having to slow down to avoid cutting yourself.


I don’t usually read the names of posters, but getting food and cooking advice from “bloodfart” is rimjobsteve tier.


Happy to help, citizen!


Keep your knife sharp, remember that you cut by running the blade along something rather than pressing into it, and keep your fingers out the way by doing the claw with the other hand and keeping your grip firm. Then just practise!


I’m a person you will be horrified by because I gave up on sharp knives, switched to serrated for everything, and NO REGRETS.


I respect it actually!


I would also add knowing how to sharpen a knife on a stone and never using the knife-blunteners that come prebuilt into knife blocks these days.


“or something”… You hid it didn’t you lol


Basic computer competency starts with reading the error message.

I’ve worked in IT and you’d be amazed how many people are stuck with some problem that would be fixed if they just read the error message on their screen.

For example, it might say:

Error! The green button needs to be pressed. It’s on your keyboard. It’s green. It also has lettering on it that says PRESS HERE.

People will bring their computer in, at a total loss for what to do.


The customer service manager sent not one, not two, but three emails in one hour demanding our engineers fix this login error that a high valued customer had.

The error was “username or password was incorrect”.

I fixed it by resetting their password.


The sales are continuous at Lowe’s. Probably other stores too, but I can say that I worked for Lowe’s for about 15 months and during that time we always had a sale going.

It’s a ruse to provide an artificial sense of urgency. One sale would end say 1/13 and on 1/14 we’d take down all the signage from that sale and put up the signage got the next sale.


When I worked at Toys R Us, we had a kids clothes section and it was basically on a 3 week rotation. One week, brands 1 and 2 were on sale, next week brands 3 and 4, then finally brands 5 and 6 before starting over the next week. It wasn’t 100% predictable, but generally everything would go on sale at least once a month. Sales on toys were less predictable just because there’s so many more of them to cycle through.


Clothing stores too. Especially the “high end” ones that supposedly have their own factories just for them.


That’s just how retail works.


I’m a developmental psychologist, and the biggest thing is people just not knowing what “psychologist” means.

The tl;dr here is:

Most psychologists aren’t therapists. Most therapists aren’t psychologists. If you’re looking for quality mental health care, don’t revere the “doctor.”

A “psychologist” refers to someone with a PhD in psychology (or someone who does psychological research within an interdisciplinary field, like education or human development). Critically, a psychologist is a researcher (and often an educator at the college+ level). Psychology is a massive field, and the most common subfields are cognitive, developmental, social, clinical, and neurobio.

A “clinical psychologist” is a research psychologist is the particular subfield of clinical psychology. Along with research, clinical psychologists usually learn clinical psychotherapy practices and then may (or may not) choose to incorporate offering therapy into their career. A similar path is the “PsyD” (doctor of psychology) which also falls under the “psychologist” heading. Like a clinical psych PhD, a PsyD has had advanced training in research and practice, but the balance of the degree leans much more toward practice. People who opt for a PsyD rather than PhD usually plan to pursue a fully clinical career, but are qualified to do research as well.

A “therapist” is someone who is trained and licensed to provide clinical psychotherapy. Most therapists in the US have a master’s degree in social work (or a few others, like counseling psychology), specialized clinical training in one or more areas or treatments, and additional state licensure requirements. Clinical and counseling psychologists (with PhDs) can act as therapists if they get and maintain licenses, but this is a small fraction of therapists. PsyDs make up another chunk, but the majority do not have a terminal PhD/PsyD.

As a psychologist, I don’t say this because I think my PhD makes me better than someone with an MSW — the reverse! I hear people get advice to not see a therapist if they are “just” a social worker without a PhD. Meanwhile people come up to my dumbass self and think I am qualified to act as a therapist or like I know anything about clinical or abnormal psychology. Like, wanna know how 2-year-olds and 12-year-olds use nonverbal signals like shrugs to facilitate conversational interaction differently from each other and from adults? No? Then I am not the person you’re looking for. Go talk to that extremely knowledgeable and well-trained person with an MA.

…Meanwhile a “psychiatrist” is a whole other thing. They have an MD and can prescribe medication. Very rarely they may also offer psychotherapy, but that’s hard to make happen in the US a healthcare system.


Then someone throws out PMHNP and the MD lobbying groups have a fit.


What do you think of IFS?

@PriorityMotif@lemmy.world avatar

Psychiatrist charges $170 for 5 minutes to write you a prescription for meds that will keep you from ruining your life.

Therapist charges $250 an hour for psychotherapy.


Not really completely on topic, but there’s an app called Kinnu. It’s free, and gamifies learning- like Duolingo but for a really wide variety of topics. So far I’ve done the pathways on learning, ikigai (Japanese concept of reason for living/being), logic and cognitive biases. They have pathways on other things too, like history, various sciences, philosophies, even personal finance (probably the next one I do).

It’s a great way to kill 2-5 minutes a day and Ive learned a ton.


Point the knife away from you when cutting


Especially the poop knife.

@Toribor@corndog.social avatar

And definitely don’t lick it menacingly like a pirate.

Contramuffin, (edited )

Microbial pathogenesis here. This one’s a fun one for me, especially since COVID revealed just how illiterate the average person is about diseases. Here’s a couple that I think should be common sense

  • Not all bacteria cause disease. In fact, very few bacteria cause disease. Many bacteria are even helpful to us, so you should really weigh the pros and cons of taking antibiotics if you’re considering using antibiotics.
  • Antibiotics don’t work against viral infections. You’re getting all the downsides of killing helpful bacteria and getting none of the benefits
  • Do not blindly trust your immune system. Your immune system works 100% of 50% of the time. Many white blood cells take the philosophy of murdering everything in sight just to be safe. This can and often does include killing important cells in your body that just happen to be nearby the site of infection. Even if you survive the infection, you will be weakened as a result. If you can avoid getting sick in the first place, avoid getting sick.
  • Vaccines work. I don’t really know what else to say about this one.
  • Viruses and bacteria aren’t hard to kill. There’s many compounds that can kill viruses and bacteria. But humans aren’t hard to kill either. The tricky part is figuring out how to kill viruses and bacteria while also keeping the human alive. Basically: don’t drink bleach. It will kill your bacteria or virus but it’ll kill you too
  • E. coli isn’t a usually bad bacteria. Actually, it’s a very important bacteria that helps us digest food. The reason it gets such a bad reputation is because it’s relatively hard to kill, which makes them a very good way to quickly check if there’s a possible food/water contamination. In other words, the presence of E. coli itself isn’t bad, but finding E. coli does suggest that there might be other, more dangerous bacteria.
  • DO NOT EAT MOLDY FOOD. The fuzzy part that you see is just the fruiting body of the mold, analogous to a flower on a plant. The real body of the mold is an invisible network of roots that tunnel through the core of the food. Even if you cut off the fuzzy portion, you’re still eating most of the mold.
  • Viruses and bacteria aren’t hard to kill. There’s many compounds that can kill viruses and bacteria. But humans aren’t hard to kill either. The tricky part is figuring out how to kill viruses and bacteria while also keeping the human alive.

Relevant XKCD: xkcd.com/1217/

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

I don’t even have to click it to see the stick figure pointing a gun at a microscope slide petri dish


We usually refer to petri dishes as being for bacteria. We do grow cancer cells in dishes, but these ones are specifically made to grow mammalian cells. We just call them dishes


you should really weigh the pros and cons of taking antibiotics if you’re considering using antibiotics.

Is that a choice you can make where you’re from? Here in Germany, that is entirely the physician’s choice to make. You cannot get them without a prescription. Although I guess you can ignore the doctor if they tell you to take them. But if you don’t trust your doctor, get another doctor.


Hello neighbor! I’ve had them prescribed, but when asked if it was really necessary or if I could give it a bit longer to see if my body could deal with it on its own, my doctor got a big smile and told me he could. Then he said that the dominant demographic in my area is very persistent and pushy in demanding antibiotics for the slightest thing so he’s gotten a bit too used to prescribing them.


I never knew this about mold and tunneling. You convinced me to just say no to mold.


I’ve read that on hard cheeses I can cut off the visible mold.


Not worth the risk, to be honest. You don’t know how deep the mold has penetrated into the cheese, and without a microscope, you will never know if you’ve shaved off enough to fully remove the mold.

Also, mold spores are all over the place. They float around in the air. You breathe them in all the time. If you got visible mold growing on a cheese, there’s a good chance that there’s not-yet-visible mold growing in other spots, too.


You can, it’s fine

@thrawn21@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll confess I do this with some regularity. If I unwrap a piece of cheese and see it’s moldy, well I’m not tossing a nice hunk of aged gouda in the trash! I’ll slice the mold off, then do a sniff and nibble test. If it still tastes moldy, keep slicing until it doesn’t.

I’ve done this since I was a kid, so who knows if it’s actually safe, or if I’ve just spent decades rolling the dice and getting lucky.


Can you explain the E. coli point a little more?

Is it that because it’s hard to kill, it’s a good indicator of the initial contamination, meaning it’s essentially stickier than other bacteria and leaves a longer record that there was contamination?

Because otherwise being hard to kill makes it seem like it would be a bad indicator to me, in that it would return a lot of false positives (though maybe that’s the goal in this case).

@meekah@lemmy.world avatar

I think false positives are preferable in that context. I’d rather have a lot of false positives than any false negatives at all when it comes to poop water

Contramuffin, (edited )

With regards to food and water safety (really, this applies to all safety regulations), you would rather get false positives than false negatives. It’s better to be overly cautious than to be under-cautious. Because if we’re under-cautious, then someone might get sick. So we actually want to pick a common, hardy bacteria that’s easy to grow. There’s several other reasons why E. coli is such a good indicator bacteria, such as:

  • it grows quickly, so we can get test results quickly
  • it’s remarkably easy to distinguish E. coli from other bacteria, so much so that you don’t really even need a microscope. The less technical expertise is required for water testing, the better.
  • they’re usually safe, which lowers the amount of training required for water testers, and also lowers the risk of disease in case a test gets mishandled
  • they’re generally more resistant to water treatment than other bacteria, typically being the last to die. So if we killed E. coli, that’s a good indicator that we’ve also killed the other bacteria
@GarytheSnail@programming.dev avatar


Fuck you, Bleu cheese 4ever!


Could you say something about why it’s bad to eat moldy food, and why it’s bad to kill the good bacteria in your body? I know your intestines can function less well, is there anything else?


I am not a Microbial Pathogensist, so I’ll just use the internet’s preferred method of saying something confidently that is probably wrong on some pedantic level and having actual experts climb out of the woodwork to correct me, but…

Mold isn’t a single organism, it’s actually a colony of many individual microbes that work together, most of the time; there are exceptions since the word “mold” is a lay term as much as it’s a scientific term, and the common usage doesn’t have the same rigor applied (“if it’s slimy/fuzzy, it’s mold” kinda reasoning).

The colony aspect is important, because you’re probably inhaling mold spores and eating tiny amounts of mold every day. The microbial aspect means that eating a whole colony has the potential to infect you even if your body kills off 99.9% of the microbes.

As to why an infection is dangerous depends on the type of mold. Some take up resisdence in specific organs and starve the organ cells of vital nutrients, others are carnivorous and eat your tissues/cells, others may eat beneficial bacteria or starve them of vital nutrients, some secrete toxins that are relatively harmless in small doses but deadly with a full-blown infection—penicillin is a great well-known example of this: it’s the chemical the mold uses to kill off bacteria competing for the same resources—, sometimes it’s just the immune system’s response that’s dangerous.

If you want an example of what such an infection does on our scale, look up everyone psychonaut’s favorite: Ergotism. The Ergot fungus grows primarily on cereals/grains and secretes chemicals that are psychoactive in humans (one of which is the precursor that Dr. Albert Hoffmann first derived LSD from). Unfortunately besides mind expanding insights into the nature of reality, it also comes with a nasty infection that can cause convulsions, painful burning/tingling/freezing sensations, diarrhea, vomiting, gangrene, psychosis, and more.

That all being said, if you accidentally swallow a bite of moldy bread, you probably don’t need to freak out and call poison control/EMS; just don’t regularly eat moldy food and expect to have your immune system stave off a full-blown infection for long.


Regarding moldy food, it’s because you’re taking a gamble on what exactly the mold is. There’s many types of mold, and some can produce very toxic compounds. Eating the mold can poison yourself. Of course, if you know that it’s a safe mold, then you can eat it (that’s how cheese making works). But as with all things in microbiology, things tend to be complicated very quickly, and it can be pretty hard for amateurs and even professional microbiologists to accurately distinguish between safe and unsafe molds.

With regards to killing helpful bacteria, you are correct that one of their uses is that they help improve the efficiency of digestion. This is a very young and growing field (and also not entirely in my field of expertise), so many things I say might be outdated. The second most obvious downside to killing helpful bacteria is that they prevent actual harmful bacteria from growing out of control. There are several bacteria (in particular, C. dificile) where taking antibiotics actually makes the infection worse, since the antibiotics kills off the helpful bacteria that were helping to contain the infection.

Scientists also have found semi-recently that bacteria in your intestines have an incredible amount of control over you as a person. Your body even has a sort of hotline that connects from your intestines directly to your brain, called the vagus nerve, and the bacteria in your intestines use this to communicate with your brain. For instance, scientists have found that the type of bacteria in your gut can influence the onset and severity of autism symptoms. One current hypothesis for autism is that the body, during development, somehow messes up the composition of bacteria in your intestines, and that in turn messes up the development of the brain. I seem to recall reading papers that linked bacteria to other neurological diseases and disorders, but I don’t remember completely.

Another is that the bacteria are known to be linked to obesity. Scientists have found that if you give 2 people the exact same foods in the exact same amounts, one can develop obesity and one won’t. Whether someone develops obesity or not is highly predictable based on the composition of the bacteria in their intestines. As a matter of fact, scientists have even found that if you replace an obese person’s bacteria with bacteria taken from a healthy person, then the obese person will begin to lose weight, even if that person hasn’t changed anything else.

The bacteria in your intestines are also known to be in constant communication with your immune system. I believe the immune system uses the bacteria in your intestines to train when you’re young. But this back-and-forth extends well into adulthood. Scientists found that bacteria can control the development and activity of white blood cells. That, of course, leads to differences in things like fighting off infections and killing cancers.

The bacteria in your intestines are incredibly important, and we’re only just now beginning to understand what they do for us. That’s why I say that you have to weigh pros and cons. If you think you’d be fine without it, I recommend not taking antibiotics. But if the infection is severe, then it’s worth dealing with the downsides. Talk to your doctor if you’re unsure - he probably knows more about what situations are severe and which aren’t. But what you definitely don’t want to do (which I know many people tend to do) is to pressure the doctor into prescribing antibiotics. Antibiotics aren’t a wonder drug, and people shouldn’t be immediately jumping to antibiotics as a solution to their infections


Thank you! That helped to give some more insights into why exactly it’s bad, I knew it was but not sure through which processes. My doctorate was in neuroscience, and around the time I left academia, the gut microbiome-brain axis research was really starting to ramp up. It was the big buzzword at the time. But since I left to work in the industry, I haven’t really kept up with the developments in the gut microbiome neuroscience field.
I really wish they’d find a better way to treat chronic cystitis than through antibiotics, but so far it’s the only treatment that really reliably helps.


why it’s bad to eat moldy food

For starters, it’s poisonous and tastes like shit.

@0_0j@lemmy.world avatar

The real body of the mold is an invisible network of roots that tunnel through the core of the food. Even if you cut off the fuzzy portion, you’re still eating most of the mold.



A lot of the IT guys I know have little to no knowledge of mechanical stuff. Learn to fix your car


I don’t have a car


Lawnmower, whatever. Learn how to fix a tap / toilet / anything a round the house.

Bitrot, (edited )

Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook.

It will tell you how to iron your clothes, pick table linens, care for paintings, deal with water damage after a natural disaster, pick between a laser and inkjet printer, fix a cartridge faucet, and install a dimmer switch.

The Army should issue it to new recruits.


My car is electric. The repairs I’ve done to it have required almost zero car-fixing-skills.


Could you please go into detail?


Apart from tire changes, electric cars have few typical car problems.

There’s no oil to change, a lot of the braking is regenerative so the brakes last a LONG time, they have very few pumps, hoses, filters and pipes just cables that don’t really wear out. No cam belts or spark plugs.

Basically all I do is swap the pollen filter and wiper blades. There’s an occasional brake fluid check (not really a DIY thing for me) and I’ve had damages (busted mirror, broken charging cable).

I’ve also done a battery swap myself, which does require a garage, but only because you can’t lift the thing by hand.


Which car is it?


2013 Nissan Leaf, and coming up om 260k km.

@Toribor@corndog.social avatar

This is definitely a weak spot of mine although at this point it is somewhat willful. I can do some very basics like swap filters or change a tire but I’ve never found a need to grow beyond that considering my vehicle is reliable and regular maintenance like oil changes are so cheap and accessible.


I don’t trust the minimum wage oil change folks with my $40k vehicle. I would trust a mechanic but it’s cheaper and easier to DIY and I trust myself to do it correctly.


Learning to blacksmith is fun as well


When you understand that in the grand scheme of things we are all profoundly ignorant, everything becomes much more interesting.

Anytime I think " fuck I don’t know how to do that" I remind myself that I can learn it, and then learn at least the basics.

While I may not be the font of all knowledge, I am the overflowing urinal of useless information.

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