What other parts of the fediverse are you using?

Besides Lemmy which I love a lot, I’m also enjoying a microblog platform called Catodon, which is much less basic than Mastodon and has a very nice interface. Pixelfed is also fantastic if you like photography rather than just being Instagram influencer nonsense. Where else are you hanging out? What have you liked and not liked?

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty much just Mastodon. That’s pretty much it.


Just wanted to say that Catodon is a much nicer microblog interface and you can look at Mastodon from it!

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll try it, not that I have any problems with Mastodon’s default interface anyway. If it’s good enough for me, I’ll use it.


I just find Mastodon rather basic. But may a thousand fediverse sites bloom.

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Having that is never a bad idea.


!ibis is a new federated wiki by nutomic, one of the lemmy devs

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

I honestly don’t even remember what I joined, but I am glad I did.

Are there any Instances that don’t require a email to sign up? I really feel like you shouldn’t need a email to join.


Not that I’m aware of.


Mastodon, Lemmy, and Wordpress.

I maintain an art blog mostly on Mastodon and Wordpress while use Lemmy for other things.



Mastodon for social-ish media. Peertube for as much video as I can find (its hard, but a couple of creators have mirrored/moved). I want bookwyrm to take off.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I’m on Matrix but I don’t really use it. I’m also not sure how it’s federated. Pretty sure I couldn’t see Lemmy posts on it or vice versa 🤷🏻‍♂️

@tron@midwest.social avatar

Matrix isn’t using Activitypub, so it isn’t compatible with the rest of the fediverse. However, with Matrix anybody can host a chat server and all servers interact with each other. So just like the rest of the fediverse, Matrix is fully decentralized, free, and open source.


I’ve tried a few listed here.

I was also trying Friendica for a bit but I can’t get into it. Mainly because it was hard for me to find content. I may try again now that I’m more used to the Fediverse and how things work.


I also tried Friendica but I don’t seem to really get it.

ginerel avatar

Friendica is really versatile. To get started, I'd suggest you watch @anubis2814a's videos (on the tagged PeerTube account or on YouTube) in order to get used to all the functions on the platform. There's also a Wiki on their website (and likely on the node you may choose) or you can post any question on !helpers


Thank you. I’d like to understand better.


PieFed - another lemmy-like platform. Its codebase is deliberately simple, so it's something I've also been able to contribute to (which is nice).


I just read about that one, I’ll come join. More fediverse the better.


I wish for a micro.blog version in php to start my blog in the fediverse, something I can host for cheap on any website hosting provider but I guess this won’t happen.

for people who might suggest activitypub addon for wordpress. I think work on that hasn’t yet finished. and wordpress is way too bloated for a personal blog anyways.


On Mastodon, too. Some of my more niche interests are better represented there since Mastodon has more active users than Lemmy.

@leanleft@lemmy.ml avatar

diaspora still exists.

@yessikg@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Lemmy, Sharkey, and following channels on Peertube


I got back on Lemmy for the first time in 6 months and it’s way more active. I’ll be using it more. I tried Mastodon a while ago, but it didn’t stick. I’ll try again.


I find Mastodon very basic myself.


Yeah, I prefer Twitter. I have a suspicion that Mastodon will only get a chance at relevance if something at Twitter pushes people off the platform. Reddit’s 3rd party API ordeal seems to have boosted Lemmy quite a bit, so it shouldn’t take too much, but maybe I’m too optimistic.


I use another Matodon like platform called Catodon. The interface is MUCH nicer.


At least one instance on each of them. Cue obligatory yolo remark.


It’s pretty great I think.


Just lemmy for now as i tried getting into matrix, pixelfed and peertube but felt like they were’nt just there yet or were’nt for me, might go back to peertube tho once its popular enough to have good content.


Matrix deserves a retrial.

Pixelfed and peertube is for creators? For us Mucroblog is enough to follow them.


Any casual chat rooms for matrix where you can meet people ? I couldn’t find any at all.


Nope I am in project rooms only.


Well i guess i have no place there.


Also I don’t like microblogging format much


Catodon you can do quite long posts actually, it’s well designed that way.

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