I like this significantly better than Mastodon

My experience with the Fediverse has only been through Mastodon, through which I struggled to find a community I really gelled with. Either it was supper overwhelming with meme posts or NSFW, or it was too chill to the point of nothing. Or, it was hyperfocused like FOSS/Linux and became uninteresting after awhile. May try again, but I think I will explore the other fedisites like Plemora or Calckey to see if I like it better.

I love the pace of a forum. I grew up primarily with GameFAQS and some lucid dreaming forum, and honestly it was very formative in teaching me how to write and use critical thinking skills, as well as how to respond to a variety of temperaments. I stopped participating in online forums awhile ago, and while I loved Reddit as a resource, I never felt inspired to participate. In the same way, there are an incredible number of forums dedicated to a certain topic, and are extremely valuable, it would be annoying to make an account for all the things I am interested in.

I like what lemmy is becoming. Glad to find system that makes interacting with people enjoyable.

mstrbtr avatar

Personally I find Kbin more usable (while still being reddit-like) as it also has functionality letting you follow on normal microblogging content from Mastodon and other places, making it more intertwined with the whole fediverse.

cowleggies avatar

Just checked out Kbin from this comment (and signed up) - the functionality definitely feels better. I love that I jumped straight into this same thread immediately from the Kbin homepage. Federated content is awesome.

themadcodger avatar

And if it helps, you can see and interact with posts on Mastodon, Calckey, etc from within kbin. Each 'magazine' has a mod set list of words/hashtags it looks for, so it's not everything all at once.

!deleted95653, (edited )


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  • Whar,
    @Whar@beehaw.org avatar

    Can you move there from an instance of Mastodon/Lemmy or I misundertood you?

    themadcodger avatar

    Are you asking if you can take everything of yours from Lemmy and move it to kbin? Or just if you can sign up and use it?

    @Whar@beehaw.org avatar

    If I can sign in with an already created account from a Lemmy or Mastodon instance.

    themadcodger avatar

    Ah no. Your login is only good for the server you signed up on. But once logged in you can talk to most of the fediverse. So the content is more or less the same. What differs is the experience between services.

    @Whar@beehaw.org avatar

    Oh, I see! I may check it still, I won't marry to only one platform from now on. Thank you!

    themadcodger avatar

    Yeah, that's the beauty of the fediverse, you get to see the same content but I whatever way works best for you.

    !deleted95653, (edited )


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  • Whar,
    @Whar@beehaw.org avatar

    Oooh, I see! Then I'll think a bit before joining, I'm enjoying it now as it is.

    simple avatar

    I'm not quite sure how exactly everything works but it seems like a lot of things on kbin get thrown to /m/random, does anyone know what's up with that? A lot of communities from lemmy show up as a 404 and posts end up there.


    Random is where content not associated with a magazine ends up.


    I will check that out! One of my confusions with the fediverse is that I thought having one account would allow me to access all the services, and the account acted as a kind of "base" through which I did everything. I now understand that federation basically happens at the application level, or really at the administration level, and how many services the community provides for any given account.

    What I wanted was to avoid having to create so many accounts for everything the fediverse offers, but I guess it is not possible, and honestly is no different than having separate accounts for any other online thing I participate in.

    themadcodger avatar

    Yeah, that seems to be a common misconception. But it's more that your Twitter account can interact with FB, IG, YT, etc, not that your Twitter account lets you log into all the different services.

    I ended up with probably a dozen as I was exploring the fediverse, but ended up with 3 more or less but only primarily use two of them (kbin and Calckey… I have a Pixelfed, but use it as much as I used IG, which is rarely).


    That is okay. A little bit of compartmentalization is healthy. Each site has its own set of expectations and mode of interactions. I should be more willing to explore and find out what I like, otherwise I could miss out on an amazing community that makes my life better.

    themadcodger avatar

    Yes! You get it! I'm glad I didn't stick with the popular services and tried out some of the others. You may find that after searching you're happiest back where you started, but at least you can say you've made an informed decision.


    There is definitely some truth to "the media is the message." The structure matters, and there is no sense on settling with something that feels wrong just because it is getting traction.

    sharkato avatar

    Mastodon allows you to verify other ActivityPub accounts with a special link-back HTML element. I wish that there was either a universal method or that more applications had something like it. Something that indicates "this is me, and you can see my other activity over here and here and here".

    Maybe we need a dedicated ActivityPub service for just that lol. Maybe I should be the one to make it...


    Yes! I have never been one to fracture my (veiled) identity with several accounts. This is social media afterall, part of the charm is being recognized and getting to talk to familiar people.

    The best I can do is use the same username for every website, and hope no one copies it.


    Yeah, it's really the opposite of that. One account let's you access all oftthe content (or most of it, not everything is totally interoperable, and admins do block other sites sometimes), but now there's 10,000 separate, totally independent websites.

    But it's absolutely what basically everyone thinks at first, because most people hear about it from people that don't really explain things very well.


    Wow. I had no idea is was that large. I am assuming a lot of that are technical people running their personal servers, but it is still a wild number. 10,000 running websites not motivated by monetary gain or lust for power.

    Yeah, I haven't actually sat down and read up on how the technology works, but I plan to.


    Yeah, there's a lot of small or single-user instances. And that count is across all of the Fediverse, so Mastodon, Misskey, Calckey, Foundkey, Pleroma, Akkoma, Friendica, PixelFed, PeerTube, FunkWhale, BookWyrm, etc., etc. But it's a big place.

    I said elsewhere, the internet used to be expansive and sparse. Well, we're starting to reclaim that here.


    I have had literal dreams about how the internet used ro work. I swear I have memories about websites acting like an alternative hyperlinked operating system. I remember it being so EASY to fluidly and organically navigate to interesting websites.

    Now I am lucky if I stumble upon something worthwhile through search engines.

    Blogging killed the internet.

    Nodachi216 avatar

    To me, it seems to be the most "reddit-like" of the options out there. It pulls from across the fediverse so it has content from Mastodon, Lemmy, and whatever gets posted locally on kbin itself. While not perfect, it is being actively worked on so I'm really hoping it'll get even better.

    I literally just posted that in r/RedditAlternatives to answer the question, "Where would you go?" lol

    @KrimsonBun@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah the twitter style of social media has always confused me, I feel like there’s much more community and fun here than mastodon but I use both


    I have tried to go back to Mastodon, but I have not found an instance that makes me care enough.

    simple avatar

    I never really liked Twitter as a concept. It feels like it's built on an "old man yells at cloud" concept where people just shout their thoughts and nobody gains anything from it.

    By comparison forums are there to foster discussions and communities. I thought Mastodon would be better but I spent 5 minutes and it's exactly the same nonsense.


    Yes, I installed it, I was like "...why I'm there again?" and desinstalled it 5 minutes after. It will become like Twitter, with only "hottakes" to bring attention


    at some point in the past I created an account on twitter but it seemed pointless to me. Then it got bigger and was always getting mentioned/quoted and I gave it another shot thinking maybe I was just doing it wrong. Nope, still sucked.

    That said, I do have a mastodon account, but I don't like a lot of things about it. When I'm looking at my timeline, I never know if something is a top level post or a reply to someone else unless I click on it.


    I feel like Twitter is just one of those sites where it's best consumed filtered through other people posting the good bits elsewhere


    Ironically Reddit was the best place to look at Twitter posts.

    I wonder is Lemmy will get meme style discussions about Mastodon posts?


    Yeah, when I was on Twitter, it just suck the joy out of me. Everyone want to be popular, and will do shitty dramas. It was always negative things, or people showing how beautiful they are. Let me tell you that for a young trans woman still in the closet, seeing girls showing how beautiful they are just to make jealous others (they explecitly said it was their intention) was very hurtful. My gf saw me going very sorrow about life and she told to to get the fuck out of this garbage. I did, and i'm very more happy


    Hell yeah! You got a great person on your side. I hope you never have to experience that shit again.


    Yes! I remember A LOOONG time ago when Twitter was just beginning, and the articles about it were very confused about how to use it. It was described like a kind of social telepathy, where the sharing of thoughts brought about a quick intimacy with strangers. Now it is just a playground for corporations and narcissists. Well, I suppose it was always like that.

    @tmpod@lemmy.pt avatar

    Agreed. I think a forum-like interface is much more apt to allow interesting and rewarding discussions. Never liked Twitter's interface either, I only think it's good to spread announcements and the likes, which benefit exactly from that "person yells at cloud" idea :P

    XLRV, (edited )
    @XLRV@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah, and I don't like Twitter threads with their character limit and using multiple post to make 1 message. It looks stupid imo.

    The real discussions are really limited by this concept, and it makes reading those a chore.


    They removed the character limit recently, I think.

    @CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml avatar

    Only if you pay up, of course

    @XLRV@lemmy.ml avatar

    Better late than never i guess.


    Thats my feel as well. The whole idea of small text blurbs that arent conversational and not grouped by topic never really worked for me. It also just feels too personality driven, where large accounts are what gets major precedence - I prefer when a small account or whatever can make a great post that gets a lot of attention.

    I can already tell the Lemmy is going to fit me a lot better than Mastodon, even tho I did enjoy that for a few months


    Same, same. If I follow 3 high-volume posters on mastodon or twitter, there goes my entire day.

    I prefer to follow topics / communities, not people / celebrities.


    the upvotes/downvotes also filter out a lot of noise, mastodon doesn't have that


    The most interesting things I've found on Mastodon are the bots from Twitter accounts, and thats it.


    For me the decentralized nature of Lemmy / Kbin, (the only two reddit clones i know right now), is what’s really bringing me in.

    I’ve been on Reddit for over a decade and seen communities completely close and go private because either a lack of moderation or infestation of bots. With how Lemmy and Kbin are set up, if one group of people don’t agree with another, they can set up shop on a different server.

    This really gives users power over communities instead of having to do different naming such as r/animemes vs r/goodanimemes.


    You are right, it is brilliant. The hegemony over a word or phrase is ridiculous, and it made discovery a pain in the ass. I love how federation naturally resolves the name clashing issue, letting multiple communities live side by side.

    There is no competition, just different levels of participation.

    WheeGeetheCat, (edited )
    @WheeGeetheCat@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Agreed. I was never a twitter user so mastadon never made sense to me.

    This just worked for me instantly.

    That said I was just thinking about making a community for new users with like - tips and tricks. Or does that exist?

    edit: nevermind found lemmytips, seems to have all the info I was thinking about adding.


    Nice. It is comforting that the people running the platform are conscientious and have made a guide so the transition is as smooth as possible.

    @spaduf@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I've noticed that after migrating mastodon instances and losing my hashtag follows that my home feed has improved significantly. Unfortunately this is extremely counter intuitive. I would love to be able to see a particular hashtag exclusively from the people I follow. This brings up another problem with mastodon and that is that development has been incredibly slow. I suspect threadiverse will not have this issue due to the popularity of tree-ed forums among programmers.


    It is a wholly different experience. I do wish there was a kind of bridge where I could still follow particular individuals, since I did like them, but on the whole not be blasted with inane posts. Still, I am thinking that I might want that some times, just an overflow of humanity, see what the water is like across the globe.

    Like, I did make friends, it is wonderful. One thing I never do is show my face for anything, but the willingness to do so does create an extraordinary intimacy that has probably lead to great conversations, changes in hormones, and bursts of feel-good neurotransmitters.

    I have no idea what you mean by slow development, or more specifically what you are waiting on to get implemented. Lemmy is still fairly new so a lot is changing, but I doubt it will keep going at that pace once it matures.

    @croobat@lemmy.world avatar

    I think Lemmy has it easier than Mastodon.

    The bird app is mostly about following specific individuals, so the masses will go to where said individuals go.

    The R app is all about communities and topics, so people will be more inclined to try it out. Personally I couldn't care less about who or how many people use Lemmy, as long as I got my Zelda memes.


    Where do I go for the Zelda memes?


    I do too. Mastodon is great software, but I’ve never been much of a user of the micro blogging format. The Reddit/hacker news format has been my preference for many years.


    I’d say this type of layout that focuses more on long form textual content is better for tech savvy people who are likely to stick with the fediverse than the twitter clone that Mastodon was.


    Mastodon has benefitted from news articles and the sheer novelty of an alternative to Twitter, even before Elon Musk bought it out.

    Lemmy probably won’t have the same fanfare, especially given the stigma Reddit has, like it was a secret to have an account, or talking about it betrayed you as some weirdo or pervert. Whatever, Reddit never seemed to have the same social acceptance as Twitter or anything Facebook owns.

    I think it is good to have a community that is self-filtering. Let’s keep the IQ high on this one (with the exception of me, of course!).


    This! I’m glad to see many tech-minded folks on Lemmy, but it doesn’t have the same neckbeard self-importance that Reddit seems to be known for


    Power tripping in a niche on some corporate owned social media website will never be impressive.


    So true… I think the worst thing about interacting with people on Reddit is getting downvoted to Hell if you say something sarcastic without “/s”


    Yeah in general, I like forums better than the format Twitter is in. I like topic-based discussions more than discussions spawned from short, potentially out-of-context messages.


    Not to mention that the discussion is almost guaranteed to consist of similarly short (or even shorter) witty one-liners. Twitter format is just horrible, and its restrictions promote equally horrible behavior where you have to look for ways to convey ideas and feeling in a short manner, which almost never results in more polite and sophisticated conversations.

    Never used Twitter for anything more serious than some announcements from the game devs I follow. Anything else is just plain stupid, which makes me really surprised over the wide-spread adoption of Twitter by officials and ministries and the like.

    And raising the character limit is going to be even more absurd, because then it’s going to be reminiscent of an actual forum, just less structured and sensible.

    Twitter, as a format, is the worst option between messengers like Matrix and proper forums of any kind.


    @DidacticDumbass reading (and commenting) this from mastodon and I should say: great!

    Use the experience you like better!


    I never to figure out how to navigate the fediverse from here!

    High Five from across the 'verse!


    @DidacticDumbass just a late response as this just appeared in my time line: https://youtu.be/SXUDs0ee_w0


    Yes! I keep hearing about how people post from across platforms, but I finally see an example of how to do it. Nice!


    Lemmy and Reddit promote engagement, discourse and even arguments... ok, especially arguments.

    Mastodon feels like a list of billboards that I am disconnected from.

    "Oh, that's news"

    But no one talks between eachother about anything. I almost feel like the nature of the layout of Twitter and it's alternatives are almost by design to make the users a little more self serving.

    Mastodon has every user standing on a soapbox yelling at crowds, Lemmy is more of a public forum.


    Yeah, this micro-blog approach is so one-sided. Some people want engagement, but most people are only looking for agreement.

    @krogers@mstdn.social avatar

    @DidacticDumbass @BlinkerFluid Most of the Mastadon "toots" I engage with are multi-part threads. One one hand, that suggests that longer posts encourage engagement. On the other hand, they demonstrate that Mastadon is not entirely devoted to "micro" posts.

    @lightrush@lemmy.ca avatar

    I think the main difference comes down to the sorting algorithms. In Lemmy we get the organic content sorting done by collective human appreciation or lack thereof of said content (↑, ↓). Generally better stuff rises to the top, and worse stuff sinks to the bottom. You can still see either if you like by changing the order. That coupled with sorting by community does a great job at sifting through the noise. In Mastodon you have hashtags that can serve as communities but there's no organic sorting within that. If you subscribe to , you'll get pretty much everything with , whether one or a thousand people found it valuable.

    @spaduf@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I think this is absolutely the case. I've noticed that after migrating mastodon instances and losing my hashtag follows that my home feed has improved significantly. Unfortunately this is extremely counter intuitive. I would love to be able to see a particular hashtag exclusively from the people I follow. This brings up another problem with mastodon and that is that development has been incredibly slow. I suspect threadiverse will not have this issue due to the popularity of tree-ed forums among programmers.

    @Mcballs1234@lemmy.ml avatar

    I'm gonna be honest Lemmy feels like a very chill place unlike Reddit or Facebook, it feels like defusing a bomb when talking on certain subreddits

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