Gaming hot takes?

Any weird/controversial opinions? I’ll start. Before the remake, the best version of Resident Evil 4 was the Wii version. The Wiimote controls old Resi’s tank controls better than any other controller at the time. The PC version had a bunch of little bugs and detractors that the Wii version just doesn’t have.

I’ll extend this by saying that the Wiimote is actually pretty damn good for shooters, and particularly good for accessibility. Not having to cramp up my hands to press buttons is awesome for having arthritis. Aiming with the Wiimote and moving with the nunchuck just feel really natural, you barely have to move your fingers for anything.


Red Dead Redemption 2 isn’t a good game. Everything is ridiculously time consuming, buggy, and slow for no reason. Painstaking attention to detail on insane things nobody will ever see or care to look at (like horse balls shrinking in cold weather) is not a good enough reason to be considered a good game.


Great world, terrible game.


This is the perfect take. As soon as I unlocked the open world, I hunted all the legendary animals, got all the cool gear, upgraded my weapons, and that was pretty much the end of it. I played like 3 more missions and they were all boring time consuming garbage.

tal avatar

I feel like modding is sometimes a good answer to situations where a developer has spent a lot of money creating assets, but the gameplay that they made with those assets is limited.

I wonder if there's potential for ways to try to take commercial advantage of that, like have another developer basically bulk-license the assets from an existing game and then just produce new gameplay. I can't really think of many examples off the top of my head. Some commercial FPS mods, but usually they make larger changes than to just gameplay.


I feel dirty for upvoting your objectively wrong opinion, but you earned it!


This is a good one, I salute you! RDR2 is one of my favorite games of all time, I had to clutch my pearls for a minute there!


Most popular survival games (Minecraft, Valheim, Raft, Ark) are dull, unimaginative experiences that disrespect your time. I truly don’t get the appeal, other than if you’re a terminally online kid with nothing else going on. They promise this world of near-eternal fun and imagination, and then forget to develop fun mechanics, write a compelling story to give context to what you’re doing, give you goals, teach you how to play…

Raft is probably the worst example I can think of. What a crock of shit that game was. Zero tutorial, a terrible grind. Just lazy. You can softlock yourself in the first 30 minutes if you jump onto an island and let your raft drift away, because you can’t build a new raft, and all the game’s resources spawn around it for no good reason. The game has a Very Positive rating on Steam with over 200,000 reviews…

There are some obvious exceptions. Terraria is still so charming, and does away with the hunger/thirst/durability trappings of other survivals. I didn’t get too far into Subnautica, but it’s clearly a fresh idea and has an ambitious story. And y’know… I can’t be too hard on Minecraft, it’s iconic.

But the rest is just hollow and soul-crushing and in most cases unfinished. They’re punishing time-sinks disguised as a “world where you can do anything,” and the fact that so many go to bat for them really makes me grieve for people’s taste in games.

Hot take over… Woof, I need to lie down…


Raft solo, garbage. Raft with friends, wasn’t to shabby. But there’s no replay value. Most of the fun, is the fun you and your friends create, not the game itself (which is true for so many games)


Yeah fair point. I tried it with a couple friends and all the jank became fun instead of tiring.


Console support ruins games that otherwise could have been truly amazing games because they need to be watered down to support controller-based gameplay and weaker specs (see: Cyberpunk 2077).


To maybe take this a step further. I think console (or PC or Mac for that matter) exclusives are fine for sone of the reasons you outlined. I see a lot of hate for this primarily among redditors. I do not feel like a console company paying a game developer or buying a studio to develop a game exclusively for them is bad for the industry. Especially if they’re doing it well. I recognize that there are companies out there that are using this method and harming the industry.

Sony has been killing it in the exclusives department for years now and it’s honestly great to see. I have a buddy who works for one of their studios and it seems pretty good on their end too. They’re pretty hands off. The model seems to be to have talented developers put their vision on the Playstation and stay out of the way.

For context. I don’t need to play EVERY amazing game. Nor do have the time.


Console support had nothing to do with the LITERAL huge holes in the game.

On release, you could literally find unfinished areas the size of chunks in minecraft and drop through the map.

Some buildings were literally missing sides.

Not saying the original claim about console support kneecapping some games, but cyberpunk was just a bag of lies and hot shit on release.


Bethesda lost their touch after Morrowind. I loved Oblivion when I played it as a kid, but looking back at it now, I can’t really say I’d ever want to play it again. Fallout 4 and 76 completely strayed from the the previous games in the franchise, only sharing similarity in the artstyle. Fallout 3’s writing and gameplay pales in comparison to New Vegas. Skyrim is just boring, writing feels uninspired, if not non-existent for large portions of the game. Morrowind is the only game that stands out from the rest, and I consider it a masterpiece, and I can see myself playing it again many times, exploring the different houses and guilds.


Yeah but modded skyrim


Go back to your lawn, Morrowboomer.


I like Morrowind, but I think you should consider Oblivion’s writing. No it’s not perfect, the main story is absolutely ass but everything else? Oblivion Theifs Guild and Dark Brotherhood absolutely SHIT on the Morang Tong. The gray fox, Lucienne, Lex, just absolutely insane! Not as immersive as Morrowind, however I’d say that the blend between the open world and the linear story is just paved perfectly in some of the Oblivion’s quests


I think all those games have spots of brilliance, but I kind of agree. The later games are pretty watered down, it’s one reason I am not really giving Starfield much of a look.

Dick_Justice, avatar

Resident Evil 6 is one of the best games in the franchise. It’s definitely the best out the 4-5-6 era. It’s huge, has many, many hours of gameplay due to the three different campaigns. The monsters are fun, even if they do have guns, and the bosses are the wild and insane kind of Resident Evil content I’m in it for. It has all those romantic overtones between Chris and Piers. I’d call it a must play.


People were SO unfair to RE6 back in the day, in my opinion. I bet if it had not been associated with the series, it would be remembered as a ridiculous bombastic cult classic in the same vein as Metal Gear Rising. It may have issues but come on, it managed to have a super fun, super unique, super deep take on TPS gameplay, it is wonderfully over the top, it has stupid amounts of content...
But because it was called RE and didn't fit whatever mold the titles in the series should fit in the eyes of some, it was panned. Thankfully it has been looked at with different eyes in recent years.


People who get video game burnout or say gaming is dead or whatever are victims of AAA marketing.

Most of the time I see posts like this they complain that they bought all the newest games with great reviews and aren’t having any fun. Normally it’s Sony games and other cinematic experience kind of games. Or they are games that they put 100’s of hours into. They are doing the same stuff over and over and getting bored.

Unfortunately critics care more about production values and polish than novel game mechanics. Plenty of interesting games get overlooked due to being a little weird or not fitting in modern game conventions. If you only play the big budget AAA stuff you are going to get burnt out because they all copy each other trying to be the next “big game”. If you play games that get bad reviews, have weird mechanics, or do something different you won’t get burnt out. I like to recommend the Gravity Rush games to people who have a playstation and are burnt out on the “cinematic” games. They typically have never heard of it and end up having a blast with them. Makes me sad when I see people still buying games based on metacrtic scores. They miss out on so much.


I’ve never played a military shooter, but Battle Bit is piquing my interest.

bozo, (edited )

Completely agreed. Seriously, if anyone genuinely feels like gaming has become stale, go play Hi-Fi Rush and Pizza Tower (both having come out this year).

AAA games are more interested in keeping you on a virtual engagement treadmill than simply being fun.


I still don’t know how to go about finding these. I’ve had so many bad experiences I hardly know what I like anymore. All I “know” is I’m not big on FPS games. But at the same time I loves The Last of Us.


It’s hard to find something unique but I’ve found some of my favorite games by taking a gamble and playing a game I don’t know much about. If the box art looks cool or I like the trailer I give it a try. Game critics don’t help much as they only like specific kinds of games so I can’t rely on them too much.


Yeah it’s hard. I might go retro :)


Ugh you’re not joking. Many of my friends that game complain about the same thing, yet getting them to try any new game that isn’t League of Legends, Apex, Dead by Daylight or Destiny is like pulling teeth.

The worst part is that most of those games have an endless grind or some sort of FOMO mechanics that encourage people to keep playing even though they’re having an awful time.


Perhaps they’re the kind of people who see anything that doesn’t require at least 100 hours per month to progress as a waste of time. I used to play that often until I found a job. Went from 5+ matches of league daily to maybe 2 per week.

There’s legitimately 0 purpose to playing a bit of a game when it won’t change the status quo of your life.

All we want is a game that’s worth wasting our life on.

I guess that is how people in monogamous relationships see polyamory…


I know this post is about games specifically, but this is so true about all media. It’s wild how many people bemoan how “bad” movies/tv/music/etc is, when it’s super obvious their only frame of reference is mainstream media that’s mostly doing the same thing all the time. If they took a look just once at indie content creation, they’d see there’s so much cool stuff out there. But their so locked into the “right” media that they don’t consider anything else.

Getting back to games, I rarely ever buy AAA games anymore. There’s so much cool indie stuff being released all the time, it’s simply not worth it to me to deal with all the downsides that come along with AAA games.


I definitely agree it applies to all media. There’s always something good to find but you need to dig sometimes. A great AAA game is normally well made and can be a lot of fun but rarely are they unique or surprising.


Paradox Interactive is eventually going to release so many DLC that they eventually collapse inward from their own gravity and implode, taking the company’s future with them.


Honestly whenever I see a game on sale for <$20 and I open it only to see 5+ DLCs that increase the price, I just close the page and move on without even bothering to research whether or not I should buy the DLCs. Fuck that mess.

tal avatar

Perhaps Steam could use a "price of game+aggregate DLC" sorting/filtering option.


That isn't a hot take though, everyone and their mother makes jokes about how many DLC there is for Paradox Interactive games.

Here's the real hot take -> I don't mind the amount of DLC on Paradox Interactive games. Every game of their I've played was really good on its own, and I only buy any DLC after I've poured tens of hours into the main game, usually not because I feel like anything was lacking from the main game, but just because I want an excuse to keep playing it. So for all I care, they can keep making all the DLC they want if the base games keep being this good.


That is hotter than mine. You must not mind paying a lot of money.

TheSpookiestUser, avatar

It probably works out about the same as buying a subscription for a game, which many do for lots of games. I still think it’s egregious, but then again I own all Stellaris DLC, so…


I just bought Stellaris utopia dlc, despite not being able to tell you if the game I’m looking at it galactic civilizations 3, Stellaris or endless space 2 (I own all 3, I will play one of them some day). When I do play one of them I’d like it to be an enjoyable situation, which I’ve heard Stellaris needs utopia to be.

Also I love paradox games.

Chailles, avatar

It’s a game I like and it gets more and more stuff. The only times games keep adding more things to itself is either a very infrequent constant subscription fee, or more frequent DLCs. There’s only so much you can do off the sales of the base game.

Confused_Idol, (edited )

Ive got collective thousands of hours in paradox titles. The good dlcs (and there are trash ones I haven’t bought) adds dozens of hours of playtime. They also keep the mod community active which adds hundreds more.

It seems expensive but 10-20 bucks every few months is reasonable to me.

My bigger issue is some of them are starting to feel very paytowin with the feature/power creep (compare vanilla Russia/Ottomans in EUIV to dlc versions for an example)

tal, (edited )
tal avatar

I'm fine with paying money as long as what I'm getting for it is commensurate to what I'm paying. I don't think that Paradox is a particularly bad actor there (not the best, either). I mean, the DLC model permits funding production of more stuff for a game that one likes in a direction that one would like.

There are a number of games where DLC is sold by publishers at vastly higher prices than the content in the base game, though, and where the base game is kind of indadequate on its own. That is something that I'm not really enthusiastic about.


I guess you can spend a lot of money if you buy them on release, but I personally never do. And both their games and the DLCs pack are always on some sale. I'm pretty sure I bought Stellaris for like 10 euros and eventually bought a bunch of its DLC in some DLC pack for another 10 euros. The same for Cities Skylines basically. 20 euros for the amount of fun I took out of those games is hardly a lot.


How’s it any different than buying a new game though?

In the end, is paying $30 for DLC and getting another 50 hours of gameplay really that much worse than paying $60 for a new game?

As long as I actually use the DLC, to me it’s equivalent. I’m paying money to extend the hours of entertainment I’m getting.



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  • Candelestine,

    True. This is why I don’t play subscription based games either, and usually buy my triple As several years after they release, and on sale. I suppose I’m a big fan of getting a lot of value for my money.


    They’re basically in an arms race against The Sims

    GeekFTW avatar

    And now they'll have their own Sims game, so they'll be going into overdrive.


    I strongly dislike open-world games and prefer denser, hub-world designs. Open-world designs do not immerse me. They feel like busy work.

    WoW is overrated.

    I don’t like Half-Life, even though I appreciate that it has an important place in gaming history.


    Nintendo should have flopped years ago, but so many people shovel out cash for no other reason than ‘it’s Nintendo!’. No, you don’t need every ‘version’ of the Switch or every color of joycon.

    The Switch is a disappointment. The hardware is purposely under clocked because of the did a ‘Pro’ that ran at full speed it would really shine a light that in it’s current spec, it’s barely a 720p device. The OS is embarrassingly not done.

    Nintendo hates it’s customers. Loves to sue because you emulated a game you can’t buy. Did you make a YouTube video and the games music played, that’s their video now! Here’s a crappy subscription were going to tie services to, but cloud saves… Nah. Discounts… Ha, no. (Meanwhile, Stream exists). Oh and they’ll fight tooth and nail to not have to do warranty work (joycon drift for example).

    Far less of the first party games are actually good. And any game that’s multiplatform is better on anything that’s not a Nintendo device. BotW was at best a 7/10, but the zealot fans sent death threats because it didn’t get a perfect score. And the latest entry, looks like they yet again couldn’t come up with real content so they did the classic fallback of ‘have the player make their own fun’.

    Oh and the Pokemon games are garbage. Every main line game since going 3d has been shit and a waste of money. There been no actual development, it’s the same white bread game it’s been since the 90s. Sorry, the older games were better, they had villains and rivals. Now it’s what, disgruntled emo kids and an overly attached forced friend.


    If only i could upvote you several times. I agree with every point, and was already called a Nintendo Hater, and now i say it with pride. Nintendo is just extremely anti-consumer, anti art preservation, anti community (even their own fans), actively erasing gaming history, and taking advantage of ignorants and ideologically confused fanboys in shitty deals, products and services. If this company were founded today, they would be dead in less than 3 years, but they successfully milk the nostalgia from their golden years from the 80s to early 2000s. Can only say this: It is ethically good to boycot Nintendo, do piracy emulation and buy from other places.


    Am I too late for this?

    Persona 4 is a competent story held back by a mediocre game (Persona 4: The Animation does it justice; it’s the right format for this amount of content). Persona 5 is a decent game held back by a poor story

    JohnBoBon, (edited )

    Indie is the new AAA. I think some people were saying this even back when most indie games were just 16-bit style sidescrollers. But now small teams and even individual developers are giving us stuff that looks good, plays good, and is more fun than a lot of AAA games out there, and it comes with a lot of variety too. I think that AAA games are going to become micro-transacriom factories. Once Nintendo starts putting loot boxes into their games it’s over for AAA.

    Here’s another one. I do not care about 60fps unless the game looks for input every frame. Not even a little bit. I would not have known how many frames Tears of the Kingdom was running on if no one said it in the reviews, and honestly I don’t even really see the difference most of the time.

    And a bonus: reamking old games is a good thing. Re-releasing is fine i guess, but enhancing character models, textures, lighting, addressing glitches and stuff that made the original less fun, and maybe giving some bonus content is a great idea. Companies like Nintendo need to stop cracking down on people emulating/modding/making fan enhancements of their old games and start making their own upgraded versions. Most people who play HD mods/remakes of their games would be happy to pay to buy a competent remake/remaster. I play Render96 for Mario 64 and own multiple copies of the game. Would I buy and HD remake anyway? Absolutely.


    Mario Kart is not a fun casual party game, because it rewards skilled metagame play way higher than racing skill.

    While valid game design, it means new players will just be crushed by bullshit and not know how to improve by just playing better at the game in front of them.


    Frequent deep game sales are disrespectful to the customers because you either need to time your purchases or pay way more than the game “actually” sells for, and the gamer attitude of “I only buy games on sale” is both enabling this and disrespectful to game developers who charge a reasonable amount for their game.


    Isn’t it a matter of player preference and spending power though?

    I personally buy some 90% of my games on deep discounts (between 33% and 80% off) on sales in bulk, as I already have such a huge backlog it could be months before I get around to playing a game, I don’t see the point in paying full price, but I’m also never in a rush to buy the latest, newest thing.

    anon_water, avatar

    I find Zelda BOTW to be extremely boring. The dungeons are carbon copies and tedious. The art design is boring and kinda ugly.


    The vast empty fields of nothing, the repeated enemy types. A story the jumps of a cliff after the Zora area. Crafting/cooking either needed a rework or just not exists since it’s current state or garbage. The poop joke on players, is just insulting to the players time for those who didn’t know what it was before it was posted everywhere.

    anon_water, avatar

    lol I never made it to the poop joke


    Microsoft buying Activision/Blizzard would be the best thing to happen to WoW in a long time.


    Yeah, the erosion of the Actiblizzking monstrosity can’t not feel like good news.

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