kubikpixel, to internet German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

Wenn Fortschritt so wie die Förderung von sozialer Gleichheitl umgangen wird um es zu unterdrücken.

»Deutsches Finanzamt entzieht Mastodon die Gemeinnützigkeit:
Ohne Vorwarnung oder Begründung hat ein deutsches Finanzamt dem in Berlin ansässigen -Netzwerk den gemeinnützigen Status entzogen. Ab jetzt muss das Unternehmen mehr Steuern zahlen. Die Finanzierung sei laut Betreiber aber gesichert.«

:mastodon: https://winfuture.de/news/142515
:mastodon: [ENG] https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/04/mastodon-forms-new-u.s.-non-profit/

Aakerbeere, to mastodon German
@Aakerbeere@mastodon.social avatar

💬 Deutsches Finanzamt entzieht die Gemeinnützigkeit

Ohne Vorwarnung oder Begründung hat ein deutsches Finanzamt dem in ansässigen Social-Media-Netzwerk Mastodon den gemeinnützigen Status entzogen

jrm4, to mastodon
@jrm4@mastodon.social avatar

I'm calling it

Threads is the actually evil thing you imagine Twitter is

Twitter's actually still doing okay

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar
SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar
SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar
SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar
SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar

⚡️🇩🇪Still only 2 of 7 needed Patriots given by Allies: US announces new military aid package for Ukraine (DW - German News in English VIDEO) #Ukraine #Germany #Mastodon #USA #UnitedStates #Press #News #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar

⛔️⚠️Red Cross is Genocide Supporter - International Red Cross has turned into advocate for Russia – Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner (more) https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/27/7453305/

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar
kongakong, to mastodon
@kongakong@masto.ai avatar
nadiaalbelushi, to Japan
@nadiaalbelushi@mastodon.social avatar

Lately I've been binge watching videos of on . Literally everything about Japan. Honest to God, I'm kinda jealous of that country now. Seriously what's up with their food vending machines and capsule toy vendors on every street corner? And their airports have observation decks for non-travelers, and they have tons of hobby model shops in Tokyo, etc. And those bullet trains!!! What on Earth have we been missing? The world's gotta emulate Japan.


wyre, to mastodon

you know if forming a U.S. non-profit upsets you you have other alternatives. activitypub isn’t just mastodon. the is more than mastodon. there are plenty of good options. I recommend you get a small instance someplace capable of supporting your crew and onboard them yourself to whatever alternative platform you like. this is the beauty of a federated environment.

si_irini, to poetry German
@si_irini@mastodon.social avatar

In the night
love appears
a glimpse
of what could be

A glimpse
of what should be


#youWinAgainSi #TruthAndWisdom #love #hope #poem #poetry #writing #prose #reading #betterworld #GiveThemAvoice #mastodon #fediverse #philosophy #truth #thoughts

wjmaggos, to mastodon
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

If you're worried about the direction of , fork it and do it better. I am not concerned but I'd love to see more competition that's compatible. Otherwise, give them money.

noellemitchell, to mastodon
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Not sure how I feel about being on Mastodon after the announcement of the cofounder of Twitter Biz Stone being appointed to the board of directors on Mastodons new US nonprofit. 😅 I'm wondering how it's going to change things.

berniethewordsmith, to mastodon
@berniethewordsmith@masto.es avatar

[Captain America detention meme] So, you saw as a great idea to create a non-profit for with an AI bro in one of the chairs and you announced it in this social network, which is full of cyberpunks, antifa folks and anticapitalists

rzeta0, to mastodon
@rzeta0@mastodon.social avatar

Is about to have a moment ?

Is it following the well-trodden path that also followed ?


WindyCraigArt, to Flowers
@WindyCraigArt@mastodon.online avatar
hello, to mastodon
@hello@social.wedistribute.org avatar

In a surprise move, #Mastodon now operates as a US entity! Featuring a new board of directors, and a 501c3 status, it's a new milestone for the project.


noellemitchell, to mastodon
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Wow wait a minute 👀 the co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone is one of the board of directors for the new Mastodon nonprofit in the U.S. That's interesting.


hankg, to mastodon

So as of today Mastodon now has a US 501(c)3 non-profit entity to go along with their German corporate entity that appears to be losing its non-profit status for reasons the don't know yet. blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/04/…

veedems, to mastodon
@veedems@mastodon.social avatar

Between app purchases and donations to the network itself, I’ve spent more money in a year on Mastodon than I have in a lifetime on traditional, centralized algorithmic social media.

I appreciate not being the product, just the user.

Akapulka, to mastodon French
@Akapulka@piaille.fr avatar

Possible que je n'aie pas tout compris au fonctionnement de (j'ai quitté tous les autres RS car je n'en pouvais plus de la méchanceté gratuite et du niveau de connerie, le tout baigné de xénophobie, de sexisme, d'intolérance crasse et j'en passe), mais...

Ici, mon est très très vide, bien que je me sois abonnée à la plupart des intervenants sur la page ... Je n'en trouve pas d'autres, et pourtant je vois que certains ont des milliers d'abonnés... donc c'est qu'il y a du monde !

Comment est-ce possible ?
Est-ce dû au cloisonnement des ?

Précision : Je suis sur #@piaille

samf, to random
@samf@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Hey @Gargron quick question, why is Biz Stone on the US non-profit board for Mastodon? He’s clearly still invested in Twitter and Instagram as platforms, posting at both places but only uses Mastodon to syndicate his Medium posts. I’m not seeing any action to indicate any passion or interest in the fediverse whatsoever.

It’s curious, is all.

@WTL@mastodon.social avatar

@jsit @Gargron @samf How are they supposed to be focused on helping #mastodon succeed when they’re focused on using Twitter and not here? If they believe in Mastodon, use it, champion it.

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