
As I recall, back in the late 90s there was a story in the Wall Street Journal about a man who loved receiving email spam. After a long day’s work he would go home and relax by looking through his email spam and order things.

Some people are just like that.


Tbh, I can relate to some degree. Sometimes I really love watching TV commercials. My favorite is teleshopping


Yeah, when I watch sports events from other countries it’s interesting to see the commercials, even if I don’t speak the language. It’s when I have to watch 20 minutes of the same commercials every hour that it gets bad.


Infomercials are incredibly entertaining TV and I will stand by that statement


I don’t like spam but I do like a good scam email, especially if they’ve actually given it some plot.

guy, avatar

I don’t have adblock on my work computer. I don’t want it interfering with webdev and I’ve found it to do so in the past. But it’s interesting, the dichotomy between sites I use as development resources vs the rest of the web. My phone and home computer are unbearable without adblock, but on my work computer, the ads are hardly noticeable really.

dudewitbow, (edited )

Its ultimately based on the sites you frequent at work vs home. The sites i read stuff at work tend to be less in your face with ads,.so you know its there but theyre less distracting.


I imagine developers are more likely to use ad block than majority population, so the related sites might have to be more tactical


A few well placed and tasteful ads are fine. And sites you tend to read at work show it can be done.


My retired parents live with me. I went ahead and put a PiHole on our home wifi. A day later my mother was literally complaining that she couldn’t click on ads on facebook. I told her those are ads and they track her and she says “well everyone likes to use the internet how they like to use it… can you put it back the old way? I want to look at these shoes”. Can’t fucking win.


but this means that she would see the ads but not being able to click? I don’t get it. They should had just disappeared, no? Or was she complaining that she wasn’t seeing the ads?


The ads still appear in the facebook feed but clicking them results in a “this site could not be found” or similar error, is how I understood it to work. I know the PiHole basically makes it so the routes from “” end up not resolving to an IP address. I’m not sure how FB is serving them; so the text/image content might be coming from an FB server and the link is just an ad URL with a bunch of tracking info on it.


yeah you’re right actually. I always use it combined with a local browser adblock and didn’t think of that

helenslunch, avatar

PiHole just blocks the DNS. Facebook serves ads from their own DNS so it’s not possible to block them in that way. Same with YouTube, I believe.

But if they click it, it usually ports you through a tracker link so they can track your clicks, and that’s easy enough to block.



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  • LemmyIsFantastic,

    No. Google search results still show sponsored links. But if you then click on them it breaks. Same thing for FB. The links are served from Facebook.Com and so they are not flagged as ads.

    So she is likely getting exactly what she searched for and then it breaks after clicking on it


    yeah you’re right actually. I always use it combined with a local browser adblock and didn’t think of that


    My wife bitched at me for the same reason 🤣


    How could she even see the Ad? I don’t use facebook btw.

    nave, (edited )

    The ads on Facebook (and many other sites) are served from the same site as the actual content. So if you try to block ads with pihole it will stop the website from loading any posts.


    I know it’s rare, but there have been times I intentionally clicked on an ad - if it genuinely seemed like a unique or useful product I had some interest in.

    I imagine the fake-social-post type of ads are worth blocking though since it’s based in dishonesty and deception.


    I block ads on all my devices, but I assume they’re scams by default when I do see them.


    Some shops I only used once still send me their written newsletters and I don’t mind checking them if they do them entertaining, or about some niche products, even if I don’t consider buying them at all. I miss well-designed full-page print ads in magazines, or just those with a catchy imagery\wording. Now these all feel like a vintage, premium product, akin to vinyl records, if compared to what garbage web serves today. Such a weird thing to be nostalgic about, but I hope oldschool advertisers\smm persons feel it on their end too.


    I get Royal Mint and Royal Mail news leaflets. I just like looking at pictures of stamps and coins lmao


    People actually CLICK on ads??? Genuinely never had even an iota of desire to do that. I forgot it was even an option.


    I do when it is advertising something I hate. Publishers get dollars for clicks, pennies for impressions. That way I force someone I dislike to give money to someone I like.


    I use adnauseum on my computer so it blocks the ads, but also sends a request simulating a click to the ad network. Based on average CPM, I’ve cost advertisers like $300 so far.


    Is that a browser extension?


    Yep. The developer recommends to run it in stead of rather than alongside uBlock Origin, though, which is a dealbreaker for me 🤷

    helenslunch, avatar

    That’s because it’s built on top of uBlock. If you click on the extension it even has the uBlock logo. It’s literally just uBlock except it clicks on ads in the background. It even tells you how much projected money you cost them for clicking their shitty ads. And the websites gets paid. Only the advertisers get shafted.

    Honestly I’m astonished it’s not more popular.


    So you’re saying that it does literally everything uBlock does AND fucks over advertisers?

    If there’s an option to shaft specific sites run by people you dislike too, I’m in! 😄

    helenslunch, avatar

    I don’t think so, it can only click the ads you’re served, which you don’t control.


    Guess I’m just gonna have to switch it off and uBlock on for those sites, then 😁

    helenslunch, avatar

    Oh I thought you meant the ads. No, you can definitely whitelist your favorite sites.

    helenslunch, avatar

    Yes but Google banned them from the extension store so if you’re using Chromium you need to sideload it.


    Interesting. But wouldn’t that still decrease my privacy? Advertisers still won’t know which ads I’m interested in, but they will know what sites I visit and can still build a profile from that data.


    Some people care more about fucking advertisers than privacy, as long as they don’t have to suffer through the ads themselves. But yeah, blocking is more private than fake clicking.


    Boomers that aimlessly surf facebook. They’re still trying to figure out what the use-cases are for the internet thingy they pay $60 a month for.

    altima_neo, avatar

    My dad’s the same way.


    Would url cleaner help in this case?


    “I’ll try to fix it. Now that I put it in taking it down brings the Internet down. Sorry, let me think how to fix this”

    And literally put up excuses until they get used to it. I’m sorry but they made you do stuff you didn’t enjoy for your own good while telling white lies, it’s time for payback.

    Boozilla, avatar

    I got a lot of complaints from family, too. Especially because I block Meta. I just let them bitch and I tell them things like “those ads are broken because of malware” which isn’t entirely untrue.


    If you want to click on ads just install a mobile game


    Hi, butting in here, hope you don’t mind a question - is there a place to go with basic I instructions on how I can set this up too? Thanks!


    Yeah for sure. I’m no expert by any means, but I can talk through what I did.

    I used the instructions directly from their code repository:… (I used option 1, the automated install). I did this on an old RPi2B that I had laying around.

    After I set up the pi, I got its MAC address. I used this to set a static IP address in my router settings. This is important to make sure the pi keeps the same IP at all times. Then, also in my router settings, I set the DNS server to be the pi’s static IP address.

    After all that was done, I just plugged the pi into a dedicated power supply and rebooted the router.


    Great aunt was talking about all of these anti-aging pills that she was going to get



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  • funkless_eck,

    “my house my rules”

    hopefully you have a mustache to twirl while you say it

    Appoxo, avatar

    As long as your legs are under my table, I make the calls.


    Spot on. I was incredulous when they told me they each sent their cheek swabs in to the “free to be me”, the population tracking group 🌊 👁️a. Now I understand that that same company’s entire database is on the dark 🕸️.


    My wife turns off the WiFi on her phone to avoid the pihole. She does this so she can watch the ads in her games to get an extra life or whatever. You’ll never win on that front and I won’t either.




    You ever consider divorce? /S


    It’s a decent value to play the ad while you actually pay attention to the show you’re “watching” for 30 seconds.


    Same. My wife gets mad that her ad emails won’t load on her phone. I’m like, hun, just delete them, we don’t have money anyway.

    helenslunch, avatar

    Wow. I never would have guessed that people would be upset that they couldn’t watch ads.


    People defend what’s familiar, even if it’s shit


    Oh my god, this statement hits too hard, especially relating to my wife and things like this. She’s very resistant to change.


    I get so pissed off when I try to play sudoku on the bus and it forces me to watch 30 seconds of ads between each game. And then during the game I have to ignore the flashing banner ad at the bottom of the screen.


    I recommend Airplane mode or getting this


    Just pay for a good offline sudoku app. It probably costs less than a cup of coffee. Then we’ll all be happier.


    or get an open source, free and privacy friendly one from f-droid in case you haven’t tied your hands with an iphone


    There’s TrackerControl.


    Try RethinkDNS or NextDNS. They don’t require wifi to work.


    Do you guys not use encrypted DNS or VPN while on mobile? I couldn’t deal with ads just because I’m off WiFi.

    unionagainstdhmo, avatar

    The thing is with a small app ads pay f all compared to the ongoing development costs. $100usd a year for Apple developer license, recent Mac and time spent developing it.


    Try this


    I also really don’t like ads, but I think what’s lately been bothering me more is every short form video that exists has subtitles added to the middle of the video. I can’t even look at the videos because I hate getting distracted by the unnecessary text in my face. Like just let me watch your video, I don’t need you to spoon feed me the words too.


    Then pay 99 fucking cents for the app.

    If the ads annoy you enought to post online, but the app is good enough that you keep playing anyway, then pay the developer for their work.

    I swear to God some people around here have heard the term FOSS and thought “I don’t have to pay for software, hur dur it’s free and writes itself!”


    Simple games don’t need internet access. Can’t you block network connection for that app?

    A better option even is getting something like what suggested, or this other one or this other one…/org.secuso.privacyfriendlysudoku/

    mriormro, avatar

    Lol at all of these comments coming up with ways to not pay someone $1 for a sudoku app.


    FBI themself said that using adblocker is better for our safety


    I see this and can’t help but think of this picture I took yesterday


    uBlock on Medium mode. That is all you need.


    Simultaneously the worst and funniest thing I’ve ever seen - got together with my now ex and she opens up her laptop to show me her bank statement. I look over and I see IN REAL TIME all of the English text convert into wingdings.

    “No don’t change it, its really funny; I like it!!!” I bet, super funny - but it’s your friggin’ bank account! Who knows what else it’s doing besides being a bit silly?


    Was she paying you to come over, lol?


    Lol no, I don’t recall why we needed to look at her account. Probably plotting rent? It was ages ago now.


    I’m not sure is this is as or more cursed than user inyourface but I hate it anyways


    Oh god

    But seriously, my favorite are online stores for products, but you can’t buy their product because they have pop-up ads for other products that interfere with their websites you can’t actually view or buy their fucking product.

    It’s like, insane. And probably why Amazon still exists.

    At this point I just want the internet to go away

    ruplicant, avatar

    i got stuck on the second screen

    i’m not sure if what seems to be a poignant interactive demonstration of internet UX enshitification is shallow/incomplete or depends on javascript/trackers that my browser is blocking. it’s ironic either way


    it might have js, I’m not sure. It isn’t the true modern web experience without 12MB of JS on a blog post/article, though :)


    When you click the ublock button it says how many things they blocked. Mine is in the millions by now.


    My former co-worker was daily driving his browser without any extensions and didn’t see anything wrong with it. I was watching him work one day and he was literally fighting a battle against the unholy pop-ups just tryna download some free fonts. What could’ve been done in 2 clicks took him minutes to do trying to close all the ads and tabs kept opening, videos kept playing. It was painful just to watch.



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  • xenoclast,

    So far. If YouTube wins the adblock fight it’s running. It means the end of adblockers.

    Because once they do it. Everyone will. We won’t be able “just go somewhere else”


    In a world where people would spin up new websites just to piss off a billionaire, I have faith in humanity to build taller ladders for any walls the greedy corporations build.


    In Firefox, on Linux, behind a VPN and firewall with ad blocker, I run 5 different privacy/ad blocking extensions. I keep hearing about adds, but not seeing them.

    Supposedly Youtube now is getting more agressive on this? I wouldn’t know. Haven’t seen a Youtube notice about it yet.

    But really, I dream of the day youtube is replaced by something else. Fracture Youtube into 1,000 pieces and scatter it into the wind.


    It’s bound to happen. Louis Rossmans new app Grayjay is an interesting attempt at allowing users to step away from the YouTube walled garden

    take_five_seconds, avatar

    my partner’s mouse’s scroll wheel has been broken for years. every time i’ve tried to get them a new mouse they stop using it after about 2 days and go back to the busted one. why? “idk it was too heavy/didn’t fit their small hands/plastic felt weird” etc. deadass i’ve gone through about 6 or 7. idk what the point of this rambling post is other than people are adaptable to shitty conditions and most straight up don’t care that their hardware/software is shitty.


    Or it could be also interpreted as, people hating change.

    take_five_seconds, avatar

    also true, i’ve helped out boomer relatives with computer shit only to be told to change it back immediately after fixing it


    I just dual booted my desktop with Linux Mint the other day, for funsies I tried navigating the net (before adding UBO) and it was a shitshow.

    0/10 do not recommend.

    kokesh, avatar

    Bonzy Buddy… Anyone? I found it so often at customer computers. When they saw me trying to uninstall it, they got quite angry, because they REALLY LIKED that funny monkey.

    JackbyDev, (edited )

    I remember some video. It was a joke about IT remoting in to fix a computer. The icons on the desktop were shaped like a dick. Then it guy took a screenshot and was like I’m definitely sending this to HR as he sorted them alphabetically. Then the other dude was like “no put it back, infant find anything!” And the line that sticks with me, the IT guy says “there’s no sort by dick”.


    Someone give us a “sort by dick” a friend of mine really needs such features.


    The website is down #1: sales guy vs web dude


    Thanks! I added the link!

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