
I once worked at a place with a ping pong table. I got a lot of ugly stares from managers if I actually tried to use it, so it was mostly left alone.

Now whenever I see jobs that list something like that as a perk, I usually see it as a negative.


I interviewed once for a part-time job at a potential startup, and the two people running it spent 75% of the time talking about how they had a pingpong table and how that meant it was a fun company…

The job wouldn’t be in the office tho, so for my position (and pretty much every employee) would only be able to use it off the clock.

They were very excited about the ping pong table tho, because their job was in office and they played a lot.

I didn’t take the job.

And the startup never opened.


I’ve worked in at a smaller startup with a ping pong table and my anecdote is we were all obsessed with ping pong. So their excitement could really be genuine. It’s not always a ruse.


You are a wise man, keep it up


Capitalism stops when it comes to salary. Then it’s all about culture and warm fuzzy feelings. Those are the only incentives an employee needs.


It’s true, most people don’t care about money.

They care about what money can help them buy, like another day of survival.

It was never about the money. It was about maslovs heirarchy of needs; which, at the very bottom, is a foosball table.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Eh, I dunno. You can wipe your tears with money, light cigars with it, sew clothing from it. Many uses! :P


Yeah like, cmon, what do you think the pyramid sits on. On the floor??? No, on the holiest of of foosball tables!


There’s two kinds of money: Enough money, and more than enough money.

If you don’t have enough money, that’s all that matters. A nicer day at work means very little.

Once you have enough money, more money matters very little. Now it’s about enjoying work etc.


This is brilliant!

Tangentially related, I heard another about enough money:

When you already have enough money, do you really need 2x enough money?


As a person with enough money, yes, I would love double my income.


Your baseline can change.

You may be fine with $1000 a month. You have everything you need: food, bed, apartment, electricity, etc.

Now you get a new job and have $2000. You try out more expensive food options and realize you like them better. You move into a bigger apartment and start enjoying the freedom.

You may never wanted this if you didn’t try it, but now that you have, you don’t want to go back. You may not have noticed that your mental and physical health was degraded due to your previous living conditions until you get better after raising your standards.


I interpreted enough as really enough, when you are really well off and can afford the good stuff/vacations/good cars whatever.

But you are right. The definition of enough changes through ones lifetime quite a bit. I would have a really hard time going back to broke (student).


I’m like mid-career and I can’t afford vacations. There’s always some other priority for the money and I would feel guilty for spending it on something that is by nature temporary and ephemeral.


That question isn’t the best way to frame it, because yeah… 2x “enough” is pretty reasonable. That’s still well within the high returns of happiness phase.

Do you need 1000x enough, though? Or 1000x that? I’d love a high end espresso maker, or a nicer car, or to be able to afford to take more time off, but there comes a point where more is just pointless.


Ah but what is enough money for you or I is not enough money for the bigwigs. And since they’re obviously more important, as they’re at the top, we have to have sure they get enough money even if that means you don’t.

But they’ll get you a ping pong table so you can stop thinking about how you don’t know what you’re going to feed your family tonight


It’s actually second from the bottom, above Pogs.


It’s true that it’s not always about the money, but it’s probably never about a ping pong table


It’s not ever not about the money around 0% of the times.


Eh. Toxic work culture can drive people away regardless of the pay. Obviously some people suck it up but not everyone. Ultimately the goal is to treat employees well all around. Good pay, benefits, and work culture will keep people happy.


I was at my last job for 10 years.

If I had been well paid and treated well I would not have ever started that job search. Further even just having one of those two thing might have kept me from looking.

At that job I hit the tipping point of both. It’s was getting shittier everyday and the pay wasn’t budging year after year. Finally mid-Covid the power flipped to the employee and jobs were much easier to get. I started looking and jumped shipped.


My employer really covered their bases. We have ping-pong, pool, and foosball. That guarantees that everyone has something that will keep them from quitting.


It is if you’re managing an Olympic ping pong team


I wanted a foosball table dammit!


That’s the game of the debil!!!


Damnit Bobby what did I tell you about foosball!


Dammit, you beat me to it!

@Psaldorn@lemmy.world avatar

Ping pong tables are loud as fuck and disrupt the whole office. If they invest in a soundproof room to put it in, sure. Otherwise it just makes you feel like a massive douche.


Especially if your coworkers play like pros.


thwack thwack





It’s always about autonomy, one way or another. People want to be able to control how they work and what they can get out of it. For some that does mean more money, for some it would mean less stress, for others it could means less meetings.

It’s pretty easy for management to address all of it by just giving people more power over what their work lives are like, but that could mean less control over their workforce. No “owner” wants that, to them, they own their employees’ time/work life.


My last job had a pingpong table. We’d even use it occasionally. That is, until people started getting pissy when they’d see us playing pingpong. Then management started bitching that we were playing pingpong instead of working. Eventually, nobody was allowed to use the pingpong table - it just sat there, in the middle of the room, with brand new paddles and packs of balls that we weren’t allowed to use.

The money was okay - not great, but not terrible. After some management fuckery, I left for a $10000/yr raise and 100% work from home. I’ve gone up $20K since then, been promoted to senior, still have upward trajectory, and still work 100% from home. I have a desk in Memphis somewhere, but I’ve never actually seen it.


Most places that have HR like this work their employees too hard for them to have time to use a ping pong table anyway, so it’s really just a hollow gesture.


A company I used to work for had a fucking arcade of all sorts of video games, I NEVER saw anyone playing them



It's telling that "basic dignity" or "managers who aren't dicks" didn't make the list.


Yeah. In my experience, “A manager who doesn’t suck” is most of the list.

Source: I’ve been the manager who did suck, and the one who doesn’t. I have some data points.


Well, hypothetical speaking, if there were two completely absolutely identical jobs, but the one had a ping pong table. I might choose the one without and ask them to get a Foosball table, since I’m no good at ping pong.


If they put in any kind of clackball table, I’m demanding noise canceling headphones and my own office.

@Knightfall@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m all about the air hockey table.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

It also depends on whether it’s about a pingpong table in the office, or whether I get one for at home and we’re talking a fully remote job.

Getting a free pingpong table isn’t a bad bonus! I’d prefer a decent crokinole board though, tbh


I’m cannot deny that “where should we mail your crokinole board?” would work on me.


What is Crokinole?

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Shut up and sit down has a video where they rave about it. It’s a dexterity game that uses a large board and sliding pieces.

It seems simplistic, but it is genuinely amazing to paly.


It’s a bad bonus if you don’t have space for a ping pong table. Speaking from experience, I got a free ping pong table for Christmas once…


Same here. In the past 5 years, it’s seen maybe 10 games, and a whole lot of laundry.


Wild. They both “might” help. They both cost the company money. They should both be correct.

@STRIKINGdebate2@lemmy.world avatar

Wtf are you talking about? Employees work office jobs 9 to 5 because they love to work. Like all good employee’s. Heck, if they weren’t getting paid they’d still the work for free because they love it so much. It’s only out of the pure goodness of my heart that I decide to pay them minimum wage/s


The only thing that makes less sense than your comment is people upvoting it.

Morale and pay are both factors, your sarcastic comment makes it seem like you believe everyone only cares about pay and nothing else…

Some people make good money, so that’s not their primary motivation when picking a job.


You clearly missed “/s” at the end of his post, OR you don’t know what it means.


It’s funny how many people are telling me I missed the sarcasm when I literally said it was sarcasm…

your sarcastic comment makes it seem like you believe everyone only cares about pay and nothing else…

Someone can attempt sarcasm and still fuck it up bud


Agreed, but the above comment is not one of those times. Just admit you missed it and go on with life. Nice edit with both comments, lulz


When you edit on Lemmy it resets how long ago the comment was made…

If I edited it, your reply to me would show a newer timestamp…

No idea why so many people in this sub have no clue what they’re talking about, but it looks like I’m just blocking the whole thing


And when you edit within a minute of a reply that was made within a minute of your comment nothing changes. Just suck it up and admit you missed it, dude.


It’s obviously sarcasm…


Maybe that’s why I said it was sarcastic?

Someone can be sarcastic and still not make a point…

What exactly do you think sarcasm is?


If needing to pay for basic necessities weren’t a factor in people getting jobs, I highly doubt the majority of people would work the kinds of jobs of today. I don’t know a single person who is excited to go into their retail job and deal with shitty customers all day or sit in a bland cubicle all day making spreadsheets that nobody really cares about.

I know more people who would much rather devote their time to learning and playing instruments, or making something with their own hands, or writing stories, or spending time raising their families.


sit in a bland cubicle all day making spreadsheets that nobody really cares about.

I actually enjoy making those spreadsheets. I wouldn’t do it for free though.


Hey if that’s your jam go for it, personally I’d like to live in a world where someone can elect to do that sort of work and not have to worry and stress about housing, food, bills etc or take on that kind of work despite hating it in order to put food on the table.


Not everyone works entry level retail jobs…

And some people already make enough to live comfortably…

Which is why I said that.

Some people make good money, so that’s not their primary motivation when picking a job

I now completely understand why something as stupid as what I replied to got upvoted tho.

Have fun here


They work because they're family, right? Not for money.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

In fact all three are valid answers. Cruel manipulation as it is, additional even uncompesated responsibilities often do drive retention as people are invested too deep and too stressed out to consider switching or find time for the process.


I thought this was chatgpt for a second because I didn’t want to believe anyone but ai could be this tone deaf. then I remembered humans and got depressed


Of course, nobody with two brain cells to rub together who reads that answer is sitting there thinking to themselves, “Huh… I guess I’ve had it wrong all this time, focusing so much on money.” Rather, they’re instinctively blurting out, “Yeah right – I call bull!”

But I’ll give them partial credit; frequently it’s about money. Sometimes, it’s just about a work environment that used to be great going to crap. And sometimes, it’s about the employee coming to an epiphany, and realizing that their work environment was actually crap all along.

That said, it may be true that not every job that I’ve ditched was entirely because of money… but it should go without saying that it’s always a factor in where I went for the next job. Also, it’s never the only factor – but it’s certainly one of the more significant ones.


Oh yeah, fun fact, in my former and current job every year we get invited to a town halls with some executive and every year we hear the complaints that we can’t keep employees.

Every year I ask the same question, “We keep hearing that we have a attrition problem so why do we keep chasing the industry standard for pay and benefits, why can’t we adjust our pay scale and promotion process to actual reward performance to actually keep our high performers?”

Every year, is a non-answer, nothing changes, we lose good people and only keep our industry standard people.

Though it was funny that since I’m on multiple projects/teams I did get the same speil multiple times from the same person and the third time in two years I got called I didn’t even have to ask before I got the boiler plate.

@Nevoic@lemmy.world avatar

I actually convinced my boss to get us a ping pong table, all I had to do was forego my pay for a year!

Totally worth, since I’m not working for the money, I’m working for the culture (our culture is now a ping pong table). It’s so awesome that I can use it during my state-mandated breaks 🙂


state-mandated breaks 🙂

Looks like someone doesn’t do construction work in Texas.


Chants for your next strike action:

  • “Hey hey! ho ho! Give us balls and paddles or we’re going to go! Hey hey! Ho ho!”
  • “The workers without ping pong, will never work the day long!”
  • “The people with no paddles, will never be your chattel!”
  • “backhands, forehands, we don’t need your labels, the only thing we need are fucking ping pong tables!”

A company offered me a million dollars to work for them, but then I remembered the ping pong table at my current employer and said no way. Totally worth it.

@csm10495@sh.itjust.works avatar

Money can’t buy what a ping pong table brings.


Middle of the road: pay your employees in ping pong tables, increase monthly ping pong table quota.


How many of these companies think employees are going to say it’s about the money during an exit interview? Usually if you agree to an exit interview it’s to be diplomatic and not burn your bridges. You’re not going to tell the truth, you’re going to say what they want to hear.


I always have. If that’s the reason, why wouldn’t you? It’s just business. Once, they’ve offered me a potentential promotion or salary increase to try to retain me (but not nearly as much as I got from the new job). I doubled my salary and got my title promoted twice in 2 years by switching employers twice. If I keep it up I’ll be a CEO in no-time, lol.


I was abundantly clear that I was leaving for the money. They countered with a salary that was pretty much identical, but I wasn’t shy about telling hr that it shouldn’t take me getting another offer to convince them that I was worth paying market rates for.

No bridges burned, they’ve reached out twice now to see if I’d come back and the salary is now pretty competitive but I’m in a good spot and not interested in leaving.

You can be honest and diplomatic…if you try.


So what you’re saying is that your reason for leaving wasn’t about the money


It was specifically about the money. Please don’t be one of those people so ignorant as to believe that a firm who doesn’t value their employees until they’re one foot out the door is somewhere that will pay you what you’re worth in the long run. Being competitive now doesn’t mean I’d be making more money, it just means they’re now in the range for my position.

Money isn’t only valuable in this instant, the availability of money in the future is also an important factor.


Damn. Now I want a ping pong table.


That’s funny. I want additional responsibilities


Hey, wanted to level-set with you real quick. Some people in the office have commented that they see you playing ping pong quite a bit. I know you’re just playing on your breaks but It’s really not a good look.

Thanks for the chat.


I have one, but it’s just not the same having one at home as it is having one at work y’know?


Yeah, often when an employee leaves it’s about the lack of ping-pong table.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

“Yes, boss, I’m leaving because I’m tired of playing ping-pong on unoccupied morgue tables, you really should’ve bought a proper ping pong table instead”

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