lemmy.world blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy

cross-posted from: sh.itjust.works/post/2881638

The largest piracy community is hosted over at !piracy

lemmy.world has blocked it. It appears to have also blocked !piracy.

If this is a problem for you, I’d suggest migrating accounts using LASIM to an instance that doesn’t block it (such as lemm.ee).


An official announcement has been made:



Get over it. Maybe try paying for shit instead of stealing.


Why are so many people still on Lemmy world. We’re supposed to be decentralized. One of the benefits to decentralization is that you can choose to avoid blocks like this. Stop centralizing!


For one, my chosen server disappeared without any sign in a puff of logic, so I’m back here


My first two home instances disappeared

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Indeed, might it be a good idea for the very long term, keeping an account active for a decade plus I mean, ensuring you have access to everything and all communities etc, to run your own instance that’s literally just for you, not publicly available?

It would cost pennies, after all. I was thinking about it.

@Fissionami@lemmy.ml avatar

(Setting up a private small group and sharing the burden of cost sounds even better. In that case there would be 5-15 people with limited/closed sign up)


Could you explain how it’s pennies, rather than over $100 a year for the domain and the server?


Server is “free” in that it can run on the computer you already have, with the Internet connection you already have. Domain registration is fairly cheap, I last paid $65 for 5 years. I haven’t shopped around in a while so there could be cheaper options. SSL cert can be had for free though you will have to renew it every 3 months, but that can often be automated…


Sadly its a major case of “But all my stuff is here”


Yeah account migration/export-import needs to come really soon

@Fissionami@lemmy.ml avatar

LASIM can help you with that tho


It cannot.


I just have multiple accounts for multiple use cases. It’s really dumb to have your piracy activity on the same account you do everything else on anyways.

chic_luke, (edited )

Fair point, but it seems absurd to me that a supposedly community-based instance gets harsher on privacy than a corporation that’s about to IPO. That seems off to me. Then again: lack of a big legal team. Understandable. Sad, inconvenient, but understandable. I’m not mad, I’m just sad. Mostly because this legal war on piracy is not only on piracy, but on software freedom (DRM, WEI, etc) and privacy (for a lot of media, there is no privacy-respecting way to legally acquire it)

Another thing that seems off is that this announcement has been made on the Discord server. Now, I don’t want to come across as that guy. I admit I use Discord regularly, because that’s what my friends are on and all efforts to migrate them to something more privacy-respective have been futile, mostly due to the lack of fleshed-out and comparable alternatives for now. But… why should a Fediverse instance have an official server on Discord? I feel like it kinda goes against the whole philosophy of this entire thing. Then again I’m new, so I might be in the wrong here. But wouldn’t a Matrix server or something be a better fit for this sort of thing?


Then don’t use lemmy.world it’s that simple. Communities can have whatever outside connections they want. Lemmy.world is the big normie/liberal/redditor instance. If that’s not what you want you can always join another instance closer to your tastes/beliefs/management style.


In my case, I was on another instance that suddenly got flooded by people I profoundly disagreed with with their own meme-ridden culture that made it pretty unbearable. Lemmy.world seems more welcoming to the general public and less politically inclined as far as admins go. But dunno, maybe I’m wrong and I’ll hop again soon.


Join us at lemm.ee, sounds like what you want! It’s a general instance, no real politics. Just regular world news and stuff. I don’t really engage in much or the political stuff.


Sweet, thanks! I’ll check it out


Sync. I come from Reddit and that’s what my favorite client defaults to. It’s not optimal, because of the reason you say. I am totally OK with new apps presenting users with an easy “one-click” choice of instance to make onboarding easy, but having one accepted default has this side effect. If I were to maintain a Lemmy app, I’d probably select the “default” instance for a new user by selecting one at random in an array of popular instances, and then offer the user to subscribe to the official community of my app (wherever instance it’s on) to keep up. Maybe I can hit up the dev with some feedback on this on the official community.

And now, just like it ended up with Mastodon, I’ll have to maintain multiple accounts for Lemmy. Such a good user experience, it will totally catch on…

Seriously. Accept this piece of criticism from someone new to the Fediverse. Being harsher on piracy than a fucking corporation and forcing users to migrate accounts left and right / have multiple accounts to be able to easily access content out of your Mastodon instance’s niche and having to get around your instance defederating and blocking content you wanted to see is just abysmal UX. Are we supposed to have our content scattered around how many accounts? And for those who don’t like mobile apps, at this point I can only use Sync (Lemmy) and Tusky (Mastodon) through my phone to browse the Fediverse for lack of a good option to maintain multiple accounts on desktop. Firefox containers are just overkill for this, but I welcome suggestions.

End rant, and sorry if it’s a long-winded disorganized ramble. Is lemmy.ml good to get around this block?

@Fissionami@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s why it’s a good idea to check an instance policy and maintenance before registration. (Or better yet running your own instance if possible)


Interesting. I wonder if it can run on my Raspberry Pi 3b+, or if the single GB of RAM doesn’t cut it, it will be up in my list of things to do together with immich, grocy, paperless-ng and NextCloud when I manage to build my real homelab. I’ve read enough horror stories about smaller instances disappearing so this seems like a good way forward?

Even then, I can’t say this is intuitive. I’m an advanced Linux user with sysadmin skills. I can pull this off in a few hours, but I doubt it’s the same for average Joe…


I’ve been enjoying Lemmy.zip. We’ve only defederates from a few instances and it’s all by vote. It seems to be a good place to be so far.

@josep@freiburg.social avatar

That's great. I think defederation should be a last resort option, as it weakens the ability of users tow switch instances, if they have to fear, to no longer be able to acces their former communities, resulting in the walled gardens which hold all those instagram users hostage unable to make the switch. and @chic_luke I can recommende tootle for desktop use of mastodon. It supports multiple accounts


For me personally having multiple accounts is no big thing.


Seriously, at least on Jerboa you can literally just swap between accounts. You can subscribe to certain communities on each account or just filter by All. People complain too much.


Probably because there is not an easy toggle to migrate a user account to a new home instance. I know there are tools for it. But it won’t matter if there is not a button on a sign up page that says “migrate from another instance” that does it for you programmaticly.


Yeah we really need a migrate ability soon like Mastodon.


Time to make an alt account asap

MonkderZweite, (edited )

Reaction there: oh no… Anyway

1984, (edited )
@1984@lemmy.today avatar

It’s illegal so of course they have to block it.

You can find pirated material on the web elsewhere so why is it important if it’s on Lemmy or not?

Imagine if the idiotic media starts writing about Lemmy as a pirate network or something worse.

It’s adult individuals running these servers, not companies. They would get punished in 2 seconds.

You want them to risk committing crimes for running a Lemmy instance?

If you want to downvote this, maybe you should run something illegal first in public and see how it goes.


One would think the devs would dedicate some time to fix this particular failing of Lemmy, because “download the entire internet of a site because one (1) user posts in one (1) community in one (1) server” is just ridiculous from a lot of standpoints, both technical and legal.


Did you mean “one (7)”?

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Given lemmy.world’s uptime vs how well pirates keep torrent seeds up, I’d be surprised if anyone in that community actually uses lemmy.world as a primary instance lmao



@botorfj@lemdro.id avatar

i myself switched away from lemmy.world due to how unstable it is, glad i did so.

@victron@programming.dev avatar

Who is actually “infuriated” by this? Some idiots?


The piracy community certainly isn’t. I checked to see how they reacted, and the general consensus there is, “… ok. shrugs

@victron@programming.dev avatar

Exactly what I expected.


God forbid you have to make an additional account that takes 2mins so you can do your pirating! Only people complaining probably aren’t worth listening to, and don’t really understand how the fediverse is meant to work.

@victron@programming.dev avatar

Seriously, I hope the whole topic dies soon, I’ve read a lot of ignorant stuff. Some people even though the piracy communities were being shut down or the whole instance was being defederated, etc.


Apparently a racist troll with a new account asked and lemmyworld admins bent the knee. Which seems strange, and this appears to be a pattern of behaviour with lemmydotworld admins.

@victron@programming.dev avatar

Yeah, it’s weird that only a post caused their response. Their decision seems more naive than malicious imo


Cannot say I will miss it, they are a bunch of assholes over there. I once made a open discussion post there about asking people’s preferred media to pirate and I got lots of derailing responses. And when I told one of them that their jokes sucked, they went rabid.

And they are all ebeggars too. Fuck them.


“open discussion” “derailing responses”



Yeah, that’s the kind of responses I got. Snarky piece of shit responses. Glad you’ve proven to be an example. Did you peak in middle school?


No I’ve never peaked my whole life is shitty and unnoteworthy.

Those two things are contradictory, I’m not wrong for asking what that meant.

Apparently the answer is “anything you dislike at all”


Eh, so what? Migrate to another instance.

@transistor@lemdro.id avatar

Wow! Even Reddit hasn’t shut down the Piracy subreddit.

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

Reddit has a legal team. Rudd is just a random hobbiest with a day job.

@transistor@lemdro.id avatar

I’m just saying that I thought it was a bit of overreaction. Ofcourse it’s their instance, they can do whatever they want.


Yeah but check out the difference in the community rules, that’s why.

@transistor@lemdro.id avatar

I don’t think the piracy communities shared any direct link to copyrighted materials.

@neuromancer@lemmy.world avatar


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    Maybe Reddit is just a front operation to generate huge legal fees for their legal team. Ever think of that? It’s a scam worthy of Tony Soprano, who runs that pygmy thing over in Jersey.

    Sort of like one certain loser of a recent election…


    I think people forget that decentralized doesn’t mean anonymous, and it also doesn’t mean that server admins and servers aren’t beholden to local laws

    @bandario@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    If you are hosting a discussion forum on a server that you are responsible for, does that automatically make you responsible for the content that people post on it? Even an instance the size of dbzer0 is impossible for a single person to moderate all of the content from the many communities that are federated with it. Impossible.

    That’s like saying the admin of lemmy.world holds all of the wild political opinions that are posted on there.


    When feds come a knockin’? Fuck yeah it does mean you’re responsible for them, yeah man. Lmao. We just had our server admin purge some pervert agenda pusher. Because first off thats fucked up and next it could have the server seized.

    Some dusty law enforcement won’t care if its just one bad apple. Especially if they get whiff that its a “community”.

    @bandario@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    It doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me tbh. If you are harboring communities of sexual abusers or something, sure.

    Here’s another example: I have some pretty fucked up fiction books in my house. Am I responsible for what the author says? It’s the same damn thing. Words written by a person who is not me, that are in my house.


    When it comes to the legality of most things hosted on websites, that is how it works. The legality of piracy is different, for no reason.

    Too many people in this thread are basically saying “discussing/assisting with piracy is illegal, move on” while having no opinion whatsoever on whether or not that is a just law. They just base their morality on what is legal and I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO SAY WHY THAT CAN BE PROBLEMATIC.

    @bandario@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    People are fucked.


    It doesn’t matter if the law is just or not - what matters is the legal risk to the lemmy.world admins and whether or not they are willing to take it.


    I disagree that it doesn’t matter, even if it is less relevant to lemmy.world’s course of action.

    many people in this thread are making moral arguments against piracy, and most of the people doing so are just appealing to the authority of the law.

    but if you really want to have a discussion about the risk to lemmy.world, there wasn’t any yet. the piracy community also disallowed sharing direct links to files, and even in the event that lemmy.world had received a DMCA, that would have been the moment to do something about it, they aren’t liable for just hosting content unless they ignore one of those. acting like they are going to get singled out and have the servers shut down and raided because they might have a cache of some person’s comments from a different website where someone might have posted direct links to illegal files is a massive overreaction. This whole thing was set off by a troll that was mad that they got banned from lemmy.dbzer0.com for being transphobic and tried to tattle on the group like a toddler, not because of any implication that the risks were about to change.

    not that anyone but the admin’s opinions matter in this case, it is their server. they could do anything at all and it wouldn’t matter to me regardless of it’s legality or risk. Doesn’t change that I’m not fan of large corporations or the people that bend over backwards for them, out of fear or any reason.


    yeah, a decentralized link aggregator just works!


    It’s unfortunate, but it’s kinda understandable why they chose to do so. The admins are just a bunch of regular people, they may not have the financial security to risk the legal issues that could come from having any sort of piracy related content.

    I guess I’ll just be using my alt acc for piracy stuff.


    I was going to bitch but read your comment and won’t be. You’re totally right, I didn’t even think about the points you made before getting annoyed.

    @Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, it really can’t be helped. The piracy community can always just shut down and congregate elsewhere. It’s significantly harder for a more general community to scatter and reform.

    @reddthat@reddthat.com avatar

    Right? Regular people have regular problems. No need to add on-top of that.

    One of the best parts is that you can migrate your subscriptions in probably less than 5 minutes now as well!


    Yeah… Shit I guess that will be my first sub on my Lemm.ee account


    Who cares. Lemmy.world sucks. I got tired of the constant server issues and switched a while ago. It took me like 5 minutes to find another instance and create an account. If my new instance does dumb shit like this, I’ll just move again. Isn’t this the whole point of Lemmy?

    @Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

    Problem isn’t Lemmy.world, it’s the DDOS kiddies attacking whatever instance hosts the most popular communities. Other instances are just as vulnerable.


    If lemmy.world wasn’t so popular and people were more spread out, DDOS attacks would be much less impactful.


    Yeah, but this is unrealistic.

    @Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

    Lemmy.world is pretty small in the grand scheme of social media. It’s only 130k accounts and about 3500 users a day. If Lemmy really takes off, instances the size of currently Lemmy.world are going to be the small fries. Like email, we’re going to have whale domains.


    Do you migrate or just make a new account?


    I just make a new account and switch back and forth depending on server stability. As soon as it starts giving me issues I switch to an account on another instance. It’s pretty quick with the app I’m using (Sync).


    While I generally have a positive view of digital piracy (digital archiving), this is ultimately going to happen to any social media site after it gets big enough, it should be seen as a good thing for Lemmy (growing pains). Either a site gets in trouble and/or shut down for opening itself up to piracy or it proactively bans piracy. Unless Lemmy gets full-time staff to actively moderate and keep an eye out for pirated content in a community dedicated to piracy. It probably couldn’t handle such controversial community that might bring the ire of the Entertainment Industrial Complex on them.

    Digital Piracy will continue and we’ll likely see them spin up their own “Pirate Bay” instance somewhere else. Lemmy.world will almost certainly defederate from them, but they’ll be around to those that know where to look, just like pirated content in general.

    @jeena@jemmy.jeena.net avatar

    This is already like that now, they had their own instance from the start.

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