
too many bullets at once overwhealm the physics engine, making the bullets cause zero damage. everyone knows that


The number of people I see who unironically make this argument drives me insane.


The day Browning invented the knife, it changed warfare as we knew it. It didn’t happen right away, military tacticians at the time weren’t very good at evaluating new military technology and thought that no knife could stand up to a calvary charge. But the British liked the idea in the African colonies, where you can do whatever you want and just tell everyone you exclusively used calvary charges to gain your glory. Knives absolutely suppressed uprisings from locals who were too savage and dangerous to realize that British rule was the best for everyone, especially the British who are the only ones who really matter.

But then an Austrian Duke was assassinated and all that changed. The boys were recruited with promises of glorious calvary charges that would be told of for ages. Instead those calvary charges were cut down with the very knives they were using in Africa. Previously, battles would see mortality rates ranging from 10-50%, but these charges often saw entire regiments wiped out by just one or two men manning knife nests.

At first, the military leaders thought the solution was even more calvary charges, but eventually they, and most others, realized that knives had changed war itself and it was no longer the glorious field entertainment everyone loved to watch on a warm sunny day and reminisce about over tankards with the King’s court. It had become knife hell.

War was now spent mostly in kilometers of trenches, each soldier keeping their head low for fear of a knife slashing the moment they popped up for a quick look, until they were ordered to try the next infantry charge (calvary didn’t do very well climbing from trenches, so they kept trying these horseless calvary charges in hopes that things had changed back to the glory days).

And they had no idea that this was just the beginning. Knives wound continue to be improved, iterated. About twenty years later, the Nazis would show they created a science out of attaching knives to armored vehicles. Even planes, a hopeful sign of future progress, had knives attached to turn them into vicious tools of war. Now it wasn’t even enough to watch all around you for knife attacks, you had to also watch the skies. Boats got them, even submarines that could pop out of the water, stab your ship, then disappear back into the depths before you joined them.

And though the Germans tried to create wonderwaffen for their war efforts, it was the Americans who took knives to a whole new level. They figured out how to split knives and gain tremendous amounts of energy in the process, enough energy to simultaneously cut everyone in a city to death.

This made war so unglorious that the main powers decided that maybe it just wasn’t worth it. Of course, the knife manufacturers didn’t like this, so the main powers pivoted to sometimes fighting weaker opponents, and sometimes using weaker players as their pokemon, which they would train, sell weapons to, give aid from their taxpayers so that they could afford the expensive weapons, and tell to attack the pokemon of their main power opponents.

This went pretty well until some of the pokemon resented being used in that way and then just discarded afterwards with their knife scars. Some of them used planes as knives to cut down some buildings and people thought maybe war is glorious again, but then changed their minds because now a lot of the war knives had cameras and the internet made it known that knives were being used on combatants and civilians alike.

So anyways, they warred in Afghanistan for 20 years just to be sure and then left, but now Russia and Israel are thinking maybe civilians aren’t so great and they should get knifed and if anyone doesn’t like that, maybe their whole city should get knifed because we could stab the moon or Mars if we really wanted to.

Maybe someone should try a calvary charge against them. I mean, it’s been a while, maybe things have gone back to the way they were.


Thank you for this short novel.

@Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world avatar

This is waaaay to good to be just a comment!


This comment is amazing 10/10


I’m so glad this guy made it to NCD.


He was so sure that this community would be on his side too


That was hilarious.


This guy died not knowing that two knives tied to a boomerang was what he needed.


Outlawed by the Geneva Conventions, which means you get bonus points in the post game score


Delete this before Australian Dylan Klebold sees


I just want to shoot a belt fed in peace man

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

“Why is it effective at Suppression?”


Well it’s because it makes your morale bar drop really fast which makes you move slower (unless someone shouts uuh-raa! nearby)

Anyway if you have any more questions, I’m a gold rank player so that’s roughly 7 years of military service equivalent.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Help, help, I’m bein suppressed!


Roger, Danger Close approved.


Civilians should only be able to buy hand grenades for self defence, as they are very inaccurate, and everybody having them guarantees MAD. Peace achieved


Like a string of black cats going off.


Tbf, it’s legal federally in the US. You just have tobpay the $200 tax stamp and wait for ATF approval for each one


What? That’s not true at all. Grenades are classified as “destructive devices” under the National Firearms Act, and illegal for civilians to own.

After looking up a different source, I guess I was wrong. You have to pass some enhanced background checks, submit your fingerprints, and pay $200


I am sorry, I really cannot possibly understand why a civilian outside of an active conflict zone can possibly need a grenade? Is that your 4th of July tradition or something?


what if there a really scary snake burrowed ??? need boom boom to get rid of danger noodle, theres no other option


Hmmm. Never thought of that. On the other hand, I have some foxes problem in my garden. Surely a few well thrown grenades could help. Thank you for opening my eyes! Will lobby for a change in the laws of my land.


You don’t even need grenades for that, just pour gasoline down the foxhole and toss in a lit match.


Nah, they do not actually live there, they are just browsing every night, shit on my lawn and throw around rubbish if they manage to open the bin. So I do need a tripwire or two. Too bad neighbours’ cats are also on a prowl, that is the only thing that limits my demolition urges!


Usually disputes between neighbors on who’s supposed to cut the weird patch of grass between their two houses. At least that’s what I use em for


A final solution. Me likey!




Right after I get rid of snakes and foxes!


In practice, nobody really has one. They get covered under “other destructive devices” in the NFA, and the paperwork is a bitch.

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

to throw them in the (uninhabitated) forest on a date, of course


I’ll bite, we certainly have different dating preferences! Who exactly one should date in an uninhabited forest? )

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

(it’s an obscure reference to one lazerpig’s video when he mentioned that he and his russian boyfriend went on a date which included buying grenades from a corrupt supply officer and throwing them in the forest while drunk)

11111one11111, (edited )

Honestly I have no idea if this is close to being correct but I feel like grenades are similar enough to dynamite which is (I think-again no actual clue) still used for mining and construction. It’d be more problematic to delineate one as a construction tool and one as a death tool so they keep them all under the same umbrella. Again, this comment is 1000% unfounded guessing.

Edit: This I do know, federally legal does not mean legal for everyone! There is a similar procedure to follow for purchasing a silencer and I know a ton of people who have them that 50 miles south accross the PA or OH state line but there is absolutely no legal way or work around for me to legally own a silencer living in NYS.


Well, there is some sense in that. Mining/construction would require special licensing as well for it, and that would be fun to watch a miner or builder using frags to demolish something. )

Silencer is the same to me, as you rightly point out: this is never a self-defence device, there is no conceivable use for one if you are not a certain Bond, J Bond. Who also had a rather specific license!


Silencer is the same to me, as you rightly point out: this is never a self-defence device, there is no conceivable use for one if you are not a certain Bond, J Bond. Who also had a rather specific license!

Uh… shooting without needing hearing protection. They’re plenty common in my area and are often used for hunting or even just target shooting. Not having to wear hearing protection just makes both activities more enjoyable.


Yup silencers don’t really live up to the hollywood hype, but they keep the tinitis from coming todayis


A fair point, thanks! TIL on Lemmy.


Silencers are used for hunting coyote and wild boar that devastate natural balance of ecosystems. Both are hunted at night and rely mostly on smell (for coyotes this is 1000x’s amplified. They can fuckin smell you before you put your boots on to leave the house lol). Silencers allow you to take down multiple nuisances by limiting the area spooked by the gun shot.

My work around is an infrared scope gerririgged on a mount I machined to mount it on my cross bow. Dead silent hunting in the dead of night. Yet to actually kill a yote with it because I have to be 35yds optimally and I can never sit that still for a canine to be oblivious to me to get that close. Won’t stop me tho, I’ts peaceful as fuck in the woods in the middle of th3 night lol.

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

mining explosives need to throw zero steel around and can be as unwieldy as it gets. good luck throwing jelly at enemy

actual dynamite isn’t even available anymore unless you’re time traveler from 70+ years ago or wile e coyote


I saw that. There must be an exception for businesses tho, right? Dont they still blow up buildings when they need to come down?

I didnt look it up till your comment and my original comment was because I assumed it was still used based on the amount of roads I’ve seen on my way through the PA hills or going up to the ADKs where it looks like they drilled through the rocks every 10ft or so and I assumed it was for dynamite loads (giggety) they’d drop in each hole. Maybe they’re just relief cuts tho. Lol someone should google this hahah.

skillissuer, (edited )
@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

as far as i understand, modern mining explosives are thick slurries (or ANFO) that in some cases aren’t explosive at all in trailer, these are made so at borehole. and even then these need boosters, because a blasting cap won’t be enough to set them off. these boosters are also gels or slurries but this time packaged in waterproof film so they look like sausages. these all are safer, probably cheaper and less toxic than actual dynamite so it’s the modern replacement

there definitely are separate licenses, but this depends on country of course

don’t worry you’re already on all of the important lists


Psssshhhhh I’ve been on their lists since before anyone knew they had lists😎


but there is absolutely no legal way or work around for me to legally own a silencer living in NYS. Which is really dumb because it’s just PPE. It doesn’t make a gun any more dangerous

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

<$50 grenade, $200 tax stamp lol

does it work for artillery too?


Sounds like you need to buy nicer grenades


How dare you, Pyotr hooks me up with only the best surplus.


Yes, actually. Grenades, artillery, tank shells, and anything that goes boom is classified as a “destructive device” by the ATF.

That means the same treatment as automatics: registration, background check, and a $200 tax stamp per unit.


But the drone is tax free! Checkmate, government!


It’s because having a gun out slows you down. Everybody knows you run faster when your knife is out


What we really need is to give everyone fully-automatic knives to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

@itslilith@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

He’s still going on, arguing that a shooting would’ve caused less casualties


The thread is so funny


The “Tell me your only exposure to automatic weapons is Call of Duty” comment got a good chortle out of me.


I’m glad it did. Dude just kept digging too though.


Thread here for those looking


According to him, lungs are non vital organs


Reject lungs, return to ocean.


I mean you have two, they’re the kidneys of the thorax.

@Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world avatar


Would my full automatic knife do more or less damage according to him?

@itslilith@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You should ask him, at the moment he’s arguing that being shot is perfectly safe, actually


It’s the rat penis all over again, isn’t it?


OK, I'm out of the loop on that one, and the curiosity is just too much for me...got a link?

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Damn that sum bich got 4 testtomcels


OK, that rat has much bigger problems than just the penis.

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

but does he tramioncatiie his zжpens?


“Sstabie Stab Riealy Fist”


America is doomed.

@Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world avatar

The Guy with the knife was in Australia


Maybe the weapon apologist is from America


The commenter was almost certainly a Yankee Doofus though.


Or a prick from Europe.


Civilians owning automatic guns is not really a thing here


Oh yeah? You don’t say.


Depends where in Europe, in a lot of countries it’s quite common (although not anywhere near the amount of the US), it’s just that the culture is so different that most Europeans don’t flaunt them or see them as a part of their identity like Americans do

Edit: I originally just automatically (ha) assumed you meant all autoloading weapons, but upon further thinking I now realize that you probably meant fully automatic guns. In which case I don’t think those are really a thing outside of like Czechia/Slovakia, but I’m not actually so sure

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

i’m like 90% sure he’s american and sold guns in the past

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

it’s the birth of new pierre sprey


Honestly, I’d say they’re even worse.

skillissuer, (edited )
@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

i think that reformism and .45 boomerism come from the same strain of thought. yeah no shit recoil is hard to control with full power cartridge (like AR-10 in .308 that he has), that’s why intermediate cartridge was developed. this gets worse in handguns

@Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world avatar

(Hello first Post here, if this one is too low-effort I will remove it and apologize.)


You don’t have to remove it, but I want an apology video with a cute pet on camera please

@Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world avatar

Can’t I lust link one of Logan Pauls?


While the post doesn’t have oversexualised f35, it’s still within NCD spirit I think


All good, and thanks for censoring the names


just the right amount of effort. you’re ok, just don’t forget to bring Kensington Breakfast for everybody next time.


<3 for the post

<3 <3 for this comment

<3 <3 <3 for the name obstruction

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