
Why would you try to sneak a gun into any medical test area? Even if you didn't know an mri will fuck with a gun, what is the motivation to try to sneak a gun into a medical test room?


A liberal might make her gay when she least expects it!


No one’s giving her 5G on her watch!


Or on her phone!


They turned me into a newt.


I got better


Burn her anyway!


Holy shit I had a conversation the other day with a dude who said, “democrats just want to touch children and change their genitalia”

He went off about how democrats want to change pedophile name and be more accepting. I told him people don’t say that. Only pedophiles do. He went off about how democrats are pedophiles.

He went off about how schools, doctors, and liberal agenda is allowing the mutilation of children’s genitalia.

Taking something he says is fact and blowing into the massive majority of all Democrat fundamentals.


Sounds like you met one of my coworkers.


BTW, the justification for using different names for pedophiles - like minor attracted person - isn’t to normalize child abuse.

Rather its to get people to seek and accepted help.

The real goal for us should be protecting kids. Not punishing people with dirty thoughts.


I think that’s a good cause, but isn’t the definition of a pedophile meaning one who likes young aged people? Minor attracted person is the same thing with extra steps. Same stigma, same thoughts, same people.

Get the help but unfortunately it may be one of the things that shouldn’t be vocalized in a normal setting as most people are too narrow minded to help.


Removing stigma helps us talk about the issue. That’s why MAP phrasing is promoted by those more concerned with child protection than virtue signalling.


ask him what he thinks of circumcion without consent at young age and I bet he will defend that without hesitation

Hamartiogonic, avatar

Some times it’s difficult to tell if a person like that is serious or just seriously trolling you. However, I have met people who say some of the wildest things about wikipedia, vaccines, police, governments etc. and they seemed very serious to me.


He’s been a friend for a while. It’s his actual thoughts. He’s stuck in the feedback loop.


it’s literally doublethink (literally 1984!!!) as it’s both. They seriously adopt a facetious position to troll and believe it wholeheartedly should be policy and law.

Yes, it doesn’t make any sense. That’s deliberate too.


These kinds of conversations are why I quit my last job. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I’d get whole tirades like that and just be like…

“Ok…uh…sure…so…welcome to the library, did you want to print something or…?”


Tell him there are more convicted Christian & Republican paedophiles than Democrats.


He’d challenge it and probably call it propoganda.


In that situation, the best thing to do is agree with them and then start telling them about how voting is a way for the goverment to track you and/or … plant … fucking alien brocolli seeds in your brain or something, so never ever vote




But the MRI confiscated my gunz! What part of, “shall not be infringed” does it not understand?!

bestusername, avatar



amurica at it’s finest


Yeah, we’re not proud. (Those of us that are reasonable.)


Cowardice. People that think they need a gun on them at all times are paranoid cowards… Which also makes them the last people who should be able to own a gun.

Holyhandgrenade, avatar


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  • PersnickityPenguin,

    But then we wouldn’t have these funny memes!


    Responsable *cowards ftfy


    And these responsible gun owners need their emotional support weapons because?


    Because they might be part of LGBTQIA+ and have a very real threat against them for example.

    Arguing against guns is a very priviliged stance. Of course you don’t feel like you need guns if you are not part of a minority group.


    It's called not being american.


    People shouldn’t have guns. Simple as that.

    Who the hell decided allowing every civilian a fully functional firearm is a good idea


    Gun Manufacturers


    People who were aware of Protestants being murdered by the King of England. People who were aware of the Salem Witch Trials. People who have seen over and over again the natural tendency of power to collect in fewer and fewer hands until there’s a revolution and a bunch of bloodshed.

    People who understood that power is best kept distributed. People who understood that small groups of citizens needed to have some real kind of threat against tyrannical government actors.

    That doesn’t mean you need to allow every psychopath have a gun, especially the ones who talk about murdering their peers or are known to torture and kill animals.

    I believe well regulated militias are still relevant to this day.


    Look fella, if you drink too much coolaid you’ll get diabetes.


    People who need guns in order to feel safe live in a shithole.


    This is such a weird take, but I hear it a lot. Many of the people I work with carry and very few of them are like that.

    I think there are cultural differences, though. City people are more likely to be that way, but for the more rural or country guys it’s the same as me carrying a knife all the time. It’s just something that’s done.


    You can’t. My guess is, it was a party or off the clock silliness.

    You can’t even wear your own clothes in those machines. Hospital gowns couldn’t handle the weight of even the smallest handgun.

    The details are purposely scant because it had to be reported but they didn’t want to share what really happened.


    I’ve done MRI 3 times. Wore my own clothes all three times.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Had an MRI a couple of weeks ago. Wore my own clothes. Tech did say I should lower my trousers to my knees when I pointed out that there was a fly zip, but didn’t seem too bothered.


    Zips are brass alloy and non-magnetic

    HeartyBeast avatar

    I’d never considered what they were made of. Live and learn.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I had a head MRI a few weeks ago. They didn’t make me take off my clothes, they just triple checked I had nothing metal on me or inside me by asking me several times.

    There don’t need to be additional details. She snuck a gun into the MRI room and found out why you shouldn’t do that.


    She fucked around, then she found out.


    To own the libs, duh

    HerbalGamer, avatar

    Own the libs, shoot your own butt!


    Own the libs

    Personally I’m always very offended when someone wounds themselves in a profoundly stupid and preventable manner. I truly hope they don’t do it again, that would be terrible. 😉


    Is this different in the states? In Germany every time I had to enter one of those I had to put away every single metallic item on me, including piercings and shit. They warn you very thoroughly that you cannot bring metal objects with you because of the high magnetic forces of the machine.


    They don’t do that in the States. Well, at least half of them.


    That’s just not true. They absolutely do tell you not to take anything metal with you. So this woman clearly ignored those warnings.

    You can’t tell me that in the land of lawsuits doctors wouldn’t tell you not to take metal objects into an MRI


    “Ah don’t have no metal! Ah jurst got mah phone, mah coins, mah keys and mah gurn!”


    This statement is categorically false. I have had quite a few MRIs over several decades (knee bullshit), and every single time I have gone in, the staff is crystal clear about the fact that you do not bring in anything metallic, full stop, no exceptions, because it can potentially kill you if it gets pulled forcefully in the wrong direction.

    Anyone working at an MRI facility who ignores the rules around magnetic objects is going to definitely destroy equipment and perhaps maim or kill people, and is thus a lawsuit waiting to happen.


    Maybe she prefers to be armed at all times.

    It’s common among people in law enforcement.

    Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, as they say.


    If you're in law enforcement and sneak a gun into a place where it's prohibited, then you shouldn't be in law enforcement.


    You’d be surprised.

    Zak, avatar

    Routinely carrying a concealed handgun can create considerable difficulties when a person unexpectedly ends up somewhere they can’t do so. Leaving it in a car is a significant risk for theft (and stolen guns get used for bad things). Leaving it with medical staff isn’t great. Leaving it unattended outside an exam room presents obvious dangers to anyone who might happen upon it.

    It’s hard to find yourself in an MRI room without adequate warning that anything magnetic will become a projectile though. I think most places give the patient both written and verbal warnings, and the article here says this patient was warned about metal and specifically about guns.


    They literally give you a locker when you go in for an MRI because you have to spend so long naked. This was never a problem for her. She’s just stupid.

    Zak, avatar

    Facilities vary. I didnt have secure storage when I got an MRI, but I didnt bring a gun or anything else unreasonable to leave unattended.

    The question wasn’t whether she’s stupid (clearly she is), but why someone would bring a gun into a medical exam.


    Interesting, I don’t remember a locker either, but it was just my phone and keys, because I’m not an idiot


    I’m guessing she was there to get an MRI because there was something wrong with her brain.

    ICastFist, avatar

    Saw a similar case this year here in Brazil, earlier in february. A pro-gun lawyer was accompanying his mother on a MRI. Once the thing started, his gun, a 9mm pistol, was sucked and shot once it got stuck on the MRI, hitting the man in the belly. He died 21 days later.


    The only thing that can stop a bad MRI with a gun is a good MRI with a gun.

    DannyMac, avatar

    Sadly this isn’t the first time. Years ago I read a story about a man who took his mother to get an MRI. While he was there his gun went off and killed her.


    This happened in January of this year. Not the story you mention, but it seems to be happening a bit.…/lawyer-dies-after-shot-by-his-own-co…


    Gotta be strapped at all times. Liberal doc might give her a covid booster.


    Only in america.


    Directly from the wiki entry=

    MRI was originally called NMRI (nuclear magnetic resonance imaging), but “nuclear” was dropped to avoid negative associations.[2] Certain atomic nuclei are able to absorb radio frequency (RF) energy when placed in an external magnetic field; the resultant evolving spin polarization can induce a RF signal in a radio frequency coil and thereby be detected.[3] In clinical and research MRI, hydrogen atoms are most often used to generate a macroscopic polarization that is detected by antennas close to the subject being examined.[3] Hydrogen atoms are naturally abundant in humans and other biological organisms, particularly in water and fat. For this reason, most MRI scans essentially map the location of water and fat in the body. Pulses of radio waves excite the nuclear spin energy transition, and magnetic field gradients localize the polarization in space. By varying the parameters of the pulse sequence, different contrasts may be generated between tissues based on the relaxation properties of the hydrogen atoms therein.

    Fucking incredible.


    Wow, amazing! It’s basically turning us into a 5G antenna like the conspiratorials always wanted us to avoid!


    A normal day in usa


    There are idiots in this world, and there are bigger idiots, and well, there are American gun owners.

    uis, avatar

    HOW? Also, did she get Darwin award?


    I hate to break it to, especially as a man that appreciates a nice ass, the butt is not responsible for sexual reproduction.




    Darwin awards require that the person either kills themselves or removes themselves from the gene pool by maiming their sexual organs.


    I see, I thought it was for people who shouldn’t breed

    uis, avatar

    Headline says where she got shot in, but where shot got out?


    I know this is a very challenging thing to do, butt (hehe) reading the article would grant you the following information:

    fired off a single round into and through her right buttock. Luckily, the bullet barely penetrated her skin and the doctor on site described her entry and exit wounds as “very small and superficial.”

    uis, avatar

    No award for her :(

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    You’re obviously not enough of an ass man, then.


    Trust me, I’ve repeatedly tried impregnate an ass. Maybe I should try a jackass?


    she’s 57, I don’t think she’s having more kids.

    JonsJava, avatar

    Sorry, but Darwin awards are for people who improved the gene pool by removing themselves from it. I know anal is popular, but I don’t think that’s how you make babies.

    Now, she could get an honorable mention for the attempt.


    As she just injured herself and did not remove herself from the gene pool, she does not qualify.


    I can see the thinking that lead to this. But in my mind, it boils down to one bad decision after other, concealing the firearm because each step forward carries worse consequences. It’s basically the clown-makeup meme:

    1. Carry gun around because that’s what I always do.
    2. Walk into hospital - whoops, I’ll just keep it concealed so I don’t get in trouble. Can’t hand it over to someone either, or leave it in my car; that’s a felony.
    3. Check in for appointment - can’t back out now, it took forever to get this appointment and there’s a penalty for a no-show.
    4. Change clothes for MRI - can’t leave my gun lying around, that’s also a no-no and someone could get hurt. I’ll just tuck it… somewhere.
    5. Walk into MRI exam room - had to say “no” about metal on my person. These medical people are overly careful anyways.
    6. Actively getting an MRI - what’s the worst that could happen?

    Do we need airport-style backscatter x-rays prior to MRI procedures now? In hindsight, it seems like cheap insurance.


    You’d think a metal detector would be mandatory in all MRI departments before you enter?


    It looks like it is on all new or renovated MRIs, which makes this all the more concerning.


    imo you could leave the bullets with the clothes and throw the gun in the toilet or something.


    Every MRI I’ve had they provide a locker for your clothes/belongings. That should’ve been where this idiot’s decision-tree stopped.


    It’s bizarre to me that a basic scan with a metal detector wand isn’t required before walking into the MRI chamber.

    dangblingus, (edited )

    With all of the police at any given hospital, it’s interesting that this woman wasn’t arrested and charged. Discharging a concealed handgun in a hospital? Just American things!

    Also, I love how she lied about having a gun, apparently not understanding that they’re about to walk into the most dangerous place on Earth to possess metal. Remember the buttplug MRI story? Like, these damn libruls are going to take my gun away if I tell them about it!

    PolarisFx, avatar

    Whoever gave the MRI machine a gun needs to be fired.


    It was clearly contraband when we know MRI are supposed to function at the band^width of 1 MHz to 300 MHz


    a gun needs to be fired.

    The MRI Machine


    Guns don’t kill people, MRI machines with guns kill people!


    Ideally, out of said gun.


    Welcome to Costco. I love you.



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  • phoenixz,

    With the cost and risks of MRI machines, why aren’t there metal detectors at the entrance?


    Eek wait until they reverse this. “If you can survive the MRI machine, you can get on the plane.” Lol

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