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  • Goronmon,

    If you're legitimately concerned about privacy, you would not be using Edge in the first place.

    Always good to have a specific examples to be pointed to as why people should avoid Edge.

    RatsAmassing avatar

    I agree, I do love that edge is leagues better than IE (which isn't saying much, but there has to be some Kudos to actually making a web browser). But I think that many people who are focused on privacy do not use chromium based browsers with heavy telemetry like Chrome/Edge.

    Firefox or even its privacy focused variants are the way to go if a user wants total control over their privacy. That and probably using adguard dns for some extra help. Although that's trusting a different company to handle your traffic.

    wagesj45 avatar

    here is how to disable that
    "Use Firefox"

    tal avatar

    Firefox is better, but I'm not entirely enthralled with all the Firefox defaults either.

    Subito avatar

    I can't say I'm surprised, just disappointed. The fact that I need to disable it in the first place shows I shouldn't be using Edge in the first place.


    On an unrelated note, I'm amazed neowin is still around


    Use Firefox is great advice and all but it's still problematic that we live in a world where that's an acceptable practice


    I had it already disabled. Did anyone here had it enabled by default?

    pasci_lei avatar

    @Goronmon Edge does what?

    pasci_lei avatar

    OK, I already had it deactivated.


    bobfinger avatar

    Good to know, thanks!


    ...I literally don't have this option in my Edge (Version 114.0.1823.43)

    Squidcopter avatar

    This headline is much better if you imagine the wrestler Edge pruning out the images you view and posting them to Microsoft.


    Is there a pro wrestling magazine yet? Did I get that right?

    KelsonV avatar

    So basically Microsoft is running an image proxy that upsamples them and is only accessible through Edge.

    exohuman avatar

    What an unnecessary feature that is basically an AI training tool at the user’s expense.

    lixus98 avatar

    This is insane, if you are viewing private pictures they would also get sent to Microsoft, and probably viewed by someone...


    No, the pictures aren’t being sent to microsoft as data, the URLs are. So anything not facing the open internet is probably not accessible.

    FrostTom avatar

    What is interesting is that in my settings it doesn't mention anything about URLs being sent anywhere.

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