artillect avatar


I like turning things into other things
he/him | California, USA

artillect avatar

It is though, AI is a very general term that describes everything from simple linear classifiers to general artificial intelligence

artillect avatar

You've gotta start turning kinda early to avoid running into walls, and the c and v keys (brake right and brake left) will help you on really tight corners

artillect avatar

Yeah I'm seriously not seeing any issue here (at least for the image generation part), when you ask it for 'pro-anorexia' stuff, it's gonna give you exactly what you asked for

artillect, (edited )
artillect avatar

these pieces of hardware are generally analyzed and reimplemented rather than copied

This process is known as clean room design if anyone wants to do more reading about this

Reddit beats film industry, won’t have to identify users who admitted torrenting (

Film companies lost another attempt to force Reddit to identify anonymous users who discussed piracy. A federal court on Saturday quashed a subpoena demanding users' names and other identifying details, agreeing with Reddit's argument that the film companies' demands violate the First Amendment....

artillect avatar

Apparently the statute of limitations is 3 years for copyright infringement (source), I'm surprised it wasn't thrown out on that alone (but I'm not a lawyer)

artillect avatar

Not problematic as long as you don’t go around eating electronics

artillect avatar

BMWs aren't exactly known for being big though, they're mostly sports cars

artillect avatar

The term has actually been rolling around for a few weeks, it's just used to describe Lemmy and Kbin, since they're based around threads instead of twitter-like posts. Nothing to do with Threads by Meta

artillect avatar

It might be kinda hard to pull off, but I’ll see what I can do. I’m not sure if KES can be used to (easily) modify the post rankings, but I think randomly hiding them based on a factor you set could work well. So if you set it to 50% for @memes, it’ll hide half of the posts from there on average.

It’s not perfect, but I think it strikes the right balance between seeing every post and blocking it. I’m busy this weekend but I’ll create an issue on KES’s GitHub repo and someone might beat me to it.

artillect avatar

I think they do it to add motion, and make what would have been just a still shot look a bit more dynamic. I've been tempted to do the same thing in my videos, but more for diagrams and pictures, because it makes it a little more interesting than just staring at an unmoving picture for 30+ seconds

artillect avatar

This is awesome! I'm really happy to see Sony make their own accessible controller

artillect avatar

In California, I'll see them running across the street sometimes. There's a lot of forests in my area and sometimes deer will wander out of them and into the neighborhoods

artillect avatar

If it's all working properly now, you can make a PR to the testing branch and we'll take a look at it so @shazbot can merge it into the repository

artillect avatar

I think this should work for inserting the button:

const siblingElement = document.querySelector('.dropdown .login').parentElement;

I'm not sure how to get rid of the :has() selector at the end of the CSS though. If you aren't able to swap them both out for an alternate method, I think leaving the banner in is fine for now

kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience

A couple of weeks ago, @shazbot made this post about a project that they were working on. Since then, @shazbot, @ori, @minnieo and I have been hard at work, and we are excited to finally announce the official release of kbin Enhancement Suite (KES)!...

artillect avatar

Like the collapsible comments didn't work with the endless comment scrolling from kbin usability pack

Ooh, I had no idea that was a feature in KUP! I'll see what I can do to fix that. Should be a relatively easy fix

artillect avatar

That's a feature I added a bit later on, you should be able to disable it in the settings menu in the top right. However, this userscript is no longer supported, and has been added to KES (which you can install here), with some more config options added as well.

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